RE: Tomcat and firewalls...

2001-10-23 Thread David A. Fuess

I use Zone Alarm and it doesn't bother Tomcat at all.


At 01:54 PM 10/23/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>I use ZoneAlarm and I've found that I have to turn it off in order to use
>-Original Message-
>From: Thomas Diamond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: 23 October 2001 01:47
>Subject: Tomcat and firewalls...
>I think that something's wrong with Tomcat and firewalls
>As I've written in previous letters I had some problems with Win2K
>crashing inexplicably while running Tomcat. The system was rebooting on
>its own. After I disabled the atomatic reboot feature I got a Blue
>Screen saying something about vsdatant.sys ( a file installed with
>ZoneAlarm ). I also had some other problems with ZoneAlarm so I
>completely removed it from my system. OK, I said to myself, now you are
>safe. Today, while I was testing my JSPs locally I got a blue screen
>saying something about "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"  and  mentioning
>a file called "nisdrv.sys". I searched a bit and found that this is a
>file installed with Norton Internet Security (I've got version Norton
>Internet Security 2001 version 2.5 installed). So what's goig on? Tomcat
>cannot run in a machine with a firewall or I 've done it again ?

 From the Desk of ...
David A. Fuess
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.Fuess.Net

Very Urgent SSL and Tomcat 4.0

2001-10-23 Thread Fousseni Keita

I installed JSSE, and followed all the instruction
 to set up ssl in tomcat 4.0, but I am not able to
 start tomacat. The start does not start, and it does
 not generate any log too. I need help.

Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

Re: Help please...

2001-10-23 Thread Lester June Cabrera

Hi Daniel,

You should be able to change the port setting in the /conf/server.xml file.

The server root setting is also in server.xml file.

As for the placement of servlets, you can use the build utility of Tomcat 
so that it will compile and copy the servlets into its destintaion 
directory. See the sample directory. Settings are configured in your 
build.xml file. For example, you can set the following line in build.xml
so all your servlets will then be saved in /webapps/daniel/web-inf/classes

And there is a document that explains integrating Tomcat with Apache.


At 01:58 PM 10/23/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi all:
> I am new with tomcat server. I have tomcat 4.0 version and  Windows NT.
>I have installed the server and it works with the default settings. But I
>have many questions (I was reading the server docs... I don't understand the
>greater part of the things):
> - How can I change the server default name (localhost) and server
>default port (8080)?
> - How can I change the server default root (/Apache Tomcat
> - Where do I must to put my servlets for running?. I suppose that I must
>to write where is the servlet's code in a configuration file (like in JDSK
> - How can I implement tomcat like an Apache module?
>I know, many questions but if you can help me in whatever it would be really
>helpful because the server docs are like chinese for me
>Thanks a million, Daniel
>Best regards, Daniel

WARP plugin status at 4.0.1 - README on server

2001-10-23 Thread Brett Porter


Looking at the README on the server where I downloaded the WARP plugin 
yesterday, it said there were issues about starting/stopping tomcat and 
apache recognising this, that would be corrected in the final release. 
I'm assuming this is the 4.0 final release, so I'm wondering what the 
status is.

I've noticed that if you start tomcat after apache, you must restart 
apache to recognise that the container is started.

Are there any other situations like this? It appears restarting tomcat 
without restarting tomcat is fine.
We would like to have monitors that automatically restart the server if 
it is hung, and want to be careful that it doesn't get in a condition 
where it might start apache without tomcat running.


Re: problems on integration Apache 1.3 and tomcat 4.0 under NTenvir onment

2001-10-23 Thread Pier Fumagalli


> Hi, there,
> Here is the problem:
> I succeed install Apache 1.3 and tomcat 4.0.  it works fine independently.
> Now I am trying to integrate them together as following:
> 1) downloaded mod_webapp...for win32 and unzipped
> 2) copied and libaper.dll to the module directory in Apache
> 3) edit configuration file of Apache and problems appear here:
> A. add a line of :
> LoadModule webapp_module modules/
> AddModule  webapp_module mod_webapp.c
> B. run the program of test configuration and it returns:
> Cannot add module via name 'mod_webapp.c': not in list of
> loaded modules

Did you put the two lines at the right places? The first one after all the
"LoadModule" directives and the second one after "ClearModuleList" and all
other "AddModule" ???

> C. If I comments out the line" AddModule mod_webapp.c" and run test
> configuration, it returns Syntax OK.
> Q: Can we leave this line commenting out?  If no, what to
> do?
> D. with the above item C (commenting out), I added the following:
> WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008
> webAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples/
>and run the test configuration, it returns:
> Invalid virtual host name
> Q: I did not edit virtual host name, why it says invalid?
> How to solve this problem?

Add a "ServerName" directive in httpd.conf (or comment out the one already

> E. For win32, do we need mod_jserv file in the modules directory of
> Apache? If yes, where can I find a built mod_jserv file? is the file
> "libaper.dll" a equivalent of mod_jserv?

Nope, you don't need mod_jserv.


> Thank you very much for help.
> Bin 

Warp Connections and the Webapp Manager

2001-10-23 Thread Ross Berman

I have several developers whom share a single development server.

My apache/warp setup is as follows:

WebAppConnection rossConn warp localhost:8010
WebAppDeploy ross_app rossConn /ross_app

WebAppConnection sueConn warp localhost:8011
WebAppDeploy sue_app sueConn /sue_app

WebAppConnection daveConn warp localhost:8012
WebAppDeploy dave_app daveConn /dave_app


I want all of my developers to share the same tomcat instance so I have
symbolic links to all of their contexts in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps.

The problem is, developers frequently need to restart their contexts
(auto-reloading doesn't always work correctly.) but they shouldn't need to
restart the entire Catalina instance (it takes a while too).  The webapp
manager looks like the perfect solution, except it doesn't seem to work the
way it's documented.

Let's say I have 'ross_app' running just fine and I can directly access it
through the warp connector at http://localhost/ross_app/myapp.  I can also
get to it through http://localhost:8080/ross_app/myapp.  But if I issue:
http://localhost:8080/manager/stop?path=/ross_app to stop it, I can no
longer access it via http://localhost:8080/ross_app/myapp but It still works
fine through the warp connection!?!?  Even when reloading a webapp with the
manager, it doesn't seem to reload the webapp when I connect through the
warp connector.  How does this happen?  Is there any way to reload a webapp
when it's being used through a warp connection without restarting the entire
Catalina engine?  Anyone have a better idea (a separate Catalina instance
for each developer is slow and takes a lot of memory)?  There seem to be a
lot of issues, even with the ajp13 connector, which I couldn't get working
properly either in 4.0.1.

Also, if I start/restart apache when 'sue_app' doesn't exist in the webapps
directory, my apache error_log gets filled with this message:
  "[error] Cannot deploy application sue_app"
It will continue to quickly expand my error_log until either I add 'sue_app'
or I run out of disk space.  I don't think that is a desired behavior, is it
going to change?

Note: I configured and compiled the webapp module with '--with-apxs'

Any help or information would be greatly appreciated,


RE: Newbie question: Has anyone had trouble compiling code containing HttpServletRequest.getRequestURL() ???

2001-10-23 Thread Greg Trasuk

Hi Adam:

Somewhere in your compiler classpath, you've got an older servlet.jar, as
the getRequestURL() method arrived in Servlet Spec 2.2.  It may take a
little hunting to find it, especially if you're using an IDE (I've run into
this problem with IBM VA-Java v3.5), but what you need to do is get your
compiler to compile using the servlet.jar that you will find in Tomcat's
/lib directory.

Good luck, don't get discouraged, it all eventually works pretty well...

Greg Trasuk, President
StratusCom Manufacturing Systems Inc. - We use information technology to
solve business problems on your plant floor.

> -Original Message-
> From: Adam Wiener [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 4:08 PM
> Subject: Newbie question: Has anyone had trouble compiling code
> containing HttpServletRequest.getRequestURL() ???
> Hello,
> I am currently running Tomcat 3.2.2 (I know, I've been meaning to
> upgrade...) and I am using the default servlet.jar that comes
> with that
> distribution. Whenever I try to compile the following code:
>  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
>throws ServletException, IOException {
>  res.setContentType("text/plain");
>  PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
>  out.println(req.getRequestURL().toString());
>  }
> I get a compilation error saying that the compiler cannot resolve the
> getRequestURL method in the HttpServletRequest Interface.
> However the following code compiles just fine:
>  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
>throws ServletException, IOException {
>  res.setContentType("text/plain");
>  PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
>  out.println(req.getRequestURI());
>  }
> am I missing something really obvious?  All the documentation
> I can find
> says the getRequestURL() method is valid... Anyone else have a similar
> problem?
> Thanks in advance,
> Adam
> _
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> Get your free address at

deploying the generated class files instead of jsps

2001-10-23 Thread Mike Muir

I was wondering if there is a way to deploy the generated
class files (in the work directory), rather than the jsps.
Essentially, I don't wan't it to ever check the jsps (because
I don't want to distribute them); instead, I want it to
go directly to the class files in the work directory (or,
ideally, to a jar/war of those class files).


Mike Muir
TransactTools, Inc.

Win2K IIS/Tomcat hangs

2001-10-23 Thread Dan Rasmussen


I just joined the list (no confirmation yet so I'm not sure
this is going to take).  I did check the archives and have
seen similar postings but no info that fixes my problem...

I have been attempting to get IIS on Win2K/SP2 to play with
tomcat 3.3.  I have tomcat 3.3 installed and serving up the
Tomcat examples using this url:

I then used the "Tomcat IIS HowTo" to get IIS setup.  I got
to the point where I get a green up arrow on the filter but
when I try to get at 


The browser (exploder 5 or netscape 6.1) just hangs (see
below for the tail of the iis_redirect.log which has a
happy look about it to my untrained eye).  I did the whole
bit with making the jakarta virtual directory and adding
the ISAPI filter.  I don't think I would get this far

The redirector is a downloaded binary.  I checked the
registry entries.  What else could be wrong?  Is there
something I missed in IIS: Security?, other virtual
directories besides jakarta?.  Suggestions?

I had no problems integrating with Apache on NT and few
with Apache on Solaris.  IIS is a different story :( 

Any help greatly appreciated.


Dan Rasmussen

[jk_isapi_plugin.c (439)]: HttpFilterProc
[/examples/jsp/index.html] is a servlet url - should
redirect to ajp13
[jk_isapi_plugin.c (461)]: HttpFilterProc check if
[/examples/jsp/index.html] is points to the web-inf
[jk_isapi_plugin.c (517)]: HttpExtensionProc started
[jk_worker.c (123)]: Into wc_get_worker_for_name ajp13
[jk_worker.c (127)]: wc_get_worker_for_name, done  found a
[jk_isapi_plugin.c (539)]: HttpExtensionProc got a worker
for name ajp13
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (654)]: Into jk_worker_t::get_endpoint
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (539)]: Into jk_endpoint_t::service
[jk_ajp13.c (346)]: Into ajp13_marshal_into_msgb
[jk_ajp13.c (480)]: ajp13_marshal_into_msgb - Done
[jk_connect.c (108)]: Into jk_open_socket
[jk_connect.c (115)]: jk_open_socket, try to connect socket
= 2692
[jk_connect.c (124)]: jk_open_socket, after connect ret = 0
[jk_connect.c (132)]: jk_open_socket, set TCP_NODELAY to on
[jk_connect.c (140)]: jk_open_socket, return, sd = 2692
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (167)]: In
jk_endpoint_t::connect_to_tomcat, connected sd = 2692

Thats the end of the log as the world spins... waiting for
its reply.

-- replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Anything that appears after this sentence is inserted by 
Yahoo (or others) and may not be a good idea.

Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

Re: Multiple web.xml files?

2001-10-23 Thread Dmitri Colebatch

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi.  Does anyone know if it is possible to have modularized web.xml files for an
> app?  ie tomcat will read all of them and "merge" them together?  If not, is it
> possible to add servlet mappings dynamically?

afaik Tomcat doesn't support anything like what you're asking for in terms
of web.xml merging.  Re adding mappings dynamically, again, not sure if
its natively supported, but you could write a servlet that matches /* and
have that read and re-read its own config file for dispatching requests.  


Help ... Weird Problem

2001-10-23 Thread A.L.

Everything has been working fin ewith Tomcat until all
of a sudden certain web apps stopped working.   I have
no idea what could have happened.  I tried to
reinstall Tomcat, and when I do so, all the admin web
apps work fine, but ones that I have created that were
working before no longer work.  I'm worried that
perhaps someone has hacked into my computer.

The problem I get now is that when I try to view a
page on the localhost: the browser continues to try to
load the page, but is unable to.  What I am wondering
is if it is possible that the jvm I downloaded from
sun could become corrupt.  What wlse could cause such
a weird problem.


Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

Re: Tomcat 4.0.1 not updating the webapp

2001-10-23 Thread Remy Maucherat

> Hi:
> Are you creating the ".WAR" on one machine then copying it to a server on
> another machine?  If so, then check that the clocks on the two machines
> set to the same time.  I've had problems where my compile-machine's clock
> was running a little slow, which made the ".WAR" file appear to be older
> than the already-unpacked directory.  In this case, Tomcat figures you've
> modified the existing directory, so it doesn't unpack the new one.
> Greg Trasuk, President
> StratusCom Manufacturing Systems Inc. - We use information technology to
> solve business problems on your plant floor.

