
** [tickets:#158] Sporadic TIOCSWINSZ ioctl() failure on some Solaris versions**

**Status:** open
**Created:** Wed Sep 17, 2014 06:34 PM UTC by Peter Schow
**Last Updated:** Wed Sep 17, 2014 06:34 PM UTC
**Owner:** Nicholas Marriott

Some older versions of Solaris are susceptible to an occasional ENXIO failue 
for the ioctl(TIOCSWINSZ) in server-client.c, which leads to a tmux server 
failure. There is already a comment here about one such TIOCSWINSZ failure on 

#ifdef __sun                                                                    
                 * Some versions of Solaris apparently can return an error when 
                 * resizing; don't know why this happens, can't reproduce on    
                 * other platforms and ignoring it doesn't seem to cause any    
                 * issues.                                                      
                if (errno != EINVAL)                                            

The following client script may demonstrate the ENXIO failure:

while sleep 1; do tmux split-w 'sleep 1; exit'; done

The attached patch addresses the server failure, with no apparent issues.  Will 
update this ticket when more is known about the core reason for the ioctl() 


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