Re: [TMIC] Accupressure

2006-06-12 Thread Krissy Z
yes sometimes when I really dont want to sneeze I put pressure in that spot and it stops, but not for long..gotta keep applying pressure...but yes that works.  how do you not get hiccups?  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Krissy's post on accrupressure reminded on me several things, but two specifically are:My Dad believed in accupressure. The combat soldiers in WWII were taught to squeeze the nose cartilage just above the lips to avoid sneezing. This was to save their lives while in combat. (It works 100% of the time)I haven't had the hiccups since TM.Patti Krissy ZoddaTri State Support Group Leader'm In pretty Good Shape  For the Shape I am in~ __Do You
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Re: [TMIC] Accupressure

2006-06-12 Thread Diane
Patti, you would love the show I put on sometimes.  I hiccup, cough, sneeze all 
in a row and it repeats for a few minutes.  What a riot!  Dr says it is caused 
by spasms in the chest wall.  Just glad it doesn't head
Diane in Canada


 I haven't had the hiccups since TM.
