[TMIC] OT Medicare/Medicaid

2009-08-05 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


Obama to outline $313 billion in Medicare, Medicaid spending cuts

[TMIC] Medicare Question

2009-08-05 Thread Laurie Zissimos
Thanks to all of you who wrote me about my Medicare concerns. You will be happy 
to know that? I finally contacted my SSDI representative at the Railroad 
Retirement Board and he clarified the following information for me.

1.? He recommended that I take Part B now along with Part A that will be 
effective Sept 1, 2009.
2.? He said that as long as I have secondary insurance (my COBRA with Blue 
Cross), not supplemental, that the COBRA is my primary insurance and the 
Medicare will be secondary. 
3.? As soon as I turn 65, the Medicare A and B will be my primary and the COBRA 
or any other private insurance will be my secondary and my supplemental until 
it goes away.
4.? At that time, I will have to select a Part B plan from those that are 
available in my area.? I may also want to purchase private insurance for 
supplemental benefits.
5.? At that time, I can also sign up for Part D.
5.? The Advantaged Plans are considered to be Part C or Part B and Part D 
combined.? They are better than the original Part B and D and cost more as 
well, but they include things that would otherwise be picked up with a 
supplemental insurance.? 

I hope this is not confusing to understand, LOL, and perhaps some of you may 
find it helpful.? Thanks again.


[TMIC] Health Care Reform

2009-08-05 Thread CANDIS KALLEY
For anyone who wants to help get health care reform here is a website:


it will also summerize the House bill and the Senate bill(s)

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.