Re: [Tn5250j-general] The web 5250 site is up.

2006-01-11 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Nice Pete!

Pete Helgren wrote:

Yeah, I know I have been promising this for about a year but I finally

got a site up where you can try the Web 5250 servlet in a live 
environment.  Perhaps that will get some interest going in the project.

Right now the downloads and instructions are from my server.  We 
should either get this established as a sub-project or something in 
the SF world.  I could also get a CVS site going but SF seems more 

I haven't extensively tested it and the demo user has very limited 
access to the iSeries.  Give it a whirl (if it works) and let me know 
what you think.


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Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Export file to .xls

2005-12-30 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Bom Dia Mário

I notice you are from Portugual so you might want to try playing for 
with comma and period for numeric values.  The emulator tries to use the 
one for your locale but it depends the data from the AS400.

Try that and let us know.




Hi all!!

I having a problem when I try to export a file from a AS400 server to my local
area, whatever the file format I use. The  output from the tn5250j is like

SENT: USER linius
331 Enter password.
230 LINIUS logged on.
215  OS/400 is the remote operating system. The TCP/IP version is "V5R2M0".
257 "EJGEN" is current library.
250 Command dspffd FILE(MPGOPFK) OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) OUTFILE(QTEMP/FFD) successful.
SENT: PORT 10,176,7,34,130,197
200 PORT subcommand request successful.
150 Retrieving member FFD in file FFD in library QTEMP.
I/O error!

So far I didn't found any documentation that helped me in this subject, so if
any one could tell what can couse this error or tell me where can I find proper
documewntation to help me on this subjects I would be most greatfull!!!

Thans for the atention!!!

Mário Duarte

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Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Default printer for print screen

2005-12-28 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello all

Hope everyone had a great Christmas.  I am still going through my
e-mails but can help here.

There is a print module for tn5250j called PrinterThread.  This was
changed to take advantage of the new 1.4 api beta that was coming out. 
I never did get it all finished except for a test module that worked
but actually got tired of having to code and load special modules for
1.3 and 1.4.  No one seemed interested at that time so I just skipped
it.  Well anyway am jetlagged and am rambling.

The options screen for printer has a parameter to -  toDefaultPrinter -
that was used in the PrinterThread module.  I do believe I added a
printer attribute field on the options screen as well but as that was
new at the time I never got around to using that API because of the
special 1.3 and 1.4 modules.  The parameter is passed though so all
that needs to be done is the reading of the default printer from the
Toolkit.  There is still commented test code in there for that as
well.  The other enhancement was to add an option to not display the
print dialog screen if the toDefaultPrinter variable was true.  This
was a minimalistic approach because the functionality not working
everywhere and did not want keep writting code to distiguish jdk
versions with *nix distributions.

I do remember that 1.4 printers did not work on the first couple of
releases for linux, bugs on the XP version and was not scheduled for
Mac until 1.4.2.  Now as for 1.5 am not sure but do remember reading
that 1.4.2 did work for almost all of the *nix distributions and Mac.

There should be little code that needs to be produced for this to
work.  If someone does get it working maybe adding another option to
the printer options screen to actually select a default printer from a
list would also be a very nice enhancement and not that much code work.

I hope this helps.  Please let me know if there are any questions.




  I'm not sure how TN5250j looks for
default printer. If someone knows we could look this up on the Java
if this API has linux issues.


Sent by:
27/12/2005 21:05


respond to





[Tn5250j-general] Default
printer for print screen






  K, so can we debug this? Any ideas on what we can
do to find where the
issues is?
Maybe I will pass this on to my Java developer and see if he can find
Best regards,
| Richard Houston                
 .^.     |
| R.L.H.  Consulting              
/V\     |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    /(   )\  
| WWW               ^^-^^
> It might also be a Java on Linux issue.
> Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 27/12/2005 20:15
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> RE: [Tn5250j-general] Default printer for print screen
> So can this be fixed? The default printer is set for all other app
> Linux but TN does not see it. It uses the fist printer in the print
> systems list. Can this be fixed?
> I would say that this is a TN5250J on Linux issue not a soly Linux
> Best regards,
> +--+
> | Richard Houston              
   .^.     |
> | R.L.H.  Consulting            
  /V\     |
> | E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    /(   )\
> | WWW             
 ^^-^^    |
> +--+
>>> Quick question, is there a way to save a default
>>> printer in the print dialog off the right click menu. on
>>> terminal server.
>> Hehehehe again a linux problem :-)
>> Cause on windows it takes the default printer.
>> So your functionality is available for windows-users already.
>> Best Regards,
>> Patrick
> ---
> This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through
> files for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX

Re: [Tn5250j-general] [Fwd: Fw: TN5250J License]

2005-12-14 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Matt and all

Thanks for the explanation.  To actually post and get messages from the 
group you will have to sign up to the list.  If not they get stuck in 
the authority queue and have to be released.  There is also an archive 
of all the past messages here:

I am off tonight for vacation for 10 days but might be around during the 
day if there are questions.  We can pick this back up when I get back 
unless you all come to a decision before then.  I will not have any 
internet access where we are going so will not be able to check e-mails.

If I do not get a chance to check in before leaving I want to wish every 
one a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you and yours.





I have no problem answering your questions.  Honesty is a core belief at
Help/Systems.  And I understand the concerns of your user base.  We've used
the TN5250J product and find it is a very nice tool. It is well written and
very stable. In fact, many of my developers (me included) use it rather
than IBM's Client Access.

As you are aware, Help/Systems' products focus on operations automation for
the iSeries and attached servers (a.k.a. systems management) from an
iSeries perspective. Our customers generally use an iSeries system to run
their business. We would like to include TN5250J with our Java GUIs as an
ease of use feature for our customers. Providing our customers with TN5250J
would give them the ability to start a telnet session to one of their
iSeries systems from our GUI without requiring another application to be
installed on their PC.  We might disable some of the more advanced features
that TN5250J supports, just to keep it as simple as possible for our
customers.  We put a heavy focus on simplicity and ease of use within our

Does that sufficiently answer the questions?

I appreciate your consideration.

Matt Bresnan
Software Development Manager
Help/Systems, Inc.

    Kenneth Pouncey   
12/13/2005 11:47  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Re: [Tn5250j-general] [Fwd: Fw: 
  TN5250J License]


If you are on the list now here was a personal e-mail sent to me from one
of the people.  I ony copied pasted a part of the e-mail as there was some
personal info and do not want to get him/her in trouble.

Could you maybe give some answers to the questions.

I want to open this conversation up and let everyone decide.

Sorry to put you in this but all the others that I have done this too has
backed down answering the questions in a public format.  You guys have been
the most up front and honest so far which is why I have even considered it.



Email below:

Kenneth - -

Wow!!  No kidding!!  Help/Systems!!  MOST INTERESTING (yes I am

Since I am only a user, not a developer on this project, my 2 cents is
from a different perspective.  My concerns are the life of the product.
As you know and I have said repeatedly - tn5250j rocks!  Its great!

I want it to survive as an oss product.  I would understand if the
developers needed to generate a cash flow, as sad as that would make me.

Do you know what Help/Systems is up to?  Are they planning on putting
out the 5250 emulation and trying to charge for it?  Do they want to use
it as an oss product?


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Re: [Tn5250j-general] [Fwd: Fw: TN5250J License]

2005-12-13 Thread Kenneth Pouncey



  Hello all,
  glad to hear those enhancements are
coming into the codebase!
  Concerning the licensing, though,
not an expert myself regarding the differences. As I understand it, GPL
means that any derivative or piece of code containing the library,
also be opensource. LGPL lessens this constraint by not implying
derivatives or containers, right? So LGPL should be fine to us, but
is the difference with the Apache license? 
yeah not really sure myself.  Was wondering if LGPL would be fine with
them as well.

Anybody else have any comments on this?

  Are there any changes into TN5250j
we have (incorrectly) copyrighted?

Heck no.  You guys always put comments in as well you should.  You and
Luc deserve the credit that is due.  Others as well but they normally
do not put comments and/or copyright info in.





Sent by:
13/12/2005 08:22


respond to





[Tn5250j-general] [Fwd:
Fw: TN5250J License]






   Hi Kenneth,
  > The
reason for bringing all this up is that after two years a larger  
has come back and is ready to discuss this licensing again.  
  Well anyway, congrats dude,
something like this you always
  wanted ? I can image myself
very first days i joined the project
  as a beta tester, and we
it all in about 6 months to
  a very productive product.
the thoughts came up to be accepted
  by a wider public soon, well
that is what is happening now :-) 
  > I
would like to know your opinions on this.
  Well, i think as long as we
still continue to work on the codebase,
  this should be no problem...
it ? At least that is my opinion. 
  > The
company is Help/Systems, Inc and they want to use the  
part in there Robot product(s).
  That's good news if you ask
don't forget to tell them you name
  should be listed in one or
way :-) Or maybe even better, they
  contact the team as a group
work on it... always nice to earn
  some extra cash for the work
did these last years right ? :-) 
  But before all this works
we first really have to fix that bugs,
  cause i had to replace the
version with an old one at various
  production boxes here at
cause of the screen freeze.
  Well let's see what the
members have to say.
  Best Regards,

notified the sender that this message has been received.


Re: [Tn5250j-general] [Fwd: Fw: TN5250J License]

2005-12-13 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

If you are on the list now here was a personal e-mail sent to me from one of 
the people.  I ony copied pasted a part of the e-mail as there was some 
personal info and do not want to get him/her in trouble.

Could you maybe give some answers to the questions.

I want to open this conversation up and let everyone decide.

Sorry to put you in this but all the others that I have done this too has 
backed down answering the questions in a public format.  You guys have been the 
most up front and honest so far which is why I have even considered it.



Email below:

Kenneth - - 

Wow!!  No kidding!!  Help/Systems!!  MOST INTERESTING (yes I am

Since I am only a user, not a developer on this project, my 2 cents is
from a different perspective.  My concerns are the life of the product.
As you know and I have said repeatedly - tn5250j rocks!  Its great!

I want it to survive as an oss product.  I would understand if the
developers needed to generate a cash flow, as sad as that would make me.

Do you know what Help/Systems is up to?  Are they planning on putting
out the 5250 emulation and trying to charge for it?  Do they want to use
it as an oss product?

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searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Extend hotspot functionality

2005-12-12 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


I just read that you installed an old cvs version.  Go back and put in
the changes again but this time after each change make sure it works
with that one change before committing to cvs.  That way you will find
the offensive code that is causing you problems.



Patrick Bielen wrote:

   Hi Kenneth, 
   > Am not sure if Patrick is still working
on the coordinator parts for a new release or not. 
  I guess i miss something here ? :-)
  Anyway i've installed eclipse again so i'm able
to track bugs again.
  Cause since the very last cvs version has some
anoying bugs,
  that where working before. Sometimes screen now
freezes with
  the red x system in the left bottom, so there
must be something
  wrong, but i do not know where exactly to look
or to start bug
  hunting in the code... can you point us in the
right direction ?
  Best Regards,

 has notified the sender that this message has been


[Tn5250j-general] [Fwd: Fw: TN5250J License]

2005-12-12 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello all

Not sure what is going on but I have received about 10 different
Licensing offers over the last three months.  These range from license
changes to actually buying the code base for monetary gains.

I have not done that because I wanted to keep things open but am coming
to a cross roads with the licensing and myself not having time or
access to develop on the project right now.  Although the project I am
bidding on is in it's final stages and hopefully will be approved early
next year which will give me access again for a while.  Well besides
all of that let me get on with the question.  Also other persons on the
list offered develpment access as well but had to decline as I do not
have the time right now.  Thanks for the offers.

A couple of years ago we had an open discussion on this list for a
license change and really nothing came of it.  I had thought of going
to an apache license instead of LGPL with the winning argument of
Apache license would bring in more corporate programmers and interest. 
Well that would be maybe it would.

The reason for bringing all this up is that after two years a larger
company has come back and is ready to discuss this licensing again.  

This would go along the same lines as the LGPL licensing that I just
sent about the C# and involves the same people and companies.  

I would like to know your opinions on this.

The company is Help/Systems, Inc and they want to use the emulator part
in there Robot product(s).



 Original Message 


  Fw: TN5250J License

  Thu, 8 Dec 2005 09:35:08 -0600





We've exchanged emails a few times regarding Help/Systems licensing
TN5250J.  We are getting near the QA phase of the project that would use
TN5250J.  It has been a very large project (almost 3 years) and we are now
ready to finalize an agreement regaurding the license.  Please let me know
if you are still interested in this and what the terms are.  You mentioned
in a prior email that you were considering the Apache license, which would
be great for us.  Thank you.

Matt Bresnan
Software Development Manager
Help/Systems, Inc.
Phone:  952.563.1601
Fax:  952.933.6949

- Forwarded by Matt Bresnan/HelpSystems on 12/08/2005 09:04 AM -
 ms To 
 01/05/2004 12:45   cc 
   Re: TN5250J License 


I'm wondering if you are still interested in providing us with a commercial
license of TN5250J.   Please let me know if this is something you are or
are not interested in.  I have sent you a couple emails recently and have
not heard back.  I wondering if you are even getting my emails, or if your
replies are getting blocked by our SPAM blocker.  Just in case, can you
please do a reply all to this email?  I have copied my home email address
so if your reply is getting blocked here at work, hopefully I will get it
at home.  Thank You.

Matt Bresnan
Software Development Manager
Help/Systems, Inc.
Phone:  952.563.1601
Fax:  952.933.6949

[Tn5250j-general] Re: tn5250j port to C# LGPL

2005-12-12 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello Jose

I have sent this to the general list.  Feel free to sign up to the list 
so that you would be able to answer any questions from the group.

Actually it was myself that wrote that main program and most of the code 
base.  I mention this only because as far as percentages go I have the 
most time and code invested and as such can say that I do not mind the 
LGPL license that you are proposing for the C# port.  Wim from LDC along 
with his programmer Luc contributed a lot of great code to make it fit 
within their products that they use and am saying that up front so as 
not to take that away from them.  Please remember that there were alot 
of people that have contributed to the product other than LDC so we will 
have to get their permission as well from what I understand of the 
licensing wordings.

Christian Geisert
Patrick Bielen
Pete Helgren
Richard Houston
Robert Upshall
All the translators

I would like to apologize if I have missed someone.  Please let me know 
here so that we can get this straightened out.




Hello Kenneth:

I have Ported the TN5250J from Java to C#. Is not a Plan... it's working

The reason for that is that I needed a Library for Screen scraping, for OnLine
AS/400 Integration for a Customer.

The Customer has VisualStudio as it's standard Tool, we have no budget for
buying TN Bridge 
or similar product so I was Forced to Port it.

The Library has several Server side improvevents like the use of Completion Port
Threads, witch allow a Server Process to open almost unlimited 5250 sessions.

I'm planing to release a Java, MS C# and Mono Versions.

But before that I would like to know:

As I base my work on GPL Software, Can I release it as LGPL? or must be GPL

This is my first project using GPL, and I'm not an expert in Licenses, After all
tn52550j is your work, and I would do it wright.

Please advice me.

Fill free to release -or ask me to do it- this to

Best Regards and Happy Holidays

José M. Veiras
Intellitec Mobile Solutions
PO Box 9510 Bayamon PR, 00960-9510

LDC, WVL, Luc, You  and the rest of the Community had
made a great product... thanks to every one.


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Tn5250j-general mailing list

[Tn5250j-general] [Fwd: tn5250j port to C# LGPL]

2005-12-12 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello all

I received this the other day and have just now gotten around to looking 
at all the e-mails that I am behind on.

First I am not sure about the changing to LGPL or not but am pretty sure 
it will not be a problem.  Anybody out there have an opinion on this.  I 
remember a little bit about this when discussing it a while back but I 
do not see a problem with a release to LGPL unless some one out there 
has a problem with it.

Please let me know.

Actually Wim you via LDC would be more the person to say if you allow 
this or not as you have most of the copy rite code in there as pertains 
to the project.  Please see the P.S. section of the forwarded e-mail.



 Original Message 

Hello Kenneth:

I have Ported the TN5250J from Java to C#. Is not a Plan... it's working

The reason for that is that I needed a Library for Screen scraping, for OnLine
AS/400 Integration for a Customer.

The Customer has VisualStudio as it's standard Tool, we have no budget for
buying TN Bridge 
or similar product so I was Forced to Port it.

The Library has several Server side improvevents like the use of Completion Port
Threads, witch allow a Server Process to open almost unlimited 5250 sessions.

I'm planing to release a Java, MS C# and Mono Versions.

But before that I would like to know:

As I base my work on GPL Software, Can I release it as LGPL? or must be GPL

This is my first project using GPL, and I'm not an expert in Licenses, After all
tn52550j is your work, and I would do it wright.

Please advice me.

Fill free to release -or ask me to do it- this to

Best Regards and Happy Holidays

José M. Veiras
Intellitec Mobile Solutions
PO Box 9510 Bayamon PR, 00960-9510

LDC, WVL, Luc, You  and the rest of the Community had
made a great product... thanks to every one.

This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Extend hotspot functionality

2005-12-12 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


I am pretty sure that Christian committed them to CVS already on the
9th.  I took a look at the committed code and it looks great.  Thanks
for that.

Am not sure if Patrick is still working on the coordinator parts for a
new release or not.

Hopefully he will respond to this message as well.



Richard Houston wrote:

  Hey Christian,

Was wondering if you had a chance to look at the code we submitted yet.
Please see below for the details.

Just wondering.


Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW   ^^-^^|

Dude, that would be simply awesome! Do what you can. I sure do appreciate

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW   ^^-^^|

On Mon, November 28, 2005 11:50 am, Christian Geisert wrote:

  Richard Houston schrieb:

Hey guys,

Anyone have to time to review the below and if so do you figure we
can get this merged into the cvs tree?

  I hope I'll have some time in the next days.


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 searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
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searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Tn5250j-general mailing list


Re: [Tn5250j-general] Extend hotspot functionality

2005-11-14 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Patrick did you take a look at the enhancements that Richard sent?

Richard I would go ahead with this.  When you get it in am sure there 
are people out there to test it and give feedback.



Richard Houston wrote:

Hey all,

We have extended the hotspot external app
lunching functions to include customizable prefixes and such. I have
attached the code if anyone is interested in checking out out. Maybe if it
is useful to other we could get it into cvs? There is a text file
describing what has been done.

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW   ^^-^^|


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Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] new project, maybe usefull to use incombination with tn5250j

2005-11-14 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello Wim and all

I just got back and was going through the e-mails.  Patrick I looked at
the software you mentioned and am going to have to agree with Wim on
Java API's for this.

I looked at the JAAS the last time we discussed this and it does not
look all that difficult to implement within the emulator.  Take a look
at them both to do a comparison and let us know.




  If you implement this, I think it is
best to stick to standard Java APIs (like JAAS for authentication). We
use this and 5250 in our complete java framework. The problem for
is authentication across multiple AS/400s.


Sent by:
11/11/2005 09:27


respond to





new project,
maybe usefull to use incombination with tn5250j






  Hi Guys,
  A few minutes ago i found the next
  Take a look at it, maybe welcome to
in tn5250j
  to get rid of that endless
  feature ? :-)
  Best Regards,

notified the sender that this message has been received.


Re: [Tn5250j-general] So where to go from here.......

2005-11-14 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


This all sounds good.  Have you gotten any responses?

Richard Houston wrote:

Hey all,

Was just thinking about where we should go from here to get things going
again. In the context of getting to a 1.0 release I see a few thing that
should to be done.

1: clean up the bugs list. How about first removing any really old bugs
splitting the bug list up, between the group of active list members, and
seeing if the bug is still around. If not remove, if they are get them
updated with new relevant information and start squashing them. I think we
should make the Bug list and  feature request our center of information
and progress so we keep track of the project.

2: formulating a list of fixes and features that need to be resolved be
for the 1.0 release.

3: Spit ball ideas on the future of the project.

4: Start looking at any updates to the website that need to be done like
documentation and such.

5: Possibly do some on line promoting of the project to stimulate new
ideas and get some new help. Kind of vague but I was think about it so I
put it down.

Just a few thoughts here. Once again, I am not a programmer, maybe it's
time to learn ;), but I will do my best to help out where I can. Lets get
some dialog going here and see where it goes.

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW   ^^-^^|

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Tn5250j-general mailing list

[Tn5250j-general] Another change sent in

2005-11-03 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Just saw the commit.  Great!!!

Here is another one.

The change is in module method name removeSessionView.

This fixes a problem with the closing the last session tab on the frame by
clicking on the X close icon.  It causes an error and does not shut down all
the sessions because the session counts are off.  This also was fix for the
Last Session View as well because the counts are not zero then the new session
view was not being saved at the end.


   public void removeSessionView(SessionGUI targetSession) {

  if (hideTabBar && sessionPane.getTabCount() == 0) {
 for (int x=0; x < getContentPane().getComponentCount(); x++) {

if (getContentPane().getComponent(x) instanceof SessionGUI) {
  else {

 int index = sessionPane.indexOfComponent(targetSession);"session found and closing down " + index);

 // get the tab count to be used later
 int tabs = sessionPane.getTabCount();

 // if the index removed is the same as the number of tabs
 //   we need to decrement the index offset or we will get
 //   an error because we went over the tab limit which starts
 //   at zero offset.
 if (tabs == index)

 if (tabs > 0 && index < tabs) {
 else {

if (tabs > 0) {



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Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] tn5250j on linux with java 1.5.0

2005-10-25 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Patrick and all

The previous are messages that I had copy pasted in my todo list
because they were sent to my private e-mail.  Thought I would throw
them out there to see if they need to be worked on or have already been



Kenneth Pouncey wrote:

Here is a problem just reported a couple of days ago with a code fix
  Bugs item #1333978, was opened at 2005-10-21 12:02
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: User Interface
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: manote (manote)
Assigned to: Kenneth J. Pouncey (kjp1)
Summary: Key mapping

Initial Comment:
OS = linux 2.6.5 Suse 9.1
System = pIV 512MB
JDK version = 1.5.0_05

In the dialog for get the key, the label never get the
focus and  can't set the key.
Changing to the following piece of code, int the
KeyConfigure class: 		

JOptionPane opain = new JOptionPane(



JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, // option type




by this other:

JOptionPane opain = new JOptionPane(



JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, // option type




 the label can obtain the focus and can set the key.
Patrick Bielen wrote:
  Hi guys,

Recently i installed Ubuntu Linux (which is the best distro i've seen
in the last 7 years imho) and that is where the troubles began.

Running java 1.5.0_05 on my linux box gives the next troubles...

1) Splashscreen stays on top and the connection window is below
 it, there is not way to remove it until you actually make the
connection to the iseries.

2) Keymapping does nothing... no matter which key you press,
nothing happens and  you have to manually edit the keymap file.
xdev gives other values then the values used in the keymap file,
   which makes it hard to find out which value you actually need.

No need to say this is very frustrating, cause you loose a lot of
functionality in the first place.

