On Fri, 1 Mar 2002, Bill Barker wrote:

> >   Initialization is done using setProperty() followed by an init().
> >   The worker should be independent of the way it is configured -
> >   and 'smart' workers can change some settings at runtime.
> >
> >   Adding individual setters and introspection is of course not
> >   easy in C, but setProperty() is close enough for what we
> >   need.
> >
> So, I guess in JK3 we'll need full-blown C++ style vtables and interface
> discovery? We'll have almost managed to re-invent COM. ;-)


I see no other way to implement run-time configuration. Restarting
apache every time you want to add a worker or webapp is not a very
good solution.

The whole Gnome ( and many other C projects ) are written in object 
oriented C, and this coding style has a lot of benefits hard to 
achieve otherwise.

Sometime ago I was acused that I write 'C in java' ( I avoid 
interfaces and complex object models, use byte[] - just look at 
MessageBytes). Now it seems I write 'java in C'. Someone on cocoon wants 
'lisp style in java' ( with continuations, etc ). 

I don't think this is bad. Jk2 uses the 'JNI-style' OO-C, and
an object model that is very close to tomcat. I hope this will
make java people feel more comfortable and understand the code
more easily, and I hope we'll feel some of the benefits
of OO.

( and yes, I miss inheritance )


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