Re: Segmentation Fault when modifying classpath?!

2001-09-02 Thread pete

You're not by any chance using Suns JDK 1.3.1 and Linux are you?

If you are, add 'ulimit -s 2048' to (or just type it in the 
shell you launch tomcat from).

This limits the maximum stack size, but i can't give you more detail 
than that, all i know is it works for me.

This problem only seems to show up with xerces, but since it works fine 
on other JVMs, and on Sun JDK1.3.1 on Windows, i'd say Sun have a buggy 
JVM here.

IBM's JDK does not have this problem, so that may be another option for you.

Hope that helps



All this surrounds modifying per install instructions found in

Per Apache-Soap's Getting Tomcat Ready, I have changed my classpath to put
xerces.jar at the beginning of my classpath as follows:



for i in ${TOMCAT_HOME}/lib/* ; do
  if [ $CLASSPATH !=  ]; then

When starting tomcat I get the following:

Using classpath:

/opt/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3/bin/ line 181: 12681 Segmentation fault
org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat $@

I can not figure out for the life of me why this is happening.  I've also
tried setting the classpath from the shell with the exact same results.  Any
hints appreciated.


Al Calbazana

Re: accessing servlets without a port number

2001-09-02 Thread pete

You could also use ipchains or similar to foward requests on port 80 to 
some other port i.e. 8080 to avoid running tomcat as root.



port 80 is the default port for http, so what you are wanting to do is
have tomcat listen on port 80 instead of 8080.  to do this on a *nix box
you'd need to run tomcat as root (for 3.x anyway - I believe 4.0 has a
wrapper that does this properly), which isn't a good idea.  alternatively,
if you are using apache as well, then you need to configure mod_jk. 

a good place to start is the docs in the distribution - have a look at
mod_jk, or edit server.xml and change 8080 to 80.


On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, alex reuter wrote:

Hello List,
I'd like to access my servlets without using the port number, and I've seen
a whole bunch of config files and directives and I was wondering if anyone
could tell me exactly how its done, or point me to some solid documentation.

Oh, and if the answer to this question is staring me in the face, please
feel free to ridicule me.


Re: finding

2001-09-02 Thread pete

As a first approach, i would modify (tomcat.bat i think if 
youre in windoze) to explicitly add c:\jdk1.3\lib\tools.jar to the 
classpath that tomcat uses. If that still fails, then the problem must 
be with your paths, or a corrupt tools.jar, though i doubt the latter 
would be the cause.


PLEASE can someone help. I'm running the JDK1.3 and Tomcat 3.2.3.  All the 
examples compile but, when I try to call up a simple JSP page, I get an error 
that it can't find  I have C:\JDK1.3\LIB\TOOLS.JAR in 
BOTH the classpath and in the path (for Win 98) set in the autoexec.bat.  I 
hunted down the 'offending' call and found this in


 * The default compiler. This is the javac present in JDK 1.1.x and
 * JDK 1.2.  
 * At some point we need to make sure there is a class like this for
 * JDK 1.3, and other javac-like animals that people want to use. 
 * @author Anil K. Vijendran

Is this the problem?  Surely it's in tools.jar?  So why can't Tomcat find it?

I'm STUCK!! Someone out there help, please.

Madeleine Wright

isapi-redirect - is there a way to use it as case in-sensitive

2001-09-02 Thread Shay Mandel

Hi All,

Is there a way to configure the isapi-redirect.dll to use the URIs in the file, as case insensitive strings? for example, if
the entry in the file is:
I want the redirector to redirect to this context (MyContext) requests that
get to mycontext, Mycontext, MYCONTEXT etc.

I can't find any good documentation about this ability, if it exists. 


RE: isapi-redirect - is there a way to use it as case in-sensitive

2001-09-02 Thread Shay Mandel

Thanks for the response.
I am not running a multiple web site machine, but I do have 2 contexts. The
problem is that I am porting an site that was written in ASP, and the name
of the context there was not case sensitive. Now I have clients around the
world that use it in different cases, and I want to help them, and not force
them to change the url's they are using.