The second thing... a dutch user contacted me about the jython
commands that can be used in tn5250j. A few years ago i was
using this functionality a lot, but since i became SCJP i lost the
attention to the scripting feature in tn5250j. So there is a lot
changed in meanwhile, and commands changed also. The
website was never made up-to-date so it's damned hard to
actually find out what the exact commands are. Anybody that
knows what actually was changed ? _session.getscreen() seems
not to work anymore cause things are changed.

So i think after almost one year of inactivity, that it becomes time
we pickup the project again and do the very last bugfixes, and
also remove the 1.3 code crap, to become some more up-to-dated.
I know the most of you guys are working on the browser version
of tn5250j, but that is not that interesting for the most users, cause
tn5250j standalone just does what it needs to do. So maybe we
can focus back on the program itself and make it bugfree on
windows and linux (and mac) for once and for all.

Ofcourse i'm not the project leader, but seems he lost his interests
in the project cause we haven't heard him anymore for a very long
time. As i'm one of the people that joined the project in the very
first beginning it should be nice if we could make a deal, that i will
try to lead the team until Kenneth returns.

What do you guys think ?

Well maybe my java skills do not go that far as most of you, but
i will try to lead the project into the right directions. The most
important goal is to make it stable now, so we actually can
release a FINAL (stable) version. I'm into Linux now, so i can
heavily test the program on that platform now.

Best Regards,

Patrick Bielen


   has notified the sender that this message has been



[Tn5250j-general] tn5250j Trouble

2005-10-25 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Hi, first of all i'would appreciate your job, tn5250j is a great  tool, 
just a few question...

i cannot use spool transfer and
the error is:
"...transfer spool can't be used because java as400 toolbox cannot be 
found and so can't be used, add to your CLASSPATH"
also the tool transfer file with the use query options and so query 
builder for the same cause.

I've search about that i've try to install that but without good results.
During the installation (setup) i've read about PDF converter (may be..) 
i think that involves spool file conversion...but i cannot find anything 
about that.
I hope you may help me or tell me where find some docs or tutorial about 
that trouble.

Thank you very very much.

Best regards


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Tn5250j-general mailing list

[Tn5250j-general] tn5250j langauge assistant

2005-10-25 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Dear K JP,

Let me introduce myself, my name is Mabundit Muangkhum.
I am an AS/400 System engineer and have a plan to implement client Linux in
my company.
Our company use AS/400 for backend application like Acc, Billing,..etc, and
use CA/400 for display emulator.
And also using Thai font for Thai language that made by IBM Thailand.
But now we need to implement in linux environment so I try for searching in
tn5250 on linux and found your.
I would like to ask you for using your great thing.
When I read your document for "quick start" and found that I need to ask you
for the code page.
The Thai code is "838(EBCDIC)" and 874(ASCII).
Would you please add this code page to your tn5250 and suggest me to using
it ?
Thank you very much and hope you do the great job for our world.

Mabundit M.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the JBoss Inc.
Get Certified Today * Register for a JBoss Training Course
Free Certification Exam for All Training Attendees Through End of 2005
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Tn5250j-general mailing list

[Tn5250j-general] can't build

2005-10-25 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Boris Breslav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all
I tried to run ant and got the
following message:
C:\TN5250J\build.xml:401: taskdef
class com.loomcom.ant.tasks.jarbundler.JarBund
ler cannot be found
Is there something I'm missing?

[Tn5250j-general] tn5250j applet session file

2005-10-25 Thread Kenneth Pouncey



I'm trying to setup the session file.

1) it's OK when I try on my pc (client)

java -jar tn5250j.jar -s my00107

one  5250 session is openned on as400 "my00107"

in my applet, with keyword "host" and ip adress it works fine

2)  some problem with session file (when  applet is stored on as400) ,
it doesn't work

=> window is grey and in "console java" :


at java.util.Hashtable.put(Unknown Source)

at org.tn5250j.My5250App.jbInit(Unknown Source)

at org.tn5250j.My5250App.init(Unknown Source)

at Source)

at Source)

below my session file and my source applet

Thanks for your help



sessions file

#-- Session Information 

#Wed Jul 27 12:24:11 CEST 2005







my00107=142.XXX.YY.30 -f my00107 -e


 CODEBASE = "" CODE = "org.tn5250j.My5250App.class" NAME =
"tn5250 - Java tn5250 Client " WIDTH = 985 HEIGHT = 540 HSPACE = 0
VSPACE = 0 ALIGN = top ARCHIVE = stn5250j.jar




[Tn5250j-general] tn5250j patch

2005-10-25 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Patrick another  

Mitch Blevins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
appears to be a bug where if a ScreenListener removes itself during an
onScreenChanged() call, the firing code will continue to loop through
the now-structurally changed Vector.  This causes indeterminate
behavior and has resulted in several crashes on my side.  Fixes in the
patch below for you review.
(revision 1499)
(revision 1500)
-3897,12 +3897,12 @@
private void fireScreenChanged(int which, int startRow, int startCol,
int endRow, int endCol) {
if (listeners != null) {
int size = listeners.size();
Vector lc = new Vector(listeners);
int size = lc.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

ScreenListener target =

-3933,10 +3933,11 @@
int startCol = getCol(lastPos);
if (listeners != null) {
int size = listeners.size();
Vector lc = new Vector(listeners);
int size = lc.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

ScreenListener target =

-3949,10 +3950,11 @@
private void fireScreenSizeChanged() {
if (listeners != null) {
int size = listeners.size();
Vector lc = new Vector(listeners);
int size = lc.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

ScreenListener target =


[Tn5250j-general] Patch sent in

2005-10-25 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


I will send these to the list.

Mitch Blevins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks very much for
working on tn5250j and making it available under GPL.
a mid-size company and plan on rolling a modified version
out under the projectname of “Jumper”. 
Jumper is a JNLPized version that has hooks to integrate our as400 ERP
system (PRMS) with our other sales and manufacturing systems.  Although
most changes we make would not be interesting to a general audience, I’d
like to feed any fixes we do to the original codebase back to you. 
Of course if you are interested in seeing all the code additions we’ve
done to tn5250j/Jumper, just drop me a line and I can send them to you.
We have
been running into a bug where a screen that has been restored using
tnvt.restoreScreen() did not put the fields in the right place (in the Screen5250.addField()
method).  I *think* I
have the right fix to it in the patch below, but I’m
not very familiar with the codebase or 5250-programming in general, so I’d
like to run it by you.  The patch below appears to fix our symptoms. 
It is submitted for you review.

(revision 1491)
(revision 1492)
-1385,7 +1385,7 @@
    sc.write((byte) screen52.getRows()); // store the current size
    sc.write((byte) screen52.getColumns()); //    ""
    int cp = screen52.getCurrentPos(); // save off current position
    int cp = screen52.getScreenFields().getCurrentFieldPos(); //
save off current position
    sc.write((byte) (cp >> 8 & 0xff)); //    ""
    sc.write((byte) (cp & 0xff)); //    ""

Re: [Tn5250j-general] tn5250j on linux with java 1.5.0

2005-10-25 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Here is a problem just reported a couple of days ago with a code fix

Bugs item #1333978, was opened at 2005-10-21 12:02
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: User Interface
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: manote (manote)
Assigned to: Kenneth J. Pouncey (kjp1)
Summary: Key mapping

Initial Comment:
OS = linux 2.6.5 Suse 9.1
System = pIV 512MB
JDK version = 1.5.0_05

In the dialog for get the key, the label never get the
focus and  can't set the key.
Changing to the following piece of code, int the
KeyConfigure class: 		

JOptionPane opain = new JOptionPane(



JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, // option type




by this other:

JOptionPane opain = new JOptionPane(



JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, // option type




 the label can obtain the focus and can set the key.


Patrick Bielen wrote:
Hi guys,
Recently i installed Ubuntu Linux (which is the best distro i've seen
in the last 7 years imho) and that is where the troubles began.
Running java 1.5.0_05 on my linux box gives the next troubles...
1) Splashscreen stays on top and the connection window is below
 it, there is not way to remove it until you actually make the
connection to the iseries.
2) Keymapping does nothing... no matter which key you press,
nothing happens and  you have to manually edit the keymap file.
xdev gives other values then the values used in the keymap file,
   which makes it hard to find out which value you actually need.
No need to say this is very frustrating, cause you loose a lot of
functionality in the first place.
The second thing... a dutch user contacted me about the jython
commands that can be used in tn5250j. A few years ago i was
using this functionality a lot, but since i became SCJP i lost the
attention to the scripting feature in tn5250j. So there is a lot
changed in meanwhile, and commands changed also. The
website was never made up-to-date so it's damned hard to
actually find out what the exact commands are. Anybody that
knows what actually was changed ? _session.getscreen() seems
not to work anymore cause things are changed.
So i think after almost one year of inactivity, that it becomes time
we pickup the project again and do the very last bugfixes, and
also remove the 1.3 code crap, to become some more up-to-dated.
I know the most of you guys are working on the browser version
of tn5250j, but that is not that interesting for the most users, cause
tn5250j standalone just does what it needs to do. So maybe we
can focus back on the program itself and make it bugfree on
windows and linux (and mac) for once and for all.
Ofcourse i'm not the project leader, but seems he lost his interests
in the project cause we haven't heard him anymore for a very long
time. As i'm one of the people that joined the project in the very
first beginning it should be nice if we could make a deal, that i will
try to lead the team until Kenneth returns.
What do you guys think ?
Well maybe my java skills do not go that far as most of you, but
i will try to lead the project into the right directions. The most
important goal is to make it stable now, so we actually can
release a FINAL (stable) version. I'm into Linux now, so i can
heavily test the program on that platform now.
Best Regards,
Patrick Bielen

 has notified the sender that this message has been


Re: [Tn5250j-general] tn5250j on Linux with Java 1.5.0

2005-10-25 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


>> Pete will have to look at all the bug reports out there to see
have been fixed or not.

Woops sorry this meant to read that "I" will have to look at the bug
reports out there not you.

Sorry for the confusion.


Kenneth Pouncey wrote:

Hello all
Saw the messages.  I think that is a great idea you all have.  Do not
want to see the project go to the wayside.
Patrick I have not lost interest but lost access to an AS/400. 
Actually have not slung any java code in quite a few months as most of
the work has been .NET lately and systems work.
Actually put in a bid at one of my old clients to rewrite their Teller
system and am still waiting on them to decide.  If the contract comes
through I will then have access.
Pete will have to look at all the bug reports out there to see which
have been fixed or not.
I can help with the general knowledge of the system but probably not
any code so the programmers out there will have to carry the load for
any fixes.
Other than that would love to see things rolling again.
As far as updates and bug fixes go everyone out there participating on
the list has CVS developer access so the only thing stopping bug fixes
and enhancements is people actually changing the code and making the
If you guys feel that branching the project is in your best interests
please go ahead and do so.  You can set up another project if you feel
that would be better for you as well.  I hope you do not feel the need
but thought it best that I let you know that as can not lend any real
code slinging at this time.
Pete Helgren wrote:

We should probably tidy it all up.  There are 32 open bugs that go all
the way back to 2002.  Kenneth is the Admin so I think only he can
"close" them.  If we could figure out what is still "open" we might be
able to assign a few to each of the programmers on the list to get them

It would be nice to finish the project with a nice clean release.  We
are at the .6 release level so I am not sure of what all is still
missing that would make this a 1.0 release.

I wish Kenneth would check in so we'd know what is up with him. Hope he
is OK.


Richard Houston wrote:

  Hey guys,

I am all for getting things going again. I am not a programmer but I can
relay my clients issues and help find bugs.

On Patrick's issues re: the splash screen, I had the same splash screen
issue but the latest cvs version fixed that for me. We are running on
Linux as well including Fedora Core 4 Centos and Ubuntu. ON Sun jdk
1.4.2_09 and 1.5.0_05.

I agree Ubuntu is very nice. 5.10 is a great improvement over 5.04

We have found a few issues. Should we all be putting these issues in the
bug database on the sourceforge site so they don't get lost?


Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW <>  ^^-^^|

On Tue, October 25, 2005 1:38 am, Patrick Bielen wrote:
Hi guys,

Recently i installed Ubuntu Linux (which is the best distro i've seen
in the last 7 years imho) and that is where the troubles began.

Running java 1.5.0_05 on my linux box gives the next troubles...

1) Splashscreen stays on top and the connection window is below
it, there is not way to remove it until you actually make the connection to
the iseries.

2) Keymapping does nothing... no matter which key you press,
nothing happens and  you have to manually edit the keymap file. xdev gives
other values then the values used in the keymap file, which makes it hard
to find out which value you actually need.

No need to say this is very frustrating, cause you loose a lot of
functionality in the first place.

The second thing... a dutch user contacted me about the jython
commands that can be used in tn5250j. A few years ago i was using this
functionality a lot, but since i became SCJP i lost the attention to the
scripting feature in tn5250j. So there is a lot changed in meanwhile, and
commands changed also. The website was never made up-to-date so it's
damned hard to actually find out what the exact commands are. Anybody that
 knows what actually was changed ? _session.getscreen() seems not to work
anymore cause things are changed.

So i think after almost one year of inactivity, that it becomes time
we pickup the project again and do the very last bugfixes, and also remove
the 1.3 code crap, to become some more up-to-dated. I know the most of you
guys are working on the browser version of tn5250j, but that is not that
interesting for the most users, cause tn5250j standalone just does what it
needs to do. So maybe we can focus back on the program itself and make it
bugfree on windows and linux 

Re: [Tn5250j-general] tn5250j on linux with java 1.5.0

2005-10-25 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Patrick Bielen wrote:
Hi guys,
Recently i installed Ubuntu Linux (which is the best distro i've seen
in the last 7 years imho) and that is where the troubles began.
Running java 1.5.0_05 on my linux box gives the next troubles...
1) Splashscreen stays on top and the connection window is below
 it, there is not way to remove it until you actually make the
connection to the iseries.

This should be fixed in CVS.  Richard had that problem.

2) Keymapping does nothing... no matter which key you press,
nothing happens and  you have to manually edit the keymap file.
xdev gives other values then the values used in the keymap file,
   which makes it hard to find out which value you actually need.

Not sure about this.  Jump into the code and see what the problem is. 
Am sure it will be a java 1.5 on linux problem or someone would have
already posted the problem.

No need to say this is very frustrating, cause you loose a lot of
functionality in the first place.

Yes but then again being a programmer yourself that frustration level
can be reduced by figuring out the problem and making the change to fix
it :-P

The second thing... a dutch user contacted me about the jython
commands that can be used in tn5250j. A few years ago i was
using this functionality a lot, 
Yeah had thought about changing it to use IBM's scripting package so
other languages could be incorporated but that meant having to put
another package constraint to run.  Never moved further than that
but since i
became SCJP i lost the

Which again begs the question of why you are frustrated with problems. 
to the scripting feature in tn5250j. So there is a lot
changed in meanwhile, and commands changed also. The
website was never made up-to-date so it's damned hard to
actually find out what the exact commands are. Anybody that
knows what actually was changed ? _session.getscreen() seems
not to work anymore cause things are changed.

Looking at the code base should help with that.

So i think after almost one year of inactivity, that it becomes time
we pickup the project again and do the very last bugfixes, and
also remove the 1.3 code crap, to become some more up-to-dated.

Well actually there really is not any 1.3 being used anymore unless a
1.3 JVM is used.  Between Christian, Wim and myself using the
interfaces it is dynamically loaded.  In the code you should be able to
find all references to them and remove the code from there.  There are
I think 5 touchpoints for this.  Unfortunatel on the first two releases
of 1.4 some of the newer stuff does not work correctly so had to
bandage that the best way I could.

As far as anything else being 1.3 the hardest most intense part would
be using the NIO but after I did the test case by changing the code I
got no increase whatsoever so to me it was not worth the effort of
changing this all out.  Wim and I discussed this at one time through
the list.  I might still have the code laying around if anybody wants
to have a go at it.
I know the
most of you guys are working on the browser version
of tn5250j, but that is not that interesting for the most users, cause
tn5250j standalone just does what it needs to do. So maybe we
can focus back on the program itself and make it bugfree on
windows and linux (and mac) for once and for all.

I would love to see the browser version get off it's feet.  What needs
to be done here besides the HTML parsing part Pete?  I do not remember
where we left off.  The last thing I remember is the change I made so
that you could use encrypted  parameters to pass user and password. 
Was that used in your version?  You had gotten swamped with work so
could not test it at that time.

Ofcourse i'm not the project leader, but seems he lost his interests
in the project cause we haven't heard him anymore for a very long
This was answered in the other post I made.  Although Patrick, me not
being around does not mean anybody could not update CVS with changes
and bug fixes.

I think I remember Christian made a change a while back which was the
As i'm one
of the people that joined the project in the very
first beginning it should be nice if we could make a deal, that i will
try to lead the team until Kenneth returns.

What do you guys think ?


Not exactly sure if the project lacks "leadership" per se but more
hands digging in the code and updating CVS with bug fixes.

Well maybe my java skills do not go that far as most of you, but
i will try to lead the project into the right directions. 
Not a lot of java skills needed to fix the problems you reported so now
all that is left to do is dig in.  The keymapping problem could
probably be fixed in 30 minutes.  Let me know and I can tell you where
to look.

I will send you some code fixes that other people have sent my way so
you can put them in and coordinate the changes with the rest of the
The most
important goal is to make it stable now, so we actually can

Re: [Tn5250j-general] tn5250j on Linux with Java 1.5.0

2005-10-25 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello all

Saw the messages.  I think that is a great idea you all have.  Do not
want to see the project go to the wayside.

Patrick I have not lost interest but lost access to an AS/400. 
Actually have not slung any java code in quite a few months as most of
the work has been .NET lately and systems work.

Actually put in a bid at one of my old clients to rewrite their Teller
system and am still waiting on them to decide.  If the contract comes
through I will then have access.

Pete will have to look at all the bug reports out there to see which
have been fixed or not.

I can help with the general knowledge of the system but probably not
any code so the programmers out there will have to carry the load for
any fixes.

Other than that would love to see things rolling again.

As far as updates and bug fixes go everyone out there participating on
the list has CVS developer access so the only thing stopping bug fixes
and enhancements is people actually changing the code and making the

If you guys feel that branching the project is in your best interests
please go ahead and do so.  You can set up another project if you feel
that would be better for you as well.  I hope you do not feel the need
but thought it best that I let you know that as can not lend any real
code slinging at this time.



Pete Helgren wrote:

We should probably tidy it all up.  There are 32 open bugs that go all
the way back to 2002.  Kenneth is the Admin so I think only he can
"close" them.  If we could figure out what is still "open" we might be
able to assign a few to each of the programmers on the list to get them
It would be nice to finish the project with a nice clean release.  We
are at the .6 release level so I am not sure of what all is still
missing that would make this a 1.0 release.
I wish Kenneth would check in so we'd know what is up with him. Hope he
is OK.
Richard Houston wrote:
Hey guys,

I am all for getting things going again. I am not a programmer but I can
relay my clients issues and help find bugs.

On Patrick's issues re: the splash screen, I had the same splash screen
issue but the latest cvs version fixed that for me. We are running on
Linux as well including Fedora Core 4 Centos and Ubuntu. ON Sun jdk
1.4.2_09 and 1.5.0_05.

I agree Ubuntu is very nice. 5.10 is a great improvement over 5.04

We have found a few issues. Should we all be putting these issues in the
bug database on the sourceforge site so they don't get lost?


Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW   ^^-^^|

On Tue, October 25, 2005 1:38 am, Patrick Bielen wrote:

  Hi guys,

Recently i installed Ubuntu Linux (which is the best distro i've seen
in the last 7 years imho) and that is where the troubles began.

Running java 1.5.0_05 on my linux box gives the next troubles...

1) Splashscreen stays on top and the connection window is below
it, there is not way to remove it until you actually make the connection to
the iseries.

2) Keymapping does nothing... no matter which key you press,
nothing happens and  you have to manually edit the keymap file. xdev gives
other values then the values used in the keymap file, which makes it hard
to find out which value you actually need.

No need to say this is very frustrating, cause you loose a lot of
functionality in the first place.

The second thing... a dutch user contacted me about the jython
commands that can be used in tn5250j. A few years ago i was using this
functionality a lot, but since i became SCJP i lost the attention to the
scripting feature in tn5250j. So there is a lot changed in meanwhile, and
commands changed also. The website was never made up-to-date so it's
damned hard to actually find out what the exact commands are. Anybody that
 knows what actually was changed ? _session.getscreen() seems not to work
anymore cause things are changed.

So i think after almost one year of inactivity, that it becomes time
we pickup the project again and do the very last bugfixes, and also remove
the 1.3 code crap, to become some more up-to-dated. I know the most of you
guys are working on the browser version of tn5250j, but that is not that
interesting for the most users, cause tn5250j standalone just does what it
needs to do. So maybe we can focus back on the program itself and make it
bugfree on windows and linux (and mac) for once and for all.

Ofcourse i'm not the project leader, but seems he lost his interests
in the project cause we haven't heard him anymore for a very long time. As
i'm one of the people that joined the project in the very first beginning
it should be nice if we could make a deal, that i will try to lead the
team until Kenneth returns.

What do you guys think ?


[Tn5250j-general] Re: tn5250j

2005-07-25 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

I have such a mess with system meltdown and restoring the mails it totally
forgot to respond.  Sorry about that.

Let's do something here.  Sign up to the Mailing list tn5250j-general that way
we can get others involved with the discussions and you will not have so long a
wait for a response.  Most of the people on the list probably know the emulator
better than I do now.

Look up jython on the internet also a link is here I do believe is the site or
google it.  There are a lot of examples and documentation for jython there to
get you started.

You can get the screen position by obtaining the plains from the screen object.
I will look it up and post an example when I have access to the source.

There are also some sample scripts in the cvs checkout under the scripts 

Calling a script from a cl is not yet possible and not sure when or if it will
be possible in the future.

Passing parameters is another thing.  When called from the emulator you will
only get a referrence for the session that it is called from.  There are some
examples that show this in the cvs checkout.

Hope that helps to get you started for now.  Go through it a little and then
repost any questions.



Quoting Alexander Schell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello,
> I know that you have got some trouble at the moment but perhaps you'll 
> find some time to give us some little Information.
> All these questions are about the Python script language.
> 1.How can we get the Cursor to a special position and fetch the text 
> written there?
>We also want to know how to interpret the text with : "if xxx then" 
> and "if yyy then"...
> 2.How can we call a script in a 5250 Emulation that is to say from a CL 
> Programm or  
>with a CL-command?
> 3.How are we able to transfer parameters from / into a script?
> Thank you for answer!
> Best Regards
> Alexander Schell

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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Startup with last view

2005-07-14 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


As long as the start default still works I see no problem at all in
committing this.  Once it is committed I will test it tonight to see if
what I normally do works as well.  Will also test a default setup as

Again thank you very much for the analysis and the fix.



