Thom Park at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Pier,
> I'm curious and appear to be too thick to understand exactly what the
> WebAppDeploy step does with the webAppConnector, could you find some time in
> your extremely busy schedule to jot down a few notes w.r.t. the what the
> WebAppDeploy/configure step does exactly.
> I'm curious to know what information is passed between tomcat and apache in
> that stage.

Oh, simple... In the web-server configuration file you have something like:

WebAppConnection myConnection warp localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy example.jar myConnection /servlet-examples/

Basically you configure a warp connection between Apache and Tomcat (first
line), and over that connection you "deploy" a web application:

Specifically what goes on, is that Apache tells to Tomcat that there should
be a web application in its directories, in a file called "example.jar", and
that should be deployed under the "/servlet-examples/" URL path (it's
Context path). Tomcat finds the example.jar file, unpacks it, deploys it
into the appropriate host (which is derived from Apache's VirtualHost
directive), and is ready to process requests...

So you don't have to configure the same thing twice :)

Actually, my server.xml file for Tomcat is something like:

<Server ....>
  <Service ....>
    <Connector className="....WarpConnector" port="8008" ..../>
    <Engine ..../>



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