I think it's a JDK bug. Since the WAR will be opened through a JAR URL, it
is cached by the JDK until the JVM is terminated. I tried everything (since
it caused another problem), but there's no workaround unless you make the
URLs strings different.

I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think that file based JAR URLs have that


TC 4.0.1 - Catalina.start: LifecycleException

2001-10-23 Thread Andrew Bruno

Hello tomcat-users,

I am receiving this problem on a Windows 2000 Server SP2, which is
trying to execute TOMCAT 4.0.1, using JDK 1.3.1_01 on port 8080.  Port
80 is used for IIS.

Any ideas what it could be related to?

Catalina.start: LifecycleException:
Address in use: JVM_Bind
LifecycleException: Address in use:
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
- Root Cause - Address in use: JVM_Bind
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

Re: webapps/lib jar load order

2001-10-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Carl Bacher wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 16:23:06 -0500
> From: Carl Bacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Tomcat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: webapps/lib jar load order
> Is there a way to specify the order that jars get loaded/searched in the
> webapps/my-context/WEB-INF/lib directory?
> For example, if I place two jar files ( first.jar & second.jar ) in the
> webapp's lib directory, can I configure tomcat so that my webapp's
> classloader loads/searches second.jar before first.jar, or vice versa?

There are no guarantees about order of JAR file searching, and no way to
configure this.  (Even if there was, it would be Tomcat-specific because
this is not defined in the spec.)

> Thanks, Carl


JDBC tyrex pool with JNetDirect JDBC drivers

2001-10-23 Thread David Frankson

I'm struggling to get the JDBC-JNDI-Tyrex connection pool working with
the Netdirect JDBC driver and I keep getting a cast exception error

java.lang.ClassCastException: tyrex.jdbc.xa.EnabledDataSource

I configured the JBDC according to the Tomcat 4.0 docs, but I must be
missing something...

web.xml -

   Campus Datasource

server.xml -



Application -

 Context env = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env");
 DataSource ds = (DataSource) env.lookup("jdbc/campus");

The J-netdirect drivers come with a JSQLXADataSource class, do I somehow use
this instead?  If anyone has figured this out, I'd appreciate a tip.


Re: sourcepath problem in building tomcat

2001-10-23 Thread Bill Cai

I thought that I was using at least jdk1.2. But I
willl check tonight because I have multiple jdks



> >From: Larry Isaacs 
> > Subject:  RE: sourcepath problem in building
> tomcat
> > Date:  Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:51:51 -0400
> >
> > It appears that the javac being executed is coming
> from
> > JDK 1.1.8.  Is JDK1.1.8 what you want to be using,
> > or is an old javac being picked up by mistake?  If
> > JDK 1.1.8 is correct, I would like to see the log
> > for the "detect:" through "init:" targets.
> >
> > Larry
> >
> --- Bill Cai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I always got the following error when building
> > tomcat
> > by using ant. I tried ant 1.1 1.2 1.4. Any idea?
> > 
> > tomcat_util:
> > [javac] Compiling 91 source files to
> >
> > [javac] javac: invalid flag: -sourcepath
> > [javac] use: javac
> >
> > path][-nowrite][-deprecation][-d dir][-J > flag>]
> > 
> > 
> >
> > Compile failed, messages should have been
> provided.
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.
> >
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

problems on integration Apache 1.3 and tomcat 4.0 under NT environment

2001-10-23 Thread Bin . Huang

Hi, there,

Here is the problem:

I succeed install Apache 1.3 and tomcat 4.0.  it works fine independently.

Now I am trying to integrate them together as following:

1) downloaded mod_webapp...for win32 and unzipped

2) copied and libaper.dll to the module directory in Apache

3) edit configuration file of Apache and problems appear here:
A. add a line of :
LoadModule webapp_module modules/
AddModule  webapp_module mod_webapp.c

B. run the program of test configuration and it returns:

Cannot add module via name 'mod_webapp.c': not in list of
loaded modules
C. If I comments out the line" AddModule mod_webapp.c" and run test
configuration, it returns Syntax OK.
Q: Can we leave this line commenting out?  If no, what to

D. with the above item C (commenting out), I added the following:
WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008
webAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples/

and run the test configuration, it returns:
Invalid virtual host name
Q: I did not edit virtual host name, why it says invalid?
How to solve this problem?

E. For win32, do we need mod_jserv file in the modules directory of
Apache? If yes, where can I find a built mod_jserv file? is the file
"libaper.dll" a equivalent of mod_jserv?

Thank you very much for help.


Re: servlets path in tomcat 3.3

2001-10-23 Thread Carl Bacher

Add a servlet-mapping to your web.xml file.


mperreno wrote:

> Is it possible to use non-standard paths for servlet i.e. use map anything
> after the context name to servlets:
> instead of
> I managed to do it with tomcat 3.2 but I can't do it with tomcat 3.3
> thanks
> --
> mathieu perrenoud [iis]

Multiple web.xml files?

2001-10-23 Thread dhay

Hi.  Does anyone know if it is possible to have modularized web.xml files for an
app?  ie tomcat will read all of them and "merge" them together?  If not, is it
possible to add servlet mappings dynamically?



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webapps/lib jar load order

2001-10-23 Thread Carl Bacher

Is there a way to specify the order that jars get loaded/searched in the
webapps/my-context/WEB-INF/lib directory?

For example, if I place two jar files ( first.jar & second.jar ) in the
webapp's lib directory, can I configure tomcat so that my webapp's
classloader loads/searches second.jar before first.jar, or vice versa?

Thanks, Carl

RE: Tomcat 4.0.1 not updating the webapp

2001-10-23 Thread Sergey V. Udaltsov

>   Are you creating the ".WAR" on one machine then copying it to a server on
> another machine?  If so, then check that the clocks on the two machines are
> set to the same time.  I've had problems where my compile-machine's clock
> was running a little slow, which made the ".WAR" file appear to be older
> than the already-unpacked directory.  In this case, Tomcat figures you've
> modified the existing directory, so it doesn't unpack the new one.
No. Everything is on the same system. The time machine is working
properly. But tomcat still does not want to update the application:(

Thanks for idea,


servlets path in tomcat 3.3

2001-10-23 Thread mperreno

Is it possible to use non-standard paths for servlet i.e. use map anything 
after the context name to servlets:
instead of

I managed to do it with tomcat 3.2 but I can't do it with tomcat 3.3


mathieu perrenoud [iis]

RE: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Tomcat 3.3 Final Released

2001-10-23 Thread GOMEZ Henri

RPMs and Linux binaries (i386) are available.

You'll find mod_jk for Apache 1.3 STD and EAPI,
and mod_jk for Apache 2.0 grabbed 
from jakarta-tomcat-connectors (20011123).


Henri Gomez ___[_]
PGP KEY : 697ECEDD...oOOo..(_)..oOOo...
PGP Fingerprint : 9DF8 1EA8 ED53 2F39 DC9B 904A 364F 80E6 

>-Original Message-
>From: Larry Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 10:16 PM
>Subject: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Tomcat 3.3 Final Released
>At long last, Tomcat 3.3 has reached "Final Release" and is 
>available for
>download.  With its refactored set of core classes and 
>modules, it offers a
>number of new features, better performance, and more flexible 
>over its predecessors.  Also, it can be updated with add-on 
>modules. The
>PasswordPrompter add-on module is a simple example and is 
>available with
>this release. You can download the release from:
>Note: As of this moment, RPMs and netware connectors have not 
>been added to
>the web site. They will appear in the near future.
>As a Tomcat 3.x release, it remains a reference implementation of the
>Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 specifications.  Note however that 
>altering Tomcat's
>behavior with respect to the Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 specifications
>invalidates its status as a reference implementation.
>Since the configuration improvements often involve differences 
>from earlier
>Tomcat 3.2.x releases, you are strongly encouraged to review 
>the "readme"
>file in Tomcat's doc directory.  Especially section 5. "NEW 
>CHANGES IN THIS RELEASE" where some of the important 
>differences are listed.
>A lot of new content has been added to the tomcat-ug.html.  In 
>serverxml.html has been added to the site to provide reference 
>about the modules.  If you upgrade to Tomcat 3.3, these 
>documents are the
>first place to look for information about how to use Tomcat 3.3.
>To log problems or bugs, as well as submit patches, please refer to: 
>When logging bugs to Bugzilla, please specify the Product as 
>"Tomcat 3" 
>and the Version as "3.3 Final". Also, supplying a test case 
>will greatly
>improve our ability to address the problem.  Please do so if 
>at all possible. 
>Larry Isaacs
>P.S. I would like to thank the countless people who have 
>contributed to the
>Tomcat 3.3 development.  A special thanks goes to Costin 
>Manolache who did
>the majority of the refactoring and is responsible in large 
>part for many
>of the improvements you will find in Tomcat 3.3.

Re: sourcepath problem in building tomcat

2001-10-23 Thread Bill Cai

I thought that I was using at least jdk1.2. But I
check tonight because I have multiple jdks installed.



>From: Larry Isaacs 
> Subject:  RE: sourcepath problem in building tomcat
> Date:  Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:51:51 -0400
> It appears that the javac being executed is coming
> JDK 1.1.8.  Is JDK1.1.8 what you want to be using,
> or is an old javac being picked up by mistake?  If
> JDK 1.1.8 is correct, I would like to see the log
> for the "detect:" through "init:" targets.
> Larry
--- Bill Cai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I always got the following error when building
> tomcat
> by using ant. I tried ant 1.1 1.2 1.4. Any idea?
> tomcat_util:
> [javac] Compiling 91 source files to
> [javac] javac: invalid flag: -sourcepath
> [javac] use: javac
> path][-nowrite][-deprecation][-d dir][-J flag>]
> Compile failed, messages should have been provided.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

Re: encodeURL,servlet,jsp,IO taglib problem

2001-10-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

This definitely sounds like an issue for the IO tag library authors.  In
similar tag libraries that I've written, I've had my custom tag check to
see if the "included" request is part of the same webapp or not, and
manually encoded the session id.

Craig McClanahan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Jonathan Pierce wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 15:06:41 -0400
> From: Jonathan Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: encodeURL,servlet,jsp,IO taglib problem
> I have the following scenario:
> I have a servlet whose response returns HTML containing a FRAME whose URL SRC is
> a jsp page. The jsp page uses the IO tag library http tag with action = GET to
> return embedded content from a URL that is dynamically built by the servlet and
> passed as an argument to the jsp. The URL is a another call back to the original
> servlet.
> Since the browser I am using accepts cookies, the response.encodeURL call in the
> servlet doesn't encode the sessionid into the dynamic URL. The dynamic URL is
> then referenced by the IO tag library http tag get action and does not contain
> the session id of the servlet. When the servlet gets called from the io tag
> library, it does not contain the session id so a new session gets created in the
> servlet.
> Should the IO tag library http get request encode the URL from the jsp page for
> me?
> To get around the problem, I need to force the original servlet to encode the
> sessionid into the dynamic URL. The problem is that the servlet API doesn't
> allow this as far as I know, and since the request indicates that it allows
> cookies, the response doesn't add the sessionid to the URL.
> I was able to force the URL to contain the sessionID by copying the
> implementation from the private Tomcat HttpResponseBase.toEncoded method, but
> this violates the servlet API.
> What do you suggest? Is this a bug in the io tag library or is there some other
> way to force the servlet response to encode the sessionid into the dynamic URL?
> Jonathan

Newbie question: Has anyone had trouble compiling code containing HttpServletRequest.getRequestURL() ???

2001-10-23 Thread Adam Wiener


I am currently running Tomcat 3.2.2 (I know, I've been meaning to
upgrade...) and I am using the default servlet.jar that comes with that
distribution. Whenever I try to compile the following code:

 public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
   throws ServletException, IOException {
 PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();

I get a compilation error saying that the compiler cannot resolve the
getRequestURL method in the HttpServletRequest Interface.

However the following code compiles just fine:

 public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
   throws ServletException, IOException {
 PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();

am I missing something really obvious?  All the documentation I can find
says the getRequestURL() method is valid... Anyone else have a similar

Thanks in advance,

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

RE: Compilation Error when building Tomcat

2001-10-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Nitin Vira wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 11:52:54 -0700
> From: Nitin Vira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Compilation Error when building Tomcat
> i had got the jakarta-serlvetapi-4 from the website and i had checked
> that it has the methods are required but ant is not picking up that
> jar its reading from somewhere else, does it read some classpath.

You have total control over where each JAR file is taken from, by
configuring the "" file.  The quickest way to set this up
is to copy "" to "" and then edit
it to suit.  The properties that matter for this purpose are
"servlet.home", "servlet.lib", and "servlet.jar".


encodeURL,servlet,jsp,IO taglib problem

2001-10-23 Thread Jonathan Pierce

I have the following scenario:

I have a servlet whose response returns HTML containing a FRAME whose URL SRC is
a jsp page. The jsp page uses the IO tag library http tag with action = GET to
return embedded content from a URL that is dynamically built by the servlet and
passed as an argument to the jsp. The URL is a another call back to the original

Since the browser I am using accepts cookies, the response.encodeURL call in the
servlet doesn't encode the sessionid into the dynamic URL. The dynamic URL is
then referenced by the IO tag library http tag get action and does not contain
the session id of the servlet. When the servlet gets called from the io tag
library, it does not contain the session id so a new session gets created in the

Should the IO tag library http get request encode the URL from the jsp page for

To get around the problem, I need to force the original servlet to encode the
sessionid into the dynamic URL. The problem is that the servlet API doesn't
allow this as far as I know, and since the request indicates that it allows
cookies, the response doesn't add the sessionid to the URL.

