hgomez      2002/09/05 01:38:50

  Added:       jk/xdocs/jk neshowto.xml aphowto.xml iishowto.xml
  Reworked documents for Apache, IIS, NES
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/jk/neshowto.xml
  Index: neshowto.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  <title>Netscape/iPlanet HowTo</title>
  <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Henri Gomez</author>
  <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Gal Shachor</author>
  <section name="Introduction">
  This document explains how to set up Netscape web servers to cooperate with Tomcat. 
  Normally the Netscape web servers come with their own Servlet engine, 
  but you can also configure them to send servlet and JSP requests to Tomcat 
  using the Tomcat redirector plugin.
  <subsection name="Document Conventions and Assumptions">
  ${tomcat_home} is the root directory of tomcat. 
  Your Tomcat installation should have the following subdirectories:
  ${tomcat_home}\conf - Where you can place various configuration files
  ${tomcat_home}\webapps - Containing example applications
  ${tomcat_home}\bin - Where you place web server plugins
  In all the examples in this document ${tomcat_home} will be <b>c:\jakarta-tomcat</b>.
  A worker is defined to be a tomcat process that accepts work from the IIS server.
  <subsection name="Supported Configuration">
  The Netscape-Tomcat redirector was developed and tested on:
  WinNT4.0-i386 SP4/SP5/SP6a (should be able to work with other service packs) and 
some Unixes
  Netscape Enterprise 3.0 and 3.61
  Tomcat 3.2.x, 3.3.x, Tomcat 4.0.x, Tomcat 4.1.x and Tomcat 5
  The redirector uses <b>ajp12</b> and <b>ajp13</b> to send requests to the Tomcat 
  There is also an option to use Tomcat in process, 
  more about the in-process mode can be found in the in process howto.
  <subsection name="Who support ajp protocols ?">
  The ajp12 protocol is only available in Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x.
  The <b>ajp12</b> has been <b>deprecated</b> with Tomcat 3.3.x and you should use 
  <b>ajp13</b> which is the only ajp protocol known by Tomcat 4.0.x, 4.1.x and 5.
  Of course Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x also support ajp13 protocol.
  Others servlet engines such as <b>jetty</b> have support for ajp13 protocol
  <subsection name="How does it work ?">
  The Netscape-Tomcat redirector is an Netscape service step plugin, 
  Netscape load the redirector plugin and calls its service handler 
  function for request that are assigned to the "servlet" configuration object.
  For each in-coming request Netscape will execute the set of NameTrans directives 
  that we added to obj.conf, the assign-name function will check if it's from 
  parameter matches the request URL.
  If a match is found, assign-name will assign the servlet object name to the request. 
  This will cause Netscape to send the request to the servlet configuration object.
  Netscape will execute our jk_service extension. The extension collects the 
  request parameters and forwards them to the appropriate worker using the ajp13 
  (the worker="defworker" parameter in jk_service inform it that the worker for this 
request is named <b>defworker</b>).
  the workers properties files, <b>workers.properties</b>, will indicate that 
defworker use ajp13 protocol.
  The extension collects the response from the worker and returns it to the browser.
  <section name="Installation">
  A pre-built version of the Netscape redirector, nsapi_redirect.dll, may be available 
  the win32/i386 directory of jakarta-tomcat-connectors distribution. 
  For those using Netscape as your browser, try downloading a zip version of the file, 
if available. 
  There can be problems using Netscape to download DLL files.
  You can also build a copy locally from the source present in 
jakarta-tomcat-connectors distribution.
  The Tomcat redirector requires two entities:
  nsapi_redirect.dll - The Netscape server plugin, either obtain a pre-built DLL or 
build it yourself 
  (see the build section).
  workers.properties - A file that describes the host(s) and port(s) used by the 
workers (Tomcat processes). 
  A sample workers.properties can be found under the conf directory.
  The installation includes the following parts:
  Configuring the NSAPI redirector with a default /examples context and checking that 
you can serve servlets 
  with Netscape.
  Adding more contexts to the configuration.
  <section name="Configuring the NSAPI Redirector">
  In this document we'll assume that nsapi_redirect.dll is placed in 
  <b>c:\jk\lib\nsapi_redirect.dll</b>, the properties file is in<b>c:\jk\conf</b>
  and you created a log directory <b>c:\jk\logs</b>
  If the Netscape built in servlet support is working disable it.
  Add the redirector plugin into the Netscape server configuration. 