Pete Helgren wrote:

I found a couple of things that might be causing the problem.  Kenneth,
you can check my assumptions before I update CVS with my changes.
These two changes start at around line 348 in
1.    There is a startNewSession(); there even before we start to
iterate through the specific sessions retrieved.  I think that will
just start a default session (not sure where it gets it from). 
2.    We start the sessions stored in the vector (os400_sessions) at 1
rather than 0.  That skips the first session that was configured.
I commented out the startNewSession() and then changed the for loop to
start at 0 rather than 1.
That took care of my problems.   Do you want me to commit those changes?
Pete Helgren wrote:

Is this version from a clean check out of CVS today?

Not today. I pulled from CVS and built my jar before Kenneth had
finished the patch for the splash screen.  I could rebuild again since
I updated last night but there is enough weirdness going on that I am
going to run in debug and see if I can figure this out on my own.

I am pretty busy right now but I might get a chance to look at this
later today.


Richard Houston wrote:


Is this version from a clean check out of CVS today?
Just wondering.

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW   ^^-^^|

On Thu, July 14, 2005 9:38 am, Pete wrote:
Originally this wasn't working for me but now it is.  However, when one
of the sessions starts, it still shows the -s.  For example:

These are both active sessions but the system name on the first session
shows as -s.

It may have something to do with how the sessions are initially saved.
Where is the information about the "last view" stored.  I can clear that
info then re-test (or debug) the program.



SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list



Re: [Tn5250j-general] Startup with last view

2005-07-14 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Try it with a device name defined.  Anything will do.

Quoting Pete Helgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> No...No device name defined.  Let me look at a few things and I'll get 
> back to you,
> Pete
> Kenneth Pouncey wrote:
> >Wow Pete do not for the life of me understand why.  It is in the .tn5250j
> folder
> >under your user profile.  The file to look for is sessions and the element
> is
> >emul.view
> >
> >emul.view=-s luxdev -s luxdev-gui -s luxdev-gui -s luubps01-gui -s
> luubps01-gui 
> >
> >This is mine and it works like a charm.
> >
> >Do you have a Device Name defined for those session?
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >Kenneth
> >
> >Quoting Pete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Originally this wasn't working for me but now it is.  However, when one 
> >>of the sessions starts, it still shows the -s.  For example:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>These are both active sessions but the system name on the first session 
> >>shows as -s.
> >>
> >>It may have something to do with how the sessions are initially saved.  
> >>Where is the information about the "last view" stored.  I can clear that 
> >>info then re-test (or debug) the program.
> >>
> >>Pete
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >---
> >SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
> >from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
> >informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
> >speed, fast.
> >___
> >Tn5250j-general mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >

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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Startup with last view

2005-07-14 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Thanks for looking at that for me if you can and have the time.  I have a very
hectic C# project and no AS/400 connection here.



Quoting Pete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Originally this wasn't working for me but now it is.  However, when one 
> of the sessions starts, it still shows the -s.  For example:
> These are both active sessions but the system name on the first session 
> shows as -s.
> It may have something to do with how the sessions are initially saved.  
> Where is the information about the "last view" stored.  I can clear that 
> info then re-test (or debug) the program.
> Pete

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Startup with last view

2005-07-14 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Wow Pete do not for the life of me understand why.  It is in the .tn5250j folder
under your user profile.  The file to look for is sessions and the element is

emul.view=-s luxdev -s luxdev-gui -s luxdev-gui -s luubps01-gui -s luubps01-gui 

This is mine and it works like a charm.

Do you have a Device Name defined for those session?



Quoting Pete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Originally this wasn't working for me but now it is.  However, when one 
> of the sessions starts, it still shows the -s.  For example:
> These are both active sessions but the system name on the first session 
> shows as -s.
> It may have something to do with how the sessions are initially saved.  
> Where is the information about the "last view" stored.  I can clear that 
> info then re-test (or debug) the program.
> Pete

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Update

2005-07-13 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


I tested your file here and it seems to work fine.  Could you do a
fresh checkout.  Meaning not an update but a full checkout and
rebuild.  Am thinking maybe something in your base did not get updated



Richard Houston wrote:

  If it helps at all here is the contents of my sessions file:

-- Defaults 
#Tue Jul 12 12:02:16 CDT 2005
qtraf=XXX..XX.XX -p 23 -e -t -132 -spp 1080 -d
emul.view=-s qtraf -s qtraf

Is it possible that the emul.view=-s qtraf -s qtraf is the line causing
the issue?



Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW <>  ^^-^^|

On Tue, July 12, 2005 10:39 am, Richard Houston wrote:
For sure, Let me know what you need. I will do what I can.

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |

| WWW <>  ^^-^^|

On Tue, July 12, 2005 10:06 am, Kenneth Pouncey wrote:

  Thanks for letting me know Richard.

Let's see if we can get together on that -s problem.  I may need a
couple of files from you to see how things are working, well in this
case not working :-)

Will you be around tomorrow?  Actually it does not have to be Richard
so tomorrow anybody that has problems with this can help me.  If anybody
is willing to help out tomorrow let me know by answering this message
and I will contact them personally for some debug information.



Quoting Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Updated my cvs copy and all is working as expected.

Thanks guys!

FYI, the "startup with last view" still starts with one tab marked


Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |

| WWW <>  ^^-^^|

On Tue, July 12, 2005 1:17 am, Kenneth Pouncey wrote:

  Hello Richard and Pete

The splash screen should not be fixed in CVS.  If not let me know.



Pete Helgren wrote:

Richard (and Kenneth),

I re-booted into Linux, and I stand corrected.  0.5.7 pre3 has
the splash screen that doesn't disappear and displays over the
panel.  AND, the latest version 0.6.1.Alpha 1 does the same thing.
 It is
as though the "splash" screen doesn't know how to close.  I ran it
 under SUSE 9.2 with the same JDK I use in Windows (1.4.2_06)

So, it looks like you'll have to take a look at it and figure out
 what's up.  Works fine in Windows though.

So, it IS broken in Linux.


Richard Houston wrote:

  Also, did your previous version have the splash screen
disappear before the connection screen comes up?

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW <>  ^^-^^|

On Mon, July 11, 2005 10:45 am, Pete Helgren wrote:

And, in my case, it displays in *front* of the splash screen.

I am running SUSE 9.2 on my other partition.  I'll boot into
and see what I get.


Richard Houston wrote:

  On Fri, July 8, 2005 6:10 pm, Pete Helgren wrote:

No.  The connection panel comes up right after the splash
 screen for me (Windows XP, JDK 1.4.2_06)

  Just to clarify, the screen pops up but is behind the
splash screen. On Linux you need to click on the panel to
bring it forward. It's not a failure but an annoyance
really. Now on the version be for this one, the splash
screen would pop up and diapered after the connection panel
is displayed.  This is on Linux and Sun JDK 1.4.2_08.

Thanks all,


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!'

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Update

2005-07-12 Thread Kenneth Pouncey
Thanks for letting me know Richard.

Let's see if we can get together on that -s problem.  I may need a couple of
files from you to see how things are working, well in this case not working :-)

Will you be around tomorrow?  Actually it does not have to be Richard so
tomorrow anybody that has problems with this can help me.  If anybody is willing
to help out tomorrow let me know by answering this message and I will contact
them personally for some debug information.



Quoting Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Updated my cvs copy and all is working as expected.
> Thanks guys!
> FYI, the "startup with last view" still starts with one tab marked "-s"
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> +--+
> | Richard Houston  .^. |
> | R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
> | E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
> | WWW   ^^-^^|
> +------+
> On Tue, July 12, 2005 1:17 am, Kenneth Pouncey wrote:
> > Hello Richard and Pete
> >
> >
> > The splash screen should not be fixed in CVS.  If not let me know.
> >
> >
> > Regards
> >
> >
> > Kenneth
> >
> >
> > Pete Helgren wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Richard (and Kenneth),
> >>
> >>
> >> I re-booted into Linux, and I stand corrected.  0.5.7 pre3 has the
> >> splash screen that doesn't disappear and displays over the Connections
> >> panel.  AND, the latest version 0.6.1.Alpha 1 does the same thing. It is
> >> as though the "splash" screen doesn't know how to close.  I ran it under
> >> SUSE 9.2 with the same JDK I use in Windows (1.4.2_06)
> >>
> >>
> >> So, it looks like you'll have to take a look at it and figure out
> >> what's up.  Works fine in Windows though.
> >>
> >> So, it IS broken in Linux.
> >>
> >>
> >> Pete
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Richard Houston wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> Also, did your previous version have the splash screen disappear
> >>> before the connection screen comes up?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Best regards,
> >>> +--+
> >>> | Richard Houston  .^. |
> >>> | R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
> >>> | E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
> >>> | WWW   ^^-^^|
> >>> +--+
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, July 11, 2005 10:45 am, Pete Helgren wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> And, in my case, it displays in *front* of the splash screen.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> I am running SUSE 9.2 on my other partition.  I'll boot into Linux
> >>>> and see what I get.
> >>>>
> >>>> Pete
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Richard Houston wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> On Fri, July 8, 2005 6:10 pm, Pete Helgren wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> No.  The connection panel comes up right after the splash
> >>>>>> screen for me (Windows XP, JDK 1.4.2_06)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> Just to clarify, the screen pops up but is behind the splash
> >>>>> screen. On Linux you need to click on the panel to bring it
> >>>>> forward. It's not a failure but an annoyance really. Now on the
> >>>>> version be for this one, the splash screen would pop up and
> >>>>> diapered after the connection panel is displayed.  This is on
> >>>>> Linux and Sun JDK 1.4.2_08.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks all,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Rich
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Update

2005-07-11 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello Richard and Pete

The splash screen should not be fixed in CVS.  If not let me know.



Pete Helgren wrote:

Richard (and Kenneth),
I re-booted into Linux, and I stand corrected.  0.5.7 pre3 has the
splash screen that doesn't disappear and displays over the Connections
panel.  AND, the latest version 0.6.1.Alpha 1 does the same thing. It
is as though the "splash" screen doesn't know how to close.  I ran it
under SUSE 9.2 with the same JDK I use in Windows (1.4.2_06)
So, it looks like you'll have to take a look at it and figure out
what's up.  Works fine in Windows though.
So, it IS broken in Linux.
Richard Houston wrote:
Also, did your previous version have the splash screen disappear before
the connection screen comes up?

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW   ^^-^^|

On Mon, July 11, 2005 10:45 am, Pete Helgren wrote:

  And, in my case, it displays in *front* of the splash screen.

I am running SUSE 9.2 on my other partition.  I'll boot into Linux and
see what I get.


Richard Houston wrote:

On Fri, July 8, 2005 6:10 pm, Pete Helgren wrote:


  No.  The connection panel comes up right after the splash screen for
me (Windows XP, JDK 1.4.2_06)

Just to clarify, the screen pops up but is behind the splash screen. On
 Linux you need to click on the panel to bring it forward. It's not a
failure but an annoyance really. Now on the version be for this one, the
 splash screen would pop up and diapered after the connection panel is
displayed.  This is on Linux and Sun JDK 1.4.2_08.

Thanks all,


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar
happening July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the
latest in dual core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour
event hosted by HP, AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit
Tn5250j-general mailing list


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit
Tn5250j-general mailing list


Re: [Tn5250j-general] Update

2005-07-11 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Pete you are a committer

Pete Helgren wrote:

No sweat.  We are ALL busy!
I am not a committer in the project (or I would have committed the
patch myself) but the SSL/Applet patch is easy.  Let me know if you
need more info on it.
Kenneth Pouncey wrote:
Hello Richard and Pete

I will take a look at that tonight.  I wonder what changed.  I never got a
chance to look at the SSL sorry about that.  Got to take the work as it comes
and they do not have an AS/400.



Quoting Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


  Also, did your previous version have the splash screen disappear before
the connection screen comes up?

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW <>  ^^-^^|

On Mon, July 11, 2005 10:45 am, Pete Helgren wrote:

And, in my case, it displays in *front* of the splash screen.

I am running SUSE 9.2 on my other partition.  I'll boot into Linux and
see what I get.


Richard Houston wrote:


  On Fri, July 8, 2005 6:10 pm, Pete Helgren wrote:

No.  The connection panel comes up right after the splash screen for
me (Windows XP, JDK 1.4.2_06)

  Just to clarify, the screen pops up but is behind the splash screen. On
 Linux you need to click on the panel to bring it forward. It's not a
failure but an annoyance really. Now on the version be for this one, the
 splash screen would pop up and diapered after the connection panel is
displayed.  This is on Linux and Sun JDK 1.4.2_08.

Thanks all,


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar
happening July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the
latest in dual core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour
event hosted by HP, AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit
Tn5250j-general mailing list


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit
Tn5250j-general mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit
Tn5250j-general mailing list


Re: [Tn5250j-general] Update

2005-07-11 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello Richard and Pete

I will take a look at that tonight.  I wonder what changed.  I never got a
chance to look at the SSL sorry about that.  Got to take the work as it comes
and they do not have an AS/400.



Quoting Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Also, did your previous version have the splash screen disappear before
> the connection screen comes up?
> Best regards,
> +--+
> | Richard Houston  .^. |
> | R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
> | E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
> | WWW   ^^-^^|
> +--+
> On Mon, July 11, 2005 10:45 am, Pete Helgren wrote:
> > And, in my case, it displays in *front* of the splash screen.
> >
> >
> > I am running SUSE 9.2 on my other partition.  I'll boot into Linux and
> > see what I get.
> >
> > Pete
> >
> >
> >
> > Richard Houston wrote:
> >
> >
> >> On Fri, July 8, 2005 6:10 pm, Pete Helgren wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> No.  The connection panel comes up right after the splash screen for
> >>> me (Windows XP, JDK 1.4.2_06)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> Just to clarify, the screen pops up but is behind the splash screen. On
> >>  Linux you need to click on the panel to bring it forward. It's not a
> >> failure but an annoyance really. Now on the version be for this one, the
> >>  splash screen would pop up and diapered after the connection panel is
> >> displayed.  This is on Linux and Sun JDK 1.4.2_08.
> >>
> >> Thanks all,
> >>
> >>
> >> Rich
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ---
> >> This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar
> >> happening July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the
> >> latest in dual core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour
> >> event hosted by HP, AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Tn5250j-general mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
> July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
> core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
> AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Update

2005-07-08 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Anybody else experiencing a problem with this?

Richard Houston wrote:

  Hey Kenneth,

One thing right off the top is that in this new version the splash screen
pops up over the connections window again at start up. The version be for
this would send the splash screen away.

Also once I enable connections/options/restore last view, once I restart
the app it gives me a session that is disconnected and is mark in the tab
as "-S". Any ideas?

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW <>  ^^-^^|

On Fri, July 8, 2005 1:25 am, Kenneth Pouncey wrote:
Hello all

I have updated CVS with the bug fixes and new functionality today.

Test it and let me know if all is ok.

Again sorry for the delay and if your bug or request did not get fixed
please let me know.  I may have missed something.



This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar
happening July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest
in dual core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event
hosted by HP, AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit
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Re: [Tn5250j-general] Update

2005-07-08 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Darn.  Not sure what that is.  It has been working like a champ for the
last week and a half.  When I got back I asked about it and no one has
had any problems.  Maybe I missed soemthing with the update.

Richard Houston wrote:

  Hey Kenneth,

One thing right off the top is that in this new version the splash screen
pops up over the connections window again at start up. The version be for
this would send the splash screen away.

Also once I enable connections/options/restore last view, once I restart
the app it gives me a session that is disconnected and is mark in the tab
as "-S". Any ideas?

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW <>  ^^-^^|

On Fri, July 8, 2005 1:25 am, Kenneth Pouncey wrote:
Hello all

I have updated CVS with the bug fixes and new functionality today.

Test it and let me know if all is ok.

Again sorry for the delay and if your bug or request did not get fixed
please let me know.  I may have missed something.



This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar
happening July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest
in dual core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event
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Re: [Tn5250j-general] SSL support

2005-07-07 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Richard and Pete

I just tested from my base here and all worked fine for connecting.  It
asked me to accept the certificate and then created a SSL link using
both SSL2 and TLS.  Not sure what the problem is.  Oh and this was
straight from CVS.  I wonder if maybe it is the build file not
including everthing or maybe we need to add another jar to the

Interesting though.  Anybody have any other information about this
problem if they are using it?



Pete Helgren wrote:

There is a pretty good setup article in the IBM iSeries knowledge base.
Search using "17615517" (the
document number) you should have a hit on  "SSL and Secure Telnet
Server Configuration".  Make sure you have the correct licensed
programs installed (Cryptographic Access Provider and Digital
Certificate Manager).
The Mochasoft site has a good overview as well.
It has been a little while since I have set this up but I'll give you
help where ever I can.  Once the Certificate is set up and assigned to
telnet, you just want to make sure that your telnet settings allow SSL
The SSLInstructions.html just has this:
- Tested with Sun JRE 1.4.0_01-b03
on Win2K & XP
  Security Policy File Installation
1. Download Security Policy java.policy.
2. Read Instructions in java.policy to install/setup policy file.
3. Restart Browser
That is about it.
Richard Houston wrote:
Thanks Pete,

Do  you know where that doc is? Sorry for my ignorance here. :/

Also do we know if the ssl 5250 port is on by default on the AS/400 or do
we need to turn it on?

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW   ^^-^^|

On Wed, July 6, 2005 1:55 pm, Pete Helgren wrote:

  This works for me in 0.5.7 pre3.  When I start the session I am prompted
to accept the SSL cert and then I get the signon screen.  It was been quite
a while since I set this up but I don't recall doing much more than just
following the SSLInstructions.html document.


Richard Houston wrote:

Yeah, the no connect error is the same thing I got.
Kenneth, do you have any insight on how to get the ssl working?

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW   ^^-^^|

On Wed, July 6, 2005 12:55 am, Patrick Bielen wrote:


  Hi Richard,

Does anyone have a good howto on getting
ssl support on tn5250j to work?

  Well i never got it running here at stafa.
When i enable it i get no connect, so i never
even tried it again.

Maybe there is somebody else with better luck.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best Regards,

Patrick Bielen

System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
Microsoft Certified Professional
Sun Certified Java Programmer

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 from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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Tn5250j-general mailing list


[Tn5250j-general] Update

2005-07-07 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello all

I have updated CVS with the bug fixes and new functionality today.

Test it and let me know if all is ok. 

Again sorry for the delay and if your bug or request did not get fixed 
please let me know.  I may have missed something.



This SF.Net email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening
July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual
core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, 
AMD, and NVIDIA.  To register visit

Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Update

2005-07-07 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Richard and all

Sorry about the misinformation.  I did not get a chance to get it out
like I thought.  I had to leave and have just not gotten back.  Will
hopefully get the updates in tomorrow night or saturday.

Again sorry about the confusion.



Richard Houston wrote:

  These new features are look pretty cool. I will get this out to my users
asap and let you know what falls out of it.


Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW <>  ^^-^^|

On Fri, July 1, 2005 3:55 am, Kenneth Pouncey wrote:
Hello all

Been quite busy with this new Withholding Tax crap that seems all the EU
countries are participating in so have not had a lot of time.  Brain fried
with studying for the certs as well.

I will be updating CVS tonight or tomorrow.  Most of the changes are to
do with adding 1.4 stuff that I have been wanting to do for a very long

There are also some new options to try out.

1.  The mouse wheel now can be used to change to next and previous
sessions. 2.  You can drag and drop tabs to reorder them
3.  A new option was added to the Connections -> Options screen to Startup
with last view.  This will load the last view you had before shutting down
the emulator.  The default is off. 4.  Hopefully fixed the two bugs
reported by Marc.  I sent him a new .jar this morning so if he has the
time before the weekend he will let us know.

If you see anything here that you would like to discuss or do not like
please let me know.

For the developers I will have changed how some objects are being created
and how many.  Also synchronized some methods after implementing the show
last view option.

Like I said not a lot of time to really debug anything deeply like the
data stream stuff and remote command implementation.  Maybe next update.

If anybody sees any difference what soever with speed or responsiveness
of the the emulator, good or bad, let me know.



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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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Tn5250j-general mailing list



Re: [Tn5250j-general] SSL support

2005-07-07 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello all

Have been away.  I will take a look at the SSL to see if it works.



Pete Helgren wrote:

There is a pretty good setup article in the IBM iSeries knowledge base.
Search using "17615517" (the
document number) you should have a hit on  "SSL and Secure Telnet
Server Configuration".  Make sure you have the correct licensed
programs installed (Cryptographic Access Provider and Digital
Certificate Manager).
The Mochasoft site has a good overview as well.
It has been a little while since I have set this up but I'll give you
help where ever I can.  Once the Certificate is set up and assigned to
telnet, you just want to make sure that your telnet settings allow SSL
The SSLInstructions.html just has this:
- Tested with Sun JRE 1.4.0_01-b03
on Win2K & XP
  Security Policy File Installation
1. Download Security Policy java.policy.
2. Read Instructions in java.policy to install/setup policy file.
3. Restart Browser
That is about it.
Richard Houston wrote:
Thanks Pete,

Do  you know where that doc is? Sorry for my ignorance here. :/

Also do we know if the ssl 5250 port is on by default on the AS/400 or do
we need to turn it on?

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW   ^^-^^|

On Wed, July 6, 2005 1:55 pm, Pete Helgren wrote:

  This works for me in 0.5.7 pre3.  When I start the session I am prompted
to accept the SSL cert and then I get the signon screen.  It was been quite
a while since I set this up but I don't recall doing much more than just
following the SSLInstructions.html document.


Richard Houston wrote:

Yeah, the no connect error is the same thing I got.
Kenneth, do you have any insight on how to get the ssl working?

Best regards,
| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW   ^^-^^|

On Wed, July 6, 2005 12:55 am, Patrick Bielen wrote:


  Hi Richard,

Does anyone have a good howto on getting
ssl support on tn5250j to work?

  Well i never got it running here at stafa.
When i enable it i get no connect, so i never
even tried it again.

Maybe there is somebody else with better luck.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best Regards,

Patrick Bielen

System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
Microsoft Certified Professional
Sun Certified Java Programmer

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
 from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list


[Tn5250j-general] Update

2005-07-01 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello all

Been quite busy with this new Withholding Tax crap that seems all the EU
countries are participating in so have not had a lot of time.  Brain fried with
studying for the certs as well.

I will be updating CVS tonight or tomorrow.  Most of the changes are to do with
adding 1.4 stuff that I have been wanting to do for a very long time.

There are also some new options to try out.

1.  The mouse wheel now can be used to change to next and previous sessions.
2.  You can drag and drop tabs to reorder them
3.  A new option was added to the Connections -> Options screen to Startup with
last view.  This will load the last view you had before shutting down the
emulator.  The default is off.
4.  Hopefully fixed the two bugs reported by Marc.  I sent him a new .jar this
morning so if he has the time before the weekend he will let us know.

If you see anything here that you would like to discuss or do not like please
let me know.