Is there an implementation/version with this case insesitivity already? I
guess the case sensitivity of the tomcat can be solved, if the redirector
rewrites the url according to what it finds in the properies file.


-Original Message-
From: David Rosenstark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 10:49 AM
To: Shay Mandel
Subject: RE: isapi-redirect - is there a way to use it as case
in-sensitiv e

You would have to change the source code to do that and have it do a case
insensitive comparison.
However, you would have the following problem even if you fixed the
redirect, tomcat is case sensitive so it would only be able to deal with the
correct case and would not be able to serve up any of the others,
Are you running on a multiple web site machine?

 -Original Message-
 From: Shay Mandel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 12:28 PM
 Subject: isapi-redirect - is there a way to use it as case 
 Hi All,
 Is there a way to configure the isapi-redirect.dll to use the 
 URIs in the file, as case insensitive strings? 
 for example, if
 the entry in the file is:
 I want the redirector to redirect to this context (MyContext) 
 requests that
 get to mycontext, Mycontext, MYCONTEXT etc.
 I can't find any good documentation about this ability, if it exists. 

RE: Re: 4.0 b7 how to do JDBC

2001-09-02 Thread Peter Shankey

Are you saying:
Assuming the source is /u80/w4/jh/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-b7-src
I would put jdbc2_0-stdext.jar and the vendor jdbc driver in 
/u80/w4/jh/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-b7-src/lib and do a

or are you saying
Assuming the distribution is /u80/w4/jh/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-b7-src/dist I would put 
jdbc2_0-stdext.jar and the vendor jdbc driver in 
 /u80/w4/jh/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-b7-src/dist/lib  ??

I am really not to sure what WEB-INF does so I am pretty lost there.



Pier Fumagalli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Peter Shankey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OS ver Solaris 8
 In BUILDING.txt it says the Servlet 2.3/JSP 1.2 API classes
 FIXME:  Properties for mail.jar, activation.jar, jdbc2_0-stdext.jar,
 jta-spec1_0_1.jar, tyrex-
 In the and build.xml it never referances the JDBC driver. My
 question are:
 * Because 4.0 is not including the jars will I be able to connect to a Oracle
 * How can I include the jars in the build?
 * If not what are the work-a-arounds?

Include the DB driver of your choice in WEB-INF/lib into your web
application, or in CATALINA_HOME/lib, in the binary tree, and you're set...
Those JARs are required at compile time...


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convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape!

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Re: Tomcat 4 and JNDI Question

2001-09-02 Thread Andrew

I have the same problem:
how I can configure JNDI?

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 8:20 AM
Subject: Tomcat 4 and JNDI Question

 How can I set

 I have tried putting a file in common/classes, common/lib,
 WEB-INF/classes, and WEB-INF/lib  - didn't work.
 I have also tried modifing as below

 $JAVA_HOME/bin/java $CATALINA_OPTS -classpath $CP \
  -Dcatalina.home=$CATALINA_HOME \
  -Djava.naming.provider.url=jnp://localhost:1099 \
  -Djava.naming.factory.url.pkgs=org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces \
  org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap $@ start \
   $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out 21 

 Still didn't work.

 Any Ideas?


 G.C. Miller

Re: Segmentation Fault when modifying classpath?!

2001-09-02 Thread Alejandro Calbazana

Thanks Pete!  I will give that a shot.  I am using Sun's JDK1.3.1 under
Redhat 7.1 (sorry, forget to mention my setup!).

I did, however, run across a post detailing a problem similar to mine.  The
suggested solution was to set the TOMCAT_OPTS environment variable
to -classic.  After setting this environment variable, everything ran
nicely.  If anyone can give me any more detail on either solution, that
would be great.  I hate to implement a fix but not know the root cause.

Pete, your explanation seems plausable.  I'd be interested in knowing if
this is a known JVM bug or a Xerces bug?


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 3:25 AM
Subject: Re: Segmentation Fault when modifying classpath?!