  Edit your server <b>obj.conf</b> and add the following lines:
  <note>In the Init section:</note>
  <read>Init fn="load-modules" funcs="jk_init,jk_service" 
  <read>Init fn="jk_init" worker_file="c:/jk/conf/workers.properties" 
log_level="debug" log_file="c:/jk/logs/nsapi.log"</read>
  <note>In the default object NameTrans section</note>
  <read>NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/servlet/*" name="servlet"</read>
  <read>NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/examples/*" name="servlet"</read>
  <note>Create a new configuration object by adding the following lines to the end of 
the obj.conf file</note>
  <read>&lt;Object name=servlet&gt;</read>
  <read>ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/plain</read>
  <read>Service fn="jk_service" worker="worker1"</read>
  Restart Netscape (stop and start the server)
  That's all, now you should start tomcat and ask Netscape for 
  <subsection name="Adding additional Contexts">
  The examples context is useful for verifying your installation, but you will also 
need to add your own contexts. 
  Adding a new context requires two operations:
  Adding the context to Tomcat (I am not going to talk about this).
  Assigning the NSAPI redirector to handle this context.
  Assigning the NSAPI redirector to handle this context is simple, 
  all you need to do is to edit <b>obj.conf</b> and add a NameTrans line that looks 
  <read>NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/&lt;context name&gt;/*" name="servlet"</read>
  After saving <b>obj.conf</b> restart Netscape and it will serve the new context.
  <subsection name="Advanced Context Configuration">
  Sometimes it is better to have Netscape serve the static pages (html, gif, jpeg 
  even if these files are part of a context served by Tomcat. For example, consider 
the html and gif files in the examples context, there is no need to serve them from 
the Tomcat process, Netscape will suffice.
  Making Netscape serve static files that are part of the Tomcat contexts requires the 
  Configuring Netscape to know about the Tomcat contexts
  Make sure that the WEB-INF directory is protected from access.
  Configuring Netscape to assign the NSAPI redirector only specific requests that 
requires JSP/Servlet handling.
  Adding a Tomcat context to Netscape requires the addition of a new Netscape virtual 
  that covers the Tomcat context.
  For example, adding a /example Netscape virtual directory that 
  covers the <b>c:\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\examples</b> directory. 
  To add a new virtual directory add the following line to your <b>obj.conf</b>:
  <read>NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/examples 
  WEB-INF protection requires some explanation; Each servlet application (context) has 
a special directory named <b>WEB-INF</b>,
  this directory contains sensitive configurations data and Java classes and must be 
kept hidden from web users. 
  WEB-INF can be protected by adding the following line to the PathCheck section in 
the default configuration object:
  <read>PathCheck fn="deny-existence" path="*/WEB-INF/*"</read>
  <note>This line instructs the Netscape server to reject any request with a URL that 
contain the path /WEB-INF/.</note>
  Configuring Netscape to assign the NSAPI redirector only specific requests is 
somewhat harder, 
  you will need to specify the exact URL-Path pattern(s) that you want Tomcat to 
  (usually only JSP files and servlets). 
  This requires a change to NemaTrans portion of <b>obj.conf</b>. 
  <note>For the examples context it requires to replace the following line:</note>
  <read>NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/examples/*" name="servlet"</read>
  <note>with the following two lines:</note>
  <read>NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/examples/jsp/*.jsp" name="servlet"</read>
  <read>NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/examples/servlet/*" name="servlet"</read>
  As you can see the second configuration is more explicit, it actually instructs 
  Netscape to assign the redirector with only requests to resources under 
  <b>/examples/servlet/</b> and resources under <b>/examples/</b> whose name ends with 
  You can be even more explicit and provide lines such as:
  <read>NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/examples/servletname" name="servlet"</read>
  <note>Instructs Netscape to assign the redirector request whose URL-Path equals 
  <subsection name="Advanced Worker Configuration">
  Sometimes you want to serve different contexts with different Tomcat processes 
  (for example to spread the load among different machines). 
  To achieve such goal you will need to define several workers and assign each context 
with its own worker.
  Defining workers is done in <b>workers.properties</b>, this file includes two types 
of entries:
  <note>An entry that lists all the workers defined. For example:</note>
  <read>worker.list=worker1, worker2</read>
  <note>Entries that define the host and port associated with these workers.</note>
  The above examples defined two workers, now we can use these workers to serve two 
  contexts each with it’s own worker. 
  Submitting requests to different workers is accomplished by using multiple Service 
  in the servlet configuration Object, each with a different path pattern parameter. 
  For example, if we want to submit the <b>/examples</b> context to the worker named 
<b>worker1</b> and the 
  <b>/webpages</b> context to the worker named <b>worker2</b> we should use the 
following configuration:
  <read>&lt;Object name=servlet&gt;</read>
  <read>ObjectType fn=force-type type=text/plain</read>
  <read>Service fn="jk_service" worker="worker1" path="/examples/*"</read>
  <read>Service fn="jk_service" worker="worker2" path="/webpages/*"</read>
  <read>Service fn="jk_service" worker="worker1"</read>
  More informations on using and configuring workers in the <a 
href="jk/workershowto.html">Workers HowTO</a>
  <section name="Building NSAPI redirector">
  The redirector was developed using Visual C++ Ver.6.0, so having this environment is 
a prereq if you want 
  to perform a custom build. You should also have NES developer SDK
  The steps that you need to take are:
  Change directory to the nsapi plugins source directory.
