[TMIC] stress TM GBS

2008-03-27 Thread ROBERT DIEHL
march 31 ,04 my arms felt real heavy..saw the doctor that afternoon and he said 
he thought i was coming down with a virus...the next morning 4/1/04 i got a leg 
cramp in my left leg while still in bed ..had to phyicaly move my leg out of 
bed...got back in bed til time to get up..legs felt like they did'nt want to 
hold me up..my wife and i had breakfast and when i got up to get dressed i 
passes some urine and then new something was wrong...called the doctor and he 
said to get to the hospital right away..they did xray and spinal tap... by 7pm 
i was paralized from the waist down and i could;nt move my right arm...they 
started me on intervinus steorids and immagoglem...
up to that time i was taking care of my wife who had alzheimers  i had to give 
her her shots and her medication and help her get dressed and undressed and my 
91 year old mother to get her to her appointments and her food shopping...also 
helping my neighbor and his wife get to there dodctor appoitments...
the  doctors felt the stress of doing all that had run my immune system 
down...iwas 71 when this all happened.they said i had TM  GBS   i had a 
relapse last summer was paralized from the waist down for a week..and back to 
bing able to walk with a cane and use a wheel chair for travel 
Bob Diehl From Eastern Pa.

Re: [TMIC] stress TM GBS

2008-03-27 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Bob,*
*My neighbor got hit with GBS this summer.  He'd had penumonia, but was
gettting over it and doing well.  Then one day he tried to stand up, and his
legs were gone.  By the time the ambulance got him to the hospital, it
had progressed to the point where he had to be intubated.  He was in the
hospital for at least two months, and then rehab after that.  He's doing
great now, though.  He got everything back, and is running around being busy
just like always.*