 You're not by any chance using Suns JDK 1.3.1 and Linux are you?

 If you are, add 'ulimit -s 2048' to (or just type it in the
 shell you launch tomcat from).

 This limits the maximum stack size, but i can't give you more detail
 than that, all i know is it works for me.

 This problem only seems to show up with xerces, but since it works fine
 on other JVMs, and on Sun JDK1.3.1 on Windows, i'd say Sun have a buggy
 JVM here.

 IBM's JDK does not have this problem, so that may be another option for

 Hope that helps


 All this surrounds modifying per install instructions found in
 Per Apache-Soap's Getting Tomcat Ready, I have changed my classpath to
 xerces.jar at the beginning of my classpath as follows:
 for i in ${TOMCAT_HOME}/lib/* ; do
   if [ $CLASSPATH !=  ]; then
 When starting tomcat I get the following:
 Using classpath:
 /opt/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3/bin/ line 181: 12681 Segmentation
 org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat $@
 I can not figure out for the life of me why this is happening.  I've also
 tried setting the classpath from the shell with the exact same results.
 hints appreciated.
 Al Calbazana

Urgent Help! newbies question on tomcat instance problem

2001-09-02 Thread jojoadv

 Dear all,

I have installed tomcat-3.2.3 on SunOS 5.7 machine. I have complied with most modules 
since I have to do so to complie the mod_jk. I have done all these successfully.
My problem is that when I telnet to the Sun server from my Win98 and start the tomcat, 
everything seems to be OK. But when I close the telnet instance, the tomcat was down!? 
What is the problem?

Many Thanks...
 Thank you for using Email system

Having problem with Tomcat 4.0b7 - HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently available

2001-09-02 Thread Roger Wei

Hi everyone:

I go to and download 
, upzip them and rename as c:\Tomcat4

Then setup the CATALINA_HOME = c:\Tomcat4 , and move the servlet.jar into 

Now I can access http://localhost:8080/index.html without any problem,
but I can NOT run any JSP or Servlet example. The error message is
 HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently available 

[ system: ]
Java 1.4 beta
Tomcat 4.0 b7

Please tell me what I miss in the setup progress, I've read all the document, but I 
can't find a
 install.txt , the C:\Tomcat4\webapps\ROOT\docs\appdev\installation.html can't solve 
my problem.

Thanks in advance.


RE: Having problem with Tomcat 4.0b7 - HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently available

2001-09-02 Thread Roger Wei

Futher more, I also copy the serlet.jar into c:\tomcat4\common\lib , still fail.

I know how to setup Tomcat 3.2.3 and Tomcat 3.3 beta, but I just CAN'T do that
with Tomcat 4.0 b7

killing me...

 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Wei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 5:49 PM
 Subject: Having problem with Tomcat 4.0b7 - HTTP Status 503 - 
 This application is not currently available
 Hi everyone:
 I go to
 7/ and download 
 , upzip them and rename as c:\Tomcat4
 Then setup the CATALINA_HOME = c:\Tomcat4 , and move the 
 servlet.jar into $catalina_home/lib
 Now I can access http://localhost:8080/index.html without any problem,
 but I can NOT run any JSP or Servlet example. The error message is
  HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently available 
 [ system: ]
 Java 1.4 beta
 Tomcat 4.0 b7
 Please tell me what I miss in the setup progress, I've read all 
 the document, but I can't find a
  install.txt , the 
 C:\Tomcat4\webapps\ROOT\docs\appdev\installation.html can't solve 
 my problem.
 Thanks in advance.

RE: Having problem with Tomcat 4.0b7 - HTTP Status 503 - Thisapplication is not currently available

2001-09-02 Thread Dmitri Colebatch

Why are you moving servlet.jar - I'm a 3.2 user, but I just tried the tar
of 4.0b7 and it worked fine without moving anything.