  Edit <b>nsapi.dsp</b> and update the include and library path to reflect your own 
Netscape server installation 
  (search for a <b>/I compiler</b> option and <b>/libpath</b> linker option)
  Make the source with MSDEV
  <notedos>Change directory to the nsapi plugins source directory</notedos>
  <typedos>cd c:\home\apache\jk\nsapi</typedos>
  <notedos>Build the sources using MSDEV</notedos>
  <typedos>MSDEV nsapi.dsp /MAKE ALL</typedos>
  If msdev is not in your path, enter the full path to msdev.exe. 
  This will build both release and debug versions of the redirector plugin.
  An alternative will be to open the nsapi workspace file (nsapi.dsw) in msdev and 
  build it using the build menu.
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/jk/aphowto.xml
  Index: aphowto.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  <title>Apache HowTo</title>
  <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Henri Gomez</author>
  <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Gal Shachor</author>
  <section name="Introduction">
  This document explains how to connect Tomcat to the popular open source web server, 
  There is actually to version of Apache, 1.3 and 2.0 and both could used mod_jk, the 
Tomcat redirector
  This document was originally part of <b>Tomcat: A Minimalistic User's Guide</b> 
written by Gal Shachor, 
  but has been split off for organizational reasons. 
  <subsection name="Document Conventions and Assumptions">
  ${tomcat_home} is the root directory of tomcat. 
  Your Tomcat installation should have the following subdirectories:
  ${tomcat_home}\conf - Where you can place various configuration files
  ${tomcat_home}\webapps - Containing example applications
  ${tomcat_home}\bin - Where you place web server plugins
  In all the examples in this document ${tomcat_home} will be <b>c:\jakarta-tomcat</b>.
  A worker is defined to be a tomcat process that accepts work from the IIS server.
  <subsection name="Supported Configuration">
  The mod_jk module was developed and tested on:
  Linux, FreeBSD, AIX, HP-UX, MacOS X, and should works on major Unixes platforms 
supporting Apache 1.3 and/or 2.0
  WinNT4.0-i386 SP4/SP5/SP6a (should be able to work with other service packs), Win2K 
and WinXP and Win98
  Cygwin (until you have an apache server and autoconf/automake support tools)
  iSeries V5R1 and V5R2 with Apache 2.0.39. Be sure to have the latest Apache PTF 
  Tomcat 3.2.x, Tomcat 3.3.x, Tomcat 4.0.x, Tomcat 4.1.x and Tomcat 5
  The redirector uses <b>ajp12</b> and <b>ajp13</b> to send requests to the Tomcat 
containers. There is also an option to use Tomcat in process, 
  more about the in-process mode can be found in the in process howto.
  <subsection name="Who support ajp protocols ?">
  The ajp12 protocol is only available in Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x.
  The <b>ajp12</b> has been <b>deprecated</b> with Tomcat 3.3.x and you should use 
  <b>ajp13</b> which is the only ajp protocol known by Tomcat 4.0.x, 4.1.x and 5.
  Of course Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x also support ajp13 protocol.
  Others servlet engines such as <b>jetty</b> have support for ajp13 protocol
  <subsection name="How does it work ?">
  In a nutshell a web server is waiting for client HTTP requests. 
  When these requests arrive the server does whatever is needed to serve the 
  requests by providing the necessary content.
  Adding a servlet container may somewhat change this behavior. 
  Now the web server needs also to perform the following:
  Load the servlet container adapter library and initialize it (prior to serving 
  When a request arrives, it needs to check and see if a certain request belongs to a 
  if so it needs to let the adapter take the request and handle it.
  The adapter on the other hand needs to know what requests it is going to serve, 
  usually based on some pattern in the request URL, and to where to direct these 
  Things are even more complex when the user wants to set a configuration that uses 
virtual hosts, 
  or when they want multiple developers to work on the same web server 
  but on different servlet container JVMs. 
  We will cover these two cases in the advanced sections. 
  <section name="Building mod_jk on Unix">
  The mod_jk build use the widely used configure system.
  <subsection name="Prepare your mod_jk configure from CVS">
  In case you get source from CVS, ie without an existing configure script,
  you should have autoconf for configuration and installation.
  To create jakarta-tomcat-connectors's autoconf script, you will need libtool 1.3.3 
or higher, 
  and autoconf 2.13 or newer.
  Those tools will not be required if you are just using a package downloaded from 
  they are only required for developers.