I was able to force the URL to contain the sessionID by copying the
implementation from the private Tomcat HttpResponseBase.toEncoded method, but
this violates the servlet API.

What do you suggest? Is this a bug in the io tag library or is there some other
way to force the servlet response to encode the sessionid into the dynamic URL?


Re: URGENT, Tomcat & MySQL problems

2001-10-23 Thread Pae Choi

It has been a common practice that we do not put the application-specific
JARs under the "lib" in the JRE context. Rather we place them under the
application specific "lib". So, I agreee with that.

However, nobody is stopping you doing that and should not have technical
problem. Do we?


>I'm not a MySQL user, but I really don't think you should EVER put anything
>directly in the JRE directory. It should go either in your Tomcat lib or
>better yet (if application specific) in your WEB-INF/lib directory.
>-Original Message-
>From: Paul Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:57 AM
>Subject: URGENT, Tomcat & MySQL problems
>Hi guys,
>I am getting the following error:
>javax.servlet.ServletException: No suitable driver
>and I believe that I have the driver installed in the
>correct place.  I am running Tomcat 4.0 with MySQL
>3.23.43 with Redhat Linux 7.1.  I placed the
>'mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar' file in
>/usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/ext directory (as
>instructed by some solutions in the mailing list) but
>the driver still will not work.
>In my 'server.xml' file I have the following Realm
>defined :
>  userTable="user" userNameCol="User"
>In my .jsp page the extract where the exception occurs
>is :
>  String MM_centres_web_database_DRIVER =
>MM_centres_web_database_USERNAME = "website";
>MM_centres_web_database_PASSWORD = "user";
>String MM_centres_web_database_STRING
>= "jdbc:mysql://";
>// end
>// HTML // begin
>out.write("\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n  ");
>// end
>// HTML // begin
>// end
>// begin
>Driver DriverRecordset1 =
>Connection ConnRecordset1 =
>PreparedStatement StatementRecordset1
>= ConnRecordset1.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM
>ResultSet Recordset1 =
>boolean Recordset1_isEmpty =
>boolean Recordset1_hasData =
>Object Recordset1_data;
>int Recordset1_numRows = 0;
>// end
>I have completely run out of ideas as to why this
>exception is occuring, I would be very grateful for
>any suggestions as my manager is breathing down my
>Thanks again,
>Nokia Game is on again.
>Go to and join the new
>all media adventure before November 3rd.

RE: Compilation Error when building Tomcat

2001-10-23 Thread Nitin Vira

i had got the jakarta-serlvetapi-4 from the website and i had checked that it has the 
methods are required but ant is not picking up that jar its reading from somewhere 
else, does it read some classpath.

-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:04 AM
Subject: RE: Compilation Error when building Tomcat

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Nitin Vira wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:12:43 -0700
> From: Nitin Vira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Compilation Error when building Tomcat
> Hi Craig,
> I figured as much, but i dont quite get from where to get the latest servlet.jar and 
>where to put and make the ant pick up this jar and not any other.
> Thanks once again for your help.

See the "BUILDING.txt" file in the top level source directory of Tomcat.
It tells you exactly where to get everything (including getting the latest
Servlet and JSP classes from the "jakarta-servletapi1-4" repository).

> Nitin


Re: URGENT, Tomcat & MySQL problems

2001-10-23 Thread David Smith

I did this install on my dev machine just recently.   First, if 
mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar is one you downloaded, you need to unzip it and use 
the mm.mysql-2.0.4.jar file compressed inside it.  I don't quite know why 
they packaged it that way, but there it is.  The downloaded JAR file also 
contains source and docs all packaged up together.  

Then place mm.mysql-2.0.4.jar where it works best for you.  If you use 
container based security in Tomcat, then the JAR file needs to be in 
CATALINA_HOME$/common/lib so that Tomcat can use it as well as your app.  
Otherwise CATALINA_HOME$/lib or WEB-INF/lib should work depending on whether 
you want it available to all apps or just one.

Hope this helps you.

--David Smith

On Tuesday 23 October 2001 11:57 am, you wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am getting the following error:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: No suitable driver
> at
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageContextIm
> at
> org.apache.jsp.ivf_0005fclinic_0005fsearch$jsp._jspService(ivf_0005fclinic_
>0005fsearch$ ..
> and I believe that I have the driver installed in the
> correct place.  I am running Tomcat 4.0 with MySQL
> 3.23.43 with Redhat Linux 7.1.  I placed the
> 'mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar' file in
> /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/ext directory (as
> instructed by some solutions in the mailing list) but
> the driver still will not work.
> In my 'server.xml' file I have the following Realm
> defined :
>  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"
> debug="99"
> connectionName="website"
> connectionPassword="user"
> driverName=""
> connectionURL="jdbc:mysql://"
>   userTable="user" userNameCol="User"
> userCredCol="Password"/>
> In my .jsp page the extract where the exception occurs
> is :
>   String MM_centres_web_database_DRIVER =
> "";
> String
> MM_centres_web_database_USERNAME = "website";
> String
> MM_centres_web_database_PASSWORD = "user";
> String MM_centres_web_database_STRING
> = "jdbc:mysql://";
> // end
> // HTML // begin
> [file="/Connections/centres_web_database.jsp";from=(10,2);to=(14,2)]
> out.write("\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n  ");
> // end
> // HTML // begin
> [file="/ivf_clinic_search.jsp";from=(2,58);to=(3,0)]
> out.write("\r\n");
> // end
> // begin
> [file="/ivf_clinic_search.jsp";from=(3,2);to=(12,0)]
> Driver DriverRecordset1 =
> (Driver)Class.forName(MM_centres_web_database_DRIVER).newInstance();
> Connection ConnRecordset1 =
> DriverManager.getConnection(MM_centres_web_database_STRING,MM_centres_web_d
>atabase_USERNAME,MM_centres_web_database_PASSWORD); PreparedStatement
> StatementRecordset1
> = ConnRecordset1.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM
> DBA.region_pg");
> ResultSet Recordset1 =
> StatementRecordset1.executeQuery();
> boolean Recordset1_isEmpty =
> !;
> boolean Recordset1_hasData =
> !Recordset1_isEmpty;
> Object Recordset1_data;
> int Recordset1_numRows = 0;
> // end
> I have completely run out of ideas as to why this
> exception is occuring, I would be very grateful for
> any suggestions as my manager is breathing down my
> neck!
> Thanks again,
> Paul
> Nokia Game is on again.
> Go to and join the new
> all media adventure before November 3rd.

Re: the include action - is this possible

2001-10-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Gaurav Khanna wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:21:43 -0700
> From: Gaurav Khanna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: the include action - is this possible
> > Hi,
> > I believe the following does not work. The include action cannot have
> > runtime access of variables "i.e. session.getAttribute("baseUri") ).

That is actually not the problem.  See below.

> I
> want
> > to confirm whether this is the case:
> >  > page="<%=session.getAttribute("baseUri")%>include/stylepicker.jsp"
> > flush="true" />

When you use a runtime expression, it must replace the *entire* attribute
value, not just part of it.  Try this instead:

Note that I used single quotes around the entire expression to avoid
confusion with the double quotes inside the expression.


RE: Compilation Error when building Tomcat

2001-10-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Nitin Vira wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:12:43 -0700
> From: Nitin Vira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Compilation Error when building Tomcat
> Hi Craig,
> I figured as much, but i dont quite get from where to get the latest servlet.jar and 
>where to put and make the ant pick up this jar and not any other.
> Thanks once again for your help.

See the "BUILDING.txt" file in the top level source directory of Tomcat.
It tells you exactly where to get everything (including getting the latest
Servlet and JSP classes from the "jakarta-servletapi1-4" repository).

> Nitin


RE: how to add context element to conf/server.xml file

2001-10-23 Thread Bin . Huang

Thank you, Craig.  it works.


-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: how to add context element to conf/server.xml file

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 09:17:14 -0700
> Subject: how to add context element to conf/server.xml file
> I am new to tomcat.  Here is my question:
> > I just installed Tomcat 4.0 and like to place all my jsp/servlet files
> > D drive instead
> > of catalina_home. so I am trying to add a context element as follow:
> >
> > >  reloadable="true">
> >...
> >   
> > saved, restart the tomcat
> >

The context path should be "/exp" instead of "D:/exp".


The "path" attribute defines what you use in your request URL, while the
"docBase" attribute defines the location on disk for this web
application's files.

> > then I call "http://localhost:8080/exp"; and it replys:
> >
> > The requested resource (/exp) is not available. But if I call
> > http://localhost:8080/manager/list, it show following:
> >
> > OK - Listed applications for virtual host localhost
> > /examples:running:0
> > /webdav:running:0
> > D:/exp:running:0
> > /tomcat-docs:running:0
> > /manager:running:0
> > /:running:0
> >
> > it looks D:/exp is running.
> >
> > What might be the problem?  Thank you very much for help.


Re: resultSet.updateInt works awckwardly

2001-10-23 Thread Richard Troy


Your post is both off-topic and resolved by RTFM. Also, you've made the
crutial mistake of confusing MS Access for a proper database engine. It is
FAR from it. What works in MS Access ... well, let me not digress. Let me
just echo what you've already seen on this list in just the last two days
- with a new analogy: MS Access is to the database world what the Tonka
truck is to the trucks that serve the mining industry - they kinda look
alike but one of them is obviously a toy.

Also, updating a selected item uses what we call cursors and are a VERY
poor choice of technique because cursors create locking and concurrency
issues. You should instead create a proper insert statement. Anyway,
should you wish to push ahead, read up on 'moveToCurrentRow()',

Good luck with it,

Richard Troy, Chief Scientist
Science Tools Corporation
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 510-567-9957,

Richard Troy, Chief Scientist
Science Tools Corporation
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 510-567-9957,

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Shah, Chintan V (Chintan) wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 18:02:06 +0530
> From: "Shah, Chintan V (Chintan)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: resultSet.updateInt works awckwardly
> Hi all,
> Once again an off-topic... sorry for that...
> In my java beans, i'm firing a Select query to get a row of data.
> "Select * From  Where  = '12345'"
> Now, this gives single row..., and i'm trying to update the contents of this
> row as mentioned below.
> if(
> {
>   rst.updateString("","");
>   rst.updateInt("","");
>   rst.updateRow();
> }
> Where  is a field of data type *varchar*.
> and  is a field of data type *int*.
> But, after executing the code mentioned above, if i open the table and see
> the data in *int field*, it is very awckward and not what i updated...
> e.g. if the value in that row will be..."-3" or "6809034" or "242335" or
> something like that, even though the  is 1 or 5 or 8 or something
> like that...
> The above code works very well and updates the table field value properly
> when database is Ms-Access..
> What can be the problem ?? is it with SQL Server / Table field data type in
> SQL Server / in my code above ???
> please help me
> thanks and regards,
> Chintan Shah

RE: URGENT, Tomcat & MySQL problems

2001-10-23 Thread Mangi, Rick

I'm not a MySQL user, but I really don't think you should EVER put anything
directly in the JRE directory. It should go either in your Tomcat lib or
better yet (if application specific) in your WEB-INF/lib directory.

-Original Message-
From: Paul Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:57 AM
Subject: URGENT, Tomcat & MySQL problems

Hi guys,
I am getting the following error:

javax.servlet.ServletException: No suitable driver

and I believe that I have the driver installed in the
correct place.  I am running Tomcat 4.0 with MySQL
3.23.43 with Redhat Linux 7.1.  I placed the
'mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar' file in
/usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/ext directory (as
instructed by some solutions in the mailing list) but
the driver still will not work.

In my 'server.xml' file I have the following Realm
defined :

In my .jsp page the extract where the exception occurs
is :

  String MM_centres_web_database_DRIVER =
MM_centres_web_database_USERNAME = "website";
MM_centres_web_database_PASSWORD = "user";
String MM_centres_web_database_STRING
= "jdbc:mysql://";
// end
// HTML // begin
out.write("\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n  ");

// end
// HTML // begin

// end
// begin

Driver DriverRecordset1 =
Connection ConnRecordset1 =
PreparedStatement StatementRecordset1
= ConnRecordset1.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM
ResultSet Recordset1 =
boolean Recordset1_isEmpty =
boolean Recordset1_hasData =
Object Recordset1_data;
int Recordset1_numRows = 0;
// end

I have completely run out of ideas as to why this
exception is occuring, I would be very grateful for
any suggestions as my manager is breathing down my
Thanks again,

Nokia Game is on again. 
Go to and join the new
all media adventure before November 3rd.

