You should know that Apache 2.0.43 as been released to
fix security failures.

The JK and JK2 connectors who has been built under 2.0.42
will WORKS with 2.0.43, no need to recompile anything.

For rpms users, I've uploaded new JK and JK2 rpms to be
used against 2.0.43 since rpm requires to have an apache 2
matching the one which with the mod_jk has been built :

JK :

mod_jk-ap20-1.2.0-1jpp.i386.rpm    is for Apache 2.0.42
mod_jk-ap20-1.2.0-2jpp.i386.rpm    is for Apache 2.0.43

JK2 :

mod_jk-ap20-1.2.0-1jpp.i386.rpm  is for Apache 2.0.42
mod_jk-ap20-1.2.0-2jpp.i386.rpm  is for Apache 2.0.43


PS: As usually RPM for Apache 2.0.42/2.0.43 are at :

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