On Sun, 2 Sep 2001, Roger Wei wrote:

 Futher more, I also copy the serlet.jar into c:\tomcat4\common\lib , still fail.
 I know how to setup Tomcat 3.2.3 and Tomcat 3.3 beta, but I just CAN'T do that
 with Tomcat 4.0 b7
 killing me...
  -Original Message-
  From: Roger Wei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 5:49 PM
  Subject: Having problem with Tomcat 4.0b7 - HTTP Status 503 - 
  This application is not currently available
  Hi everyone:
  I go to
  7/ and download 
  , upzip them and rename as c:\Tomcat4
  Then setup the CATALINA_HOME = c:\Tomcat4 , and move the 
  servlet.jar into $catalina_home/lib
  Now I can access http://localhost:8080/index.html without any problem,
  but I can NOT run any JSP or Servlet example. The error message is
   HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently available 
  [ system: ]
  Java 1.4 beta
  Tomcat 4.0 b7
  Please tell me what I miss in the setup progress, I've read all 
  the document, but I can't find a
   install.txt , the 
  C:\Tomcat4\webapps\ROOT\docs\appdev\installation.html can't solve 
  my problem.
  Thanks in advance.

RE: Having problem with Tomcat 4.0b7 - HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently available

2001-09-02 Thread Marina Sturino

At 17.57 02/09/01 -0400, you wrote:
Futher more, I also copy the serlet.jar into c:\tomcat4\common\lib , still 

I'm installed Tomcat 4.06b on windows 2000 (and on windows 98), but i don't 
moved the file servlet.jar, it's in the default directory C:\tomcat4\common\lib
and Tomcat works very well!

Best regards


I know how to setup Tomcat 3.2.3 and Tomcat 3.3 beta, but I just CAN'T do that
with Tomcat 4.0 b7

killing me...

  -Original Message-
  From: Roger Wei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 5:49 PM
  Subject: Having problem with Tomcat 4.0b7 - HTTP Status 503 -
  This application is not currently available
  Hi everyone:
  I go to
  7/ and download
  , upzip them and rename as c:\Tomcat4
  Then setup the CATALINA_HOME = c:\Tomcat4 , and move the
  servlet.jar into $catalina_home/lib
  Now I can access http://localhost:8080/index.html without any problem,
  but I can NOT run any JSP or Servlet example. The error message is
   HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently available 
  [ system: ]
  Java 1.4 beta
  Tomcat 4.0 b7
  Please tell me what I miss in the setup progress, I've read all
  the document, but I can't find a
   install.txt , the
  C:\Tomcat4\webapps\ROOT\docs\appdev\installation.html can't solve
  my problem.
  Thanks in advance.

L'unico modo per accelerare windows 9.x/2K e' a 9,8 m/s^2 ;-)

Utente Linux registrato: #218195 (

Installing And configuring Tomcat - Java Web Application - Using Tomcat 4 realm

2001-09-02 Thread Rezai,Naser NRE


Take a look at this Installing and Configuring Tomcat

Using Tomcat 4 Security Realms

Java Web Applications

Best regards

-Original Message-
From: Marina Sturino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 3. september 2001 00:24
Subject: RE: Having problem with Tomcat 4.0b7 - HTTP Status 503 - This
application is not currently available

At 17.57 02/09/01 -0400, you wrote:
Futher more, I also copy the serlet.jar into c:\tomcat4\common\lib , still 

I'm installed Tomcat 4.06b on windows 2000 (and on windows 98), but i don't 
moved the file servlet.jar, it's in the default directory
and Tomcat works very well!

Best regards


I know how to setup Tomcat 3.2.3 and Tomcat 3.3 beta, but I just CAN'T do
with Tomcat 4.0 b7

killing me...

  -Original Message-
  From: Roger Wei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 5:49 PM
  Subject: Having problem with Tomcat 4.0b7 - HTTP Status 503 -
  This application is not currently available
  Hi everyone:
  I go to
  7/ and download
  , upzip them and rename as c:\Tomcat4
  Then setup the CATALINA_HOME = c:\Tomcat4 , and move the
  servlet.jar into $catalina_home/lib
  Now I can access http://localhost:8080/index.html without any problem,
  but I can NOT run any JSP or Servlet example. The error message is
   HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently available 
  [ system: ]
  Java 1.4 beta
  Tomcat 4.0 b7
  Please tell me what I miss in the setup progress, I've read all
  the document, but I can't find a
   install.txt , the
  C:\Tomcat4\webapps\ROOT\docs\appdev\installation.html can't solve
  my problem.
  Thanks in advance.