For the developers I will have changed how some objects are being created and
how many.  Also synchronized some methods after implementing the show last view

Like I said not a lot of time to really debug anything deeply like the data
stream stuff and remote command implementation.  Maybe next update.

If anybody sees any difference what soever with speed or responsiveness of the
the emulator, good or bad, let me know.



SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] compiler 1.5 Vs 1.4

2005-06-30 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


If you compile with 1.5 you will not be able to run in a 1.4 JDK.  There are
compatibility modes for the 1.5 to output 1.4 instructions so you might want to
try that.

I had all sort of problems with this for 1.3 and 1.4.  Just putting out a
release was an 8 step process.  First compile with 1.3 then second run with .14
to get those then jar it then ...  A reall pain.  Right now the 0.6.0
release was all compiled with 1.4 jdk so has helped a lot.

The suggestion you make with the compile of 1.4 linux and then distribute is
really the only way I know of except for trying the compile compatibility
options for the 1.5 jdk.  Give it a shot that way.



Quoting Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi all,
> Quick question: If I compile tn5250j on SunJDK 1.4.2_08 I can run it on a
> system with 1.4.2_X and 1.5.X but if I compile it in SunJDK 1.5.0_03 I can
> not run it on 1.4.2.XX. Does this make seance?
> This is not a big issue as I compile on the 1.4.2_08 machine, Linux, and
> distribute to the windows machines, windows 2k SunJDK 1.5.0_02. Was just
> wondering.
> Best regards,
> +--+
> | Richard Houston  .^. |
> | R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
> | E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
> | WWW   ^^-^^|
> +--+
> ---
> SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
> from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
> informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
> speed, fast.
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

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informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] JDK version

2005-06-28 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


> Kenneth,
> the switch would watch all channels for incoming or outgoing 
> communication. It would capture one stream of bytes and handle it. The 
> handling can be either processing the data itself or either dispatching 
> the data and continue listening. 

Yes that is how I understand it as well.  It is the association of a read/write
SocketChannel to a specific terminal that I am having trouble with.

>As I unserstand correctly what you have 
> implemented is that for each emulator session you have a thread that 
> listens on the sockets waiting for data to come in (this as a matter a 
> fact is definition of typical synchronuous IO). 

Correct.  It is a defintion of a typical synchronous IO connection.

>When data arrives parse it 
> and wrap the bytes in stream packet objects or commands or something. What 
> NIO allows you to do is have one thread listen on all sockects/channels 
> and get triggered when data arrives on one socket. It could then dispatch 
> it as it does right now and continue listening. 

Hu need to think about this.  Sounds simple but again the dispatching to the
correct terminal hits me.

>In the meantime on another 
> channel data could have arrived to be dispatched etc. As mostly for all 
> sessions there will be one very active, this scenario would perfectly work 
> without much performance loss, but with much less resources.

I guess I could keep a list of all the sockets and do a search for the channel
to find the correct terminal to send it to.  Maybe that is what you mean.

1. Got something.
2. Look up the correct terminal instance (somehow)
3. Add the byte stream to it's queue to be handled.
4. return to main incoming thread.

This is simplistic at it's best because there are also partial streams to be
considered where one datastream overlaps multple incoming buffers.  that will
have to be kept straight as well.

Is the above what you are thinking as well Wim?

Cuts down on one thread per terminal except for the first terminal connect.  



> Wim
> Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 28/06/2005 14:27
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [Tn5250j-general] JDK version
> Wim
> Thanks for the feedback.
> > Hello Kenneth,
> > 
> > I remembered Patrick asking this upgrade, but not from the point of 
> using 
> > 'new' technologies like nio, I think. Rather to cleanout 1.3 specific 
> code 
> > and integrating new APIs. Probably Swing related APIs most of the times.
> Ahhh.  Boy misunderstood that then.
> > 
> > As I understood NIO it mostly helps for doing async io indeed but also 
> > allow better scalable IO. This is however more server oriented than this 
> > client side project is. 
> Yes correct the same thing as I thought.
> >So this would not directly benefit us. However a 
> > lot of the multithreading things that are in the code base right, would 
> be 
> > gone. You wouldn't have to start a comm-thread for every emulator but 
> use 
> > one thread on a channel as a switcher. As you mostly use one emulator 
> > session at the time, this wouldn't pose performance problems and do the 
> > same thing with less resources.
> Well this is what I have been thinking about when using asynchronous but 
> could
> not see the benefit of the single thread issue.  I say this because all 
> the
> emulator instances can interact at different times not just in one and 
> only one.
> For instance I have a query running on one terminal and it updates the 
> screen
> while I am on another terminal waiting for the other to finish.  I can 
> still
> work on the other terminals and the interaction is still going on in the 
> others.
>  There are also timing marks that are sent and heartbeat-keepalives that 
> still
> have to be used between the other terminals as well.
> I apoligize for my blindnes for all those out there that understand the
> asynchronous better than I do but do not see how to handle this situation 
> in the
> channel switching code.  Will this work?  If it will then it is an option 
> for me
> to continue with.  I would really hate to tear all of that code apart 
> again just
> to find out it will not work.  Like I said have only used the asynchronous 
> in a
> small server part but my mind will not wrap around putting this to use on 
> the
> client side.
> Maybe I am not seeing 

Re: [Tn5250j-general] JDK version

2005-06-28 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Thanks for the feedback.


> Hello Kenneth,
> I remembered Patrick asking this upgrade, but not from the point of using 
> 'new' technologies like nio, I think. Rather to cleanout 1.3 specific code 
> and integrating new APIs. Probably Swing related APIs most of the times.

Ahhh.  Boy misunderstood that then.

> As I understood NIO it mostly helps for doing async io indeed but also 
> allow better scalable IO. This is however more server oriented than this 
> client side project is. 

Yes correct the same thing as I thought.

>So this would not directly benefit us. However a 
> lot of the multithreading things that are in the code base right, would be 
> gone. You wouldn't have to start a comm-thread for every emulator but use 
> one thread on a channel as a switcher. As you mostly use one emulator 
> session at the time, this wouldn't pose performance problems and do the 
> same thing with less resources.

Well this is what I have been thinking about when using asynchronous but could
not see the benefit of the single thread issue.  I say this because all the
emulator instances can interact at different times not just in one and only one.

For instance I have a query running on one terminal and it updates the screen
while I am on another terminal waiting for the other to finish.  I can still
work on the other terminals and the interaction is still going on in the others.
 There are also timing marks that are sent and heartbeat-keepalives that still
have to be used between the other terminals as well.

I apoligize for my blindnes for all those out there that understand the
asynchronous better than I do but do not see how to handle this situation in the
channel switching code.  Will this work?  If it will then it is an option for me
to continue with.  I would really hate to tear all of that code apart again just
to find out it will not work.  Like I said have only used the asynchronous in a
small server part but my mind will not wrap around putting this to use on the
client side.

Maybe I am not seeing the forest for the trees in front.

Thanks for the feedback Wim.



> HTH,
> Wim.
> Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 28/06/2005 11:44
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> [Tn5250j-general] JDK version
> Hello all 
> I remember a post, from Patrick I think, that was asking to move the 
> emulator up
> to 1.4 and use some of the features for those greater than 1.3.
> I am assuming that would mean to use the NIO streams, channels and the 
> such correct?
> If that is the case what would using the NIO help us achieve that can not 
> be
> done now?  Would it be better?  What would be the goal?
> I ask because after having used the NIO in a couple of small projects it 
> really
> only helps for asynchronous correct?  We really use synchronous on the 
> client
> side and really do not see any speed enhancment or anything like that when 
> using
> the synchronous model.
> If anyone suggests the asynchronous model for doing this could they tell 
> me why
> that would help.  I do not see it but am open to learning the benefits and 
> the
> coding if it will help us reach a goal.
> Regards
> Kenneth
> ---
> SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
> from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
> informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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> ___
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Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] PASTE in pop-menu does not work

2005-06-28 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Thanks for that.  Can you open another bug report please?

Also did you get my other e-mails about the field exit?



Quoting Marc Vos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Kenneth,
> The last few days I exerienced that the normal pasting of copied text with
> the pop-up menu does not work. Only typing ALT-V works.
> Paste special works.
> -Marc Vos
> ---
> SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
> from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
> informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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> ___
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speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Emulator hangs

2005-06-28 Thread Kenneth Pouncey



> Hello Kenneth,
> problem is we cannot easily recreate the problem either. It just happens 
> once and a while. So I cannot send you a guaranteed test case.

That sucks.  Those are the worse kinds of problems.  Is this only happening with
sending keys during the signon sequence or do you already have a session open
and then send keys to it?  Both?  Is it only while sending keys or does it
happen during live keying as well from an operator?

Can you go ahead and try the reset keystroke within the stream and let's see
what happens? Not sure if it is feasable for you guys or not.  Just trying to
help with an idea.


> Wim
> Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 28/06/2005 11:36
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [Tn5250j-general] Emulator hangs
> Hello Wim
> That is what I was thinking that it was the  that might be 
> causing
> the problem when sending the keys via the keyboard handler.
> If you sent it within the stream as a keystroke it does not go through the
> keyboard handler but straight to the keystroke simulator.  That way we can
> narrow the problem area.
> Can you send me an example of this so I can take a look at it?  It does 
> not
> happen within the emulator itself or else I do not know how to recreate it 
> on my
> side.
> Regards
> Kenneth
> > Kenneth, 
> > 
> > when the emulator hangs, it hangs. A reset (using eg ) 
> doesn't 
> > solve the problem.
> > 
> > HTH,
> > Wim.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 24/06/2005 17:55
> > Please respond to
> >
> > 
> > 
> > To
> >
> > cc
> > 
> > Subject
> > Re: [Tn5250j-general] Emulator hangs
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Wim and Ignacio
> > 
> > I was thinking about this little problem.  To see if it is the 
> > keybuffering that
> > is causing the problem let's try something.
> > 
> > At the end of your keys that your are sending insert as the last key 
> > sequence
> > [reset].
> > 
> > The last thing it will do is clear the keybuffer after all is done.  If 
> > this
> > solves it then we will need to debug the keybuffering if I can get an 
> > example
> > from you guys and reproduce the code.
> > 
> > Let me know if it works.  I am not sure but it could depend on the 
> version 
> > of
> > the code that you are running against because I remember having a 
> problem 
> > with
> > not being able to even send a reset key at one time (not sure of the 
> > release
> > right now).  If you can run the code base and create the KB at the the 
> > bottom
> > then press the reset key the KB should go off and the buffered keys 
> should 
> > be
> > cleared.
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
> > Kenneth
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Quoting Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 
> > > 
> > > Hola Ignacio
> > > 
> > > You have not stolen the thread at all.  We need all the input that we 
> > can
> > > get
> > > and is the reason this list exists.  At least we know that it is not 
> > just
> > > one
> > > person having this problem and it is reproducable. 
> > > 
> > > You must be doing that same things as Wim and his company so if both 
> or 
> > one
> > > of
> > > you can send me some sample code on how you are calling this I can 
> give 
> > it a
> > > debug.
> > > 
> > > Gracias
> > > 
> > > Kenneth
> > > 
> > > Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > > 
> > > > Hello,
> > > > 
> > > > We don't pass data by keystroke emulation, however, sometimes our 
> > users
> > > > tell us about similar problems: while they were working on the 
> > emulation,
> > > > sometimes it hangs showing KB at the bottom part of display. At the
> > > moment,
> > > > we don't have much information about it.
> > > > 
> > > > ( I am sorry, I 

[Tn5250j-general] JDK version

2005-06-28 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello all 

I remember a post, from Patrick I think, that was asking to move the emulator up
to 1.4 and use some of the features for those greater than 1.3.

I am assuming that would mean to use the NIO streams, channels and the such 

If that is the case what would using the NIO help us achieve that can not be
done now?  Would it be better?  What would be the goal?

I ask because after having used the NIO in a couple of small projects it really
only helps for asynchronous correct?  We really use synchronous on the client
side and really do not see any speed enhancment or anything like that when using
the synchronous model.

If anyone suggests the asynchronous model for doing this could they tell me why
that would help.  I do not see it but am open to learning the benefits and the
coding if it will help us reach a goal.



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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Emulator hangs

2005-06-28 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello Wim

That is what I was thinking that it was the  that might be causing
the problem when sending the keys via the keyboard handler.

If you sent it within the stream as a keystroke it does not go through the
keyboard handler but straight to the keystroke simulator.  That way we can
narrow the problem area.

Can you send me an example of this so I can take a look at it?  It does not
happen within the emulator itself or else I do not know how to recreate it on my




> Kenneth, 
> when the emulator hangs, it hangs. A reset (using eg ) doesn't 
> solve the problem.
> HTH,
> Wim.
> Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 24/06/2005 17:55
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [Tn5250j-general] Emulator hangs
> Wim and Ignacio
> I was thinking about this little problem.  To see if it is the 
> keybuffering that
> is causing the problem let's try something.
> At the end of your keys that your are sending insert as the last key 
> sequence
> [reset].
> The last thing it will do is clear the keybuffer after all is done.  If 
> this
> solves it then we will need to debug the keybuffering if I can get an 
> example
> from you guys and reproduce the code.
> Let me know if it works.  I am not sure but it could depend on the version 
> of
> the code that you are running against because I remember having a problem 
> with
> not being able to even send a reset key at one time (not sure of the 
> release
> right now).  If you can run the code base and create the KB at the the 
> bottom
> then press the reset key the KB should go off and the buffered keys should 
> be
> cleared.
> Regards
> Kenneth
> Quoting Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 
> > Hola Ignacio
> > 
> > You have not stolen the thread at all.  We need all the input that we 
> can
> > get
> > and is the reason this list exists.  At least we know that it is not 
> just
> > one
> > person having this problem and it is reproducable. 
> > 
> > You must be doing that same things as Wim and his company so if both or 
> one
> > of
> > you can send me some sample code on how you are calling this I can give 
> it a
> > debug.
> > 
> > Gracias
> > 
> > Kenneth
> > 
> > Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > 
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > We don't pass data by keystroke emulation, however, sometimes our 
> users
> > > tell us about similar problems: while they were working on the 
> emulation,
> > > sometimes it hangs showing KB at the bottom part of display. At the
> > moment,
> > > we don't have much information about it.
> > > 
> > > ( I am sorry, I have stolen this thread )
> > > 
> > > Ignacio.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 24/06/2005 14:49:17
> > > 
> > > Por favor, responda a
> > > 
> > > Destinatarios:
> > > CC:(cci: Ignacio Lacosta/RIU/ES)
> > > Asunto:   [Tn5250j-general] Emulator hangs
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Hello all,
> > > 
> > > We use the emulator embedded in our apps. When called upon we create a
> > > session, pass is userid, password, initial command etc and display the
> > > emulator. All data is injected into the system by keystroke emulation. 
> As
> > > such the user sees the login and bootstrap process. To minimize this 
> we
> > > hold the emulator invisible for a while (configurable amound of
> > > millisecs).
> > > 
> > > What we noticed now at a customer site is that, the emulator often 
> hangs
> > > on the launching on the command, not in system X mode, but in KB mode. 
> You
> > > can not do anything to unblock this, nor do you see anything special 
> at
> > > AS/400 side for the job. You can just stop the emulator and restart. 
> If we
> > > however augment our invisibility period to a longer time, the hangs 
> occur
> > > much less frequent.
> > > 
> > > Does anybody have any ideas about what is causing this problem?
> > > 
> > > Thanks for any input 

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Emulator hangs

2005-06-24 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Wim and Ignacio

I was thinking about this little problem.  To see if it is the keybuffering that
is causing the problem let's try something.

At the end of your keys that your are sending insert as the last key sequence

The last thing it will do is clear the keybuffer after all is done.  If this
solves it then we will need to debug the keybuffering if I can get an example
from you guys and reproduce the code.

Let me know if it works.  I am not sure but it could depend on the version of
the code that you are running against because I remember having a problem with
not being able to even send a reset key at one time (not sure of the release
right now).  If you can run the code base and create the KB at the the bottom
then press the reset key the KB should go off and the buffered keys should be



Quoting Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hola Ignacio
> You have not stolen the thread at all.  We need all the input that we can
> get
> and is the reason this list exists.  At least we know that it is not just
> one
> person having this problem and it is reproducable.  
> You must be doing that same things as Wim and his company so if both or one
> of
> you can send me some sample code on how you are calling this I can give it a
> debug.
> Gracias
> Kenneth
> > Hello,
> > 
> > We don't pass data by keystroke emulation, however, sometimes our users
> > tell us about similar problems: while they were working on the emulation,
> > sometimes it hangs showing KB at the bottom part of display. At the
> moment,
> > we don't have much information about it.
> > 
> > ( I am sorry, I have stolen this thread )
> > 
> > Ignacio.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 24/06/2005 14:49:17
> > 
> > Por favor, responda a
> > 
> > Destinatarios:
> > CC:(cci: Ignacio Lacosta/RIU/ES)
> > Asunto:   [Tn5250j-general] Emulator hangs
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > We use the emulator embedded in our apps. When called upon we create a
> > session, pass is userid, password, initial command etc and display the
> > emulator. All data is injected into the system by keystroke emulation. As
> > such the user sees the login and bootstrap process. To minimize this we
> > hold the emulator invisible for a while (configurable amound of
> > millisecs).
> > 
> > What we noticed now at a customer site is that, the emulator often hangs
> > on the launching on the command, not in system X mode, but in KB mode. You
> > can not do anything to unblock this, nor do you see anything special at
> > AS/400 side for the job. You can just stop the emulator and restart. If we
> > however augment our invisibility period to a longer time, the hangs occur
> > much less frequent.
> > 
> > Does anybody have any ideas about what is causing this problem?
> > 
> > Thanks for any input on this,
> > Wim Van Leuven.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 02/06/2005 10:12
> > Please respond to
> >
> > 
> > 
> > To
> >
> > cc
> > 
> > Subject
> > Re: [Tn5250j-general] New to tn5250j
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > What would you call these keying actions?
> > 
> > Like for instance the ALT + arrow left/right is called Cursor Next Word
> > and
> > Cursor Previous Word.  What would be the description of these?
> > 
> > Quoting Marc Vos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 
> > > Kenneth,
> > >
> > > > 2) ALT + arrow left/right is great! Quickly moving across the screen
> > could
> > > > be enhanced when you could add a CTRL + arrow left/right/up/down
> > > combination
> > > > which would jump 3 spaces left/right or lines up/down. Can I configure
> > > that
> > > > myself?
> > > >
> > > > ---
> > > >
> > > > Actually have thought about this myself but never really got around to
> > > > implementing it.  Humm will have to think about it.
> > > >
> > > > Could you open up a request for enhancement out on the site for me?
> > >
> > > Done.
> > >

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Emulator hangs

2005-06-24 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hola Ignacio

You have not stolen the thread at all.  We need all the input that we can get
and is the reason this list exists.  At least we know that it is not just one
person having this problem and it is reproducable.  

You must be doing that same things as Wim and his company so if both or one of
you can send me some sample code on how you are calling this I can give it a 




> Hello,
> We don't pass data by keystroke emulation, however, sometimes our users
> tell us about similar problems: while they were working on the emulation,
> sometimes it hangs showing KB at the bottom part of display. At the moment,
> we don't have much information about it.
> ( I am sorry, I have stolen this thread )
> Ignacio.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 24/06/2005 14:49:17
> Por favor, responda a
> Destinatarios:
> CC:(cci: Ignacio Lacosta/RIU/ES)
> Asunto:   [Tn5250j-general] Emulator hangs
> Hello all,
> We use the emulator embedded in our apps. When called upon we create a
> session, pass is userid, password, initial command etc and display the
> emulator. All data is injected into the system by keystroke emulation. As
> such the user sees the login and bootstrap process. To minimize this we
> hold the emulator invisible for a while (configurable amound of
> millisecs).
> What we noticed now at a customer site is that, the emulator often hangs
> on the launching on the command, not in system X mode, but in KB mode. You
> can not do anything to unblock this, nor do you see anything special at
> AS/400 side for the job. You can just stop the emulator and restart. If we
> however augment our invisibility period to a longer time, the hangs occur
> much less frequent.
> Does anybody have any ideas about what is causing this problem?
> Thanks for any input on this,
> Wim Van Leuven.
> Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 02/06/2005 10:12
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [Tn5250j-general] New to tn5250j
> What would you call these keying actions?
> Like for instance the ALT + arrow left/right is called Cursor Next Word
> and
> Cursor Previous Word.  What would be the description of these?
> Quoting Marc Vos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Kenneth,
> >
> > > 2) ALT + arrow left/right is great! Quickly moving across the screen
> could
> > > be enhanced when you could add a CTRL + arrow left/right/up/down
> > combination
> > > which would jump 3 spaces left/right or lines up/down. Can I configure
> > that
> > > myself?
> > >
> > > ---
> > >
> > > Actually have thought about this myself but never really got around to
> > > implementing it.  Humm will have to think about it.
> > >
> > > Could you open up a request for enhancement out on the site for me?
> >
> > Done.
> >
> > -Marc
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
> > This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
> > Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create apps using Yahoo!
> > Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo! directly into your own
> > Applications - visit
> > ___
> > Tn5250j-general mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
> Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create apps using Yahoo!
> Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo! directly into your own
> Applications - visit
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Exception on startup with 0.6.0

2005-06-24 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Thank you for the information.  I never seem to be rid of that darn message.  I
will change it though so that we will not get it anymore.  The message was left
there on purpose during all the graphic refactoring but I think can be gotten
rid of now.  Like you said it still runs when this error occurs so can trap it
and do some wait code until it is not null.

I will post when the code has actually been implemented if you can test for me
to make sure I do not mess something else up.  That pops up here once in a blue
moon so can not seem to actually trap the sequence.



Quoting Stefan Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I get following exception on startup, but session seems to run normally, so
> I don't know if this is important for you.
> I'm using JRE 1.5.0_3 on WindowsXP Prof. SP2
> No other instances of tn5250j running.
> 0[main] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.common.SessionManager  - New session
> Man
> ager initialized
> 78   [main] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController  - plugin
> directory is
> : C:\Programme\tn5250j\bin\ext
> 78   [main] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController  - Tn5250j plugin
> mana
> ger created
> 94   [Thread-2] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController  - Tn5250j
> plugin
> manager started
> Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
> at org.tn5250j.GuiGraphicBuffer.getDrawingArea(Unknown Source)
> at org.tn5250j.GuiGraphicBuffer.drawCursor(Unknown Source)
> at org.tn5250j.GuiGraphicBuffer.onScreenChanged(Unknown Source)
> at org.tn5250j.framework.tn5250.Screen5250.fireCursorChanged(Unknown
> Sou
> rce)
> at org.tn5250j.framework.tn5250.Screen5250.updateCursorLoc(Unknown
> Sourc
> e)
> at org.tn5250j.framework.tn5250.Screen5250.setCursorOn(Unknown
> Source)
> at org.tn5250j.framework.tn5250.Screen5250.setCursorActive(Unknown
> Sourc
> e)
> at org.tn5250j.GuiGraphicBuffer.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
> at javax.swing.Timer.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
> at javax.swing.Timer$ Source)
> at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
> at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
> at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(Unknown
> Source)
> at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown
> Source)
> at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
> at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
> at Source)
> hope that helps
> Stefan
> ---
> SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
> from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
> informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
> speed, fast.
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Emulator hangs

2005-06-24 Thread Kenneth Pouncey
Hello Wim

Do you have a code snippet for me to test with and example signon scenario?