  To create the configure script just type :
  <subsection name="Using configure to build mod_jk">
  <p>Here's how to use configure to prepare mod_jk building, just type: 
  ./configure [autoconf arguments] [jakarta-tomcat-connectors arguments]
  You could set <b>CFLAGS</b> and <b>LDFLAGS</b> to add some platform specifics:
  <type>LDFLAGS=-lc ./configure -with-apxs=/home2/local/apache/bin/apxs</type>
  If you want to build mod_jk for Apache 1.3 and 2.0, you should 
  use configure and indicate Apache 1.3 apxs location (--with-apxs)
  use make
  copy the mod_jk binary to the apache modules location
  make clean (to remove all previously compiled modules)
  use configure and indicate Apache 2.0 apxs location,
  then make.
  <subsection name="configure arguments">
    <tr><th>Apache related parameters</th><th></th></tr>
    <td>FILE is the location of the apxs tool. Default is finding apxs in PATH.
  It builds a shared Apache module. It detects automaticly the Apache version.
  (2.0 and 1.3)</td>
    <td>DIR is the path where apache sources are located.
  The apache sources should have been configured before configuring mod_jk.
  DIR is something like: /home/apache/apache_1.3.19
  It builds a static Apache module.</td>
    <td>This parameter is needed when using Apache-1.3 and mod_ssl, otherwise you will 
get the error message:
  "this module might crash under EAPI!" when loading mod_jk.so in httpd.
  Not needed when --with-apxs has been used</td>
    <tr><th>JNI related parameters</th><th></th></tr>
    <td>Build the JNI worker and so the build process will require 
  some informations about your Java Environment</td>
    <td>DIR is the  patch to the JDK root directory. Something like: 
    <tr><td>--with-os-type=SUBDIR</td><td>SUBDIR is the os-type subdirectory, 
    configure should guess it correctly.</td>
    <tr><td>--with-arch-type=SUBDIR</td><td>SUBDIR is the arch subdirectory, 
    configure should guess it correctly.</td>
    <tr><td>--with-java-platform=VAL</td><td>VAL is the Java platform 1 is 1.1.x and 2 
is for 1.2 anf higher, 
    configure should guess it correctly.</td>
  <subsection name="Examples of configure use">
  <note>Apache 1.3 and 2.0 build</note>
  <type>./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs</type><br/>
  <type>cp ./apache-1.3/mod_jk.so /usr/lib/apache</type><br/>
  <type>make clean</type><br/>
  <type>./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs2</type><br/>
  <type>cp ./apache-2.0/mod_jk.so /usr/lib/apache2</type><br/>
  <note>Apache 2.0 build with JNI support</note>
  <type>./configure --with-apxs=/opt/apache2/bin/apxs \</type>
  <typenext>--with-java-home=${JAVA_HOME} --with-java-platform=2 \</typenext>
  <note>Apache 1.3 build without JNI support</note>
  <type>./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs</type><br/>
  <section name="Building mod_jk for Apache on Windows NT/2K/XP">
  The module was developed using Visual C++ version 6.0, so having this environment is 
a prerequisite 
  if you want to perform a custom build.
  The steps that you need to take are:
  Change directory to the apache 1.3 or apache 2.0 source directory depending on your 
version of Apache.
  If you want to build mod_jk for Apache 1.3, set an <b>APACHE1_HOME</b> environment 
variable which points 
  to where your Apache 1.3 is installed.
  A mod_jk module for Apache 2.0 build will require <b>APACHE2_HOME</b> environment 
variable to be set. 
  Copy mod_jk.dll to Apache's modules directory.
  An example on how to build mod_jk for Apache 1.3:
  <notedos>Set location for Apache 1.3 sources</notedos>
  <typedos>set APACHE1_HOME=c:\apache13</typedos>
  <notedos>Change directory to the mod_jk module for Apache 1.3</notedos>
  <typedos>cd c:\home\apache\jk\native\apache-1.3</typedos>
  <notedos>Build the sources using MSDEV</notedos>
  <typedos>MSDEV mod_jk.dsp /MAKE ALL</typedos>
  <notedos>Copy the dll to your apache modules directory</notedos>
  <typedos>cp release\mod_jk.dll c:\apache13\modules\</typedos>
  An example on how to build mod_jk for Apache 2.0:
  <notedos>Set location for Apache 2.0 sources</notedos>
  <typedos>set APACHE2_HOME=c:\apache20</typedos>
  <notedos>Change directory to the mod_jk module for Apache 2.0</notedos>
  <typedos>cd c:\home\apache\jk\native\apache-2.0</typedos>
  <notedos>Build the sources using MSDEV</notedos>
  <typedos>MSDEV mod_jk.dsp /MAKE ALL</typedos>
  <notedos>Copy the dll to your apache modules directory</notedos>
  <typedos>cp release\mod_jk.dll c:\apache20\modules\</typedos>
  If msdev is not in your path, enter the full path to msdev.exe. 
  Also, ApacheCore.lib is expected to exist in the <b>${APACHEX_HOME}\src\CoreD</b> 
  <b>${APACHEX_HOME}\src\CoreR</b> directories before linking will succeed.
  You will need to build enough of the Apache source to create these libraries.
