[TMIC] intra-steep device

2008-04-09 Thread neda fotouhie
  I would like to ask you to read the news from the following link:
  And inform me if you know anything about this kind of devices or is anyone 
using it? If yes how much does it help you?
  Thank you very much

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[TMIC] urogenital system operation

2008-04-04 Thread neda fotouhie
  I would like to ask you to read the news from the following link:
  And inform me if you know anything about this kind of devices or is anyone 
using it? If yes how much does it help you?
  Thank you very much

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.---BeginMessage---
  I would like to ask you to read the news from the following link:
  And inform me if you know anything about this kind of devices or is anyone 
using it? If yes how much does it help you?
  Thank you very much

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.---End Message---

[TMIC] urogenital system operation

2008-04-03 Thread neda fotouhie
  I would like to ask you to read the news from the following link:
  And inform me if you know anything about this kind of devices or is anyone 
using it? If yes how much does it help you?
  Thank you very much

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.

[TMIC] TM and MS

2006-02-17 Thread neda fotouhie
Hi  My father's symptoms become worse and doctors say his TM may turn into MS. He has no lesions in his brain.They prescriped Betafron/Betaseron. It is a medicine for Ms. I want to know if any of you use this drug and do you think is it possible without having lesions in brain one have MS?
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[TMIC] sleeping

2005-12-27 Thread neda fotouhie
  hi  My father cant sleep during night. I want to know if do you had this problem how do you solve it?  I thank all of you for answering my questions and pray God for giving me this fortune.
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[TMIC] neda

2005-12-15 Thread neda fotouhie
  HiMy father has TM for about 18 month. After 6 month of his diagnose, he was so good and can walk without walker but suddenly his abilities in walking decreased and he always is tired with no energy and a lot of pain .  In the first 6 month he cant control his bladder but now his bladder is totally disfunction. Generally day by day he became weaker. This situation didnt change and it is about a year. Now his medicines that he uses are gabapentin, baclofen, alprozolam and terazosin for his bladder. I want to know that any of you is like!
 father and experience so and have some suggestion for him and especially for bladder disfunction.I hope all you be better day by day and thank you very much for sharing your information. Please consider us in your prayers
		Yahoo! Shopping 
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2005-11-06 Thread neda fotouhie
Doctors say that the cause of myelitis of my father is AVM.Is any of you the same?
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