I have not done this so would need to actually see the code to give it a try and
debug if there is a problem with the Key handling routines.




> Hello all,
> We use the emulator embedded in our apps. When called upon we create a 
> session, pass is userid, password, initial command etc and display the 
> emulator. All data is injected into the system by keystroke emulation. As 
> such the user sees the login and bootstrap process. To minimize this we 
> hold the emulator invisible for a while (configurable amound of 
> millisecs). 
> What we noticed now at a customer site is that, the emulator often hangs 
> on the launching on the command, not in system X mode, but in KB mode. You 
> can not do anything to unblock this, nor do you see anything special at 
> AS/400 side for the job. You can just stop the emulator and restart. If we 
> however augment our invisibility period to a longer time, the hangs occur 
> much less frequent. 
> Does anybody have any ideas about what is causing this problem?
> Thanks for any input on this,
> Wim Van Leuven.
> Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 02/06/2005 10:12
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [Tn5250j-general] New to tn5250j
> What would you call these keying actions?
> Like for instance the ALT + arrow left/right is called Cursor Next Word 
> and
> Cursor Previous Word.  What would be the description of these?
> Quoting Marc Vos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Kenneth,
> > 
> > > 2) ALT + arrow left/right is great! Quickly moving across the screen 
> could
> > > be enhanced when you could add a CTRL + arrow left/right/up/down
> > combination
> > > which would jump 3 spaces left/right or lines up/down. Can I configure
> > that
> > > myself?
> > > 
> > > ---
> > > 
> > > Actually have thought about this myself but never really got around to
> > > implementing it.  Humm will have to think about it.
> > > 
> > > Could you open up a request for enhancement out on the site for me?
> > 
> > Done.
> > 
> > -Marc
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ---
> > This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
> > Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create apps using Yahoo!
> > Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo! directly into your own
> > Applications - visit 
> > ___
> > Tn5250j-general mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.
> Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create apps using Yahoo!
> Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo! directly into your own
> Applications - visit
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Fieldexit with plus-key

2005-06-22 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

You are correct.  Can you open a bug report up on the site for this.

I just tested this myself with some files here and got the same effect as you
did.  Will take a look at this but will probably not have anything for you this
week though.



Quoting Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Marc
> I will try and make some time tomorrow.  I will write a personal mail to 
> you because I will need some debug info.
> Regards
> Kenneth
> Marc Vos wrote:
> >Hi Kenneth,
> >
> >I had a strange experience. When I'm in UPDDTA and position the cursor on
> >the last visible character of a text input field and press the +-key from
> >the keypad (positive advance next field), the character remains. But should
> >be removed Example:
> >
> >
> >Put the cursor on F and press the +-key. F remains: ABCDEF__
> >
> >Put the cursor on the E and press the +-key: EF is deleted: ABCD
> >
> >Put the cursor on the A and press the +-key: ABCD is deleted: 
> >
> >Now, do the same on 1-character input field: you won't be able to remove
> the
> >character that's there. Example:
> >
> >A
> >
> >Put cursor on A and press +-key of the keypad. A remains. It won't go away.
> >But it should go away.
> >
> >
> >This does not happen with PDM, Query, QCMD, my own programs, etc. So what
> >kind of fields are they, these fields in UPDDTA?
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Marc Vos
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >---
> >SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
> >from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
> >informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
> >speed, fast.
> >___
> >Tn5250j-general mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >.
> >
> >  
> >
> ---
> SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
> from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
> informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
> speed, fast.
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Crash on first time connect

2005-06-22 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Great.  Any problems let me know.

Quoting Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Wonderful, works fantastic!!
> Thanks
> Regards,
> +--+
> | Richard Houston  .^. |
> | R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
> | E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
> | WWW   ^^-^^|
> +--+
> Richard Houston said:
> > Sorry Kenneth, I must have missed that one.
> >
> > Will check it out right away!
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > +--+
> > | Richard Houston  .^. |
> > | R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
> > | E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
> > | WWW   ^^-^^|
> > +--+
> >
> > Kenneth Pouncey said:
> >> Richard
> >>
> >> I thought I had responded to one of the other messages to your personal
> >> mail on Saturday.  I should have gotten that fixed on Saturday before
> >> putting out the release.  Give CVS a shot and let me know.
> >>
> >> Regards
> >>
> >> Kenneth
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Richard Houston wrote:
> >>
> >>>Hey Kenneth,
> >>>
> >>>Any luck on this issue. No pressure, just wondering. I have several new
> >>>clients machines to setup and would rather use the newest code if
> >>>possible.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Regards,
> >>>+--+
> >>>| Richard Houston  .^. |
> >>>| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
> >>>| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
> >>>| WWW   ^^-^^|
> >>>+--+
> >>>
> >>>Kenneth Pouncey said:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>hahahaha now isn't that funny.  I bet the emulator is getting trashed
> >>>> on
> >>>>all the
> >>>> mail lists out there then.
> >>>>
> >>>>"Ahhh Piece of crap it will not even connect.  Delete that crap!!!"
> >>>>
> >>>>hahahaha.  Well that will be solved tomorrow.  Thanks for letting me
> >>>> know.
> >>>>
> >>>>By the way, for those that are members of other lists, what is the
> >>>>feedback on
> >>>>some of the other lists?  I never look at them so thought it might be
> >>>>interesting to know.
> >>>>
> >>>>Regards
> >>>>
> >>>>Kenneth
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Quoting Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Sorry Dude,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>FYI, this has been there for a long time. I believe this has happened
> >>>>>since I started using TN5250J. We have just sort of lived with it.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Regards,
> >>>>>+--+
> >>>>>| Richard Houston  .^. |
> >>>>>| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
> >>>>>| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
> >>>>>| WWW   ^^-^^|
> >>>>>+--+
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Kenneth Pouncey said:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>Richard
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Well crap.  That is what I call a show stopper Richard.  Am pretty
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>sure
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>everyone
> >>>>>>will get it on first connection and that is not good.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Thanks for letting me know before I put it out there like that.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Will have do a fresh install as all of mine are already there and
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Crash on first time connect

2005-06-21 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


I thought I had responded to one of the other messages to your personal
mail on Saturday.  I should have gotten that fixed on Saturday before
putting out the release.  Give CVS a shot and let me know.



Richard Houston wrote:

  Hey Kenneth,

Any luck on this issue. No pressure, just wondering. I have several new
clients machines to setup and would rather use the newest code if

| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW <>  ^^-^^|

Kenneth Pouncey said:
hahahaha now isn't that funny.  I bet the emulator is getting trashed on
all the
 mail lists out there then.

"Ahhh Piece of crap it will not even connect.  Delete that crap!!!"

hahahaha.  Well that will be solved tomorrow.  Thanks for letting me know.

By the way, for those that are members of other lists, what is the
feedback on
some of the other lists?  I never look at them so thought it might be
interesting to know.



Quoting Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

  Sorry Dude,

FYI, this has been there for a long time. I believe this has happened
since I started using TN5250J. We have just sort of lived with it.

| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW <>  ^^-^^|

Kenneth Pouncey said:

Well crap.  That is what I call a show stopper Richard.  Am pretty

will get it on first connection and that is not good.

Thanks for letting me know before I put it out there like that.

Will have do a fresh install as all of mine are already there and

exist.  Never even thought about trying with a new install.



Quoting Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

  I know this is not a big issue but I figured I would pass it on.

If I set up a new tn5250J install and I add a new connection, if I


  connect, right after creating the new connection, I get the following

[Java] [main] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.common.SessionManager


  New session Manager initialized
 [java] 8[main] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController


  plugin directory is:
 [java] 9[main] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController


  Tn5250j plugin manager created
 [java] 106  [Thread-1] INFO
- Tn5250j plugin manager started
 [java] Exception occurred during event dispatching:
 [java] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
 [java] at java.util.Vector.get(
 [java] at
org.tn5250j.Connect$ConfigureTableModel.getPropValue(Unknown Source)
 [java] at
org.tn5250j.Connect$ConfigureTableModel.getValueAt(Unknown Source)
 [java] at org.tn5250j.Connect.doActionConnect(Unknown


   [java] at org.tn5250j.Connect.actionPerformed(Unknown


   [java] at
 [java] at



   [java] at



   [java] at
 [java] at





   [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at


   [java] at



Re: [Tn5250j-general] Fieldexit with plus-key

2005-06-21 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


I will try and make some time tomorrow.  I will write a personal mail to 
you because I will need some debug info.



Marc Vos wrote:

Hi Kenneth,

I had a strange experience. When I'm in UPDDTA and position the cursor on
the last visible character of a text input field and press the +-key from
the keypad (positive advance next field), the character remains. But should
be removed Example:


Put the cursor on F and press the +-key. F remains: ABCDEF__

Put the cursor on the E and press the +-key: EF is deleted: ABCD

Put the cursor on the A and press the +-key: ABCD is deleted: 

Now, do the same on 1-character input field: you won't be able to remove the
character that's there. Example:


Put cursor on A and press +-key of the keypad. A remains. It won't go away.
But it should go away.

This does not happen with PDM, Query, QCMD, my own programs, etc. So what
kind of fields are they, these fields in UPDDTA?


Marc Vos

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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Tn5250j-general mailing list



SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Crash on first time connect

2005-06-17 Thread Kenneth Pouncey
hahahaha now isn't that funny.  I bet the emulator is getting trashed on all the
 mail lists out there then.

"Ahhh Piece of crap it will not even connect.  Delete that crap!!!"

hahahaha.  Well that will be solved tomorrow.  Thanks for letting me know.

By the way, for those that are members of other lists, what is the feedback on
some of the other lists?  I never look at them so thought it might be
interesting to know.



Quoting Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Sorry Dude,
> FYI, this has been there for a long time. I believe this has happened
> since I started using TN5250J. We have just sort of lived with it.
> Regards,
> +--+
> | Richard Houston  .^. |
> | R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
> | E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
> | WWW   ^^-^^|
> +--+
> Kenneth Pouncey said:
> >
> > Richard
> >
> > Well crap.  That is what I call a show stopper Richard.  Am pretty sure
> > everyone
> > will get it on first connection and that is not good.
> >
> > Thanks for letting me know before I put it out there like that.
> >
> > Will have do a fresh install as all of mine are already there and sessions
> > exist.  Never even thought about trying with a new install.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Kenneth
> >
> >
> > Quoting Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >> I know this is not a big issue but I figured I would pass it on.
> >>
> >> If I set up a new tn5250J install and I add a new connection, if I click
> >> connect, right after creating the new connection, I get the following
> >> exception.
> >>
> >> [Java] [main] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.common.SessionManager  -
> >> New session Manager initialized
> >>  [java] 8[main] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController  -
> >> plugin directory is:
> >> /usr/src/tn5250j/dist/tn5250j-0.5.8Alpha5-run/ext
> >>  [java] 9[main] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController  -
> >> Tn5250j plugin manager created
> >>  [java] 106  [Thread-1] INFO
> >> org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController
> >> - Tn5250j plugin manager started
> >>  [java] Exception occurred during event dispatching:
> >>  [java] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
> >>  [java] at java.util.Vector.get(
> >>  [java] at
> >> org.tn5250j.Connect$ConfigureTableModel.getPropValue(Unknown Source)
> >>  [java] at
> >> org.tn5250j.Connect$ConfigureTableModel.getValueAt(Unknown Source)
> >>  [java] at org.tn5250j.Connect.doActionConnect(Unknown Source)
> >>  [java] at org.tn5250j.Connect.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
> >>  [java] at
> >> javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
> >>  [java] at
> >>
> javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
> >>  [java] at
> >>
> javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
> >>  [java] at
> >> javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
> >>  [java] at
> >>
> >
> >>  [java] at
> >> java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
> >>  [java] at
> >> javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
> >>  [java] at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
> >>  [java] at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
> >>  [java] at
> >> java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
> >>  [java] at
> >> java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
> >>  [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
> >>  [java] at
> >> java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
> >>  [java] at
> >> java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
> >>  [java] at
> >> java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
> >>  [java] at
> >> java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
> >>  [java] at java.awt.Window.dispatchEve

Re: [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?

2005-06-17 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


> And from what do I start? 

Woops I thought it was just putting the code in writeToDisplay() that I copied
in the other message.  That is all I changed so far to see what the codes that
are passed just to get started and actually capturing the point.

> Can I  also do it at the beginning of next week?
:-(  Wim sorry it was just a question.  As you said you were thinking about
looking into it for your clients.  By no means was it a command as I do not do
that on the project as you well know.  I thought if you were going to do it
anyway there was really no sense in both working on it.  I may not get to it for
more than a few weeks so thought maybe you would go from there.  If not no
probs, when I get back to coding after exams.




> And from what do I start? 
> Can I  also do it at the beginning of next week?
> Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 17/06/2005 16:34
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?
> Wim
> Yep sure do.  That is how I do the hotspots for http/https and the such 
> for
> launching the different browsers.
> Is there anyway for you to give it a go and finish up parsing the command? 
>  I
> have to get studying and put out a release tomorrow.  Next week is for my 
> exams
> as I have put them off long enough.
> I wrote routines in the OperatingSystem module to do the calls for 
> execute.  It
> will need to be changed to do a wait though but that is not a problem the 
> code
> is still there just commented out.
> On thing is for windows and others for linux and such.  You could always 
> call
> the command.exe like CA does and it will pull up a dos window.  If not 
> then it
> will just execute the code.  Either one is fine with me.
> Regards
> Kenneth
> > Hello Kenneth,
> > 
> > this all sounds logical to me. So I think it will do. Do you know how to 
> > to launch the command and possibly wait for it to finish? I'd suggest 
> the 
> > Runtime.exec() and Process calls?
> > 
> > Wim.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 17/06/2005 16:04
> > Please respond to
> >
> > 
> > 
> > To
> >
> > cc
> > 
> > Subject
> > Re: [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Wim
> > 
> > Yes I found that out after running a sniffer on CA.  I will bet it used 
> to
> > though because it always says to run the PCO.EXE command on the PC side. 
> I
> > thought at first that was what was happening.  Really did not need to 
> but 
> > wanted
> > to know for sure.
> > 
> > Here are the codes that are specified in the data stream:
> > 
> > -128 - Ø
> > -4 - Ü
> > -41 - P
> > -61 - C
> > -42 - O
> > 64 - 
> > -125 - c
> > -128 - Ø
> > -95 - ~
> > -128 - Ø
> > -128 - Ø  <--- This says to wait for process to finish a value of -127 
> > says not
> > to wait.
> > 
> > Here is the code I added to writeToDisplay:
> > 
> >  case 
> > -128: // strpccmd
> >   if (screen52.getCurrentPos() == 2) {
> > 
> >  System.out.println("got a -128 command for strpccmd" +
> > screen52.getCurrentPos());
> >  int[] crap = new int[15];
> >  for (int i=1;i<11;i++) {
> >   crap[i-1]+=bk.getNextByte();
> >   System.out.println(crap[i-1] + " - " +
> > codePage.ebcdic2uni(crap[i-1]));
> >  }
> >  for (int i=1;i<11;i++)
> >   bk.setPrevByte();
> >  //sendAidKey(AID_ENTER);
> >   }
> > 
> > There is no break; after this command so it continues processing as 
> normal 
> > with
> > the default:
> > 
> > This dumps it all out.  I did not parse the command from the screen yet 
> > though.
> > 
> > Have kind of been thinking the best way to do this.  I did not want to 
> > parse the
> > command text directly from the datastream but will

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Crash on first time connect

2005-06-17 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Well crap.  That is what I call a show stopper Richard.  Am pretty sure everyone
will get it on first connection and that is not good.

Thanks for letting me know before I put it out there like that.

Will have do a fresh install as all of mine are already there and sessions
exist.  Never even thought about trying with a new install.



Quoting Richard Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I know this is not a big issue but I figured I would pass it on.
> If I set up a new tn5250J install and I add a new connection, if I click
> connect, right after creating the new connection, I get the following
> exception.
> [Java] 0[main] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.common.SessionManager  -
> New session Manager initialized
>  [java] 8[main] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController  -
> plugin directory is:
> /usr/src/tn5250j/dist/tn5250j-0.5.8Alpha5-run/ext
>  [java] 9[main] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController  -
> Tn5250j plugin manager created
>  [java] 106  [Thread-1] INFO  org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController 
> - Tn5250j plugin manager started
>  [java] Exception occurred during event dispatching:
>  [java] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
>  [java] at java.util.Vector.get(
>  [java] at
> org.tn5250j.Connect$ConfigureTableModel.getPropValue(Unknown Source)
>  [java] at
> org.tn5250j.Connect$ConfigureTableModel.getValueAt(Unknown Source)
>  [java] at org.tn5250j.Connect.doActionConnect(Unknown Source)
>  [java] at org.tn5250j.Connect.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
>  [java] at
> javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
>  [java] at
> javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
>  [java] at
> javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
>  [java] at
> javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
>  [java] at
>  [java] at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
>  [java] at
> javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
>  [java] at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
>  [java] at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
>  [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
>  [java] at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
>  [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
>  [java] at
> java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
>  [java] at
> java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
>  [java] at
> java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
>  [java] at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
>  [java] at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
>  [java] at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
>  [java] at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
>  [java] at
>  [java] at
> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
>  [java] at
> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
>  [java] at java.awt.Dialog$
>  [java] at
> java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
>  [java] at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
>  [java] at
>  [java] at
> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
>  [java] at
> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
>  [java] at
> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
>  [java] at
> Then the hour glass just spins and spins. Now if I close the program down,
> open it up again and connect to the new connection i just created it works
> fine. Also if i open tn5250j again and create a new new connection, then
> click connect it works fine.
> I know it an issue that does not happen often put figured I would pass it
> on. I am sure someone in user land will complain about it. ;)
> Thanks
> Regards,
> +--+
> | Richard Houston  .^. |
> | R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
> | E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
> | WWW   ^^-^^|
> +--+

Re: [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?

2005-06-17 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Yep sure do.  That is how I do the hotspots for http/https and the such for
launching the different browsers.

Is there anyway for you to give it a go and finish up parsing the command?  I
have to get studying and put out a release tomorrow.  Next week is for my exams
as I have put them off long enough.

I wrote routines in the OperatingSystem module to do the calls for execute.  It
will need to be changed to do a wait though but that is not a problem the code
is still there just commented out.

On thing is for windows and others for linux and such.  You could always call
the command.exe like CA does and it will pull up a dos window.  If not then it
will just execute the code.  Either one is fine with me.




> Hello Kenneth,
> this all sounds logical to me. So I think it will do. Do you know how to 
> to launch the command and possibly wait for it to finish? I'd suggest the 
> Runtime.exec() and Process calls?
> Wim.
> Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 17/06/2005 16:04
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?
> Wim
> Yes I found that out after running a sniffer on CA.  I will bet it used to
> though because it always says to run the PCO.EXE command on the PC side. I
> thought at first that was what was happening.  Really did not need to but 
> wanted
> to know for sure.
> Here are the codes that are specified in the data stream:
> -128 - Ø
> -4 - Ü
> -41 - P
> -61 - C
> -42 - O
> 64 - 
> -125 - c
> -128 - Ø
> -95 - ~
> -128 - Ø
> -128 - Ø  <--- This says to wait for process to finish a value of -127 
> says not
> to wait.
> Here is the code I added to writeToDisplay:
>  case 
> -128: // strpccmd
>   if (screen52.getCurrentPos() == 2) {
>  System.out.println("got a -128 command for strpccmd" +
> screen52.getCurrentPos());
>  int[] crap = new int[15];
>  for (int i=1;i<11;i++) {
>   crap[i-1]+=bk.getNextByte();
>   System.out.println(crap[i-1] + " - " +
> codePage.ebcdic2uni(crap[i-1]));
>  }
>  for (int i=1;i<11;i++)
>   bk.setPrevByte();
>  //sendAidKey(AID_ENTER);
>   }
> There is no break; after this command so it continues processing as normal 
> with
> the default:
> This dumps it all out.  I did not parse the command from the screen yet 
> though.
> Have kind of been thinking the best way to do this.  I did not want to 
> parse the
> command text directly from the datastream but will wait to build the full 
> screen
> and set a variable to say we are in command mode. 
> At the end of the code right before we do the update of the screen I will 
> check
> for this variable of whether true or false and if true will call the 
> routine to
> parse the command from the already translated screen. 
> This will also skip the call to update the screen so we see no flash. Also 
> with
> the aid of this you will not get that last screen while doing a signoff.
> I was parsing from the screen and checking for the codes but what I was 
> thinking
> was that with different languages those codes might be different because 
> of the
> translation from ebcdic to ascii.  Thus the reason for parsing it in
> WriteToDisplay and not the place of scan method.
> What do you think?
> Regards
> Kenneth
> > Actually Kenneth, it is even simpler I think. The STRPCO command 
> actually 
> > doesn't do anything (anymore). Just the STRPCCMD fails if you have not 
> > issued a STRPCO in advance. It is just client access that scans for what 
> > is in the stream on STRPCCMD and indeed scrapes the command and runs it 
> > and does an enter. As such it seems the screen has never been displayed.
> > 
> > HTH,
> > wim
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 17/06/2005 10:52
> > Please respond to
> >
> > 
> > 
> > To
> >
> > cc
> > 
> > Subject
> > Re: [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

Re: [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?

2005-06-17 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Yes I found that out after running a sniffer on CA.  I will bet it used to
though because it always says to run the PCO.EXE command on the PC side.  I
thought at first that was what was happening.  Really did not need to but wanted
to know for sure.

Here are the codes that are specified in the data stream:

-128 - Ø
-4 - Ü
-41 - P
-61 - C
-42 - O
64 -  
-125 - c
-128 - Ø
-95 - ~
-128 - Ø
-128 - Ø  <--- This says to wait for process to finish a value of -127 says not
to wait.

Here is the code I added to writeToDisplay:

case -128: // strpccmd
if (screen52.getCurrentPos() == 2) {
   System.out.println("got a -128 
command for strpccmd" +
   int[] crap = new int[15];
   for (int i=1;i<11;i++) {
  System.out.println(crap[i-1] + " - " +
   for (int i=1;i<11;i++)

There is no break; after this command so it continues processing as normal with
the default:

This dumps it all out.  I did not parse the command from the screen yet though.

Have kind of been thinking the best way to do this.  I did not want to parse the
command text directly from the datastream but will wait to build the full screen
and set a variable to say we are in command mode.  

At the end of the code right before we do the update of the screen I will check
for this variable of whether true or false and if true will call the routine to
parse the command from the already translated screen.  