  This will build both release and debug versions of the redirector plug-in (mod_jk).
  An alternative will be to open mod_jk.dsp in msdev and build it using the build menu.
  <section name="Building mod_jk for Apache on iSeries/OS400">
  Since OS400 V4R5, iSeries (AS/400) used Apache 2.0 as their primary web server, 
replacing the old IBM webserver.
  It's now possible to build mod_jk on iSeries thanks to the help of IBM Rochester 
Labs who provided informations and patches
  to adapt mod_jk to their Operating System.
  You should have at least Apache 2.0.39 which is provided in recent PTFs, a C 
Compiler and IFS.
  Since there's still no configure stuff on iSeries, you'll have to use the good 
command line or use a CL with is present 
  in mod_jk source.
  Get the latest mod_jk source and untar it on a Windows or Unix boxes
  Create a directory in IFS, ie /home/apache
  Send the whole jk source directory to iSeries directory via FTP.
  Then go to iSeries command line :
  <note5250>Create mod_jk library</note5250>
  <type5250>CRTLIB MOD_JK TEXT(‘Apache mod_jk tomcat connector module’)</type5250>
  <note5250>Create service program source file</note5250>
  <type5250>CRTSRCPF MOD_JK/QSRVSRC TEXT(‘Service program source file’)</type5250>
  <note5250>Create the CL build program source file</note5250>
  <type5250>CRTSRCPF FILE(MOD_JK/QCLSRC) TEXT(‘Build program source file’)</type5250>
  <note5250>Edit the service program source file</note5250>
  <type5250>STRSEU MOD_JK/QSRVSRC MOD_JK</type5250>
  In the edited file, specify that only jk_module should be exported :
  <type5250next> Columns   . . :    1  71     Edit                               
MOD_JK/QSRVSRC </type5250next>
  <type5250next> SEU==>                                                                
  MOD_JK </type5250next>
  <type5250next>        *************** Beginning of data 
************************************* </type5250next>
  <type5250next>0001.00 STRPGMEXP PGMLVL(*CURRENT)                                     
  <type5250next>0002.00 EXPORT SYMBOL("jk_module")                                     
  <type5250next>0003.00 ENDPGMEXP                                                      
  <type5250next>        ****************** End of data 
**************************************** </type5250next>        
  You could start to build all the modules of mod_jk :
  <note5250>Copy the CL build program source from IFS</note5250>
  <type5250>CPYFRMSTMF FROMSTMF('/home/apache/jk/native/apache-2.0/bldjk.qcsrc') 
  <note5250>Build the CL build program</note5250>
build program')</type5250>
  <note5250>Launch the build</note5250>
  <type5250>CALL MOD_JK/BLDJK</type5250><br/>
  <note5250>If the build if successfull, copy the new mod_jk module</note5250>
  Next, you should restart your Apache 2.0 server and enjoy this piece of OpenSource 
on iSeries.
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/jk/iishowto.xml
  Index: iishowto.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  <title>IIS HowTo</title>
  <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Henri Gomez</author>
  <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Gal Shachor</author>
  <section name="Introduction">
  This document explains how to set up IIS to cooperate with Tomcat. 
  Normally IIS can not execute Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs), 
  configuring IIS to use the mod_jk redirector plugin will let IIS send servlet and 
  JSP requests to Tomcat (and this way, serve them to clients).
  <subsection name="Document Conventions and Assumptions">
  ${tomcat_home} is the root directory of tomcat. 
  Your Tomcat installation should have the following subdirectories:
  ${tomcat_home}\conf - Where you can place various configuration files
  ${tomcat_home}\webapps - Containing example applications
  ${tomcat_home}\bin - Where you place web server plugins
  In all the examples in this document ${tomcat_home} will be <b>c:\jakarta-tomcat</b>.
  A worker is defined to be a tomcat process that accepts work from the IIS server.
  <subsection name="Supported Configuration">
  The IIS-Tomcat redirector was developed and tested on:
  WinNT4.0-i386 SP4/SP5/SP6a (should be able to work with other service packs), Win2K 
and WinXP and Win98
  IIS4.0 and PWS4.0
  Tomcat 3.2.x, Tomcat 3.3.x, Tomcat 4.0.x, Tomcat 4.1.x and Tomcat 5
  The redirector uses <b>ajp12</b> and <b>ajp13</b> to send requests to the Tomcat 
containers. There is also an option to use Tomcat in process, 
  more about the in-process mode can be found in the in process howto.
  <subsection name="Who support ajp protocols ?">
  The ajp12 protocol is only available in Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x.
  The <b>ajp12</b> has been <b>deprecated</b> with Tomcat 3.3.x and you should use 
  <b>ajp13</b> which is the only ajp protocol known by Tomcat 4.0.x, 4.1.x and 5.
  Of course Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x also support ajp13 protocol.
