2006-08-01 Thread tbain458

I have a new e-mail address. You can now reach me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] becauseI will no longer use aol.

Thank you!!!


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[TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2006 #20

2006-05-04 Thread TBain458
I sent an e-mail to the Montel Williams Show a few years ago, but never got a response. Perhaps if we all send an e-mail, he will grease the "squeaky wheel"!

[TMIC] TM + car accident + pneumonia

2006-01-15 Thread TBain458
I have had TM for almost three years. I was in a horrible car accident and herniated a disc at T2-T3. The Neurontin and the Effexor masked the pain in my back and neck so well that I had no symptoms regarding the herniated disc. Actually, I thought I might be doing so well that I had become mostly pain free. I took myself off the Effexor very slowly, which was not easy at all, and I have stopped the Neurontin very slowly as well. My pain level is a 100 on a scale of 10! The pain from the TM is multiplied geometrically by the pain from the disc. So, everybody, please, if you have suffered any type of injury at all, do not let the meds you take for the TM hide the pain from your injury because you risk not receiving the treatment that you might require. It took my neurologist over four months to order the MRI of my thoracic spine, and as it turns out there is a huge problem brewing. Now that I am off the meds, which I did myself, I can tell my neurologist exactly where it hurts. And, I developed pneumonia prior to stopping the meds, because I felt well enough to keep going. I had no pain anywhere at all! I thought I had a cold and that the fever was from the virus. I was tired, but that is nothing unusual. I am a single Mom and I have no one to watch over me. I have learned to take better care of myself and to not assume that I am doing OK just because I cannot feel the pain. I want to change my medication to Lyrica. What is the consensus?

[TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2006 #15

2006-01-13 Thread TBain458
About the shellfish and the recurrent TM  perhaps there is a correlation between an allergy to the shellfish (which is an auto-immune response) and the flare up of the symptoms of TM (an auto-immune disease). I have severe allergies which really mess with my TM symptoms!

[TMIC] pain

2004-08-03 Thread TBain458
My new neuro in the pain clinic is telling me that PAIN does not continue following the first episode of TM. I was diagnosed over a year ago and I have had pain from my waist down ever since. I have burning, aching, itching, and my skin hurts so bad that the breeze from the ceiling fan even hurts. She is trying to tell me that my pain is not TM. She wants to do a nerve block in my spine, I demyelinated at T9-T10. Please help me. Do any of you still have pain for this long, or maybe longer? 

Teresa Bain Ferrell