Re: URGENT, Tomcat & MySQL problems

2001-10-23 Thread James Yap

I think you have to put the jar file into either

> Hi guys,
> I am getting the following error:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: No suitable driver
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException
> org.apache.jsp.ivf_0005fclinic_0005fsearch$jsp._jspService
> ..
> and I believe that I have the driver installed in the
> correct place.  I am running Tomcat 4.0 with MySQL
> 3.23.43 with Redhat Linux 7.1.  I placed the
> 'mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar' file in
> /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/ext directory (as
> instructed by some solutions in the mailing list) but
> the driver still will not work.
> In my 'server.xml' file I have the following Realm
> defined :
>  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"
> debug="99"
> connectionURL="jdbc:mysql://"
>  userTable="user" userNameCol="User"
> userCredCol="Password"/>
> In my .jsp page the extract where the exception occurs
> is :
>  String MM_centres_web_database_DRIVER =
> "";
> MM_centres_web_database_USERNAME = "website";
> MM_centres_web_database_PASSWORD = "user";
>String MM_centres_web_database_STRING
> = "jdbc:mysql://";
>// end
>// HTML // begin
> [file="/Connections/centres_web_database.jsp";from=(10,2);to=(14,2)]
>out.write("\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n  ");
>// end
>// HTML // begin
> [file="/ivf_clinic_search.jsp";from=(2,58);to=(3,0)]
>// end
>// begin
> [file="/ivf_clinic_search.jsp";from=(3,2);to=(12,0)]
>Driver DriverRecordset1 =
> (Driver)Class.forName(MM_centres_web_database_DRIVER).newInstance();
>Connection ConnRecordset1 =
> DriverManager.getConnection
>PreparedStatement StatementRecordset1
> = ConnRecordset1.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM
> DBA.region_pg");
>ResultSet Recordset1 =
> StatementRecordset1.executeQuery();
>boolean Recordset1_isEmpty =
> !;
>boolean Recordset1_hasData =
> !Recordset1_isEmpty;
>Object Recordset1_data;
>int Recordset1_numRows = 0;
>// end
> I have completely run out of ideas as to why this
> exception is occuring, I would be very grateful for
> any suggestions as my manager is breathing down my
> neck!
> Thanks again,
> Paul
> Nokia Game is on again.
> Go to and join the new
> all media adventure before November 3rd.

Re: Environment Entries via JNDI Woes

2001-10-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Scott Walter wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 09:05:11 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Scott Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Environment Entries via JNDI Woes
> I am trying to access an environment entry via JNDI.
> I have set up in my web.xml and server.xml but I am
> get an exceptions saying the name is not found in the
> context.  Any clues?  Below are my files
> portion of web.xml
> parms/filesLocation
> java.lang.String

Note that there is no  here.  Thus, processing this
environment entry will set the value to null.

> portion of server.xml
>  type="java.lang.String"
>   value="test"/>
> Source code which causes exception
> Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
> String loc = (String)
> initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/parms/filesLocation");
> Thanks for your help.

In this particular scenario, the "null" value from the web.xml file
overrides the setting from server.xml.  To make sure that does not happen,
change your server.xml entry to:


> =
> ~~~
> Scott


RE: how to add context element to conf/server.xml file

2001-10-23 Thread Larry Isaacs


 -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:17 PM
> Subject: how to add context element to conf/server.xml file
> I am new to tomcat.  Here is my question:
> > I just installed Tomcat 4.0 and like to place all my 
> jsp/servlet files to
> > D drive instead 
> > of catalina_home. so I am trying to add a context element as follow:
> > 
> > >  reloadable="true">
> >...
> >   
> > saved, restart the tomcat
> > 
> > then I call "http://localhost:8080/exp"; and it replys:
> > 
> > The requested resource (/exp) is not available. But if I call 
> > http://localhost:8080/manager/list, it show following:
> > 
> > OK - Listed applications for virtual host localhost
> > /examples:running:0
> > /webdav:running:0
> > D:/exp:running:0
> > /tomcat-docs:running:0
> > /manager:running:0
> > /:running:0
> > 
> > it looks D:/exp is running.
> > 
> > What might be the problem?  Thank you very much for help.

the include action - is this possible

2001-10-23 Thread Gaurav Khanna

> Hi,
> I believe the following does not work. The include action cannot have
> runtime access of variables "i.e. session.getAttribute("baseUri") ). I
> to confirm whether this is the case:
>  page="<%=session.getAttribute("baseUri")%>include/stylepicker.jsp"
> flush="true" />
> I get the following exception:
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParseException:
> /domain/checknames/english_form.jsp(6,51) Attribute baseUri has no value
> Thanks

RE: Compilation Error when building Tomcat

2001-10-23 Thread Nitin Vira

Hi Craig,

I figured as much, but i dont quite get from where to get the latest servlet.jar and 
where to put and make the ant pick up this jar and not any other.
Thanks once again for your help.


-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: Compilation Error when building Tomcat

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Nitin Vira wrote:

> Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 14:20:55 -0700
> From: Nitin Vira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Compilation Error when building Tomcat
> Hi,
> I am trying to build Tomcat 4.0 from source on windows. I am following the steps 
>given in the build.txt.
> when i am doing ant dist, it gives me compilation error for classes related to 
>servlet API saying certain method doesnt exist even though the method is present in 
>the interface.
> for eg it gave me following error
> [javac] C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0-rc1-src\catalina\src\share\org\apache\catalina
> \authenticator\ Method getParameterMap() not found in
>  interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.
> [javac] Map parameters = hreq.getParameterMap();
> [javac]  ^
> Could you please help.

Since this method was added in Servlet 2.3, the most likely cause is that
you have an old servlet.jar in your compile classpath (or in

> Regards,
> Nitin


RE: Tomcat 3.2 and Saxon

2001-10-23 Thread Larry Isaacs

Having XML parser/XSLT conflicts is a known issue in Tomcat 3.2.
I believe the saxon.jar would need to go in TOMCAT_HOME/lib.
If Tomcat won't start, perhaps a more compatible XML parser
that the current xerces.jar could be found.  If not, I think
you are out of luck with Tomcat 3.2.x.  Without knowing the
startup problem, I can't say for sure.

You will likely have better luck with Tomcat 3.3 or 4.0.1.
New classloader handling allows "server" classes to be
hidden from web applications.

In Tomcat 3.3, the default behavior is try to detect if a
web application has its own XML parser.  If found, Tomcat 3.3
keeps its crimson.jar and xalan.jar hidden from that web
application.  If not found, crimson.jar and xalan.jar are
included in the web application's classloader.  This behavior
is configurable should Tomcat 3.3 not detect saxon.jar as
an XML parser.

Tomcat 4.0.x implements the new feature in the Servlet 2.3
spec where classes in the web application's class loader
are used before classes in parent classloaders.  This
should also fix your problem.

Hope this helps.


> -Original Message-
> From: Hornsby Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:51 AM
> Subject: Tomcat 3.2 and Saxon
> Hi folks, newbie here, asking for help :-)
> I'm having troubles using Tomcat 3.2 with Saxon.  My code imports the
> following:
> import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
> import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
> import;
> import;
> import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
> import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
> However, Tomcat returns 
> 2001-10-23 16:15:21 - Ctx( /nimoi ): Exception in: R( /nimoi +
> /servlet/NimoiQue
> ry + null) - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
> at
> org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(
> at
> org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parseInternal(
> at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parse(
> at
> org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl.parse(
> at
> org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl.newTemplates(Transf
> (more removed)
> when I try and call 
> TransformerHandler handler = stfactory.newTransformerHandler(new
> StreamSource(xslID));
> From within my code.  As far as I can see, it is a problem with Tomcat
> being unable to find the right files.  Assuming the files are 
> contained
> within saxon.jar (any confirmation would be appreciated), 
> moving a copy
> of it to TOMCAT_HOME/lib would solve the problem...but unfortunately,
> Tomcat won't even start up.  The other files in TOMCAT_HOME/lib are:
> ant.jar
> jasper.jar
> servlet.jar
> webserver.jar
> xerces.jar
> Any idea what I can do to solve the problem?
> Also, is it possible to set JVM settings (specifically memory 
> allocation
> settings) for running within Tomcat?
> Thanks for any and all help,
> Pete 
> -- 
> The Information contained in this E-Mail and any subsequent 
> correspondence
> is private and is intended solely for the intended recipient(s).
> For those other than the recipient any disclosure, copying, 
> distribution, 
> or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on 
> such information is
> prohibited and may be unlawful.

Re: how to add context element to conf/server.xml file

2001-10-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 09:17:14 -0700
> Subject: how to add context element to conf/server.xml file
> I am new to tomcat.  Here is my question:
> > I just installed Tomcat 4.0 and like to place all my jsp/servlet files to
> > D drive instead
> > of catalina_home. so I am trying to add a context element as follow:
> >
> > >  reloadable="true">
> >...
> >   
> > saved, restart the tomcat
> >

The context path should be "/exp" instead of "D:/exp".


The "path" attribute defines what you use in your request URL, while the
"docBase" attribute defines the location on disk for this web
application's files.

> > then I call "http://localhost:8080/exp"; and it replys:
> >
> > The requested resource (/exp) is not available. But if I call
> > http://localhost:8080/manager/list, it show following:
> >
> > OK - Listed applications for virtual host localhost
> > /examples:running:0
> > /webdav:running:0
> > D:/exp:running:0
> > /tomcat-docs:running:0
> > /manager:running:0
> > /:running:0
> >
> > it looks D:/exp is running.
> >
> > What might be the problem?  Thank you very much for help.


RE: sourcepath problem in building tomcat

2001-10-23 Thread Larry Isaacs

It appears that the javac being executed is coming from
JDK 1.1.8.  Is JDK1.1.8 what you want to be using,
or is an old javac being picked up by mistake?  If
JDK 1.1.8 is correct, I would like to see the log
for the "detect:" through "init:" targets.


> -Original Message-
> From: Bill Cai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 2:34 AM
> Cc: Bill Cai
> Subject: sourcepath problem in building tomcat
> I always got the following error when building tomcat
> by using ant. I tried ant 1.1 1.2 1.4. Any idea?
> tomcat_util:
> [javac] Compiling 91 source files to
> /usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-3.3-dev-src/build/tomcat/classes
> [javac] javac: invalid flag: -sourcepath
> [javac] use: javac
> [-g][-O][-debug][-depend][-nowarn][-verbose][-classpath
> path][-nowrite][-deprecation][-d dir][-J flag>]
> /usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-3.3-dev-src/build.xml:206:
> Compile failed, messages should have been provided.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

Tomcat 4.0.1 Final and Xerces Parser

2001-10-23 Thread Rida Ligurs

Hi there,

I just upgraded to Tomcat 4.0.1 Final and I am getting a NoSuchMethod
exception when my servlet attempts to use xerces. 

The servlet was originally running with Tomcat 3.2.1 and it used xerces.jar
1.3.0 that was in my webapps WEB-INF\lib directory.

Now I've copied my whole webapps directory to Tomcat 4.0 (including xerces
1.3.0) and I'm getting a NoSuchMethod exception when my servlet attempts to
use the DOM.

It looks like the class loader isn't using the xerces in my WEB-INF
directory, it's picking up something that isn't a DOM Level 2

Any idea what's going on here?



Re: Urgent : Problems with JDBC Date formats...

2001-10-23 Thread Pae Choi

When did JDBC began to use the 1-digit centry code and
2-digit year code? So it's 001, not 2001 :-)


>Hi !
>Standart JDBC Date (java.sql.Date) format : "yyy-mm-dd".
>- Original Message -
>From: "Dmitri Colebatch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Shah, Chintan V (Chintan)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 9:43 AM
>Subject: RE: Urgent : Problems with JDBC Date formats...
>> In that case perhaps you could try using the SQL TO_DATE function.  I'm
>> not sure what the proper syntax for this is, but in Oracle you could use
>> something like:
>> "Select * From  WHERE ( = TO_DATE('2001/01/01',
>> '/mm/dd'))"
>> failing that, see if you can change the default date format in the
>> database.
>> hth
>> dim
>> On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Shah, Chintan V (Chintan) wrote:
>> > Thanks for the guidance, but the problem whole application is
>> > ready...i'm not using PreparedStatement anywhere... (to be honest, i've
>> > never used also...). And my SQL Statements are built dynamically in my
>> > Beans depending on the input coming from the users. So, I would prefer
>> > solution, which doesn't force me to make drastic changes in my code...
>> >
>> > thanks and regards,
>> > Chintan
>> >
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: Dmitri Colebatch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> > Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:11 AM
>> > Subject: Re: Urgent : Problems with JDBC Date formats...
>> >
>> >
>> > I cant guarentee that this will work with Access and SQL server, but
>> > proper way to do what you're trying to do is use a PreparedStatement
>> > setDate(2, new Date(2001, 1, 1)).
>> >
>> > hth
>> > dim
>> >
>> > On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Shah, Chintan V (Chintan) wrote:
>> >
>> > > Hi all,
>> > >
>> > > This is a very off-topic post (as perhaps it has nothing to do with
>> > tomcat),
>> > > but I hope people would like to guide me on this..
>> > >
>> > > I'm using Tomcat 3.2, Apache 1.3.19, Jdk 1.3, Jdbc-Odbc Driver on Win
>> > > 4.0.  I want my application to work with both the databases..i.e.
>> > > Ms-Access 2000 and SQL Server 7.0.
>> > >
>> > > I completed my whole application with Ms-Access, everything working
>> > > fine..then I tried with SQL Server exporting databases from
>> > > Ms-Access to SQL Server. For most of the parts of my code...which is
>> > > interacting with DBs thru JDBC worked fine...except for some
>> > > changes... but the major problem is with field types of *DATE*.
>> > > In Ms-Access, the field type is "Date/Time - short date" and in SQL
>> > > it is "smalldatetime".
>> > >
>> > > E.g. SQL Stmt : "Select * From  WHERE ( =
>> > > gives desired results in MS-Access, but when the DB is SQL Server, it
>> > gives
>> > > error.
>> > >
>> > > And the same way, SQL Stmt : "Select * From  WHERE
>> > > '2001/01/01')" gives desired results in SQL Server, but when the DB
>> > > Ms-Access, it gives syntax error, saying that data types mismatch in
>> > > criteria expression.
>> > >
>> > > So, how should I deal with these types of things in my code, to make
>> > > compatible with Ms-Access and SQL Server as well.
>> > >
>> > > Your guidance will be a great help for me.
>> > >
>> > > thanks and regards,
>> > > Chintan.
>> > >
>> >

Re: How does Tomcat know what process to kill

2001-10-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:43:35 -0500
> From: Kemp Randy-W18971 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: How does Tomcat know what process to kill
> Here is my question.  I start up Tomcat on a Unix machine, under a user
> account, using  When I need to stop Tomcat, I issue
> How does Tomcat know what process to stop?  I am curious about both Tomcat
> 4.01 and the 3.x series.

