[TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2008-03-16 Thread jabswillpwr
Just  saying hey!!!  Hope everyone had a good weekend!  Celebrated Saint 
Patty's day

Steve Jabs in Pa

[TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2008-03-12 Thread jabswillpwr
I would like to try the Lyrica instead of the neurotine.  But my drug plan says 
they have to authorize it before I can Get it. I'm not sure how I go about that 
to make sure they do not give me a problem.  And say that the neurotine or 
generic brand that I am taking is the same or does the same and it's not as 
expensive. Because these drug plans are supposed to help us.  But I'm sure 
everyone knows they seem to give us problems about the drugs we need.  
Especially the more costly ones.  And those are the ones that seem to work 
best.   Thank You   Steve Jabs in Pa

[TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2008-03-09 Thread jabswillpwr
Just seeing if anybody knows of a medication that works better than neurotine 
for the burning. (nerve pain)   Thanks

 Steve Jabs from Pa.

[TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2008-03-04 Thread jabswillpwr
I found out good news today.  I had heart problems due to a form of vasculitis 
on top of the TM.  Had an echo done on my heart today.  Doctor said my heart is 
back to normal and he is going to ween me off the heart meds.  One thing down 
now for the next. Everyone out there hey,  We have to be positive about things 
it pays off in the long run!!   Hope everyone is having a good week

Steve Jabs from Pa

[TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2008-03-02 Thread jabswillpwr
My name is Steven Jabs I am 34 years old.  I have TM since 2003 I was affected 
from the chest down and lost my breathing.  I was treated at John Hopkins by 
Dr. Kerr.  I currently walk with a cane.  I have bladder problems and allot of 
burning. I would like to talk to people who also have TM.[EMAIL PROTECTED]