This will also skip the call to update the screen so we see no flash.  Also with
the aid of this you will not get that last screen while doing a signoff.

I was parsing from the screen and checking for the codes but what I was thinking
was that with different languages those codes might be different because of the
translation from ebcdic to ascii.  Thus the reason for parsing it in
WriteToDisplay and not the place of scan method.

What do you think?




> Actually Kenneth, it is even simpler I think. The STRPCO command actually 
> doesn't do anything (anymore). Just the STRPCCMD fails if you have not 
> issued a STRPCO in advance. It is just client access that scans for what 
> is in the stream on STRPCCMD and indeed scrapes the command and runs it 
> and does an enter. As such it seems the screen has never been displayed.
> HTH,
> wim
> Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 17/06/2005 10:52
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?
> Wim
> Well first off that test screen you have is pretty cool :-) 
> Second it looks sort of like what we did for the scanner.  So basically 
> what it
> does is this. 
> 1)  Sends the screen with a special command modeled after our scanner 
> stuff.
> 2)  if it does receive this and PCO is active then it will read the screen 
> and
> not display it.  Even sending an Enter key afterwards could be.  Would 
> actually
> need to sniff the interaction but I think that is what it does.
> 3)  If it is not active just display the screen like it says.  Basically 
> turning
> on and off the scanner by a 5250 screen command.  This stops other 
> emulators
> from continuing. 
> Very simple indeed.  The solution was elegant.
> Like I said in one of the previous messages to Pete.  It is not the 5250 
> data
> streams themselves but how the client interprets and manipulates what is 
> there.
> Now that is cool!!!
> Regards
> Kenneth
> > Kenneth,
> > 
> > I'm completely with your proposal about the STRPCCMDJ as it will allow 
> for 
> > so much more than STRPCCMD. The problem being however you application 
> has 
> > to run on TN5250j. 
> > 
> > Most of the customers use e.g. third party software where the STRPCCMD 
> is 
> > programmed in the application. so they can not change it. The call is 
> used 
> > for the most stupiest stuff you can imagine. e.g.

Re: [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?

2005-06-17 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Well first off that test screen you have is pretty cool :-)  

Second it looks sort of like what we did for the scanner.  So basically what it
does is this.  

1)  Sends the screen with a special command modeled after our scanner stuff.
2)  if it does receive this and PCO is active then it will read the screen and
not display it.  Even sending an Enter key afterwards could be.  Would actually
need to sniff the interaction but I think that is what it does.

3)  If it is not active just display the screen like it says.  Basically turning
on and off the scanner by a 5250 screen command.  This stops other emulators
from continuing.  

Very simple indeed.  The solution was elegant.

Like I said in one of the previous messages to Pete.  It is not the 5250 data
streams themselves but how the client interprets and manipulates what is there.

Now that is cool!!!




> Kenneth,
> I'm completely with your proposal about the STRPCCMDJ as it will allow for 
> so much more than STRPCCMD. The problem being however you application has 
> to run on TN5250j. 
> Most of the customers use e.g. third party software where the STRPCCMD is 
> programmed in the application. so they can not change it. The call is used 
> for the most stupiest stuff you can imagine. e.g. open an image or a word 
> document; Whatever. You imagine it they do it somewhere; 
> That is the main reason I think we need to implement standard STRPCCMD 
> behaviour. As a matter a fact the STRPCCMD functionality is implemented so 
> simple it is even stupid. Look at the screenshots below
> Wim.
> Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 17/06/2005 10:00
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?
> Wim
> I have been thinking about this ever since Ignacio posted to the list.  My 
> idea
> was to implement our own STRPCCMD command maybe called STRPCCMDJ or 
> something
> stupid like that.  Here we just attach a scan listener like you do in one 
> of the
> modules maybe My5250 and take care of it that way.  When we get the 
> command we
> can parse it and anything that has #!STRPCCMD x in it we just 
> execut it.
>  Was going to be one of my sample/examples :-)
> Technical question?  Is there a special stream passed back for this type 
> of
> call?  If there is would it be the -128 code that Ignacio posted?  If it 
> is
> where did he get the information from?
> Also what do they use it for?  Sorry but can not really think of a use. Am 
> just
> a lowly programmer and not into the solutions that you and the others out 
> there do.
> Cool!!!  Let's make this sucker jump through some hoops now that the code 
> base
> is stable.  This could turn out to be a lot more flexible that what CA 
> provides
> as well.  We could also allow a custom implementation to be loaded from 
> the
> command line so the clients can load their own modules to handle this in 
> their
> own way.
> Regards
> Kenneth
> > Hello Kenneth,
> > 
> > I've been looking on this issue also, because STRPCCMD is used by almost 
> > all of our customers. So, I think we should implement it next to the 
> > scanning solution. I was wondering though if the streamdetection should 
> do 
> > a callback to an interface, or should immediately run the command as it 
> is 
> > so basic/standard functionality that a callback would be overhead. 
> > 
> > Not sure though what to scan for.
> > 
> > Wim.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 17/06/2005 09:36
> > Please respond to
> >
> > 
> > 
> > To
> >
> > cc
> > 
> > Subject
> > [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Hello all
> > 
> > I have seen a couple of people now trying to use this command.  Does 
> > anybody
> > have any ideas on it's use or do they use it?  If so then how?
> > 
> > The reason I ask is that I do beleive we can do this within the emulator 
> > as
> > well.   That would work for linux environments as well :-))
> > 
> > I

Re: [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?

2005-06-17 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


I have been thinking about this ever since Ignacio posted to the list.  My idea
was to implement our own STRPCCMD command maybe called STRPCCMDJ or something
stupid like that.  Here we just attach a scan listener like you do in one of the
modules maybe My5250 and take care of it that way.  When we get the command we
can parse it and anything that has #!STRPCCMD x in it we just execut it.
 Was going to be one of my sample/examples :-)

Technical question?  Is there a special stream passed back for this type of
call?  If there is would it be the -128 code that Ignacio posted?  If it is
where did he get the information from?

Also what do they use it for?  Sorry but can not really think of a use.  Am just
a lowly programmer and not into the solutions that you and the others out there 

Cool!!!  Let's make this sucker jump through some hoops now that the code base
is stable.  This could turn out to be a lot more flexible that what CA provides
as well.  We could also allow a custom implementation to be loaded from the
command line so the clients can load their own modules to handle this in their
own way.




> Hello Kenneth,
> I've been looking on this issue also, because STRPCCMD is used by almost 
> all of our customers. So, I think we should implement it next to the 
> scanning solution. I was wondering though if the streamdetection should do 
> a callback to an interface, or should immediately run the command as it is 
> so basic/standard functionality that a callback would be overhead. 
> Not sure though what to scan for.
> Wim.
> Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 17/06/2005 09:36
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> [Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?
> Hello all
> I have seen a couple of people now trying to use this command.  Does 
> anybody
> have any ideas on it's use or do they use it?  If so then how?
> The reason I ask is that I do beleive we can do this within the emulator 
> as
> well.   That would work for linux environments as well :-))
> If there is enough interest in this I will give it a try for the next 
> release?
> Also if anybody has any technical documentation on this and would share it 
> with
> me that would be great.
> Regards
> Kenneth
> ---
> SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
> from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
> informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
> speed, fast.
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

[Tn5250j-general] STRPCCMD - STRPCO uses?

2005-06-17 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello all

I have seen a couple of people now trying to use this command.  Does anybody
have any ideas on it's use or do they use it?  If so then how?

The reason I ask is that I do beleive we can do this within the emulator as
well.   That would work for linux environments as well :-))

If there is enough interest in this I will give it a try for the next release?

Also if anybody has any technical documentation on this and would share it with
me that would be great.



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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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[Tn5250j-general] Samples/Examples

2005-06-17 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Good Morning Wim and all

My example will be using the Applet version and a servlet.  The next was going
to be a sample for SessionBean and attaching to a custom JFrame as we mentioned
in the portal thread.  If you will be doing something like this I can go on to
something else.

Does anybody out there have any ideas/suggestions for sample code they would
like to see?

So far we have the following:

1) Applet with servlet interface to obtain user signon information.
2) Applet with use of scanner() interface.
3) Applet with use of scanner() interface and SessionListener.

In progress for myself:
1) A basic example of using headless to control a session and send keys.  The
Web5250 interface is a great example of this but is a little complicated for an

Any others please update here so we do not step on each other.

1) ...


1) ...



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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Release

2005-06-17 Thread Kenneth Pouncey
Oh and great about the external browser problem.  I just hope it works for 95%
of the cases.


Quoting Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Richard
> I have heard that before but have never gotten that.  Maybe a 1.5 
> problem but without testing can not be sure.  Anyway this should be 
> fixed in CVS now.  Update and give it a try.
> Richard Houston wrote:
> >One small thing. I seem to have an issue when starting th5250j. Once the
> >connection screen pops up it is behind the tn5250j splash screen. If I
> >click on the connection screen the connection screen will not pop above
> >the splash screen.
> >
> >The splash screen seems frozen and will not move and no window will pop
> >above it. Once I connect the splash screen goes away and all is good
> >again.
> >
> >Any ideas?
> >
> >I am testing with sun jdk 1.5.0_3 complied with the same version on Linux.
> >
> >Also the spawn issue with firefox work now!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >+--+
> >| Richard Houston  .^. |
> >| R.L.H.  Consulting       /V\ |
> >| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
> >| WWW   ^^-^^|
> >+--+
> >
> >Kenneth Pouncey said:
> >  
> >
> >>Hello all
> >>
> >>What is in CVS will be frozen as of tomorrow my time unless there are some
> >>show
> >>stoppers.  I will put out a release tomorrow or saturday.
> >>
> >>The release number will be 0.6.0.  If anybody has any opinions on this let
> >>me know.
> >>
> >>Regards
> >>
> >>Kenneth
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>---
> >>SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
> >>from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
> >>informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
> >>speed, fast.
> >>___
> >>Tn5250j-general mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >---
> >SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
> >from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
> >informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
> >speed, fast.
> >___
> >Tn5250j-general mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >.
> >
> >  
> >

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Release

2005-06-16 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


I have heard that before but have never gotten that.  Maybe a 1.5
problem but without testing can not be sure.  Anyway this should be
fixed in CVS now.  Update and give it a try.

Richard Houston wrote:

  One small thing. I seem to have an issue when starting th5250j. Once the
connection screen pops up it is behind the tn5250j splash screen. If I
click on the connection screen the connection screen will not pop above
the splash screen.

The splash screen seems frozen and will not move and no window will pop
above it. Once I connect the splash screen goes away and all is good

Any ideas?

I am testing with sun jdk 1.5.0_3 complied with the same version on Linux.

Also the spawn issue with firefox work now!

| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW <>  ^^-^^|

Kenneth Pouncey said:

Hello all

What is in CVS will be frozen as of tomorrow my time unless there are some
stoppers.  I will put out a release tomorrow or saturday.

The release number will be 0.6.0.  If anybody has any opinions on this let
me know.



SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list



Re: [Tn5250j-general] Applet [was]Passing User ID and Password in Applet

2005-06-16 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello Gaurav

Yes been a while.  Just some questions if you have the time.

What did you find annoying about using the emulator as an applet?  Pete
says that it was back in 2003 that you were doing this correct?  Also;
only for straight emulation and sending keystrokes.  You never needed
to manipulate the emulator within any application framework correct?

If using the ActiveX you were stuck using IE and windows so no other
OS's to support I assume.  Does there ActiveX component allow you to
catch events and manipulate it in anyway besides keystrokes?

I ask these questions because I really have no use for applets and was
just trying to get some feedback on the usefulness of them and the
why's and where fores of using them.

If you were to change anything in the 5250j applet what would it be?




  Hi Pete/Kenneth,
  Been a while, but I keep following
goings-on in this group from time to time.
  I had done a POC a couple of years
as Pete mentioned. I was successfully able to pass the
to the applet from a servlet. The applet had to be signed for this
The username/password pair was present in a text file in my local file
system. The password was encrypted using a simple encryption tool.
  But the business users still had a
putting the password, even though encrypted, in a text file. Some other
team in my project has been working on the project now and they have
the web aspect of it, i.e. the applet-HTML interface. From a web page,
they launch and use the Mocha 8.0 emulator combined with an ActiveX
to pass the keystrokes to the emulator.
  Do lemme know if I can provide you
more info.
BR/ Gaurav


Sent by:
06/16/2005 12:07 PM


respond to





[Tn5250j-general] Passing User ID
and Password in Applet






Here is the part about the flow control that he uses and is actually
cool for the implementation.  Had not thought of doing it that way.
 It would be a change on the host but very small as the original
is wrapped and the application process is not changed in anyway.
- What we normally do, is to wrap the normal command they want to
in a special command of our own. E.g. instead of issuing a WRKUSRJOB
we issue a STRCMD CMD('WRKUSRJOB USER(user)'); the only thing our
does is launching the command, but when the normal command ends and we
fall back in the program stacking onto our wrapper command, we send the
!# event or just do a signof with disconnect. The emulator at the Java
side knows to close itself then. In GUI mode we can then even issue
as modal dialogs etc without a problem. So we do make it interactive!
can not however send back information towards the web application
as we can keep synchronisations in there. We did once start to cache
5250 sessions, but that poses more of problem than it brings
The only thing I still would like is to be able to create a protocol
connect it, start the initial command and only then hook it to a
terminal. This way the user would'n see the login and launch scenario
by as they do now.

Here is the link to the full message:
This should solve just about everything except the user and password
but am thinking of the applet to servlet would take care of this or the
SessionBean and wrapping everything up yourself in your own Applet code.
Pete Helgren wrote: 
  I had posted some of this about two years ago when I
started working with the 5250 applet.  The problems that I had (and
still have) have to do with the passing of UserID and password in the
when I start an applet session.  Gaurav posted some code that has
a servlet that talks to the applet and passes th

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Passing User ID and Password in Applet

2005-06-16 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Pete Helgren wrote:

Thanks to all.  You gave me much to think about
Wim, I don't know much about SSL or how it is initiated but I thought
that if you used SSL the stream was fully encrypted.  That is, if you
are using SSL then the traffic that is passing over port 992 is
encrypted, even the signon screen.  Is that the case?  Also, our HTML
based menuing system can run in an HTTPS environment so executing the
applet under HTTPS would encrypt the page I think, though if the user
viewed the page source they would see the password in plain text,
right?  The encryption is just used between the browser and the
server.  The HTML as rendered by the browser is still in plain text. It
*could* allow a user to view the source on another user's browser and
see the password (at least I think this is possible).

You are correct here.  Although a way around that would be as per my
previous message with the samples I am putting together.  It is not
100% secure but normal users would not be able to figure out the
streams that are passed back and forth.  Anybody with a protocol
sniffer would but that will not be in your environment I would think.

I think I understand the applet ending routine that you currently have
but since I don't work that closely with the internals of 5250 some of
what you and Kenneth are saying is going over my head.  
No problems Pete with the example you will see what we are talking
about.  Actually it is not the internals of 5250 at all really but how
we manipulate it.  Just to regress a little.  I always thought it was
5250 as well so wanted to know the magic behind it all thus the
emulator.  What you really get is how the 5250 emulator/client, not the
datastreams at all, manipulates the 5250 information.  The 5250
information is all in the objects of tn5250j we just need to react to
certain events.

And I am
a relative rookie with Java so I need a bit more info and, if you can,
a small snippet of code that demonstrates what you are talking about. 
For example, when you say "wrap the command" and then use a signoff
with a disconnect, are you saying that I could just have a CL program
that has a call to whatever program we want to run (in fact, we already
have this) and then at the end of the command use SIGNOFF
ENDCNN(*YES)?  I think you also are saying that we need to add a
sessionlistener to the applet code and then use that to trigger the
navigation when the session is disconnected.  I am not familiar with
using a sessionlistener but with an example I think I can figure it out
(code examples are always helpful).
It sounds like that is the way to go.  Adding a SIGNOFF ENDCNN(*YES)
should be easy enough but I need a little help with the sessionlistener

You could do it that way as well.  I will put an example program out
there for that as well.  It really just depends on how much control you
want.  With the signoff end connection you really do not know if the
application ended or there was a problem but using both the session
listener and the scanlistener you can control just about anything.

Thanks! Now I just need to deal with the password issue and I think I
have it.

I agree but I think we have that covered as well.

BTW Kenneth, Gaurav posted his code to the list on July 2nd, 2003.  If
you can't find it in the archives, I can send it to you.

Thanks but I went ahead and coded it myself.  The concept was easy
enough but never had a need for it before.

We will have you up and running in no time.  Something to play with
over the weekend :-P



Hello Pete, 

I'm not quite sure why everybody
a problem about the clear passwords. When you would send them
the emulator telnets to the AS/400 and what does he do in the first
send your userid and password to the as/400. I think that these are in
clear text also. The only solution would be to SSL or VPN your
to your webserver and AS/400.  

Next the autoclosing is fairly
to implement using the autologin and scanning we have introduced in the
emulator: when logging on you want to autostart a command. Lets call
the application command. What you can do is wrap this app command in
own shell command. e.g. start cmd('appcmd'). The start can do a few
like setting liblists etc. But it's main purpose is to properly
the emulator. You can do this in 2 ways: to a signof with disconnect.
the emulator side, you can attach a sessionlistener and have you applet
navigate away from you page as the session gets disconnected. Or the
command can also trigger a scan code to the emulator: #! END so the
can listen to this and perform an end of session. This way you can do a
lot more than just ending.  

Hope this helps, 


  Sent by:

[Tn5250j-general] Release

2005-06-16 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello all

What is in CVS will be frozen as of tomorrow my time unless there are some show
stoppers.  I will put out a release tomorrow or saturday.

The release number will be 0.6.0.  If anybody has any opinions on this let me 



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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Passing User ID and Password in Applet

2005-06-16 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello all

First cover samples and then the questions afterwards.

I have basically taken the day off to write some sample programs.  Am thinking
of creating a samples directory and delivering them on the SF download site.

If anybody has any sample code they have written to do some of the stuff that
comes up on the list.  Please share this if you would like and I will package in
the samples as well.

Yes they are in clear text.  There is a specification for encrypting the
password during this negotiation if anybody is interested in implementing it
within the emulator.  Contact me and I will give you a link and the process to
follow for this implementation.  It envolves using DES encryption routines.

Any takers and we can kick this clear text password problem in the rear end once
in for all.

Now as for the sample program I wrote I provide a copy of the description from
the program here.

 * First this is an example program copied from the delivered
 * program written for the tn5250j emulator.
 * @author Kenneth J. Pouncey
 * You will find two parts interesting for this example:
 *  1) Communicating with a Servlet (PasswordServlet) to obtain user signon
 *creditials.  These are then loaded into the properties to be
 *used for connection.
 *  2) The use of a scanning listener.  See the information for the 
 * scanned() implemented for the interface ScanListener();

If need be the communication with the PasswordServlet servlet could be https://
 but of course if we were serving from an https server we really would not need

This should take care of the first of the requirements unless I mis-understood
the problem with trasmitting the password in clear text to begin with.  I assume
the password problem was being passed as a parameter in the applet html code.  

In both the servlet code and example program you could write a very simple
encryption routine to send the password encrypted.  There is some sample
encryption code in called DESSHA1 that I use for the Options
Access password encryption.  You could use it in the servlet to encrypt the
password before sending it and then decrypt it when it arrives in the applet.

Also; this implements the scanning listener to do anything you would like when
you receive the command.  I also have an example AS/400 program to test with if
you are interested.  

If you follow the outline that Wim mentions below you could do just about
anything you want including change the flow of the screens for the user.

Pete I will send the code in a few.  If anybody else is interested in this let
me know.




> Hello Pete,
> I'm not quite sure why everybody make a problem about the clear passwords. 
> When you would send them encrypted, the emulator telnets to the AS/400 and 
> what does he do in the first place: send your userid and password to the 
> as/400. I think that these are in clear text also. 
>The only solution would 
> be to SSL or VPN your communication to your webserver and AS/400. 
> Next the autoclosing is fairly easy to implement using the autologin and 
> scanning we have introduced in the emulator: when logging on you want to 
> autostart a command. Lets call this the application command. What you can 
> do is wrap this app command in you own shell command. e.g. start 
> cmd('appcmd'). The start can do a few thing like setting liblists etc. But 
> it's main purpose is to properly shutdown the emulator. You can do this in 
> 2 ways: to a signof with disconnect. At the emulator side, you can attach 
> a sessionlistener and have you applet navigate away from you page as the 
> session gets disconnected. Or the start command can also trigger a scan 
> code to the emulator: #! END so the applet can listen to this and perform 
> an end of session. This way you can do a lot more than just ending. 
> Hope this helps,
> Wim.
> Pete Helgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 15/06/2005 21:06
> Please respond to
> To
> TN5250J List 
> cc
> Subject
> [Tn5250j-general] Passing User ID and Password in Applet
> I had posted some of this about two years ago when I first started 
> working with the 5250 applet.  The problems that I had (and still have) 
> have to do with the passing of UserID and password in the clear when I 
> start an applet session.  Gaurav posted some code that has a servlet 
> that talks to the applet and passes the password back to it.  I think I 
> can follow the approach but wanted to know if anyone else had solved 
> this problem in a different way.
> We have an HTML based menuing system that runs on the iSeries (under an 
> Apache web server).  The user logs in via an HTML login prompt and then 
> the menu(s) are generated from there.  Some of the menu items are HTML 
> based but some are 52

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Passing User ID and Password in Applet

2005-06-15 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Wim, Pete and all


Sorry about what was written.  It sounded like I did not like Wim's 
implementation but meant I did not like the implementation of the portal 
article as the thread mentions and gives reasons why.

Sorry.  It seems I need to go back and learn how to write in my native 
language :-)


Kenneth Pouncey wrote:

Hello Pete

Pete Helgren wrote:

I had posted some of this about two years ago when I first started 
working with the 5250 applet.  The problems that I had (and still 
have) have to do with the passing of UserID and password in the clear 
when I start an applet session.  Gaurav posted some code that has a 
servlet that talks to the applet and passes the password back to it.  
I think I can follow the approach but wanted to know if anyone else 
had solved this problem in a different way.

I do not remember this post for having the applet talk with a 
servlet.  That would take a modification of the applet code correct?  
What would be the key to pass to the servlet to obtain the 
information?  Actually asking what the flow is for the communication.  
It actually sounds quite neat and if you have an example could you 
post it again.

We have an HTML based menuing system that runs on the iSeries (under 
an Apache web server).  The user logs in via an HTML login prompt and 
then the menu(s) are generated from there.  Some of the menu items 
are HTML based but some are 5250 apps and we launch them using 
tn5250j in an applet.  We generate the HTML that launches the applet 
on the fly using a template but so far we have had to pass the 
password in the clear, not a good solution.  