For 4.0.1, look at the top of the server.xml file and you will see:


which tells Tomcat to start a socket listener on port 8005.  It accepts
connections only from localhost, and the caller needs to provide the
specified shutdown password in order to actually shut down Tomcat.

So, when you issue the shutdown request, the code that is executed simply
reads server.xml and figures out what port and password to use.  The key
to making this work is that you have to use the same CATALINA_HOME for
both startup and shutdown, so that both of them read the same server.xml


Re: Can't get SecurityRoleRef/Tomcat4 working

2001-10-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

Unless you have changed something in tomcat-users.xml, the role assigned
to the "tomcat" user is "tomcat", not "Tomcat".  Role names, like pretty
much everything else in servlets and JSPs, are case sensitive.


On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Antony Bowesman wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 16:56:00 +0300
> From: Antony Bowesman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: TomcatUser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Can't get SecurityRoleRef/Tomcat4 working
> Hi,
> I can't get the  to work in Tomcat 4 with the
> security JSP.
> I have added the following
> <%
>   if (request.isUserInRole("Admin")) {
> %>
> User is in Admin role
> <%
>   } else {
> %>
> User is NOT in Admin role
> <%
>   }
> %>
> to jsp/security/protected/index.jsp in the distribution to Tomcat 4.
> As security-role-ref is part of a servlet element of web.xml how do you
> specify this with a JSP.
> I tried adding the following to web.xml
>  Protected
>  /jsp/security/protected/index.jsp
> Link between Admin and sysadmin
> Admin
> Tomcat
> My user authenticates and is given the role 'Tomcat' but the Realm
> hasRole() method is called with 'Admin'.
> The code in HttpRequestBase does
> public boolean isUserInRole(String role) {
> ...
> if (wrapper != null) {
> String realRole = wrapper.findSecurityReference(role);
> if ((realRole != null) &&
> realm.hasRole(userPrincipal, realRole))
> return (true);
> }
> to map the servlet role to security-role so I guess I have not got
> web.xml set up properly.
> Any ideas?
> Antony
> --
> Antony Bowesman
> Teamware Group
> phone: +358 9 5128 2562
> fax  : +358 9 5128 2705
> intra / extra / Internet solutions at

URGENT, Tomcat & MySQL problems

2001-10-23 Thread Paul Davies

Hi guys,
I am getting the following error:

javax.servlet.ServletException: No suitable driver

and I believe that I have the driver installed in the
correct place.  I am running Tomcat 4.0 with MySQL
3.23.43 with Redhat Linux 7.1.  I placed the
'mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar' file in
/usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/ext directory (as
instructed by some solutions in the mailing list) but
the driver still will not work.

In my 'server.xml' file I have the following Realm
defined :

In my .jsp page the extract where the exception occurs
is :

  String MM_centres_web_database_DRIVER =
MM_centres_web_database_USERNAME = "website";
MM_centres_web_database_PASSWORD = "user";
String MM_centres_web_database_STRING
= "jdbc:mysql://";
// end
// HTML // begin
out.write("\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n  ");

// end
// HTML // begin

// end
// begin

Driver DriverRecordset1 =
Connection ConnRecordset1 =
PreparedStatement StatementRecordset1
= ConnRecordset1.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM
ResultSet Recordset1 =
boolean Recordset1_isEmpty =
boolean Recordset1_hasData =
Object Recordset1_data;
int Recordset1_numRows = 0;
// end

I have completely run out of ideas as to why this
exception is occuring, I would be very grateful for
any suggestions as my manager is breathing down my
Thanks again,

Nokia Game is on again. 
Go to and join the new
all media adventure before November 3rd.

Re: Tomcat and firewalls...

2001-10-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

If Windows is crashing, you have either a Windows problem or a hardware
problem (or both), not a Tomcat problem.


On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Thomas Diamond wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 03:47:02 +0300
> From: Thomas Diamond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Tomcat and firewalls...
> I think that something's wrong with Tomcat and firewalls
> As I've written in previous letters I had some problems with Win2K
> crashing inexplicably while running Tomcat. The system was rebooting on
> its own. After I disabled the atomatic reboot feature I got a Blue
> Screen saying something about vsdatant.sys ( a file installed with
> ZoneAlarm ). I also had some other problems with ZoneAlarm so I
> completely removed it from my system. OK, I said to myself, now you are
> safe. Today, while I was testing my JSPs locally I got a blue screen
> saying something about "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"  and  mentioning
> a file called "nisdrv.sys". I searched a bit and found that this is a
> file installed with Norton Internet Security (I've got version Norton
> Internet Security 2001 version 2.5 installed). So what's goig on? Tomcat
> cannot run in a machine with a firewall or I 've done it again ?
> Tom.

RE: How does Tomcat know what process to kill

2001-10-23 Thread Randy Layman

The shutdown processing reads your server.xml file and then
communicates with the process using sockets.  This communication then causes
the server to shut itself down.

This is correct for both Tomcat 3 and 4 series.


> -Original Message-
> From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:44 AM
> Subject: How does Tomcat know what process to kill
> Here is my question.  I start up Tomcat on a Unix machine, 
> under a user
> account, using  When I need to stop Tomcat, I 
> issue
> How does Tomcat know what process to stop?  I am curious 
> about both Tomcat
> 4.01 and the 3.x series.  

RE: Tomcat-IIS integration

2001-10-23 Thread Reynir Hübner

the only thing I can tell you to do is ...
connect the AJP connectors accordingly to this document

and then try to use the documentation for tomcat 3.3 on how to
intergrate into IIS.

That´s what we did, and it works.
hope it helps, 
- reynir

-Original Message-
From: Ram Kumaran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23. október 2001 11:18
Subject: Tomcat-IIS integration


We are using jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1

We are not having any documents for integrating
Tomcat with IIS

So, we are not able to integrate.

kindly help us to get the document.


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Re: Catching NPE's in JSPs

2001-10-23 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Jeff Turner wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:53:46 +1000
> From: Jeff Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Catching NPE's in JSPs
> I don't know.. 3.2, 3.3 and 4.0 are all uniformly useless at JSP error
> reporting, probably because (AFAIK) they use variants of the same JSP servlet,
> Jasper. Anyone know if other JSP engines handle errors better?

In 4.0, the error messages at least try to assist you in isolating where
in the source page this error occurred.

Of course, using an MVC-oriented application architecture, and avoiding
scriptlets in the first place, means the number of problems like this go
way way down.  Of course, page developers who don't understand what an NPE
even is, let alone how to test for it, are going to struggle on any
development technology.


how to add context element to conf/server.xml file

2001-10-23 Thread Bin . Huang

I am new to tomcat.  Here is my question:

> I just installed Tomcat 4.0 and like to place all my jsp/servlet files to
> D drive instead 
> of catalina_home. so I am trying to add a context element as follow:
>  reloadable="true">
> saved, restart the tomcat
> then I call "http://localhost:8080/exp"; and it replys:
> The requested resource (/exp) is not available. But if I call 
> http://localhost:8080/manager/list, it show following:
> OK - Listed applications for virtual host localhost
> /examples:running:0
> /webdav:running:0
> D:/exp:running:0
> /tomcat-docs:running:0
> /manager:running:0
> /:running:0
> it looks D:/exp is running.
> What might be the problem?  Thank you very much for help.

Re: Replace JServ with Tomcat

2001-10-23 Thread Pier Fumagalli


> I have a Solaris 8 X86 OS. When I installed the OS, it also installed
> Apache and JServ. What I would like to do is remove JServ and install
> Tomcat instead. Can someone tell me how to do this or where to get
> information on this? Thank you.

Remove the packages installed by Solaris (both Apache and Jserv) with pkgrm,
then reinstall...


Re: addendum Warp.jar

2001-10-23 Thread Pier Fumagalli

Yogesh Bhanu at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all,
>   I had to hardwire the java stuff in Makedefs and now the
> compile does start but does complain about unresolved symbols
> anybody has any clue about it ..
> home/yogesh/webapp-module-1.0-tc40/java# make
> /usr/opt/jdk131/bin/javac  -d . -classpath
> /usr/local/www/jakarta/common/lib:/usr/opt/jdk131/jre/lib/:/usr/opt/jdk131/lib
> :/usr/opt/jdk131:.:${CLASSPATH}
> \
> cannot resolve symbol
> symbol  : class Container
> location: package catalina
> import org.apache.catalina.Container;
>  ^
> cannot resolve symbol
> symbol  : class Context
> location: package catalina
> import org.apache.catalina.Context;
> ...
> ...
> Thanks in advance
> yogesh

Oh , and when you run configure with --enable-java, don't forget to also add

Check out "configure --help"


Re: Apache and Tomcat

2001-10-23 Thread Pier Fumagalli

The Duke at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'v setup tomcat 4.0.1 with apache webserver. Also I have build an application
> in tomcat that works like it should.
> Only when I go to my application with apache it doesn't find the xml files. I
> use an URL to find the xml file. When I put the URL in the address line of the
> browser the xml file appears on screen.
> In tomcat the url looks like this:
> http://localhost:8080/MyApp/MyDir/MyXMLfile.xml
> In apache
> http://localhost:80/MyApp/MyDir/MyXMLfile.xml
> But in the code everything stops as soon as the xmlparser (jdom)
> builds the document:
> URL link = new URL("http", request.getServerName(), request.getServerPort(),
> request.getContextPath, "/MyDir/MyXMLfile.xml
> ");
> Saxbuilder builder= new Saxbuilder();
> Document doc =
> At the last line everyting stops.
> Does anyone have an answer to this problem?

It could be a bug in "request.getContextPath()"... I'll check that out.


RE: Replace JServ with Tomcat

2001-10-23 Thread Hornsby Peter

I've not done this myself, but Tomcat contains a file describing how to
set it up with apache (TOMCAT_HOME\doc\tomcat-apache-howto.html).  I
suspect you'll have to edit Apache's httpd.conf file to get rid of
references to JServ, but after that it should (I think) be a
straightforward setup of Tomcat.  

Hope this helps,

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Re: Warp.jar

2001-10-23 Thread Pier Fumagalli

Yogesh Bhanu at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all ,
>   I am trying to compile mod_webapp as I have to use
> EAPI support ..
> The problem is mod_webapp compiles and I have a .so but warp.jar never
> compiles .
> First  Makedefs path was  pointing to /Users/Pier 
> I changed that to point to my Makedefs ..
> Now it complains  like this ..
> yogesh/webapp-module-1.0-tc40/java# make
> d . -classpath :${CLASSPATH} \
> /bin/sh: d: command not found
> make: [warp.jar] Error 127 (ignored)
> cf0 warp.jar org/
> make: cf0: Command not found
> make: [warp.jar] Error 127 (ignored)

Download one of the nightly snapshots from
and run configure with the --enable-java command line options.

> Also can anyone also tell me How can I incorprate Tomcat  into apache as
> a Virtual host .



Re: mod_webapp

2001-10-23 Thread Pier Fumagalli

Chris Huisman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello,
> I am having trouble integrating tomcat with apache using
>  I have copied into
> libexec/apache/, but when I execute apachectl configtest
> I get the following response:
>   Bus error - core dumped
> I am running FreeBSD 4.4 on my machine, and have installed
> apache+mod_ssl-1.3.20+2.8.4 from the ports directory.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.

Guuu :( That's bad. It would be nice to have a trace of the core...


Environment Entries via JNDI Woes

2001-10-23 Thread Scott Walter

I am trying to access an environment entry via JNDI. 
I have set up in my web.xml and server.xml but I am
get an exceptions saying the name is not found in the
context.  Any clues?  Below are my files

portion of web.xml


portion of server.xml

Source code which causes exception

Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
String loc = (String)

Thanks for your help.


Do You Yahoo!?
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Apache, Tomcat and JNDI problem...

