It doesn't look like you got the servletapi-4 project (or it is in the wrong
place).  Try doing:
   ant download
to make certain that you've got all of the jars you need to build Tomcat.
If you are behind a firewall, you'll need to set the values of ''
and 'proxy.port' in your file first.

I build Tomcat 4.1.x from source on Solaris pretty regularly, so it
definately can be done ;-).

"Ziying Sherwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Dear tomcat Colleagues,
> We have been trying to build tomcat 4.1.27 from source, which we
> from the cvs repository ( onto a SPARC computer
> running Solaris 2.8, using j2sdk 1.4.0.  Unfortunately, the installation
> failed, and we are hoping to find helpful insights to get us back on the
> We have successfully installed the pre-built binary for tomcat, but
> prefer to build it from source.  We posted several messages to the mailing
> list several weeks ago, asking for help, but received no replies.
> Here is a detailed summary of what we did, and the outcome.
> FIrst, we installed the following related packages:
>    ant 1.5.3-1
>    jaf 1.0.2
>    Java XML Pack Fall 01 FCS Bundle
>    javamail 1.3
>    jdbc 2.0
>    JMX 1.2
>    JNDI 1.2.1
>    jsse 1.0.2
>    jta 1.0.1
>    xerces 2.4.0
> We downloaded the following tomcat modules from the indicated locations:
>    commons-beanutils-1.6.1
>    commons-collections-2.1
>    commons-digester-1.4.1
>    commons-dbcp-1.0
>    commons-fileupload-1.0
>    commons-logging-1.0.2
>    commons-modeler-1.0
>    commons-pool-1.0.1
>    struts
> We also obtained the cvs versions of "jakarta-tomcat-connectors" and
> "jakarta-tomcat-jasper" from the jakarta site from which we obtained
> We customized the build properties by editing the file to
> reflect the correct paths to all the packages.
> However, when we started to build the package using command "ant dist", we
> observed the following error messages:
>    build-only:
>        [javac] Compiling 79 source files to
>        [javac]
/ package javax.servlet does not exist
>        [javac] import javax.servlet.ServletException;
>        [javac]                      ^
>        [javac]
/ package javax.servlet does not exist
>        [javac] import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
>        [javac]                      ^
>        [javac]
/ package javax.servlet does not exist
>        [javac] import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
>        [javac]                      ^
>        [javac]
/servlet/ package javax.servlet does not exist
>        [javac] import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
>        [javac]                      ^
>        [javac]
/servlet/ package javax.servlet does not exist
>    [...]
/compiler/ cannot resolve symbol
>        [javac] symbol  : class ExpressionEvaluatorImpl
>        [javac] location: class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspUtil
>        [javac]     private static ExpressionEvaluatorImpl
>        [javac]                    ^
>        [javac]
/compiler/ cannot resolve symbol
>        [javac] symbol  : class FunctionMapper
>        [javac] location: class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspUtil
>        [javac]                                            FunctionMapper
>        [javac]                                            ^
>        [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
>        [javac] Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.
>        [javac] 100 errors
>    file:/src/tomcat_4.1.27/jakarta-tomcat-jasper/jasper2/build.xml:127:
Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
> There is no mention of jasper in the file BUILDING.txt which came with the
> source distribution.  Is jasper required by the tomcat build?  If not, is
> a way to disable it?  How can we build jasper from source?
> Thanks in advance for any insights into our problems!
> Best Regards,
> Ziying Sherwin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Rick Rodgers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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