L'unico modo per accelerare windows 9.x/2K e' a 9,8 m/s^2 ;-)

Utente Linux registrato: #218195 (

Re: Segmentation Fault when modifying classpath?!

2001-09-02 Thread simon

Hello Al,

If you set the environment variable TOMCAT_OPTS to -classic you are not actually 
setting a tomcat option but a JVM option.  This
means that you will no longer be using the 'hotspot' feature of the JVM, which will 
obviously have an impact on performance.

I had all sorts of segfault problems using the Sun JVM 1.3.1 on Linux 7.1 and 6.2.  I 
trawled through the Bug Parade on the javasoft
site.  Some of it got really technical and there were as many solutions as there were 
opinions.  I tried most of them but the most
successful was switching to the IBM JVM.  The segfaults stopped and I am still getting 
the performance benefit of a JIT compiler.
(I therefore concluded that it is a problem with the JVM - same as Pete below)

I'm sorry that this is just another 'it worked for me' but I hope it helps.


- Original Message -
From: Alejandro Calbazana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 12:06 AM
Subject: Re: Segmentation Fault when modifying classpath?!

 Thanks Pete!  I will give that a shot.  I am using Sun's JDK1.3.1 under
 Redhat 7.1 (sorry, forget to mention my setup!).

 I did, however, run across a post detailing a problem similar to mine.  The
 suggested solution was to set the TOMCAT_OPTS environment variable
 to -classic.  After setting this environment variable, everything ran
 nicely.  If anyone can give me any more detail on either solution, that
 would be great.  I hate to implement a fix but not know the root cause.

 Pete, your explanation seems plausable.  I'd be interested in knowing if
 this is a known JVM bug or a Xerces bug?


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 3:25 AM
 Subject: Re: Segmentation Fault when modifying classpath?!

  You're not by any chance using Suns JDK 1.3.1 and Linux are you?
  If you are, add 'ulimit -s 2048' to (or just type it in the
  shell you launch tomcat from).
  This limits the maximum stack size, but i can't give you more detail
  than that, all i know is it works for me.
  This problem only seems to show up with xerces, but since it works fine
  on other JVMs, and on Sun JDK1.3.1 on Windows, i'd say Sun have a buggy
  JVM here.
  IBM's JDK does not have this problem, so that may be another option for
  Hope that helps
  All this surrounds modifying per install instructions found in
  Per Apache-Soap's Getting Tomcat Ready, I have changed my classpath to
  xerces.jar at the beginning of my classpath as follows:
  for i in ${TOMCAT_HOME}/lib/* ; do
if [ $CLASSPATH !=  ]; then
  When starting tomcat I get the following:
  Using classpath:
  /opt/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3/bin/ line 181: 12681 Segmentation
  org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat $@
  I can not figure out for the life of me why this is happening.  I've also
  tried setting the classpath from the shell with the exact same results.
  hints appreciated.
  Al Calbazana

RE: Segmentation Fault when modifying classpath?!

2001-09-02 Thread Robert Finneran

I concur. It is a JVM problem.
I've seen this problem with several java applications (Tomcat, Xerces,
JBoss, Jetty, etc.)
It is a problem that occurs when running Sun's JDK 1.3.1 under the new
Linux 2.4 kernel. (i.e. Redhat 7.1)
I noticed that this bug was documented as fixed in Sun's JDK SE 1.4.0 Beta
The good news is that the segmentation problem was fixed.
That bad news was that my JSP pages would no longer run.

Here is a copy of my original post of this problem.
Unfortunatly, nobody has replied to my original posting :-(



I recently switched to jdkse1.4.0 Beta 2 because I was having seg faults
with Sun JDK 1.3.1
using RH 7.1 Linux 2.4.3-12.