What about doing the signin within the code first using a ProtocolBean 
or SessionBean?  When the applet is served it would already be on the 
display that would like.  Kind of like the Portal conversation that 
Wim and I were having a couple of days ago.  That is bascially what he 
was doing.  Not sure I like the solution he suggests as I think there 
are more elegant ways to do this within the code base.  With the 
SessionBean you can set this information before doing the connect via 
the setter methods.  Including the program and library to start with.

Look in the list archives for the Portal conversation.

So, if you have any ideas that we could use to start the applet 
without passing the password in the clear, I'd like to hear about it.

We also have a need to end the application gracefully when the users 
are done running the 5250 application.  Right now, we display a 
message that says "Click the Exit link to end the program" and the 
user has to click the link to end the session.  What I would like to 
do is have the applet close when the 5250 application has ended 
automatically.  I am not sure how to accomplish this since the 5250 
session would have to "tell" the applet to close

I am not to sure how to handle this scenario of closing an applet but 
what you could do is attach a scan listener to the session object and 
then trap that code in your listener.  Am not clear on the applet 
closing part though as to what exactly it should do.  Within your 
scanner listener you could then call another servlet to close the 
session or redirect you to another page.

It would actually take a modification to the host application though 
to do this.

Basically it would be a screen that starts with #! in the first 
position with the command to parse after it.  All the code is there to 
see how it works in scan() method.  I think I posted something on this 
last week and that is how Wim does this within his application.  Well 
actually from what I understand he passes whole processes to the scan 
listener to run custom objects but the concept is the same.  Again 
unfortunately a modification of the host system to call the new 
display screen at the end though.  That is the only way the 
applet/emulator would know when it should close down.

I'd appreciate anyone's idea as to how to solve these two issues as 
simply as possible.


Hopefully the above helps.  Am sure Wim could answer some more 
questions on this as that was what we came up with when he was asking 
about this.  I had some very basic code implementing this idea in the 
emulator but Wim and his team went way further with it.  Actually 
works like a charm.



Pete Helgren

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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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Tn5250j-general mailing list



Re: [Tn5250j-general] Passing User ID and Password in Applet

2005-06-15 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Here is the part about the flow control that he uses and is actually
quite cool for the implementation.  Had not thought of doing it that
way.  It would be a change on the host but very small as the original
command is wrapped and the application process is not changed in anyway.

- What we normally do, is to wrap the
normal command they want to launch in a special command of our own.
instead of issuing a WRKUSRJOB USER(user) we issue a STRCMD
USER(user)'); the only thing our STRCMD does is launching the command,
but when the normal command ends and we fall back in the program
onto our wrapper command, we send the !# event or just do a signof with
disconnect. The emulator at the Java side knows to close itself then.
GUI mode we can then even issue 5250 as modal dialogs etc without a
So we do make it interactive! We can not however send back information
towards the web application directly as we can keep synchronisations in
there. We did once start to cache the 5250 sessions, but that poses
of problem than it brings advantages. The only thing I still would like
is to be able to create a protocol bean, connect it, start the initial
command and only then hook it to a interactive terminal. This way the
would'n see the login and launch scenario pass by as they do now.

Here is the link to the full message:

This should solve just about everything except the user and password
problem but am thinking of the applet to servlet would take care of
this or the SessionBean and wrapping everything up yourself in your own
Applet code.



Pete Helgren wrote:
I had
posted some of this about two years ago when I first started working
with the 5250 applet.  The problems that I had (and still have) have to
do with the passing of UserID and password in the clear when I start an
applet session.  Gaurav posted some code that has a servlet that talks
to the applet and passes the password back to it.  I think I can follow
the approach but wanted to know if anyone else had solved this problem
in a different way.
We have an HTML based menuing system that runs on the iSeries (under an
Apache web server).  The user logs in via an HTML login prompt and then
the menu(s) are generated from there.  Some of the menu items are HTML
based but some are 5250 apps and we launch them using tn5250j in an
applet.  We generate the HTML that launches the applet on the fly using
a template but so far we have had to pass the password in the clear,
not a good solution.  So, if you have any ideas that we could use to
start the applet without passing the password in the clear, I'd like to
hear about it.
We also have a need to end the application gracefully when the users
are done running the 5250 application.  Right now, we display a message
that says "Click the Exit link to end the program" and the user has to
click the link to end the session.  What I would like to do is have the
applet close when the 5250 application has ended automatically.  I am
not sure how to accomplish this since the 5250 session would have to
"tell" the applet to close
I'd appreciate anyone's idea as to how to solve these two issues as
simply as possible. 
Pete Helgren
SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Passing User ID and Password in Applet

2005-06-15 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

and link to the archives.

Scroll down to tn5250j portal thread.

Pete Helgren wrote:

I had posted some of this about two years ago when I first started 
working with the 5250 applet.  The problems that I had (and still 
have) have to do with the passing of UserID and password in the clear 
when I start an applet session.  Gaurav posted some code that has a 
servlet that talks to the applet and passes the password back to it.  
I think I can follow the approach but wanted to know if anyone else 
had solved this problem in a different way.

We have an HTML based menuing system that runs on the iSeries (under 
an Apache web server).  The user logs in via an HTML login prompt and 
then the menu(s) are generated from there.  Some of the menu items are 
HTML based but some are 5250 apps and we launch them using tn5250j in 
an applet.  We generate the HTML that launches the applet on the fly 
using a template but so far we have had to pass the password in the 
clear, not a good solution.  So, if you have any ideas that we could 
use to start the applet without passing the password in the clear, I'd 
like to hear about it.

We also have a need to end the application gracefully when the users 
are done running the 5250 application.  Right now, we display a 
message that says "Click the Exit link to end the program" and the 
user has to click the link to end the session.  What I would like to 
do is have the applet close when the 5250 application has ended 
automatically.  I am not sure how to accomplish this since the 5250 
session would have to "tell" the applet to close

I'd appreciate anyone's idea as to how to solve these two issues as 
simply as possible.


Pete Helgren

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list


SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Passing User ID and Password in Applet

2005-06-15 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Here is a link again to the article:

Like I said do not like the solution but the implementation is great.

Pete Helgren wrote:

I had posted some of this about two years ago when I first started 
working with the 5250 applet.  The problems that I had (and still 
have) have to do with the passing of UserID and password in the clear 
when I start an applet session.  Gaurav posted some code that has a 
servlet that talks to the applet and passes the password back to it.  
I think I can follow the approach but wanted to know if anyone else 
had solved this problem in a different way.

We have an HTML based menuing system that runs on the iSeries (under 
an Apache web server).  The user logs in via an HTML login prompt and 
then the menu(s) are generated from there.  Some of the menu items are 
HTML based but some are 5250 apps and we launch them using tn5250j in 
an applet.  We generate the HTML that launches the applet on the fly 
using a template but so far we have had to pass the password in the 
clear, not a good solution.  So, if you have any ideas that we could 
use to start the applet without passing the password in the clear, I'd 
like to hear about it.

We also have a need to end the application gracefully when the users 
are done running the 5250 application.  Right now, we display a 
message that says "Click the Exit link to end the program" and the 
user has to click the link to end the session.  What I would like to 
do is have the applet close when the 5250 application has ended 
automatically.  I am not sure how to accomplish this since the 5250 
session would have to "tell" the applet to close

I'd appreciate anyone's idea as to how to solve these two issues as 
simply as possible.


Pete Helgren

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list


SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Passing User ID and Password in Applet

2005-06-15 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello Pete

Pete Helgren wrote:

I had posted some of this about two years ago when I first started 
working with the 5250 applet.  The problems that I had (and still 
have) have to do with the passing of UserID and password in the clear 
when I start an applet session.  Gaurav posted some code that has a 
servlet that talks to the applet and passes the password back to it.  
I think I can follow the approach but wanted to know if anyone else 
had solved this problem in a different way.

I do not remember this post for having the applet talk with a servlet.  
That would take a modification of the applet code correct?  What would 
be the key to pass to the servlet to obtain the information?  Actually 
asking what the flow is for the communication.  It actually sounds quite 
neat and if you have an example could you post it again.

We have an HTML based menuing system that runs on the iSeries (under 
an Apache web server).  The user logs in via an HTML login prompt and 
then the menu(s) are generated from there.  Some of the menu items are 
HTML based but some are 5250 apps and we launch them using tn5250j in 
an applet.  We generate the HTML that launches the applet on the fly 
using a template but so far we have had to pass the password in the 
clear, not a good solution.  

What about doing the signin within the code first using a ProtocolBean 
or SessionBean?  When the applet is served it would already be on the 
display that would like.  Kind of like the Portal conversation that Wim 
and I were having a couple of days ago.  That is bascially what he was 
doing.  Not sure I like the solution he suggests as I think there are 
more elegant ways to do this within the code base.  With the SessionBean 
you can set this information before doing the connect via the setter 
methods.  Including the program and library to start with.

Look in the list archives for the Portal conversation.

So, if you have any ideas that we could use to start the applet 
without passing the password in the clear, I'd like to hear about it.

We also have a need to end the application gracefully when the users 
are done running the 5250 application.  Right now, we display a 
message that says "Click the Exit link to end the program" and the 
user has to click the link to end the session.  What I would like to 
do is have the applet close when the 5250 application has ended 
automatically.  I am not sure how to accomplish this since the 5250 
session would have to "tell" the applet to close

I am not to sure how to handle this scenario of closing an applet but 
what you could do is attach a scan listener to the session object and 
then trap that code in your listener.  Am not clear on the applet 
closing part though as to what exactly it should do.  Within your 
scanner listener you could then call another servlet to close the 
session or redirect you to another page.

It would actually take a modification to the host application though to 
do this.

Basically it would be a screen that starts with #! in the first position 
with the command to parse after it.  All the code is there to see how it 
works in scan() method.  I think I posted something on this last week 
and that is how Wim does this within his application.  Well actually 
from what I understand he passes whole processes to the scan listener to 
run custom objects but the concept is the same.  Again unfortunately a 
modification of the host system to call the new display screen at the 
end though.  That is the only way the applet/emulator would know when it 
should close down.

I'd appreciate anyone's idea as to how to solve these two issues as 
simply as possible.


Hopefully the above helps.  Am sure Wim could answer some more questions 
on this as that was what we came up with when he was asking about this.  
I had some very basic code implementing this idea in the emulator but 
Wim and his team went way further with it.  Actually works like a charm.



Pete Helgren

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list


SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

[Tn5250j-general] Re: Fw: tn5250j Question about disabling File Transfert option

2005-06-15 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Yes very much agree  It is an excellent solution.  

There is just no way for me to do that type of house keeping from the emulator. 




> I have try and it's work...
> But the password is save in a file on the user home directory
> And if the user delete his .tn5250j directory, he can create a new
> parameters for his acces to the AS400 server.
> (And obtain file transfert...)
> So i have to create session and define password.
> And after do "chmod -R u-w .tn5250j/"
> to protect tn5250j for a bad use...
> Are you agree with this way or there is another methode to do the same ???
> |-----+--->
> | |   Kenneth Pouncey |
> | |   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   |
> | |   |
> | |   15/06/2005 18:16|
> |-+--->
>   |  
>   |cc:   
>   |Subject: Re: Fw: tn5250j Question about disabling File Transfert
> option   |
> < Attachment tn5250j.jar removed >
> Xavier
> Here is a new version that will be put out soon.  Try it and let me know
> what
> you think.
> Regards
> Kenneth
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've install your great program for a customer and i need to know if it
> is
> > possible to disable the "Transfert" feature
> >
> > Cause my users customer are not allowed to pickup the AS400 database.
> > (Customer Internal policy)
> >
> > So ? can you help me ???
> >
> >
> >
> >

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

[Tn5250j-general] Re: Fw: tn5250j Question about disabling File Transfert option

2005-06-15 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello Xavier

I do not know if the version(s) out on the site for download has that capability
or not but if it does you can go to the connection screen by hitting Alt-N or
selecting it from the popup menu.

If it does allow the restriction of options it will be in the tab labeled
'Options Access'

Here scroll down until you find File Transfer and place it into the Restricted
Options side.  *** NOTE *** you will have to restart the emulator for the new
keying options to take effect.

If it does not support this let me know and I will send you a version that does.
 A new version will be out in the next couple of days and if not then the 




> Hello,
> I've install your great program for a customer and i need to know if it is
> possible to disable the "Transfert" feature
> Cause my users customer are not allowed to pickup the AS400 database.
> (Customer Internal policy)
> So ? can you help me ???

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Terminal type in tnvt and STRPCCMD

2005-06-14 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

> One minor problem we have, (as I consider but not our users), is at the
> begining of applet loading. When the applet is started and you can see the
> first screen, you have to do a few mouse clicks within before you are able
> to type in. This behaviour does not happen when we use tn5250j in desktop
> way.

Yes I have had that problem myself and really do not have any idea how to fix
it.  It seems to happen only on linux but am not sure nor am really familiar
with applets.  If you do find the solution please be sure to post it.

> We are going to use tn5250j in a very intensive way 7/24 and our users are
> very, very demanding, especially about keys behaviour. I am sure we will
> have problems keeping our code with the project cvs.

OK but that is weird because tn5250j comes with a very extensive key mapping
functionality so not sure what you would have to change that much.  Really all
you would have to do is create a custom map and it will automatically be used by
the emulator.  If anything and at the worst you could change the Configure
factory to call out to a HTTP:// address and file name to load the properties
from for each user.  Very customizable for that and would only need to touch on
part of code and not that much code at all.

Have actually thought about implementing something like that myself in the
emulator.  Hell if you do get it working I would be glad to put it in the 

> (I hope my English would be a little clear. I am not very confident with
> it.)

No problems at all.  Very clear understandable writing.  You have no reason
whatsoever to not feel confident with it.




> Hi Kenneth,
> (I am sorry if got wrong sending mail to incorrect list.)
> I am not able to check the list daily, but I should do it.
> For enable STRPCCMD we add this code to tnvt class in method
> writeToDisplay:
> case -128: //strpccmd
> String
> comparar="-4-41-61-4264-125-128-95-128-128";
> String comparar2="";
> for (int i=1;i<11;i++)
> comparar2+=bk.getNextByte();
> if(comparar.equals(comparar2))
> {
> String comando="";
> int currentbyte=0;
> while(currentbyte!=2)
> {
> comando+=ebcdic2uni(currentbyte);
> currentbyte=bk.getNextByte();
> }
> ejec(comando.substring(1,comando.length()));
> bk.setPrevByte();
> screen52.sendKeys(screen52.MNEMONIC_ENTER);
> }else{
> for (int i=1;i<11;i++)
> bk.setPrevByte();
> }
> The "ejec" call performs a simple execution of local program specified by
> the argument, which can contains arguments in the same string, eg:
> ejec("/var/bin/firefox http://intranet/help.jsp?book=13";)
> In AS400 part, we can made STRPCO (Start Personal Communications) and then
> STRPCCMD with the string referred in the above example. In Client Access
> there is a component pco.exe which gets this call and executes the local
> process.
> When user ends his AS400 session he gets a message telling "PCO.EXE IS NOT
> FOUND. PRESS ENTER". We were solving this make up issue by sending the
> intro automatically after log out.
> One minor problem we have, (as I consider but not our users), is at the
> begining of applet loading. When the applet is started and you can see the
> first screen, you have to do a few mouse clicks within before you are able
> to type in. This behaviour does not happen when we use tn5250j in desktop
> way.
> We are going to use tn5250j in a very intensive way 7/24 and our users are
> very, very demanding, especially about keys behaviour. I am sure we will
> have problems keeping our code with the project cvs.
> (I hope my English would be a little clear. I am not very confident with
> it.)
> Regards
> Ignacio.
> Ignacio
> Could you please join our tn5250j-general mailing list.  I
> would really like to discuss this with you and there are
> quite a few people that would be interested in this.  If you
> could please copy and paste this last message when you join
> because I have a few questions about the change and what it
> did and why.  This comment area is not a good medium to chat
> back and forth with.
> Also if you would like to change the source in cv

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Terminal type in tnvt and STRPCCMD

2005-06-14 Thread Kenneth Pouncey
Hola Ignacio

Si no intiendes algo me dices y puedo explicartelo en espanol.

This is what I was wondering how you implemented.

In the writeToDisplay you added a -128 byte code?  If so where is -128 defined
and how do you receive it?  Did you change the application displays to get it 

If you did change the the applications then I think we have a better way to
handle this within the code base called "command scanning".  It was an idea I
had with an elementary implementation in the code base but Wim and his company
went on to make if a full fledged implementation that they use for exactly that

Within from cvs take a look at:

// WVL - LDC : TR.000300 : Callback scenario from 5250
 * When command scanning is activated, the terminal reads the first and
 * second character in the datastream (the zero position allows to
 * devisualize the scan stream). If the sequence #! is
 * encountered and if this sequence is not  followed 
by a
 * blank character, the [EMAIL PROTECTED] parseCommand(ScreenChar[])}is 
private void scan() {

So if this might work a little better for you and is a cleaner implementation.




> Hi Kenneth,
> (I am sorry if got wrong sending mail to incorrect list.)
> I am not able to check the list daily, but I should do it.
> For enable STRPCCMD we add this code to tnvt class in method
> writeToDisplay:
> case -128: //strpccmd
> String
> comparar="-4-41-61-4264-125-128-95-128-128";
> String comparar2="";
> for (int i=1;i<11;i++)
> comparar2+=bk.getNextByte();
> if(comparar.equals(comparar2))
> {
> String comando="";
> int currentbyte=0;
> while(currentbyte!=2)
> {
> comando+=ebcdic2uni(currentbyte);
> currentbyte=bk.getNextByte();
> }
> ejec(comando.substring(1,comando.length()));
> bk.setPrevByte();
> screen52.sendKeys(screen52.MNEMONIC_ENTER);
> }else{
> for (int i=1;i<11;i++)
> bk.setPrevByte();
> }
> The "ejec" call performs a simple execution of local program specified by
> the argument, which can contains arguments in the same string, eg:
> ejec("/var/bin/firefox http://intranet/help.jsp?book=13";)
> In AS400 part, we can made STRPCO (Start Personal Communications) and then
> STRPCCMD with the string referred in the above example. In Client Access
> there is a component pco.exe which gets this call and executes the local
> process.
> When user ends his AS400 session he gets a message telling "PCO.EXE IS NOT
> FOUND. PRESS ENTER". We were solving this make up issue by sending the
> intro automatically after log out.
> One minor problem we have, (as I consider but not our users), is at the
> begining of applet loading. When the applet is started and you can see the
> first screen, you have to do a few mouse clicks within before you are able
> to type in. This behaviour does not happen when we use tn5250j in desktop
> way.
> We are going to use tn5250j in a very intensive way 7/24 and our users are
> very, very demanding, especially about keys behaviour. I am sure we will
> have problems keeping our code with the project cvs.
> (I hope my English would be a little clear. I am not very confident with
> it.)
> Regards
> Ignacio.
> Ignacio
> Could you please join our tn5250j-general mailing list.  I
> would really like to discuss this with you and there are
> quite a few people that would be interested in this.  If you
> could please copy and paste this last message when you join
> because I have a few questions about the change and what it
> did and why.  This comment area is not a good medium to chat
> back and forth with.
> Also if you would like to change the source in cvs I can
> give you access so we can keep up to date.
> Am very interested in your implementation of the STRPCCMD
> and what you are doing here.
> Well that is if you guys are willing to discuss this with us.
> Congrats on finding that because I never would have.
> Please join us as I am looking forward to some discussions
> with other developers that are actually changing the code.

RE: [Tn5250j-general] CVS update

2005-06-14 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


I was talking about the information that is output when doing an ant build not
what shows up on emulator frame.

I think Richard or Marc mentioned it after the CVS mass update.

Oh I was looking through some of non finished stuff while researching the URL
problem for Richard and ran across the logging panel.  Can you finish that up
sometime soon.  I would like to put out a release 0.5.8 this weekend.

Actually will be renaming it to 0.6.0 because of all the changes for headless.



Quoting Patrick Bielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Kenneth,
> > When it built the project it was building with 0.5.7 not 8.
> Well then it must be you, cause here it compiles with
> 0.5.8 alpha 2 for almost an half year now :-)
> But ofcourse it could be i had changed it already
> before, that's why i saw no changes.
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Best Regards,
> Patrick Bielen
> System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
> Microsoft Certified Professional
> Sun Certified Java Programmer
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> shotput
> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
> track?
> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
Tn5250j-general mailing list

RE: [Tn5250j-general] CVS update

2005-06-14 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

When it built the project it was building with 0.5.7 not 8.

Quoting Patrick Bielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Kenneth,
> > Also updated the build.xml to output 
> > the correct version information.
> ??? It still displays 0.5.8 alpha 2
> So not sure what has changed ?
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Best Regards,
> Patrick Bielen
> System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
> Microsoft Certified Professional
> Sun Certified Java Programmer
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> shotput
> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
> track?
> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
Tn5250j-general mailing list

[Tn5250j-general] CVS update

2005-06-13 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Hello all

I have committed the changes for Marc's request for pasting long text 
lines and the URL problem for hotspots reported by Richard.

Also updated the build.xml to output the correct version information.



This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:

Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Web5250

2005-06-13 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


I found the problem and am sending you my module now.  Not sure if it is the
best way to fix it but it works.



Quoting Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Pete
> Pete Helgren wrote:
> > How do you do that? 
> :-P
> > I wish I knew more about the inter workings of tn5250j.  One of these 
> > days I'll roll up may sleeves and get my hands dirty and muck around 
> > in the code base for a few weeks.
> Just dig in and look at the objects that are out there.  One thing I did 
> use was turning on hex display to see what the attribute bytes were.  
> That has helped me multiple times when trying to figure out what to keep 
> and what not to.
> >
> > That took care of the ability to edit the code, however, there appears 
> > to be an alignment issue with the data as it appears in SEU.  SEU must 
> > have a field that tells it how to align the data on the screen because 
> > the Type entry in SEU normally aligns to position 6 (at least in an 
> > RPG OPM program) and in this case the type field aligns to position 1 
> > so if you press enter the entire screen lights up with errors because 
> > all the characters are off by 1. If you could point out where to look 
> > for this, I could take a shot at it.  The field itself, in debug, does 
> > not have the leading blanks and I can't tell how SEU "knows" to align 
> > the data since tn5250j DOES align the data.
> Hummm not sure.  Actually would have to look at the objects themselves.  
> Maybe the error is in the screen generation within the servlet code.  We 
> will have to debug it.
> >
> > I'll also add a properties file that will hold the IP address so we 
> > don't have to keep changing IP addresses if we fully update the code.  
> > I'll also investigate the "cursor movement" issues.
> >
> > Final question:  How do we want to handle the CVS access on this?  
> > This is a pretty small piece of code so far.  We could:
> >
> > 1. Create a sub project of tn5250j and make the code available there.
> > 2. Create a new SF project .
> > 3. I could get you set up with CVS access on our CVS server.  I might 
> > be able to get anonymous access set up  for folks to check out the 
> > source but I am really not in a good position to set up multiple 
> > committers and such.
> I will set up a subproject under the tn5250j cvs for this.  One thing we 
> do need to decide on is what are we going to keep in cvs.  Just the 
> servlet code with .js and .css files or create a complete application 
> with .war file.
> >
> > Your call. I know that Richard is interested in the code and I expect, 
> > if I post to a few other lists that I participate in , that we could 
> > get some volume of interest on this.  I just don't want to announce it 
> > being available until we are ready for folks to access the code. What 
> > do you think?  I'll do the legwork on the SF project or our company 
> > CVS if you think that is the best way to go. As admin on tn5250j, 
> > you'd have to set up the sub-project (however that is done).
> Let me create the cvs entries and we can go from there.
> Regards
> Kenneth
> >
> > Pete
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Kenneth Pouncey wrote:
> >
> >>Ok got it.
> >>
> >>Try this in the servlet code:
> >>
> >>
> >> // There is probably a better way to set the hidden
> and
> >> // disabled attributes
> >> // but right now I'll do the grunt work...later I'll
> move
> >> // it to the stylesheets
> >>// if ((int) screenRect.attr[pos] == 32)
> >>//attrHidden = "\" disabled = \"true";
> >>// else
> >>attrHidden = "";
> >>
> >> if ((screenRect.extended[pos] & EXTENDED_5250_NON_DSP)
> != 0)
> >>textBoxType = "\" type=\"password\" length=\"";
> >>
> >> else
> >>textBoxType = "\" type=\"text\" length=\"";
> >>
> >> if (sf.isBypassField()) {
> >>attrHidden = "\" disabled = \"true";
> >>if ((int) screenRect.attr[pos] == 39) {

Re: [Tn5250j-general] EDTWRD

2005-06-13 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Quoting Marc Vos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Kenneth,
> Aha! Maybe that's why the other emulators don't honour the mask. Anyway, I
> like it better your way.

