More good news from down under:
Good evening everyone,
We managed to get down to see Dane
today (Saturday) and it was so great to see him again.  He is now six weeks
old, had his first operation and is healing gradually.   While I was at his
cot side, the doc and nurses removed his breathing tube, so he is now
breathing on his own, disconnected from the ventilator but still has a
oxygen tube under his nose getting a low dose only.   Also his heart is now
beating on its own, having had his pacer turned off.   His liver is getting
better as each day passes.
                                      It looks like another four weeks in
hospital yet, and he has to have a MRI on Wednesday as a check on how it is
all going with regard to his brain area.    The nurses and doctors call him
a Miracle baby and a real fighter.  He is still hooked to six infusers and
will soon be weaned from the morphine and go on a methadone programe to get
back to normal.
                                       Mavis and myself have not been able
to see him as often as we would like because we have been caring for the
other three children, but Dane's Mum and Dad are spending nights at home
with their family at least at weekends now and that will increase to more
times at home as Dane progresses.
                                       Shaun and Liv and Mavis and myself
wish to thank all the kind messages, thoughts and prayers for our little
bloke over the past five to six weeks.  He still has a long way to go before
he is out of the woods, but he seems to be progressing well.   With the
terrific and professional medical and nursing staff, he is in good hands.
They are all so positive.   The surgeon on Friday on his visit even broke
into a smile, which is rare for this dedicated and kind man.
                                        Thanks again to all the TMIC folk
and we will keep you posted.
Love and Kind Regards from Errol & Mavis White, South East Queensland,

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