Hello Ms. Harris

My name is Michael Deiner. I am the President of the Greater Lebanon Valley Lion's Club in Lebanon PA. I found your name on the Transverse Myelitis Support Group of Pennsylvania web site. I need help getting the word out about a special event and speaker in our area. Dr. Douglas Kerr is coming to Myerstown PA to speak on Stem Cell Research. We are in the beginning stages of building a website and promotional materials to sponsor this information. Presently the website can be found here: <http://www.lebanoncolions.org/LionsSpeakers/Index.html>www.lebanoncolions.org/LionsSpeakers/Index.html We expect to have save the date postcards sent out after the new year.

Any help you could offer would be appreciated. This event is expected to bring interested parties from all over the country. The majority of the proceeds will go directly to Dr. Kerr's research. More information on the speaker and event can be found below. Thank you in advance for your help.

Renewed Vision to Restoring Life. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Dr. Douglas Kerr of John’s <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Hopkins Hospital and University, Baltimore MD, is making some incredible strides in stem cell research. He is also considered one of the premier physicians on the leading edge of this technology. Dr. Kerr agreed to join the mission of The Greater Lebanon Valley Lion’s Club to help understand and educate not only researchers and other scientist in the field but to help clear though many of the misconceptions to what Stem Cell research is all about for the general public. (Learn the Facts)

In today’s world of technology and scientific advances, we are only steps away from being able to regenerate damaged nerves in the body. Nerves control every part of the body and they affect all of our senses and actions. Diseases that cause nerve damage like Multiple Sclerosis and Transverse Myelitis affects Millions of people in the US and possibly some one you know.

Dr. Kerr has been featured on multiple news media venues including: ABC News, CNN, NPR, CBS Early Show, and Associated Press. His ground breaking research has been the subject of discussion and lectures all over the world.

However, research in this field is very costly, and if we do not generate the funds needed, the research may not get completed in time to help the ones we love.

Your presence to support this event could really help define the mission of Dr. Kerr's research as well as the objectives of The Greater Lebanon Valley Lion's Club.

The Event: Renewed Vision to Restoring Life
When: May 4th, 2007
   6:00 to 7:00 Cash Bar
   7:15 – 8:15 Dr. Douglas Kerr
Where: Lantern Lodge Convention Center, Myerstown PA. 17067
Dinner Includes: Filet Mignon & Crab Cake
Cost: Tax Deductible Donation $100

Reservations must be made by April 15th, 2007 – To order tickets, please call 717.273.3767
For more information on Dr Kerr and the Event

Thank you and I hope you join us for this wonderful dinner and talk.

Lion President, Michael Deiner

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