Fw: SSI and isVirtualWebappRelative in Tomcat 5.0.18

2004-02-16 Thread Ferran Orsola


I have been trying to use SSI in Tomcat. It seems that work perfectly but only using 
relative path.

If I change isVirtualWebappRelative = 0 in order to use absolute path from root 
context, SSI don't work. When I use absolute path I only could include content from 
the same folder.

My case is 



Using relative path I can insert content in folder1/index.shtml with:
!--#include virtual=test.shtml --

Using absolute path I can insert content in folder1/index.shtml with:
!--#include virtual=/folder1/test.shtml --

In theory, using absolute path I should be able to charge content in 
/folder1.index.shtml from other context like that:
!--#include virtual=/folder2/test.shtml --

But this does not works.

Anybody knows why? Any suggestions?

Ferran Orsola

Add context from apache in Tomcat !!!

2004-02-16 Thread Ferran Orsola
Hi everybody?

Someone can help me?

I've got two instances of tomcat running in two diferents machines. Also Ihave got 
apache server mapped with the two Tomcats using JK1.2 as:

JKMount /oasis-tl/* cms   # first instance of Tomcat
JKMount /tl-intranet/* intranet# second instance of Tomcat

Now in one application located in /tl-intranet/ (2 instance of tomcat) I would like to 
charge content from the other instance of tomcat and I don't know how to do it.

I already tried using JSP Includes and Tomcat SSI.

JSP Includes can only charge content from the same context.
Tomcat SSI can charge content from same application of from same Tomcat, but not from 
another place.

Is it possible to charge content with any method using absolut path as 
http://www./ ??


Ferran Orsola

Broken Pipe

2001-12-27 Thread Ferran Arís


I'm using Tomcat 4.01 Standalone
Debian 2.2r4 Kernel 2.2.19
JDK 1.3.1 BlackDown

I have the following problem.

Tomcat works fast, good for a time. You can do a ps x -C java on the machine and you 
see the processes correctly working. Most of them are i S state (sleeping) some 
running in R state logically they R when some connections are handled. Until now every 
thing ok, it works for a long time. Two days later you look at the same ps and you can 
see one of the java processes that it is in R state for about 21 hours and is 
consumming 74 of CPU. No clients are attached, requesting (i know this for sure, 
nobody at the firm except me). This child process is still running but i don't know 
what is doing. I try to look at the logs and try to find what was happening 21 hours 
ago and the only thing i found a Servlet.service() exception Broken Pipe round this 
time. When i try to shutdown tomcat the nice way (catalina.sh stop) nothing happens, 
ps x -C java show that java is still running, no way to get out the only solution is 
to kill the parent java process.

Is it a way to know what happend?, to debug this and know why? because if you run 
Tomcat for longer time without stopping Tomcat stops responding.

I need help on that please because i must restart tomcat everyday.

Thanks everybody in advance.

Ferran Arís.

Strange Thread Behaviour

2001-12-10 Thread Ferran Arís

Hi everybody!

I have a strange problem with Tomcat Version 4.0.1 running on GNU/Linux Debian Kernel 
2.2.19 using j2sdk 1.3.1 from blackdown.

I have a JSP page that returns a simple 1 in simple text page format, no HTTPsession.

You start tomcat normally and the HTTPconnector running at port 80 standalone has 

minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=15

It starts 20 linux java processes and i can see that in the logs he open the 5 initial 
background threads.

Until now everything is OK.

When you start calling the JSP page everything is OK. if you get mad and you call this 
page over and over again very fast everything is ok but after a while beggins to open 
new background threads for incoming requests, this is also ok, maybe he has no time to 
process the lot of requestes with 5 threads. The number of OS processes beggins to 
grow for every background thread he opens, also no problem. Then i stop to ask for the 
page, everything ok normally after a while he should stop the background processes 
when the connection times out (connectionTimeout=15000) so i wait about 3 hours. After 
this, the number of java processes it's still the same and in the logs it doesn't come 
nothing like (Stopping background thread) so i begin to call the page again and again. 
When the number again the number of processes begin to grow until Tomcat stops 
responding. After this catalina.sh stop is not able to end tomcat i must kill pid 
of the first java process otherwise java processes are always opened.

It seems like tomcat has no control about the threads that were opened,

any suggestions, please?


java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs

2001-11-30 Thread Ferran


I work with Jakarta-tomcat and I have JCE(java cryptography package) 1.2.1 into 
context\webinfo\lib extension 
I am using JDK 1.3 andI have followed all installation issues required and granted all 
permissions needed but it just won't work with Tomcat.

The same piece of code works well executed from java command line, Forte, netbeans or 
weblogic but not using tomcat.

This is the error message:

PoolTcpConnector: Starting Ajp12ConnectionHandler on 8007 
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot set up 
certs for trusted CAs at javax.crypto.b.clinit([DashoPro-V1.2-120198]) at 

Decrypter class:

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
import java.security.spec.*;
import com.portland.adx.Header;
import com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE;

public class Decryption {

private Cryptography c;
public Decryption() {
   c = new Cryptography();

 public Header decryptHeader(Object tmp){

Cipher desCipher = null;
Header header = null;

try {
desCipher = Cipher.getInstance(DES/ECB/PKCS5Padding);
desCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, c.desKey);

SealedObject toDecrypt = (SealedObject)tmp;
header = (Header) toDecrypt.getObject(desCipher);
}catch(Exception e) {

return null;

return header;

}//end class

and Cryptography class:

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import sun.security.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
import java.security.spec.*;
import sun.security.provider.*;
import com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE;

public class Cryptography {

  SecretKeySpec desKey;
  byte[] keyBuffer;

  public Cryptography() {

   try {
// Add SunJCE to the list of providers
SunJCE jce = new SunJCE();

//generating secret key
keyBuffer = 02010387.getBytes();
desKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBuffer,DES);

}catch(Exception e){


Any help would be very much apreciated


RE: What Happen with of Tomcat 4.0.1 instalation?

2001-11-28 Thread Ferran Arís

I think Carlos you will get a better help in Tomcat User Mail List rather
than in the Tomcat Developer List (the one you are writing now), the
problems discussed here are very different from the help you need. You can
check this URL :

http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail2.html and look for Tomcat User List,
then hit on subscribe.

HINT : Check on the windows registry for this entries :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment

and look inside if the JavaHome Value is pointing to the directory where
your JDK is installed.

and add to your environment My Computer, Properties, Advanced, System
Variables a variable called JAVA_HOME and the path from the JVM you want to

Hope it helps ...

-Mensaje original-
De: Juan Carlos Fernández Galante
Enviado el: martes, 27 de noviembre de 2001 19:01
Para: Tomcat Developers List
Asunto: What Happen with of Tomcat 4.0.1 instalation?

I am attempting to install Tomcat 4.0.1, on

Windows 2000
Apache 1.3
jdk1.3.1  jdk1.4 beta3

but when I try to execute the jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1.exe file, the next
message appear:

Could´t find a JDK on this computer.

Can you help me?

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