2001-10-23 Thread JTurner


I have been developing an application that does a JNDI lookup for a
DataSource and then does a database query. Everything works great when I
just use Tomcat 4.0.1. But when I use Apache as the front end and use the
Warp Connector to connect Apache and Tomcat, I am then unable to retrieve
the DataSource from the JNDI tree.

I receive the exception: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name testDB is
not bound in this Context

I did some digging and found that there is the same problem with the Tomcat
example: /examples/servlet/JndiServlet

This is what I receive when running the example using only Tomcat on port

Simple lookup test :
Max exemptions value : 15
list() on /comp/env Context :
Binding : mail: org.apache.naming.NamingContext
Binding : maxExemptions: java.lang.Integer
Binding : minExemptions: java.lang.Integer
Binding : jdbc: org.apache.naming.NamingContext
Binding : ejb: org.apache.naming.NamingContext
Binding : name3: java.lang.Integer
Binding : foo: org.apache.naming.NamingContext
listBindings() on /comp/env Context :
Binding : mail:
Binding : maxExemptions: java.lang.Integer:15
Binding : minExemptions: java.lang.Integer:1
Binding : jdbc:
Binding : ejb:
Binding : name3: java.lang.Integer:1
Binding : foo:

But when I connect Apache and Tomcat using the Warp Connector I receive:

JNDI lookup failed : javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name maxExemptions
is not bound in this Context
list() on /comp/env Context :
Binding : mail: org.apache.naming.NamingContext
Binding : minExemptions: java.lang.Integer
Binding : ejb: org.apache.naming.NamingContext
Binding : name3: java.lang.Integer
Binding : foo: org.apache.naming.NamingContext
listBindings() on /comp/env Context :
Binding : mail:
Binding : minExemptions: java.lang.Integer:1
Binding : ejb:
Binding : name3: java.lang.Integer:1
Binding : foo:

I have tested this on Apache 1.3.20, Apache 1.3.22, Tomcat 4.0, Tomcat 4.0.1
and Tomcat 4.1-dev (nightly build).

Has anyone come across this problem before, or know how to correct this?


Questions about Tomcat's default port config ?

2001-10-23 Thread Lee Bruce

My question is : Is there anything else to change after I modified the 
default port number from "8080" to "80" in the server config ? 
thanx for your help .

¦b §K¶O¤U¸ü MSN Explorer

Apache/Tomcat startup order?

2001-10-23 Thread Celedes, Zoltan


I am wondering if there are any issues with the order in which Tomcat and
Apache are started. Which should be started first?

Also, what problems are exist (if any) if one of Tomcat or Apache is
restarted without restarting the other. I need to know what is safe, but I
cannot find any reference to this in the Tomcat documentation.

I am only aware of the following note with mod_jk:

Q. Whenever I restart Tomcat, Apache locks up!
A. The Ajp13 protocol keeps an open socket between Tomcat and Apache. The
latest release of mod_jk (the one found since Tomcat 3.3-m2 and J-T-C)
handle the network failure. But with previous release of mod_jk, you may
have to restart Apache as well. 

I am using:
Solaris 2.6


RE: Tomcat 4.0.1 not updating the webapp

2001-10-23 Thread Greg Trasuk


Are you creating the ".WAR" on one machine then copying it to a server on
another machine?  If so, then check that the clocks on the two machines are
set to the same time.  I've had problems where my compile-machine's clock
was running a little slow, which made the ".WAR" file appear to be older
than the already-unpacked directory.  In this case, Tomcat figures you've
modified the existing directory, so it doesn't unpack the new one.

Greg Trasuk, President
StratusCom Manufacturing Systems Inc. - We use information technology to
solve business problems on your plant floor.

> -Original Message-
> From: Sergey V. Udaltsov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 5:31 PM
> Subject: Tomcat 4.0.1 not updating the webapp
> Hi all
> I took 4.0.1 and have the same problem with the updating of webapps. I
> install my webapp using the manager/install?... and remove using
> manager/remove?... Everything is fine. Then I install the new version
> from the same war file (definitely, new version of it), get
> "OK", and in
> the browser I still see the same _old_ content. It's not browser's
> fault, I am sure (checked with lynx and "telnet localhost
> 80"). It seems
> that tomcat keeps in memory the old content of classes and jsps. Is
> there a way to overcome this?
> BTW, in the webapps directory the content is old too.:( Any help would
> be appreciated.
> Thanks is advance,
> Sergey


2001-10-23 Thread Hans Schmid


I found the following in the archives and it solved my problems:

Best Regards,

-Ursprungliche Nachricht-
Von: Andrea Barbieri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Montag, 23. Juli 2001 12:42
Betreff: Re: mod_jk info...

I tried to put your option but is not recognized by the Apaci configure
script, so i tried to change under mod_jk dir, in the apxs
module copilation line:

-CFLAGS="-DSOLARIS -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite -DEAPI"

and now run whithout problem



Intelcom SpA

> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Von: Joe Laffey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2001 14:40
> Betreff: Re: EAPI Vs DEAPI
> On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Mradul Awasthi wrote:
> > and restart the apache ,apache fail to restart
> >
> > also
> >
> > [warn]Loaded DSO modules/ uses plain apache 1/3
> API,this module might crash under EAPI! (Please recompile it with -DEAPI),
> > how can i recompile with -DEAPI.
> >
> EAPI is a hack applied to the apache distro source by mod_ssl. When
> applied correctly it patches the apxs module as well. This ensures that
> your modules get compiled with -DEAPI (which means "-D" define (like a C
> #define) EAPI for "extended api").
> I would check to be sure the apxs in your path is the one you really want
> to be using. Otherwise, re-build apache from scratch, applying the mod_ssl
> patches (if you use them). Then rebuild (make distclean first!) PHP. Be
> sure to do a make distclean (or make clean if that one is not supported)
> in the apache dir before running configure. In fact, if you are going to
> apply the mod_ssl patches I would starty with a completely fresh copy of
> the apache source (re-expand the tarball, or re-download it).
> Good luck,
> --
> Joe Laffey  |  Want to convert subnet masks between different
> LAFFEY Computer Imaging |  notations, or figure the number of IPs
> in a block?
> St. Louis, MO   |  Whatmask-It's FREE -
> --

Tomcat-IIS integration

2001-10-23 Thread Ram Kumaran


We are using jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1

We are not having any documents for integrating
Tomcat with IIS

So, we are not able to integrate.

kindly help us to get the document.


*NEW*   Connect to Yahoo! Messenger through your mobile phone   *NEW*

Re: Mod_webapp

2001-10-23 Thread Joel

Thanks Pier

- Original Message -
From: "Pier Fumagalli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: Mod_webapp

> Joel at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Dear ,
> >
> > Is  in Tomcat 4.0 a replacement for in Tomcat
> >
> > or is there anything called mod_webapp in Tomcat 3.3
> It's not a replacement... You can still use mod_jk in TC4, but you can't
> mod_webapp in TC3.
> Pier

sourcepath problem in building tomcat

2001-10-23 Thread Bill Cai

I always got the following error when building tomcat
by using ant. I tried ant 1.1 1.2 1.4. Any idea?

[javac] Compiling 91 source files to
[javac] javac: invalid flag: -sourcepath
[javac] use: javac
path][-nowrite][-deprecation][-d dir][-J]


Compile failed, messages should have been provided.

Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

RE: AJP bad read - 113

2001-10-23 Thread Reynir Hübner

I suspected so...
thanx, I will check out more recent version.

- Reynir 

-Original Message-
From: GOMEZ Henri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23. október 2001 15:40
Subject: RE: AJP bad read - 113

It's no more present in latest AJP13 for TC 4.0 :)

It was a false exception 

Henri Gomez ___[_]
PGP KEY : 697ECEDD...oOOo..(_)..oOOo...
PGP Fingerprint : 9DF8 1EA8 ED53 2F39 DC9B 904A 364F 80E6 

>-Original Message-
>From: Reynir Hübner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 5:34 PM
>Subject: RE: AJP bad read - 113
>Hello Henri Gomez, 
>we´ve been using the ajp.jar and also tomcat_utils.jar found there.
>and so far it´s been ok, except for this error message, but I will
>report when we do more testing on it (probably later today).
>I will try to switch the logging flag on, to get more error info.
> -reynir
>-Original Message-
>From: GOMEZ Henri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: 12. október 2001 15:22
>Subject: RE: AJP bad read - 113
>Thanks to test with last ajp.jar found at
>which add some exception handling when IIS/APache
>disconnect from Tomcat.
>Also use the debug flag in server.xml for ajp13 
>   port="8009" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
>   acceptCount="10" debug="0" connectionTimeout="0" />
>Henri Gomez ___[_]
>PGP KEY : 697ECEDD...oOOo..(_)..oOOo...
>PGP Fingerprint : 9DF8 1EA8 ED53 2F39 DC9B 904A 364F 80E6 
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Reynir Hübner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 4:46 PM
>>Subject: AJP bad read - 113
>>what does this error message mean ?
>>what can we do about it ?
>>We´re using Tomcat 4 with IIS 5 (most recent version), along 
>with ISAPI
>>redirect.dll from the tomcat 3.3 distribution, we´ve also 
>installed the
>>tomcat AJP.jar from tomcat4.1 beta1 dist.
>>please if anyone knows, we would love to know..
>>- luv
>>  reynir

Replace JServ with Tomcat

2001-10-23 Thread JStanczak

I have a Solaris 8 X86 OS. When I installed the OS, it also installed
Apache and JServ. What I would like to do is remove JServ and install
Tomcat instead. Can someone tell me how to do this or where to get
information on this? Thank you.

Tomcat 3.2 and Saxon

2001-10-23 Thread Hornsby Peter

Hi folks, newbie here, asking for help :-)

I'm having troubles using Tomcat 3.2 with Saxon.  My code imports the

import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;

However, Tomcat returns 

2001-10-23 16:15:21 - Ctx( /nimoi ): Exception in: R( /nimoi +
ry + null) - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parse(

(more removed)

when I try and call 

TransformerHandler handler = stfactory.newTransformerHandler(new

>From within my code.  As far as I can see, it is a problem with Tomcat
being unable to find the right files.  Assuming the files are contained
within saxon.jar (any confirmation would be appreciated), moving a copy
of it to TOMCAT_HOME/lib would solve the problem...but unfortunately,
Tomcat won't even start up.  The other files in TOMCAT_HOME/lib are:


Any idea what I can do to solve the problem?

Also, is it possible to set JVM settings (specifically memory allocation
settings) for running within Tomcat?

Thanks for any and all help,

The Information contained in this E-Mail and any subsequent correspondence
is private and is intended solely for the intended recipient(s).
For those other than the recipient any disclosure, copying, distribution, 
or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on such information is
prohibited and may be unlawful.

Re: newbie question: Setting up MySql JDBC with Tomcat 4.0

2001-10-23 Thread David Smith

I have a near identical setup with MySQL, TC 4.0.1, Mandrake Linux 8.  There 
are a couple of things here.

-- the JDBC driver as downloaded is not the jar to be put in Tomcat.  It's 
actually a zip file with the real .JAR plus source plus docs.  Unzip it and 
use the jar mm.mysql-2.0.4.jar.

-- the docs for the mysql JDBC driver specs an amperstand character (instead 
of semi-colon) between the username and password if you encode them in the 
URI.  I didn't do that.  Instead, I dropped the username and password from 
the URI and placed them in where you have ""s in the call to getConnection 
example: ... = DriverManager.getConnection( connectionURL, "user", "pass" ) ;

-- last thing I see is that MySQL seems to like a semi-colon at the end of 
all SQL statements.

Hope this help you out.

--David Smith

On Monday 22 October 2001 03:54 pm, you wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am having problems setting up MySql with Tomcat 4.0 on linux.
> Tomcat is working fine. I downloaded and placed mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar
> in CATALINA_HOME/lib. I then copied the following jsp from a website:
> %@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
> <%
> String connectionURL =
> "jdbc:mysql://localhost/database?user=username;password=";
> Connection connection = null;
> Statement statement = null;
> ResultSet rs = null;
> %>
> <%
> Class.forName("").newInstance();
> connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL, "", "");
> statement = connection.createStatement();
> rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM src_cd");
> while ( {
> out.println(rs.getString("SrcCd_Desc")+"");
> }
> rs.close();
> %>
> I stopped and restarted tomcat and pointed the browser to the jsp page,
> the following is what I got:
> I get the following error message:
>  A Servlet Exception Has Occurred
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
> An error occured between lines: 2 and 7 in the jsp file: /test.jsp
> Generated servlet error:
> /usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-b7/work/localhost/struts-logon/_0002f
> Class org.apache.jsp.Connection not found.
> Connection connection = null;
> ^
> An error occured between lines: 2 and 7 in the jsp file: /test.jsp
> Generated servlet error:
> /usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-b7/work/localhost/struts-logon/_0002f
> Class org.apache.jsp.Statement not found.
> Statement statement = null;
> ^
> An error occured between lines: 2 and 7 in the jsp file: /test.jsp
> Generated servlet error:
> /usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-b7/work/localhost/struts-logon/_0002f
> Class org.apache.jsp.ResultSet not found.
> ResultSet rs = null;
> ^
> An error occured between lines: 9 and 21 in the jsp file: /test.jsp
> Generated servlet error:
> /usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-b7/work/localhost/struts-logon/_0002f
> Undefined variable or class name: DriverManager
> connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL,
> "", "");
>  ^
> An error occured between lines: 9 and 21 in the jsp file: /test.jsp
> Generated servlet error:
> /usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-b7/work/localhost/struts-logon/_0002f
> Variable rs may not have been initialized.
> rs.close();
> ^
> 5 errors
> could someone please tell me what I did wrong?
> Thanks in advance.
> Steven H.