Now that I've switched, my servlets run fine,
but Jasper barfs when I try run .JSP pages:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: JASPER: Unable to compile class for
JSPerror: Invalid class file format in
The major.minor version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand.

I'm wondering if this is easy to fix
(I'll go snooping around in apache land)
or should I use blackdown JDK 1.3.1 some flavor if IBM jdk?

Any advice would be appreciated!

-Original Message-
From: simon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: Segmentation Fault when modifying classpath?!

Hello Al,

If you set the environment variable TOMCAT_OPTS to -classic you are not
actually setting a tomcat option but a JVM option.  This
means that you will no longer be using the 'hotspot' feature of the JVM,
which will obviously have an impact on performance.

I had all sorts of segfault problems using the Sun JVM 1.3.1 on Linux 7.1
and 6.2.  I trawled through the Bug Parade on the javasoft
site.  Some of it got really technical and there were as many solutions as
there were opinions.  I tried most of them but the most
successful was switching to the IBM JVM.  The segfaults stopped and I am
still getting the performance benefit of a JIT compiler.
(I therefore concluded that it is a problem with the JVM - same as Pete

I'm sorry that this is just another 'it worked for me' but I hope it


- Original Message -
From: Alejandro Calbazana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 12:06 AM
Subject: Re: Segmentation Fault when modifying classpath?!

 Thanks Pete!  I will give that a shot.  I am using Sun's JDK1.3.1 under
 Redhat 7.1 (sorry, forget to mention my setup!).

 I did, however, run across a post detailing a problem similar to mine.
 suggested solution was to set the TOMCAT_OPTS environment variable
 to -classic.  After setting this environment variable, everything ran
 nicely.  If anyone can give me any more detail on either solution, that
 would be great.  I hate to implement a fix but not know the root cause.

 Pete, your explanation seems plausable.  I'd be interested in knowing if
 this is a known JVM bug or a Xerces bug?


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 3:25 AM
 Subject: Re: Segmentation Fault when modifying classpath?!

  You're not by any chance using Suns JDK 1.3.1 and Linux are you?
  If you are, add 'ulimit -s 2048' to (or just type it in the
  shell you launch tomcat from).
  This limits the maximum stack size, but i can't give you more detail
  than that, all i know is it works for me.
  This problem only seems to show up with xerces, but since it works
  on other JVMs, and on Sun JDK1.3.1 on Windows, i'd say Sun have a
  JVM here.
  IBM's JDK does not have this problem, so that may be another option
  Hope that helps
  All this surrounds modifying per install instructions found
  Per Apache-Soap's Getting Tomcat Ready, I have changed my classpath
  xerces.jar at the beginning of my classpath as follows:
  for i in ${TOMCAT_HOME}/lib/* ; do
if [ $CLASSPATH !=  ]; then
  When starting tomcat I get the following:
  Using classpath:
  /opt/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3/bin/ line 181: 12681 Segmentation
  org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat $@
  I can not figure 

Include directive in web.xml?

2001-09-02 Thread Thomas Crook

Could anyone tell me how to include (as in cpp #include) another file in 
a web.xml file?

The reason I would like to do this is that I am using Tomcat jspc to 
precompile our jsp's. Using the -webinc flag to jspc I can generate a 
file of jsp-to-servlet mappings that is supposed to be included in 
web.xml. Despite extensive rtfm-ing, list archive reading and googling, 
I haven't found a way to include the mapping file in web.xml.


Tomcat/IIS URL Reporting

2001-09-02 Thread Paul Kingsley

   We are using Tomcat 3.2 with IIS using the isapi_redirect.dll . This
works fine ..but.. upon examining the IIS logs we get the name of the tomcat
redirector dll instead of the actual URL. 
   Any ideas on how we can get the actual URL in lieu of the dll name into
IIS logs for site monitoring etc

  Thanks in advance,
  Paul Kingsley
  eQuality Group Aust