  Others servlet engines such as <b>jetty</b> have support for ajp13 protocol
  <subsection name="How does it work ?">
  The IIS-Tomcat redirector is an IIS plugin (filter + extension), IIS load the 
redirector plugin and calls its 
  filter function for each in-coming request.
  The filter then tests the request URL against a list of URI-paths held inside 
  If the current request matches one of the entries in the list of URI-paths, 
  the filter transfer the request to the extension.
  The extension collects the request parameters and forwards them to the appropriate 
worker using the defined
  protocol like <b>ajp13</b>.
  The extension collects the response from the worker and returns it to the browser.
  <section name="Installation">
  A pre-built version of the ISAPI redirector server plugin, isapi_redirect.dll, is 
available under 
  the win32/i386 directory of jakarta-tomcat-connectors distribution. 
  For those using Netscape as your browser, try downloading a zip version of the file, 
if available. 
  There can be problems using Netscape to download DLL files.
  You can also build a copy locally from the source present in 
jakarta-tomcat-connectors distribution.
  The Tomcat redirector requires three entities:
  <b>isapi_redirect.dll</b> - The IIS server plugin, either obtain a pre-built DLL or 
build it yourself (see the build section).
  <b>workers.properties</b> - A file that describes the host(s) and port(s) used by 
the workers (Tomcat processes). 
  A sample workers.properties can be found under the conf directory.
  <b>uriworkermap.properties</b> - A file that maps URL-Path patterns to workers. 
  A sample uriworkermap.properties can be found under the conf directory as well.
  The installation includes the following parts:
  Configuring the ISAPI redirector with a default /examples context and checking that 
you can serve servlets with IIS.
  Adding more contexts to the configuration.
  <section name="Configuring the ISAPI Redirector">
  In this document I will assume that isapi_redirect.dll is placed in 
  <b>c:\jakarta-tomcat\bin\win32\i386\isapi_redirect.dll</b> and 
  that you created the properties files are in <b>c:\jakarta-tomcat\conf</b>.
  In the registry, create a new registry key named
  <b>"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi 
  Add a string value with the name <b>extension_uri</b> and a value of 
  Add a string value with the name <b>log_file</b> and a value pointing to where you 
want your 
  log file to be (for example <b>c:\jakarta-tomcat\logs\isapi.log</b>).
  Add a string value with the name <b>log_level</b> and a value for your log level 
  (can be debug, info, error or emerg).
  Add a string value with the name <b>worker_file</b> and a value which is the full 
  to your workers.properties file (for example 
  Add a string value with the name <b>worker_mount_file</b> and a value which is the 
full path 
  to your uriworkermap.properties file (for example 
  Using the IIS management console, add a new virtual directory to your IIS/PWS web 
  The name of the virtual directory must be jakarta. 
  Its physical path should be the directory where you placed isapi_redirect.dll 
  (in our example it is c:\jakarta-tomcat\bin\win32\i386). 
  While creating this new virtual directory assign it with execute access.
  Using the IIS management console, add isapi_redirect.dll as a filter in your IIS/PWS 
web site. 
  The name of the filter should reflect its task (I use the name jakarta), 
  its executable must be our c:\jakarta-tomcat\bin\win32\i386\isapi_redirect.dll. 
  For PWS, you'll need to use regedit and add/edit the <b>"Filter DLLs"</b> key under 
  This key contains a "," separated list of dlls ( full paths ) - 
  you need to insert the full path to isapi_redirect.dll.
  Restart IIS (stop + start the IIS service), make sure that the jakarta filter is 
marked with a green up-pointing arrow.
  Under Win98 you may need to <b>cd WINDOWS\SYSTEM\inetsrv</b> and type PWS /stop 
  ( the DLL and log files are locked - even if you click the stop button, 
  PWS will still keep the DLLs in memory. ). Type pws to start it again.
  That's all, you should now start Tomcat and ask IIS to serve you the /examples 
  Try <a 
 for example and 
  execute some of the JSP examples. 
  If this does not work successfully, refer to the Troubleshooting section below for 
help on correcting the problem.
  <subsection name="Adding additional Contexts">
  The examples context is useful for verifying your installation, 
  but you will also need to add your own contexts. Adding a new context requires two 
  Adding the context to Tomcat (I am not going to talk about this).
  Adding the context to the ISAPI redirector.
  Adding a context to the ISAPI redirector is simple, all you need to do is to edit 
  your uriworkermap.properties and to add a line that looks like:
  Workers and their name are defined in workers.properties, by default 
workers.properties comes 
  with a single pre-configured worker named <b>"defworker"</b> so you can use it. 
  As an example, if you want to add a context named "shop", the line that you should 
add to 
  uriworkermap.properties will be:
  After saving uriworkermap.properties restart IIS and it will serve the new context.
  A feature is present till Tomcat 3.2, where a uriworkermap.properties-auto is 
  written each time Tomcat is started. This file includes settings for each of the 
contexts that 
  Tomcat will serve during its run. 
