Re: Reloading classes

2003-09-08 Thread Ulrich Mayring
Anton Tagunov wrote:
Hmm, am I missing something, but Tomcat runs on exploded wars
anyway, and updating the .class files under WEB-INF/classes
is supposed to cause web app automatic reload (provided that
the the webapp is setup correctly).
According to the docs that procedure is not recommended for production 
environments, because it has a performance penalty. But maybe it's the 
only option :)


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Classloading question

2003-09-08 Thread Ulrich Mayring

I've asked in the user list before, but nobody seemed to know there. Is 
it possible at all to use classes from a different context? The 
crossContext attribute does not seem to enable this.

Basically, I have two WARs and want to access classes that are in one 
WAR from the other WAR (has JSP pages). I know that I could put the 
classes in the shared/common directory, but these classes are updated 
frequently and I can't restart Tomcat every time one of them changes. So 
I'd prefer to have those classes in a WAR and have my other WARs access 

Or is there another way (except via WAR files) to deploy and undeploy 
specific classes while Tomcat is running?

Many thanks in advance,


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