Not sure but the edtwrd capabilities are not supported by many emulators out 

> Thanks for checking it out.

No probs.

> Until now, the latest version you sent me runs perfectly.

Great!!  Good to hear.  I have not heard much from the others out there so will
assume "No news is Good news"


> Greetings,
> -Marc
> On 13-06-2005 11:33, "Kenneth Pouncey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Marc
> > 
> > OK I just went and created a test file for this to check in both CA and
> > tn5250j
> > before we create a whole bunch of dumps for nothing.
> > 
> > Here is the way I created it.
> > 
> > AWNOAC 12  0B 13 20EDTWRD('.  -   -   ')
> > A  EDTMSK('&  &   &   ')
> > 
> > 
> > This shows up as blanks without the mask characters as you say if the field
> is
> > blanks.  This happens in both tn5250j and Client Access.  Looking in the
> data
> > stream the mask characters are not being sent so there is no way for me to
> > figure them out without it telling me.
> > 
> > 
> > To make the field separaters show up all the time the field will have to
> be
> > something besides blank or change the edtwrd to use a 0 (zero) like below:
> > 
> > AWNOAC 12  0B 13 20EDTWRD('   0.  -   -   ')
> > A  EDTMSK('&  &   &   ')
> > 
> > The above produces the following if the field is blank or not initialized:
> > '.00-000-000'
> > 
> > Another example here with the 0 at the beginning:
> > 
> > AWNOAC 12  0B 13 20EDTWRD('0   .  -   -   ')
> > A  EDTMSK('&  &   &   ')
> > 
> > The above produces the following if the field is blank or not initialized:
> > ' 000.00-000-000'
> > 
> > Hope that helps but can not do anything about it and also works the same
> as
> > Client Access because the controller itself is not sending back the
> > separators.
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
> > 
> > Kenneth
> > 
> > Quoting Marc Vos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 
> >> Hi Kenneth,
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Mocha and Powerterm Pro handle EDTWRD only for display AND only when the
> >> field contains something other than blanks or zeroes. For the rest, it is
> >> just a plain input field. The cursor doesn't even skip the formatting
> >> separtors.
> >> 
> >> This how a date field [EDTWRD('  -  -')] looks like with TN5250j when
> >> it' initially displayed in NON-GUI mode.
> >> 
> >> __ __ 
> >> 
> >> And this with the other two:
> >> 
> >> __
> >> 
> >> After filling in something (01012005):
> >> 
> >> TN5250j:01 01 2005
> >> Others:  01012005
> >> 
> >> and pressing ENTER, it's displayed like this:
> >> 
> >> TN5250j:01-01-2005
> >> Others:  01-01-2005
> >> 
> >> Now, when I start typing a new date, say 1212, it goes like this:
> >> 
> >> TN5250j:12-12-2005
> >> Others:  12121-2005
> >> 
> >> At this point, with TN5250j I can use the TAB-key to move to the next
> field.
> >> With the others I have to continue typing the rest of the date and use
> >> FIELD-EXIT to delete the rest. So TN5250j is running circles around the
> >> others! The only thing left to do is to display the separator characters
> of
> >> the EDTWRD when the field is empty.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Regards,
> >> 
> >> -Marc Vos
> >> 
> >> On 13-06-2005 07:51, "Kenneth Pouncey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Marc
> >>> 
> >>> No sure of the problem there.  I just use what is sent to me in the
> >>> stream.  Does it work that way in other emulators like client access or
> >>> powerterm?
> >>> 
> >>> If it is not the same then we will have to create a log of the
> >>> datastream for me to tear into.  First check it with CA or th

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Hotspot issue with http and https

2005-06-13 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Found the problem with this.  I can send you the fix if you would like for 



Quoting Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Richard
> Richard Houston wrote:
> >Hey all,
> >
> >Just wanted to let you know we have been testing 0.5.8 Alpha2 all day and
> >all seams good with the exception of one issue. It seem that the http and
> >https based hotspots are broken. :0
> >  
> >
> What is happening?  I tested on a windows machine and it worked.
> >If I single or double click on a https link nothing happens. The XSystem
> >in the bottom left corner flashes quickly bit nothing happens after that.
> >  
> >
> hummm  that is weird
> >Now if I click on a http link nothing happens but if I double click on the
> >http link it is like I hit the F3 key an it exits the screen.
> >  
> >
> Do you have the option for "double click sends enter" turned on?
> >Very strange. Anything I can do to help debug? This is on Linux and JDK
> >1.4.2_06
> >  
> >
> There should be a debug message that is sent when a link is clicked.  I 
> will have to go in and look again though.
> The message should read something like : Sending to external browser: 
> http://xx
> Kenneth
> >Thanks!
> >
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >+--+
> >| Richard Houston  .^. |
> >| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
> >| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
> >| WWW   ^^-^^|
> >+--+
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >---
> >This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> shotput
> >a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
> track?
> >If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
> >Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> >___
> >Tn5250j-general mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >.
> >
> >  
> >
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> shotput
> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
> track?
> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] EDTWRD

2005-06-13 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

OK I just went and created a test file for this to check in both CA and tn5250j
before we create a whole bunch of dumps for nothing.

Here is the way I created it.

AWNOAC 12  0B 13 20EDTWRD('.  -   -   ') 
A  EDTMSK('&  &   &   ') 

This shows up as blanks without the mask characters as you say if the field is
blanks.  This happens in both tn5250j and Client Access.  Looking in the data
stream the mask characters are not being sent so there is no way for me to
figure them out without it telling me.

To make the field separaters show up all the time the field will have to be
something besides blank or change the edtwrd to use a 0 (zero) like below:

AWNOAC 12  0B 13 20EDTWRD('   0.  -   -   ')
A  EDTMSK('&  &   &   ')

The above produces the following if the field is blank or not initialized:

Another example here with the 0 at the beginning:

AWNOAC 12  0B 13 20EDTWRD('0   .  -   -   ')
A  EDTMSK('&  &   &   ')

The above produces the following if the field is blank or not initialized:
' 000.00-000-000'

Hope that helps but can not do anything about it and also works the same as
Client Access because the controller itself is not sending back the separators.



Quoting Marc Vos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Kenneth,
> Mocha and Powerterm Pro handle EDTWRD only for display AND only when the
> field contains something other than blanks or zeroes. For the rest, it is
> just a plain input field. The cursor doesn't even skip the formatting
> separtors.
> This how a date field [EDTWRD('  -  -')] looks like with TN5250j when
> it' initially displayed in NON-GUI mode.
> __ __ 
> And this with the other two:
> __
> After filling in something (01012005):
> TN5250j:01 01 2005
> Others:  01012005
> and pressing ENTER, it's displayed like this:
> TN5250j:01-01-2005
> Others:  01-01-2005
> Now, when I start typing a new date, say 1212, it goes like this:
> TN5250j:12-12-2005
> Others:  12121-2005
> At this point, with TN5250j I can use the TAB-key to move to the next field.
> With the others I have to continue typing the rest of the date and use
> FIELD-EXIT to delete the rest. So TN5250j is running circles around the
> others! The only thing left to do is to display the separator characters of
> the EDTWRD when the field is empty.
> Regards,
> -Marc Vos
> On 13-06-2005 07:51, "Kenneth Pouncey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Marc
> > 
> > No sure of the problem there.  I just use what is sent to me in the
> > stream.  Does it work that way in other emulators like client access or
> > powerterm?
> > 
> > If it is not the same then we will have to create a log of the
> > datastream for me to tear into.  First check it with CA or the powerterm
> > emulators.
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
> > Kenneth
> > 
> > Marc Vos wrote:
> > 
> >> Hi Kenneth,
> >> 
> >> I was really surprised to notice that you honour the EDTWRD's separators,
> >> while typing! I always thought from other emulators that could only be
> done
> >> when you hae some special hardware terminal controller. Cool!
> >> 
> >> There's only one thing: TN5250j knows where the separators stand, but it
> >> doesn't show them when a record format is displayed for the first time
> and
> >> the field contains no data. It's bit weird to see the cursor jump over
> >> spaces while typing data into the field.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Regards and have a nice weekend,
> >> 
> >> -Marc Vos
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> ---
> >> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> shotput
> >> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
> >> track?
> >> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
> >> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> >> ___
> >> Tn5250j-general mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >> 

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Hotspot issue with http and https

2005-06-12 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Richard Houston wrote:

Hey all,

Just wanted to let you know we have been testing 0.5.8 Alpha2 all day and
all seams good with the exception of one issue. It seem that the http and
https based hotspots are broken. :0

What is happening?  I tested on a windows machine and it worked.

If I single or double click on a https link nothing happens. The XSystem
in the bottom left corner flashes quickly bit nothing happens after that.

hummm  that is weird

Now if I click on a http link nothing happens but if I double click on the
http link it is like I hit the F3 key an it exits the screen.

Do you have the option for "double click sends enter" turned on?

Very strange. Anything I can do to help debug? This is on Linux and JDK

There should be a debug message that is sent when a link is clicked.  I 
will have to go in and look again though.

The message should read something like : Sending to external browser: 



| Richard Houston  .^. |
| R.L.H.  Consulting   /V\ |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/(   )\   |
| WWW   ^^-^^|

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:

Tn5250j-general mailing list



This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:

Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Web5250

2005-06-12 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Pete Helgren wrote:

How do you do that?  

 I wish I
knew more about the inter workings of
tn5250j.  One of these days I'll roll up may sleeves and get my hands
dirty and muck around in the code base for a few weeks.

Just dig in and look at the objects that are out there.  One thing I
did use was turning on hex display to see what the attribute bytes
were.  That has helped me multiple times when trying to figure out what
to keep and what not to.

That took care of the ability to edit the code, however, there appears
to be an alignment issue with the data as it appears in SEU.  SEU must
have a field that tells it how to align the data on the screen because
the Type entry in SEU normally aligns to position 6 (at least in an RPG
OPM program) and in this case the type field aligns to position 1 so if
you press enter the entire screen lights up with errors because all the
characters are off by 1. If you could point out where to look for this,
I could take a shot at it.  The field itself, in debug, does not have
the leading blanks and I can't tell how SEU "knows" to align the data
since tn5250j DOES align the data.

Hummm not sure.  Actually would have to look at the objects
themselves.  Maybe the error is in the screen generation within the
servlet code.  We will have to debug it.

I'll also add a properties file that will hold the IP address so we
don't have to keep changing IP addresses if we fully update the code. 
I'll also investigate the "cursor movement" issues.
Final question:  How do we want to handle the CVS access on this?  This
is a pretty small piece of code so far.  We could:
1. Create a sub project of tn5250j and make the code available there.
2. Create a new SF project .
3. I could get you set up with CVS access on our CVS server.  I might
be able to get anonymous access set up  for folks to check out the
source but I am really not in a good position to set up multiple
committers and such.

I will set up a subproject under the tn5250j cvs for this.  One thing
we do need to decide on is what are we going to keep in cvs.  Just the
servlet code with .js and .css files or create a complete application
with .war file.

Your call. I know that Richard is interested in the code and I expect,
if I post to a few other lists that I participate in , that we could
get some volume of interest on this.  I just don't want to announce it
being available until we are ready for folks to access the code. What
do you think?  I'll do the legwork on the SF project or our company CVS
if you think that is the best way to go. As admin on tn5250j, you'd
have to set up the sub-project (however that is done).

Let me create the cvs entries and we can go from there.



Kenneth Pouncey wrote:
Ok got it.

Try this in the servlet code:

 // There is probably a better way to set the hidden and
 // disabled attributes
 // but right now I'll do the grunt work...later I'll move
 // it to the stylesheets
// if ((int) screenRect.attr[pos] == 32)
//attrHidden = "\" disabled = \"true";
// else
attrHidden = "";

 if ((screenRect.extended[pos] & EXTENDED_5250_NON_DSP) != 0)
textBoxType = "\" type=\"password\" length=\"";

textBoxType = "\" type=\"text\" length=\"";

 if (sf.isBypassField()) {
attrHidden = "\" disabled = \"true";
if ((int) screenRect.attr[pos] == 39) {
   textBoxType = "\" type=\"hidden\" length=\"";



Quoting Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:



Also, I have been trying to figure out "equivalent" field types for the

data. Go into SEU on a source member and you can't edit anything. So I need

figure out all the variations of editable vs non-editable fields. Since I

know the 5250 stream well enough, I could probably use some help there.
  Huummm.  Never noticed that.  Will have to take a look as to why it is that


This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  

Re: [Tn5250j-general] EDTWRD

2005-06-12 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


No sure of the problem there.  I just use what is sent to me in the 
stream.  Does it work that way in other emulators like client access or 

If it is not the same then we will have to create a log of the 
datastream for me to tear into.  First check it with CA or the powerterm 



Marc Vos wrote:

Hi Kenneth,

I was really surprised to notice that you honour the EDTWRD's separators,
while typing! I always thought from other emulators that could only be done
when you hae some special hardware terminal controller. Cool!

There's only one thing: TN5250j knows where the separators stand, but it
doesn't show them when a record format is displayed for the first time and
the field contains no data. It's bit weird to see the cursor jump over
spaces while typing data into the field.

Regards and have a nice weekend,

-Marc Vos

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:

Tn5250j-general mailing list



This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:

Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Selection rectangle

2005-06-10 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Well I thought it might be easy to fix but really do not feel like digging into
the painting code right now.  Will put this on the back burner for now.  

If it was not for the utmost importance to have a copy paste I swear I would rip
that darn bounding rectangle out :-/


Quoting Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Marc
> never noticed that before but it does happen the way you say.  Will look at
> it.
> Kenneth
> Quoting Marc Vos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi Kenneth,
> > 
> > 
> > I noticed that the selection rectangle behaves different when you select a
> > portion of the screen with the mouse or by holding down the shift key and
> > moving with the arrow keys.
> > 
> > Selecting a portion with keys in this order:
> > ---
> > - Pressing RESET: rectangle remains visible, selection remains active.
> > - Pressing ENTER: rectangle dissappears, selection remains active
> > - Pressing ENTER again: rectangle remains invisible, selection remains
> > active.
> > - Call a program: rectangle remains invisible, selection remains active.
> > 
> > So there's no way to get the rectangle to appear again.
> > 
> > Selecting a portion with the mouse in this order:
> > --
> > - Pressing RESET: rectangle dissappears, selection remains active.
> > - Pressing ENTER: rectangle re-appears, selection remains active
> > - Pressing ENTER again: rectangle still visible, selection remains active.
> > - Call a program: rectangle still visible, selection remains active.
> > 
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > -Marc Vos
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ---
> > This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> > shotput
> > a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
> > track?
> > If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
> > Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> > ___
> > Tn5250j-general mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> shotput
> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
> track?
> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Selection rectangle

2005-06-10 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


never noticed that before but it does happen the way you say.  Will look at it.


Quoting Marc Vos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Kenneth,
> I noticed that the selection rectangle behaves different when you select a
> portion of the screen with the mouse or by holding down the shift key and
> moving with the arrow keys.
> Selecting a portion with keys in this order:
> ---
> - Pressing RESET: rectangle remains visible, selection remains active.
> - Pressing ENTER: rectangle dissappears, selection remains active
> - Pressing ENTER again: rectangle remains invisible, selection remains
> active.
> - Call a program: rectangle remains invisible, selection remains active.
> So there's no way to get the rectangle to appear again.
> Selecting a portion with the mouse in this order:
> --
> - Pressing RESET: rectangle dissappears, selection remains active.
> - Pressing ENTER: rectangle re-appears, selection remains active
> - Pressing ENTER again: rectangle still visible, selection remains active.
> - Call a program: rectangle still visible, selection remains active.
> Regards,
> -Marc Vos
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> shotput
> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
> track?
> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Web5250

2005-06-10 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Ok got it.

Try this in the servlet code:

 // There is probably a better way to set the hidden and
 // disabled attributes
 // but right now I'll do the grunt work...later I'll move
 // it to the stylesheets
// if ((int) screenRect.attr[pos] == 32)
//attrHidden = "\" disabled = \"true";
// else
attrHidden = "";

 if ((screenRect.extended[pos] & EXTENDED_5250_NON_DSP) != 
textBoxType = "\" type=\"password\" length=\"";

textBoxType = "\" type=\"text\" length=\"";

 if (sf.isBypassField()) {
attrHidden = "\" disabled = \"true";
if ((int) screenRect.attr[pos] == 39) {
   textBoxType = "\" type=\"hidden\" length=\"";



Quoting Kenneth Pouncey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Pete
> >Also, I have been trying to figure out "equivalent" field types for the
> 5250
> >data. Go into SEU on a source member and you can't edit anything. So I need
> to
> >figure out all the variations of editable vs non-editable fields. Since I
> don't
> >know the 5250 stream well enough, I could probably use some help there.
> Huummm.  Never noticed that.  Will have to take a look as to why it is that
> way.
> Kenneth
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> shotput
> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
> track?
> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] [ tn5250j-Bugs-1161363 ] Slovenian (SVN) support for TN5250j

2005-06-10 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Quoting Marko Daris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi, 
> Did change the International Settings in iSeries Navigator... and
> rebooted. At the console the codeset changed so I could type Slovenian
> characters. I tried to do a mkdir with those characters. When I type the
> command everything looks ok, but when I do a ls ? are displayed.
> The same happens if I create the directory on a Windows client using
> Slovenian settings -  are displayed.

No exactly sure I understand what you mean here.

> I think it would be better if I manage to change the language - then all
> the messages would be in Slovenian... but I don't know how to do it,
> still searching. Or maybe I must change the CCSID on the telnet device??

That would be good I would think.  If not the characters will not show up 

> FYI: the code page no. on AS400 is different than what windows uses. 
> For example:
> Language Code page Graphic character set
> US English 37 697
> Slovenian 870 959

You can test with the jt400 code pages as described before.  When you get it let
me know.

In the iSeries navigator what language are you using for the emulation?  Does it
work correctly?

Sorry but I will not be able to help you with anything except for the emulator



> Regards, 
> Marko
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> shotput
> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
> track?
> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] New problems arise after build from cvs

2005-06-10 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Try using a fresh check out instead of a refresh.

After compileing do an 

>ant run

And see if it works that way.

Quoting Patrick Bielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi All,
> Just refreshed and builded tn5250j from CVS.
> When i run tn5250j from netbeans then all is ok (run the my5250.class)
> but when i build with ant, and then copy the tn5250j.jar from the
> build to the production dir (which is C:\tn5250j on all the windows-boxes
> here) and then run tn5250j then i get the next error.
> C:\tn5250j>java -jar tn5250j.jar
> No other instances of tn5250j running.
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
> at javax.swing.ImageIcon.(Unknown Source)
> at
> Source)
> at org.tn5250j.gui.TN5250jSplashScreen.(Unknown Source)
> at org.tn5250j.My5250.(Unknown Source)
> at org.tn5250j.My5250.main(Unknown Source)
> So seems there is something wrong with the classpath after the build of the
> jar.
> Anyway, gonna track the problem now, but keep in mind that when you
> distribute the jar to new users that problems can arise...
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Best Regards,
> Patrick Bielen
> System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
> Microsoft Certified Professional
> Sun Certified Java Programmer

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
Tn5250j-general mailing list

RE: [Tn5250j-general] CVS update

2005-06-10 Thread Kenneth Pouncey

Quoting Patrick Bielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Kenneth,
> > Thanks for the offer but it is already done.  
> > It should all be there now.
> :-) Hence i had a day off yesterday.
> Okay, so i just can checkout from CVS 
> and recompile, and all should be ok ?
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Best Regards,
> Patrick Bielen
> System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
> Microsoft Certified Professional
> Sun Certified Java Programmer
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> shotput
> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
> track?
> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
Tn5250j-general mailing list

Re: [Tn5250j-general] Web5250

2005-06-10 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


>Also, I have been trying to figure out "equivalent" field types for the 5250
>data. Go into SEU on a source member and you can't edit anything. So I need to
>figure out all the variations of editable vs non-editable fields. Since I don't
>know the 5250 stream well enough, I could probably use some help there.

Huummm.  Never noticed that.  Will have to take a look as to why it is that way.


This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
Tn5250j-general mailing list

RE: [Tn5250j-general] CVS update

2005-06-10 Thread Kenneth Pouncey


Thanks for the offer but it is already done.  It should all be there now.


Quoting Patrick Bielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Kenneth,
> > Oh man am not looking forward 
> > to updating cvs at all.
> I know how you feel :-)
> > I would like to extend an open offer to anybody 
> > with cvs update access to help me out or anybody 
> > that would like to have cvs access.  I can send 
> > them the sources and we can take parts and update 
> > them to cvs.  That will go faster and that way 
> > we have a couple of people to help out.  
> Sure, i'll help, it'll be a bitch to handle anyway,
> cause almost every frigging file is different.
> > I have to prepare my machine and a development 
> > environment before I can do this myself.
> I understand.
> > Any takers?
> Sure, send me the sources again so that i'm completely
> up-to-date with the source that should be in CVS.
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Best Regards,
> Patrick Bielen
> System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
> Microsoft Certified Professional
> Sun Certified Java Programmer
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you
> shotput
> a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge
> track?
> If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
> Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
> ___
> Tn5250j-general mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display:
Tn5250j-general mailing list

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