Thank you so much for your encouragment.  Sometimes I feel Jayme doesn't understand how hard this is on me(i have a two year old and a six year old and now a 35 year old i am doing everything for).  Physically and emotionally I am so tired and worn out.  I never get a break and it is so hard.  I keep telling myself things will get better.
Jayme is still fighting with the rehab facility to get aquatherapy.  They told him today that when he comes back home(renos should be done in a week or two) that there is no more therapy.  The head doctor(nobody likes this guy)  told Jayme to get used to living in a wheelchair there is nothing more they can do.  (it has only been five months)
Dr. Kerr told Jayme that there is no reason why he shouldn't walk again with lots of aqua and standing.  This was very positive for us but the policy here in SK, Canada is until you wiggle that toe there is no need for aquatherepy.  (So frustrating)  I have hurt my back from trying to move Jayme's legs and helping him.  I am just not strong enough.  I cry so much right now because i am so burnt out.  I shouldn't be complaining but sometimes I just need reassurance.  I think if my hubby appreciated me more it would make the job easier.  Even the nurses and social worker have seen that Jayme doesn't realize that it is not just about him.
Sometimes I just feel very alone.  Thank you for listening to my whining.  Having a bad day, Katrina 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] pain


Don't give up hope!! EVER!!!  Time and a positive attitude will go a long way......

I've been a tmer for 8½ yrs and today I have more feeling than long
as I was numb/paralyzed to t8 I didn't have pain.......the tingling came along and
then the heavier pain as I improved..........

I do think that a Physical Therapist is important part of least
when I had home care after leaving the hospital, the Physical Therapist was major
help in regaining my walking skills.........and continued physical therapy is also
important part of improvement.......and you can do the phsyical therapy at home
after a therapist has shown you what to do.

I do want to say that I appreciate the situation you're in and to let you know that
we understand that life for the caretakers in our lives are very stressful!!!

Please know we're thinking of you.......keep us updated.........

Hugs, janh

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