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2004-03-15 Thread jacob
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log4j.jar locked by Tomcat even after remove/undeploy ....

2002-10-08 Thread Jacob Kjome

Hi Tomcat developers,

Below is a discussion that has been ongoing on the log4j-dev list.  We are 
trying to figure out why the log4j jar file is locked after a webapp is 
removed from Tomcat using the Tomcat manager app.  Basically, all jar 
resources in a webapp are let go after a manager remove except for the 
log4j jar (within WEB-INF/lib).  In order to remove the lock on the jar, 
Tomcat has to be shut down completely, not just have the webapp 
removed.  We had thought we had found the reason for it (static 
initializers) but that didn't turn out to be reproducible.  At this point, 
we are a bit perplexed.

Can any Tomcat developers tell us if there are any classloading issues with 
Tomcat that might cause Tomcat to hold onto a jar file in the WEB-INF/lib 
directory after the app has been removed via the manager app?  Could it be 
commons-logging that is holding onto it?  Any help would be appreciated.

BTW, could cross-post responses to [EMAIL PROTECTED]?



Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 07:12:30 -0500
To: Log4J Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Jacob Kjome [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: FW: log4j.jar locked by Tomcat even after  remove/undeploy

I'll pose this question to the tomcat-user and/or tomcat-dev list sometime 
today.  Maybe they can help us out on this.


At 09:39 PM 10/6/2002 -0700, you wrote:
I swear, I reproduced this multiple times before I posted my earlier
message.  When I just tried it, the problem did not happen.  Ack, this is

What else can we use to attack this problem?  Is there some way to tell what
is active in the JVM that is preventing the jar from being unloaded?


  -Original Message-
  From: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 6:46 PM
  Subject: Re: FW: log4j.jar locked by Tomcat even after remove/undeploy
  Hi Mark,
  I am now subscribed to the log4j-dev list.
  I tested all the scenarios that you described, but I never found
  static_test.jar to be locked except for when the application is installed
  (as expected).  When I remove the app, the only thing that is locked is
  log4j-1.2.6.jar.  I can delete everything other than that.
  It is really curious that it locks for you and doesn't for me???
  The thing
  is in Barracuda, the open source Presentation Framework, where the
  Log4jInit and Log4jApplicationWatch come from, there are a number
  of places
  that use static initializers and I find no locking issues with the
  Barracuda libraries.
  Has anyone else reproduced Mark's results?
  BTW, mark, when you use Log4jInit, you can just have the param for the
  FileApender look something like this:
  param name=File value=${barracuda.log.home}/main.log /
  Basically, Log4jInit gerates a system variable based on the name of the
  webapp context.  Here is how it works:
  [name of webapp context].log.home
  So, a webapp at:
  would create a system variable named barracuda.log.home
  A webapp at:
  would create a system variable named myapp.log.home
  Just look for the file main.log in WEB-INF/logs directory of you
  webapp.  If the logs directory doesn't exist, it will be
  created.  So, it
  doesn't matter where your webapp is deployed from as long as it isn't
  deployed directly from a .war file, you will never have to bother setting
  the path.  It will be found automatically.
  If you want to override the path where the log file gets written,
  just set
  the log4j-log-home parameter for the Log4jInit servlet in the web.xml
  such as:
  Nice and flexible, heh?
  At 10:52 AM 10/4/2002 -0700, you wrote:
  The discussion has moved to the log4j-dev email list, but I don't know if
  you are currently subscribed to that list, so I am forwarding it to you.
  Please let me know what you find.
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 11:18 PM
  Subject: RE: log4j.jar locked by Tomcat even after remove/undeploy 
  Ceki  Jake,
  I have done some more tests, and I believe very strongly that
  the problem is
  in Tomcat.  I have enclosed my entire webapp (I am still using the one I
  made last night, with some modifications, and you will need to add the
  log4j-1.2.6.jar to your deployment; I did not include it in the
  enclosed zip
  Here is what I do, you tell me what you think:
  1) I created 2 new classes, org.womacknet.StaticTest and
  org.womacknet.NonStaticTest.  StaticTest has a static initializer defined
  and 2 static members.  NonStaticTest does not have a static
  intitializer and
  only an instance member.  I compiled these files and put them
  into their own
  static_test.jar, which I placed into the WEB-INF

Not getting emails from tomcat-user

2001-06-22 Thread Jacob Thomas

I apologize for butting in on the tomcat-dev list. I am not receiving any
emails from tomcat-user for the last three days. ezmlm indicates that I have
been added to the list but no emails have followed. Any suggestions?

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 8:49 AM
Subject: Tomcat with multiple JVMs

Hello all!

We configure the Tomcat 3.2.1 (mod_jserv) to run multiples JVMs on a one
Web Server Apache, but when i make the request to the second JVM the tomcat
response with the last JVM that i started (set as default in
tomcat-apache.conf the last JVMS).  and ignore the other.  How can i
configure my tomcat for run OK with multiples JVMs


A couple of questions, please!

2001-06-22 Thread Jacob Thomas

Sorry for intruding on the dev list, but I am having no luck getting emails
from the user list. I greatly appreciate it if someone could answer these
two questions:

a) Can Tomcat do a forward to an anchor in a JSP page, such as:

RequestDispatcher rd =
rd.forward(request, response);

b) I am finding that my Tomcat does not load classes from WEB-INF/classess
directory. %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/ext directory has no jars. What else could I