How does Tomcat know what process to kill

2001-10-23 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

Here is my question.  I start up Tomcat on a Unix machine, under a user
account, using  When I need to stop Tomcat, I issue
How does Tomcat know what process to stop?  I am curious about both Tomcat
4.01 and the 3.x series.  

RE: AJP bad read - 113

2001-10-23 Thread GOMEZ Henri

It's no more present in latest AJP13 for TC 4.0 :)

It was a false exception 

Henri Gomez ___[_]
PGP KEY : 697ECEDD...oOOo..(_)..oOOo...
PGP Fingerprint : 9DF8 1EA8 ED53 2F39 DC9B 904A 364F 80E6 

>-Original Message-
>From: Reynir Hübner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 5:34 PM
>Subject: RE: AJP bad read - 113
>Hello Henri Gomez, 
>we´ve been using the ajp.jar and also tomcat_utils.jar found there.
>and so far it´s been ok, except for this error message, but I will
>report when we do more testing on it (probably later today).
>I will try to switch the logging flag on, to get more error info.
> -reynir
>-Original Message-
>From: GOMEZ Henri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: 12. október 2001 15:22
>Subject: RE: AJP bad read - 113
>Thanks to test with last ajp.jar found at
>which add some exception handling when IIS/APache
>disconnect from Tomcat.
>Also use the debug flag in server.xml for ajp13 
>   port="8009" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
>   acceptCount="10" debug="0" connectionTimeout="0" />
>Henri Gomez ___[_]
>PGP KEY : 697ECEDD...oOOo..(_)..oOOo...
>PGP Fingerprint : 9DF8 1EA8 ED53 2F39 DC9B 904A 364F 80E6 
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Reynir Hübner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 4:46 PM
>>Subject: AJP bad read - 113
>>what does this error message mean ?
>>what can we do about it ?
>>We´re using Tomcat 4 with IIS 5 (most recent version), along 
>with ISAPI
>>redirect.dll from the tomcat 3.3 distribution, we´ve also 
>installed the
>>tomcat AJP.jar from tomcat4.1 beta1 dist.
>>please if anyone knows, we would love to know..
>>- luv
>>  reynir

Re: Urgent : Problems with JDBC Date formats...

2001-10-23 Thread Valera Molyakov

Hi !

Standart JDBC Date (java.sql.Date) format : "yyy-mm-dd".

- Original Message -
From: "Dmitri Colebatch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Shah, Chintan V (Chintan)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 9:43 AM
Subject: RE: Urgent : Problems with JDBC Date formats...

> In that case perhaps you could try using the SQL TO_DATE function.  I'm
> not sure what the proper syntax for this is, but in Oracle you could use
> something like:
> "Select * From  WHERE ( = TO_DATE('2001/01/01',
> '/mm/dd'))"
> failing that, see if you can change the default date format in the
> database.
> hth
> dim
> On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Shah, Chintan V (Chintan) wrote:
> > Thanks for the guidance, but the problem whole application is
> > ready...i'm not using PreparedStatement anywhere... (to be honest, i've
> > never used also...). And my SQL Statements are built dynamically in my
> > Beans depending on the input coming from the users. So, I would prefer a
> > solution, which doesn't force me to make drastic changes in my code...
> >
> > thanks and regards,
> > Chintan
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Dmitri Colebatch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:11 AM
> > Subject: Re: Urgent : Problems with JDBC Date formats...
> >
> >
> > I cant guarentee that this will work with Access and SQL server, but the
> > proper way to do what you're trying to do is use a PreparedStatement
> > setDate(2, new Date(2001, 1, 1)).
> >
> > hth
> > dim
> >
> > On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Shah, Chintan V (Chintan) wrote:
> >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > This is a very off-topic post (as perhaps it has nothing to do with
> > tomcat),
> > > but I hope people would like to guide me on this..
> > >
> > > I'm using Tomcat 3.2, Apache 1.3.19, Jdk 1.3, Jdbc-Odbc Driver on Win
> > > 4.0.  I want my application to work with both the databases..i.e. with
> > > Ms-Access 2000 and SQL Server 7.0.
> > >
> > > I completed my whole application with Ms-Access, everything working
> > > fine..then I tried with SQL Server exporting databases from
> > > Ms-Access to SQL Server. For most of the parts of my code...which is
> > > interacting with DBs thru JDBC worked fine...except for some
> > > changes... but the major problem is with field types of *DATE*.
> > > In Ms-Access, the field type is "Date/Time - short date" and in SQL
> > > it is "smalldatetime".
> > >
> > > E.g. SQL Stmt : "Select * From  WHERE ( =
> > > gives desired results in MS-Access, but when the DB is SQL Server, it
> > gives
> > > error.
> > >
> > > And the same way, SQL Stmt : "Select * From  WHERE (
> > > '2001/01/01')" gives desired results in SQL Server, but when the DB is
> > > Ms-Access, it gives syntax error, saying that data types mismatch in
> > > criteria expression.
> > >
> > > So, how should I deal with these types of things in my code, to make
> > > compatible with Ms-Access and SQL Server as well.
> > >
> > > Your guidance will be a great help for me.
> > >
> > > thanks and regards,
> > > Chintan.
> > >
> >

RE: Chunked http requests

2001-10-23 Thread Rida Ligurs

Is that for Tomcat running standalone?

-Original Message-
From: Pier Fumagalli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: Chunked http requests

Yes, with the default HTTP/1.1 connector.


Rida Ligurs at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thanks Larry,
> Do you know if Tomcat 4.0 supports it?
> -Original Message-
> From: Larry Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 18:53 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: Chunked http requests
> Sorry I wasn't more specific.  AFAIK in Tomcat 3.3, chunked input
> is only supported when using the mod_jk connector with Apache.
> Larry
> -Original Message-
> From: Rida Ligurs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 2:38 PM
> To: 'Tomcat-User (E-mail)'
> Subject: RE: Chunked http requests
> Hi,
> I've been trying to receive chunked input into my servlet running under
> Tomcat 3.3-rc2 standalone.  Is chunked input supported when running Tomcat
> in standalone mode?
> I'm getting the following exception:
> IOException in R( /mywebapp + /myservlet + null) -
> Connection reset by peer: socket write
> error
>   at Method)
>   at Source)
>   at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Http10.sendHeaders(Unknown
> Source)
>   at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.HttpResponse.endHeaders(Unknown
> Source)
>   at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.realWriteBytes(Unknown
> Source)
>   at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.flushBuffer(Unknown Source)
>   at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.flush(Unknown Source)
>   at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.close(Unknown Source)
>   at org.apache.tomcat.core.Response.finish(Unknown Source)
>   at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(Unknown Source)
>   at
> Source)
>   at Source)
>   at
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
> Source)
>   at Source)
> Is it supposed to be supported in a standalone Tomcat environment? Any
> would be appreciated.
> -Original Message-
> From: Larry Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 10:42 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: Chunked http requests
> Chunked input isn't supported in Tomcat 3.2.x at the moment.
> Chunked input support has been added to Tomcat 3.3 and
> should be available in the next release (RC1, should
> be available early next week). It is available now in the
> 3.3 nightly if you can build the connector from 3.3 supplied
> source.  Previously built connectors won't work with
> chunked input.
> Cheers,
> Larry
>> -Original Message-
>> From: aduvall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 9:59 AM
>> Subject: Chunked http requests
>> Hi,
>> I've been banging my head against the wall trying to receive a chunked
>> message into my servlet.  I'm using Tomcat version 3.2.1.
>> When the message
>> comes across, the header looks fine, but the body of the
>> message appears to
>> be empty.  There seems to be plenty of information about
>> hunked responses,
>> but I can't find anything about chunked requests.
>> Does anyone have experience with this?
>> Thanks for any help or guidance you can give.

Re: OffTopic: sign-off from the list

2001-10-23 Thread Bo Xu

simon wrote:

> To remove your address from the list, send a message to:
> While we're off topic, anyone fancy going for a beer?  I've had an awful day!
> [...]

haha :-)  I've had many awful days :-)  too much presure and problem :-)

I am trying the following now, but it doesn't work yet :-)

- open my code(with bugS)  on the left of screen, and
  open the related Specification on the right of screen...

- close eyes,  and try to merge them into One abstract image  :-)

- suddenly open eyes!

- find the bug!  :-)


Can't get SecurityRoleRef/Tomcat4 working

2001-10-23 Thread Antony Bowesman


I can't get the  to work in Tomcat 4 with the
security JSP.

I have added the following

  if (request.isUserInRole("Admin")) {
User is in Admin role
  } else {
User is NOT in Admin role

to jsp/security/protected/index.jsp in the distribution to Tomcat 4.

As security-role-ref is part of a servlet element of web.xml how do you
specify this with a JSP.

I tried adding the following to web.xml


Link between Admin and sysadmin

My user authenticates and is given the role 'Tomcat' but the Realm
hasRole() method is called with 'Admin'.

The code in HttpRequestBase does

public boolean isUserInRole(String role) {
if (wrapper != null) {
String realRole = wrapper.findSecurityReference(role);
if ((realRole != null) &&
realm.hasRole(userPrincipal, realRole))
return (true);

to map the servlet role to security-role so I guess I have not got
web.xml set up properly.

Any ideas?

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
phone: +358 9 5128 2562
fax  : +358 9 5128 2705

intra / extra / Internet solutions at

Re: JDBC Drivers

2001-10-23 Thread P.Miller


you can find the classes at the ORACLE web-site; it's called
for use with TOMCAT rename it to classes12.jar.

The Duke wrote:
> I'm looking for a JDBC Driver for an Oracle Database. I have found some on the 
> But I don't know wich one I need. It is for a simple application.
> Can anyone help?
> Dennis
> Make a difference, help support the relief efforts in the U.S.

RE: multipart form data

2001-10-23 Thread Mangi, Rick

Use the servlet package from o'reilly at

They have a bunch of utilitites for accessing the form data.

-Original Message-
From: Henry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 5:47 PM
Subject: multipart form data

In a FORM data that uses POST method, I need to upload a file
as well as other string data.

according to oreily, forms should be ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data",
however, when this thing is added, all the inputs in the form
can not be reached by

how can i fix it?

below is the html:


below is the servlet:
 public void service(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse
throws ServletException, IOException
Enumeration paramNames = request.getParameterNames();
while(paramNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String paramName = (String)paramNames.nextElement();

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Fast Track to MVC / JSP Framework Public Workshop

2001-10-23 Thread Jean-Luc BEAUDET

Vic Cekvenich a écrit :

>  *Master Struts in three Days! *
> The date is fast approaching.
> Join our workshop and discover how the MVC/J2EE platform provides a
> number of benefits for organizations developing intranet and Internet
> applications. MVC designs require that you separate the presentation
> tier from the data access tier and your application be the 3rd tier.
> For more on MVC click on:
> This is the first MVC and JSP public training class. The framework we
> will be learning is open standard Struts. For more on Struts and related
> technologies, click on:
> You will master Struts in three days in Dallas (
>, starting Dec. 2nd. This class is for
> trainers who will teach this class in the future, but a limited number
> of students are also permitted.
> Trainers will be able to establish themselves as leaders in the
> upcoming technology. Students will upgrade their skills and become more
> marketable as well as learn proper development techniques.
> For more information, including a list of topics and details on
> registration, please click on:
> What Will be Covered:
> *  DB Connection /Warm-up with JDBC and RowSet
> *  Test Framework and RDBMS, Install Struts
> *  Retrieving Data from SQL to Struts
> *  OO Based Development and Extension
> *  Drill Down from Screen-to-Screen
> *  Data Entry Crud, Update, Insert and Delete
> *  Master Detail Processing
> *  Security Based on DB Roles
> *  Portal Tiles (build real portal applications w/ layout for
> headers and footers)
> *  Menu - Build a Struts Menu for Navigation
> *  Deployment
> You will  discover why flexibility is enhanced by using MVC/J2EE
> architecture in conjunction with a SQL database. This is the first and
> only public MVC/JSP class of its kind. We will learn to utilize applied
> technology toward solving business problems.
> Tomcat is used for developing, then we deploy to
> / Open standards are an alternative to MS .NET./

RE: Tomcat and firewalls...

2001-10-23 Thread Rikard Skogberg

Both Tomcat 3.2 and 4.0 are working great for me together with Tiny personal
firewall from Tiny Software


> -Original Message-
> From: Thomas Diamond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: den 23 oktober 2001 02:47
> Subject: Tomcat and firewalls...
> I think that something's wrong with Tomcat and firewalls
> As I've written in previous letters I had some problems with Win2K
> crashing inexplicably while running Tomcat. The system was rebooting on
> its own. After I disabled the atomatic reboot feature I got a Blue
> Screen saying something about vsdatant.sys ( a file installed with
> ZoneAlarm ). I also had some other problems with ZoneAlarm so I
> completely removed it from my system. OK, I said to myself, now you are
> safe. Today, while I was testing my JSPs locally I got a blue screen
> saying something about "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"  and  mentioning
> a file called "nisdrv.sys". I searched a bit and found that this is a
> file installed with Norton Internet Security (I've got version Norton
> Internet Security 2001 version 2.5 installed). So what's goig on? Tomcat
> cannot run in a machine with a firewall or I 've done it again ?
> Tom.