  Each context has settings to have Tomcat handle servlet and JSP requests, 
  but by default static content is left to be served by IIS. 
  Each context also has a commented out setting to have Tomcat handle all requests to 
the context. 
  You can rename this file (so it won't be overwritten the next time Tomcat is 
started) and 
  uncomment this setting or make other customizations. 
  You may also use this file as is in your worker_mount_file setting.
  <subsection name="Advanced Context Configuration">
  Sometimes it is better to have IIS serve the static pages (html, gif, jpeg etc.) 
  even if these files are part of a context served by Tomcat. 
  For example, consider the html and gif files in the examples context, there is no 
  to serve them from the Tomcat process, IIS will suffice.
  Making IIS serve static files that are part of the Tomcat contexts requires the 
  Configuring IIS to know about the Tomcat contexts
  Configuring the redirector to leave the static files for IIS
  Adding a Tomcat context to IIS requires the addition of a new IIS virtual directory 
that covers the Tomcat context. 
  For example adding a /example IIS virtual directory that covers the 
c:\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\examples directory.
  Configuring the redirector is somewhat harder, you will need to specify the exact 
  URL-Path pattern(s) that you want Tomcat to handle (usually only JSP files and 
  This requires a change to the uriworkermap.properties : 
  <note>For the examples context it requires to replace the following line</note>
  <note>with the following two lines</note>
  As you can see the second configuration is more explicit, it actually instruct the 
  to redirect only requests to resources under /examples/servlet/ and resources under 
  whose name ends with .jsp. 
  This is similar to what is automically written to the uriworkermap.properties-auto 
file for each context.
  You can even be more explicit and provide lines such as:
  that instructs the redirector to redirect request whose URL-Path equals 
  to the worker named defworker.
  <subsection name="Protecting the WEB-INF Directory">
  Each servlet application (context) has a special directory named WEB-INF, 
  this directory contains sensitive configurations data and Java classes and must be 
kept hidden from web users. 
  Using the IIS management console it is possible to protect the WEB-INF directory 
from user access, 
  this however requires the administrator to remember that. 
  To avoid this need the redirector plugin automatically protects your WEB-INF 
directories by rejecting 
  any request that contains WEB-INF in its URL-Path.
  <subsection name="Advanced Worker Configuration">
  Sometimes you want to serve different contexts with different Tomcat processes 
  (for example to spread the load among different machines). 
  To achieve such goal you will need to define several workers and assign each context 
with its own worker.
  Defining workers is done in workers.properties, this file includes two types of 
  <note>An entry that lists all the workers defined</note>
  <read>worker.list=worker1, worker2</read>
  <note>Entries that define the host and port associated with these workers</note>
  The above example defined two workers, now we can use these workers to serve two 
different contexts 
  each with its own worker : 
  <note>example uriworkermap.properties fragment</note>
  As you can see the <b>examples</b> context is served by <b>worker1</b> while the 
  <b>webpages</b> context is served by <b>worker2</b>.
  More informations on using and configuring workers in the <a 
href="jk/workershowto.html">Workers HowTO</a>
  <section name="Building ISAPI redirector">
  The redirector was developed using Visual C++ Ver.6.0, so having this environment is 
a prereq if you want 
  to perform a custom build. You should also have IIS developer SDK
  The steps that you need to take are:
  Change directory to the isapi plugins source directory.
  Make the source with MSDEV
  <notedos>Change directory to the isapi plugins source directory</notedos>
  <typedos>cd c:\home\apache\jk\isapi</typedos>
  <notedos>Build the sources using MSDEV</notedos>
  <typedos>MSDEV isapi.dsp /MAKE ALL</typedos>
  If msdev is not in your path, enter the full path to msdev.exe. 
  This will build both release and debug versions of the redirector plugin.
  An alternative will be to open the isapi workspace file (isapi.dsw) in msdev and 
  build it using the build menu.
  <section name="Troubleshooting">
  It is easy to have the ISAPI redirector not work the first time you try to install 
  If this happens to you, here are some steps to follow to try to correct the problem.
  These steps aren't guaranteed to cover all possible problems, 
  but they should help find the typical mistakes.
  If you make any corrections during these steps, restart the IIS service as described 
above in the last step 
  of the installation, then retry the step.
  <p>To enable error tracking, make sure web site activity is being logged. 
  For PWS 4.0 make sure "Save Web Site Activity Log" is checked in the Advanced 
Options of the Personal Web Manager.
  Note: These steps assume your <b>worker_mount_file</b> setting points to an 
unmodified copy of the 
  <b>uriworkermap.properties</b> file.<br/>
  Results may be misleading if <b>worker_mount_file</b> points to a modified 
  or the <b>uriworkermap.properties-auto</b> file.<br/>
  It is also assumed that the <b>"/examples" context</b> works correcly if you access 
Tomcat directly.
