HTTP Status 503 - Servlet jsp is currently unavailable

2002-10-31 Thread Patrice . Boucher

I have some configuration problems with a new install of tomcat  (4.1.12):

-- For the servlet examples, (Hello World, etc...) all is OK

-- For the jsp examples, I have always the message :

HTTP Status 503 - Servlet jsp is currently unavailable

+ the *.war files do not deploy automatically when I start the tomcat4


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TOMCAT memory usage : how to manage and benchmark ?

2002-10-28 Thread Patrice . Boucher

I have tomcat 4.1.10 on a red hat Linux server 7.3 with the j2sdk141,

When I start the tomcat4 service, all is OK and the tomcat server run.

BUT, when I look the memory usage (with TOP utility), I have this result :

 11:31am  up 12 days,  2:18,  2 users,  load average: 0,00, 0,00, 0,00
90 processes: 87 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  0,0% user,  0,5% system,  0,0% nice, 99,4% idle
Mem:   514340K av,  479748K used,   34592K free,   0K shrd,   75716K
Swap: 1048120K av,   35016K used, 1013104K free  216648K

19954 tomcat4   25   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:05 java
19957 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19958 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19959 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19960 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19961 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 R 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19962 tomcat4   20   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19963 tomcat4   16   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19964 tomcat4   16   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:01 java
19966 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19967 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19968 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19969 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19970 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19971 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19972 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java
19973 tomcat4   15   0 33584  32M 10464 S 0,0  6,5   0:00 java


My first question is : why tomcat use all the memory while there is no
users connected (or just one) ?
My second question is : how much memory is needed if I want to use tomcat
with many users (500, 1000,...) ?

I already read in the forum Tomcat don't manage the memory, it is the
JVM... so why the jvm use so many processes ?

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Réf. : Re: TOMCAT memory usage : how to manageand benchmark ?

2002-10-28 Thread Patrice . Boucher


Always the same problem!

I tried in the tomcat.conf script :

JAVACMD=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xms128m -Xmx256m

or in the dtomcat4 :

JAVA_OPTS= -server -Xms128m -Xmx256m

-- The memory used by my tomcat reach 300 MO or more with 0 user

Why ?

what is the goog hard config for 500 concurrent users on the same tomcat
server ?


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