Re: Java datatypes question: the Set

2001-10-23 Thread Dmitri Colebatch

Have a look at Sun's
Javadoc... more

also - this is a very offtopic question.  you might find the java forums
are more helpful place:


On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, paul wrote:

> Is java.util.HashTable any good
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Dr. Evil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 4:15 AM
> Subject: Java datatypes question: the Set
> > 
> > In the particular class that I'm working on, it would be extremely
> > handy to have an unordered collection of unique objects (strings)
> > which can grow as necessary.  This sounds exactly like the Set class.
> > However, Set is an abstract class, so I can't instantiate it.  Are
> > there any non-abstract classes that do what Set does?  I have seen
> > there is ArrayList, but that allows duplicate values and is ordered.
> > There is Vector, which is a lot like ArrayList.  There are the various
> > Map classes, but they are associations, which is totally different.
> > Any other classes I could be using?
> > 
> > Thanks from a java newbie.
> > 

Re: JDBC Drivers

2001-10-23 Thread Shiv Kumar MN


You can find a Type-4 JDBC driver for Oracle 8i on Oracle web site called 

  - Shiv.

The Duke wrote:

> I'm looking for a JDBC Driver for an Oracle Database. I have found some on the 
> But I don't know wich one I need. It is for a simple application.
> Can anyone help?
> Dennis
> Make a difference, help support the relief efforts in the U.S.

RE: JDBC Drivers

2001-10-23 Thread Dan Silcox

We get ours from - you will have to register but they
have all of the oci, thin, etc for the various platforms and oracle

You should wind up with a file which you should rename to
classes12.jar and deploy

-Original Message-
From: The Duke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 9:04 AM
To: Tomcat-user Mailinglist
Subject: JDBC Drivers

I'm looking for a JDBC Driver for an Oracle Database. I have found some on
the But I don't know wich one I need. It is for a simple

Can anyone help?


Make a difference, help support the relief efforts in the U.S.

RE: JDBC Drivers

2001-10-23 Thread Barney Hamish

I believe Oracle provides drivers for all their Databases on their website.
I can't remember where exactly but I'm sure if you have a bit of a look
around you'll be able to find them.

-Original Message-
From: The Duke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:04 PM
To: Tomcat-user Mailinglist
Subject: JDBC Drivers

I'm looking for a JDBC Driver for an Oracle Database. I have found some on
the But I don't know wich one I need. It is for a simple

Can anyone help?


Make a difference, help support the relief efforts in the U.S.

AW: Tomcat and firewalls...

2001-10-23 Thread Ralph Einfeldt

Of course can tomcat run with a firewall,...

if the software that implements the firewall 
has no bugs. As tomcat's primariy purpose
is to communicate with other machines over
IP, it can trigger failures in a firewall,
but it is not the cause for them. 

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Thomas Diamond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2001 02:47
> Betreff: Tomcat and firewalls...
> I think that something's wrong with Tomcat and firewalls
> As I've written in previous letters I had some problems with Win2K 
> crashing inexplicably while running Tomcat. The system was 
> rebooting on 
> its own. After I disabled the atomatic reboot feature I got a Blue 
> Screen saying something about vsdatant.sys ( a file installed with 
> ZoneAlarm ). I also had some other problems with ZoneAlarm so I 
> completely removed it from my system. OK, I said to myself, 
> now you are 
> safe. Today, while I was testing my JSPs locally I got a blue screen 
> saying something about "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"  and  
> mentioning 
> a file called "nisdrv.sys". I searched a bit and found that this is a 
> file installed with Norton Internet Security (I've got version Norton 
> Internet Security 2001 version 2.5 installed). So what's goig 
> on? Tomcat 
> cannot run in a machine with a firewall or I 've done it again ?
> Tom.

Re: JDBC Drivers

2001-10-23 Thread IService

Go to


JDBC Drivers

2001-10-23 Thread The Duke

I'm looking for a JDBC Driver for an Oracle Database. I have found some on the But I don't know wich one I need. It is for a simple application.

Can anyone help?


Make a difference, help support the relief efforts in the U.S.

very weird error (class reloading)

2001-10-23 Thread Dario Novakovic

i have very weird problem with tomcat 3.2.3.

for example i have html page which calls servlet.
everything is fine when i start tomcat. now when i
recompile servlet and try to call it again, this is
what i get:

Internal Servlet Error:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't happen -
classname is null, who added this ?

what kind of error is this and what causes it? it
happens even if i try to refresh html page after
is there any way to fix this because it is realy
tiring to restart tomcat each time i recompile

thanx for help

Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

RE: Tomcat and firewalls...

2001-10-23 Thread dave . prout

I use ZoneAlarm and I've found that I have to turn it off in order to use


-Original Message-
From: Thomas Diamond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 October 2001 01:47
Subject: Tomcat and firewalls...

I think that something's wrong with Tomcat and firewalls
As I've written in previous letters I had some problems with Win2K 
crashing inexplicably while running Tomcat. The system was rebooting on 
its own. After I disabled the atomatic reboot feature I got a Blue 
Screen saying something about vsdatant.sys ( a file installed with 
ZoneAlarm ). I also had some other problems with ZoneAlarm so I 
completely removed it from my system. OK, I said to myself, now you are 
safe. Today, while I was testing my JSPs locally I got a blue screen 
saying something about "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"  and  mentioning 
a file called "nisdrv.sys". I searched a bit and found that this is a 
file installed with Norton Internet Security (I've got version Norton 
Internet Security 2001 version 2.5 installed). So what's goig on? Tomcat 
cannot run in a machine with a firewall or I 've done it again ?


Re: JAAS not working any more with Tomcat 4.0 (!?)

2001-10-23 Thread Antony Bowesman


Markus Kerber wrote:
> I saw this mailing but I don't think it is related to (at least) my
> problem. I don't use a security manager and even though checked the
> proposed solution without any result.
> The problem described in this mailing was solved by simply putting
> the JAAS config file into the CLASSPATH. However, I set the path to the
> config file explicitly by the according system property. Hence this
> should not be the problem.

That post was about the problem, nothing to do with security manager,
the problem is due to JAAS using the system classpath to load its config
and login modules.  I have now got my JAAS realm working doing the

* Add jaas.jar to the system classpath in catalina.bat
* Put all the login module classes and additional classes they require
into some location and ensure that the classpath in catalina.bat points
to them too.

The error you had 

java.lang.SecurityException: unable to instantiate LoginConfiguration

is because it cannot find the sun ConfigFile class.  See the class
loader Tomcat 4 doc

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
phone: +358 9 5128 2562
fax  : +358 9 5128 2705

intra / extra / Internet solutions at

Tomcat and firewalls...

2001-10-23 Thread Thomas Diamond

I think that something's wrong with Tomcat and firewalls
As I've written in previous letters I had some problems with Win2K 
crashing inexplicably while running Tomcat. The system was rebooting on 
its own. After I disabled the atomatic reboot feature I got a Blue 
Screen saying something about vsdatant.sys ( a file installed with 
ZoneAlarm ). I also had some other problems with ZoneAlarm so I 
completely removed it from my system. OK, I said to myself, now you are 
safe. Today, while I was testing my JSPs locally I got a blue screen 
saying something about "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"  and  mentioning 
a file called "nisdrv.sys". I searched a bit and found that this is a 
file installed with Norton Internet Security (I've got version Norton 
Internet Security 2001 version 2.5 installed). So what's goig on? Tomcat 
cannot run in a machine with a firewall or I 've done it again ?



2001-10-23 Thread Joe Laffey

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Mradul Awasthi wrote:

> and restart the apache ,apache fail to restart
> also
> [warn]Loaded DSO modules/ uses plain apache 1/3 API,this module might crash 
>under EAPI! (Please recompile it with -DEAPI),
> how can i recompile with -DEAPI.

EAPI is a hack applied to the apache distro source by mod_ssl. When
applied correctly it patches the apxs module as well. This ensures that
your modules get compiled with -DEAPI (which means "-D" define (like a C
#define) EAPI for "extended api").

I would check to be sure the apxs in your path is the one you really want
to be using. Otherwise, re-build apache from scratch, applying the mod_ssl
patches (if you use them). Then rebuild (make distclean first!) PHP. Be
sure to do a make distclean (or make clean if that one is not supported)
in the apache dir before running configure. In fact, if you are going to
apply the mod_ssl patches I would starty with a completely fresh copy of
the apache source (re-expand the tarball, or re-download it).

Good luck,

Joe Laffey  |  Want to convert subnet masks between different
LAFFEY Computer Imaging |  notations, or figure the number of IPs in a block?
St. Louis, MO   |  Whatmask-It's FREE -

RE: Very Urgent SSL and Tomcat 4.0

2001-10-23 Thread Jim Urban

Make sure you copy the 3 JSSE .jar files to your tomcat/server/lib
directory.  Make sure you have generated your certificate correctly and be
sure you allow read access to it.  If Tomcat is not running under your id,
place the certificate in the root directory of the user Tomcat is running

Hope this helps,

-Original Message-
From: Fousseni Keita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 10:36 PM
Subject: Very Urgent SSL and Tomcat 4.0

I installed JSSE, and followed all the instruction how
to set up ssl in tomcat 4.0, but I am not able to
start tomacat. The start does not start, and it does
not generate any log too. I need help.

Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

resultSet.updateInt works awckwardly

2001-10-23 Thread Shah, Chintan V (Chintan)

Hi all,

Once again an off-topic... sorry for that...

In my java beans, i'm firing a Select query to get a row of data.

"Select * From  Where  = '12345'"

Now, this gives single row..., and i'm trying to update the contents of this
row as mentioned below.


Where  is a field of data type *varchar*.
and  is a field of data type *int*.

But, after executing the code mentioned above, if i open the table and see
the data in *int field*, it is very awckward and not what i updated...

e.g. if the value in that row will be..."-3" or "6809034" or "242335" or
something like that, even though the  is 1 or 5 or 8 or something
like that... 

The above code works very well and updates the table field value properly
when database is Ms-Access..

What can be the problem ?? is it with SQL Server / Table field data type in
SQL Server / in my code above ???

please help me

thanks and regards,
Chintan Shah

Re: How to expire?

2001-10-23 Thread Luc Vanlerberghe

raj wrote:

>> The user-experience stays the same: When the user access any url in 
>> the protected area, the login page will pop up and after he provides 
>> correct information he will be directed to the page he requested.
>> For Tomcat 3, just make sure the login page is outside the protected 
>> area, for tomcat 4 it does not matter.
>> Luc Vanlerberghe
> Hi Luc,
> I tried form based login by just disabling  BASIC and adding FORM (as 
> below) to my web.xml file:
>   ClaroLogic
>   FORM
>  /LoginForm.html
>  /LoginError.html
> But I end up getting a 404 error always (with the browser URL reading: 
> I tried putting LoginForm.html and LoginError.html at the webapps 
> level (and chaged the web.xml) as below:
>  /../LoginForm.html
>  /../LoginError.html
> But now I get the 404 error with the URL reading 
> (
> Aaaahhh!
> Tomcat version is 3.2.3. Any ideas/suggestions would be gratefully 
> gobbled. I cannot use 4.0 because
> Cloudscape (the D/base) does not work with 4.0.
> Aaaahhh! (again)
> Cheers
> -raj
The login page should be in your webapp, but outside the protected area. 
 If you are using an apache/tomcat combination, make sure apache sends 
the "j_security_check" to tomcat and not only *.jsp


worker problem with mod_jk

2001-10-23 Thread Mradul Awasthi


I have installed and configured
Tomcat3.2.1 on Redhat Linux 6.2 .

when i start the tomcat (with

i got the following error in mod_jk.log file
[jk_worker.c (164)]: wc_create_worker validate failed for ajp12
[jk_worker.c (229)]: build_worker_map failed to create workerajp12
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (201)]: In jk_worker_t::validate, resolve failed
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (203)]: In jk_worker_t::validate, Error localhost 8007

also when i stop the tomcat i got the following error

Stop tomcat

at  (
at org.apache.tomcat.task.StopTomcat.execute(
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.stopTomcat(
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.execute(
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.main( localhost

kindly suggest me some solution asap.


Help please...

2001-10-23 Thread Daniel Cabrera Solana

Hi all:

I am new with tomcat server. I have tomcat 4.0 version and  Windows NT.
I have installed the server and it works with the default settings. But I
have many questions (I was reading the server docs... I don't understand the
greater part of the things):

- How can I change the server default name (localhost) and server
default port (8080)?
- How can I change the server default root (/Apache Tomcat
- Where do I must to put my servlets for running?. I suppose that I must
to write where is the servlet's code in a configuration file (like in JDSK
- How can I implement tomcat like an Apache module?

I know, many questions but if you can help me in whatever it would be really
helpful because the server docs are like chinese for me

Thanks a million, Daniel

Best regards, Daniel

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