  <subsection name="Win98">
  Start the IIS service and Tomcat.
  Check for the presence of the ISAPI redirector log file you specified in the 
log_file setting. 
  If not found, verify the following:
  Check the "Filter DLLs" setting in the 
  key and make sure the path is correct.
  Check the spelling of the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software 
Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0" key. 
  Case isn't important, but an incorrect letter will prevent the isapi_redirect.dll 
from finding its registry settings.
  Check the log_file setting for typos, name and data. Also insure the directory in 
which the log file will appear already exists.
  If the above are set correctly, the ISAPI redirector should be able to create the 
log file.
  Invoke the URL <a 
  in your browser. 
  Case is important in Tomcat. The characters following "localhost" in the URL must be 
lower case. 
  If the page fails to appear, stop the IIS service (required to view the IIS log 
  Then examine the last line in the IIS log file in found in SYSTEM/LogFiles/W3SVC1 :
  If the last line contains: 
  <read>GET "/examples/jsp/index.html HTTP/1.1" 404</read>
  then the ISAPI redirector is not recognizing that it should be handling requests for 
the "/examples" context. 
  Check the following:
  Check the extension_uri name for typos.
  Check the worker_file setting for typos, name and data.
  Check the worker_mount_file setting typos, name and data.
  If these are set correctly, the ISAPI redirector should recognize that it should 
handle requests for the "/examples" context.
  <p>If the last line contains something like:
  <read>GET "/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll HTTP1.1"</read>
  then the ISAPI redirector is recognizing that it should handle the request, 
  but is not successful at getting Tomcat to service the request.
  You should check the HTTP error code following GET "/..." :
  <note>Error 404</note>
  <read>GET "/..." 404</read>
  Make sure you entered the URL correctly.
  Make sure the virtual directory created was called "jakarta". 
  It should display in Personal Web Manager as "/jakarta" (without the quotes).
  Make sure the extension_uri data begins with "/jakarta/" (without the quotes).
  <note>Error 500</note>
  <read>GET "/..." 500</read>
  Make sure that "isapi_redirect.dll" follows "/jakarta/" in the extension_uri setting.
  Check the workers.properties file and make sure the port setting for 
worker.ajp12.port is the same as the port specified in the server.xml for the "Apache 
AJP12 support".
  <note>Error 200 or 403</note>
  <read>GET "/..." 200</read>
  <read>GET "/..." 403</read>
  Make sure you have checked Execute Access 
  for the jakarta virtual directory in the Advanced Options of the Personal Web 
  If the above settings are correct, the index.html page should appear in your 
  You should also be able to click the Execute links to execute the JSP examples.
  <subsection name="WinNT/Win2K/WinXP">
  Start the World Wide Web Publishing Service and Tomcat.
  Check for the presence of the ISAPI redirector log file you specified in the 
log_file setting. 
  If not found, check the following:
  Check the "executable" you set for the filter in the IIS Management Console and make 
sure the path is correct.
  <li>Check the spelling of the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software 
Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0" key.
  Case isn't important, but an incorrect letter will prevent the isapi_redirect.dll 
from finding its registry settings.
  Check the log_file setting for typos, name and data. Also insure the directory in 
which the log file will appear already exists.
  If the above are set correctly, the ISAPI redirector should be able to create the 
log file.
  Check the jakarta filter you added and make sure its status shows a green 
upward-pointing arrow. 
  If not, check the following:
  Check the worker_file setting for typos, name and data.
  Check the worker_mount_file setting typos, name and data.
  If the above are set correctly, the green upward-pointing arrow should appear, even 
if the other settings are wrong.
  Invoke the URL <a 
  in your browser. Case is important in Tomcat. The characters following "localhost" 
in the URL must be lower case. 
  If the page fails to appear, examine the last line in the IIS server log file in 
found in SYSTEM32/LogFiles/W3SVC1.
  The last line should contain something like: GET "/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll 
  which indicates the ISAPI redirector is recognizing that it should handle the 
  You should check the HTTP error code following GET "/..." :
  <note>Error 404</note>
  <read>GET "/..." 404</read>
  Make sure you entered the URL correctly.
  <note>Error 500</note>
  <read>GET "/..." 500</read>
  Make sure the virtual directory created was called "jakarta".
  Make sure that the extension_uri setting is correct.
  Check the workers.properties file and make sure the port setting for 
worker.ajp12.port is the same as the port specified in the server.xml for the "Apache 
AJP12 support".
  <note>Error 200 or 403</note>
  <read>GET "/..." 200</read>
  <read>GET "/..." 403</read>
  Make sure you have checked Execute Access for the jakarta virtual directory in the 
  Advanced Options of the Personal Web Manager.
  If the above settings are correct, the index.html page should appear in your 
  You should also be able to click the Execute links to execute the JSP examples.

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