Hi Everybody
I haven't posted for a while, but I do read mail as often as I can, to keep
up to date on all that is happening

My Question is, I have contracted dermatitis all on the palm of my hands
especially between my thumb and finger, I have it for three months now and
it did heal for about a week and then again the itchy spots came back, I
have now an infection in them, I have been given Dermavate from my GP and
last week some antibiotics.

My hands are very sore and the area gets red hot, you can just imagine how
they feel when I have to transfer from my wheelchair, to car, bed. toilet
etc etc.
I have also tried Pure Aloe Vera, E45 and other creams to soften my hands,
the skin gets brittle, breaks off when dead, and splits

Have any of you  had this or can offer any sugestions on how I can treat it.
I usually use fingerless gloves when I'm outside, but still feel sure that I
have caught some thing from the wheels of my chair, my doctor thinks
different, its soap or cleaning fluid etc.

I have not been able to see a Dermatologist as there is about a 2 month
waiiting list for Private Dr. (I did not get  my name down at first as I was
hoping it would go away )  or a 2 year wait for a free Health care Dr.

I'd appreciate any suggestions, I know what a mine of information comes from
this list

Many Thanks
Ann in Ireland

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