Problems using Servlet with 4.1.29, Apache 2.0.40 and https

2004-02-27 Thread Lutz Maibach

I'm trying to get a servlet called rreport running with the Software
shown above. Everything is working well as long as I use the
http-address (everything is redirect via apache) to call rreport. I can
also run the tomcat-examples via https so I think that redirecting via
Apache isn't the problem. I presume that the "object not found"-message
I get calling rreport via https results from a missing entry in the
tomcat-configs but I don't know where to start searching for it.

Help would be appreciated :-)


Lutz Maibach

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Re: bug in redirect to https

2004-02-27 Thread Bernhard Wraase
Antonio Fiol Bonnín wrote:
Could you please post your connector config?
Here it is:

   clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />

The filetypes *.gif, *.jpg, *.html are always displayed correctly from 
IE 5.5 and 6.0, no matter which version of tomcat or operating system I 
Regards Bernhard Wraase

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Tomcat on Solaris (Sparc)

2004-02-27 Thread Michenaud Laurent

We have an application on the application server : iplanet.
The server is a sparc with Solaris 8.
We would like to know if we could migrate the appplication :
- on the same server
- Tomcat/Apache/mod_jk
   => Which version ?
  - Tomcat 4.1 ?
  - Apache 2.0 or 1.3 ?
  - mod_jk 1 or mod_jk 2 ?
- Which JVM is best on Solaris ?
  On intel i386, we prefer to use the JRockit JVM.
  But on Sparc/Solaris ? Which one is best ? Sun JVM ?

Thanks a lot

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Re: source code exposure

2004-02-27 Thread unplug
Any information about using mod_jk?  Where to download the bin mod_jk
for tomcat 4.1.29 and apache 2.0.48?  But I wonder why it will have such

Bill Barker wrote:
> "unplug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > As you can see, the jsp only contains a line of code <%= new
> > java.util.Date() %>.  I haven't set the content type in the jsp and it
> > can be run at  However source code
> > exposure at  I wonder why the "/"
> > will cause source code exposure.  Is it a bug or configuration missing
> > of tomcat?  Anyone can help to stop source code exposure.
> >
> >From a quick glance at the code, it looks like it is a bug.  Use mod_jk
> instead of mod_jk2.  mod_jk doesn't have this problem.
> > Thanks,
> > unplug
> >
> > jerome moliere wrote:
> > >
> > > unplug wrote:
> > >
> > > >HI all,
> > > >
> > > >  I am using Fedora Core 1 with tomcat 4.1.29, apache 2.0.48 and
> > > >mod_jk2.  I have created a simple jsp (code listed below) and put it
> > > >under $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/examples.
> > > >
> > > >code:
> > > >file name: test.jsp
> > > ><%= new java.util.Date() %>
> > > >
> > > >  It can be accessed in the browser using the following link
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >  However, its source code will be exposed when I type the following.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >  How can I configure it to prevent such exposure?  Anyone can give me
> > > >an advise.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > I guess taht your JSP doesn't specify the content for the response so
> the browser
> > doesn't layout the HTML but show the code source instead...
> > > So try to fix the content type in your response to text/html
> > > HTH
> > > Jerome
> -
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Good practice for classloaders

2004-02-27 Thread SH Solutions

I am writing an application in which I use classloaders to load different
groups of plugins.
Basically what I am doing is:

  protected Class findClass( String className )
throws ClassNotFoundException
if ( className.startsWith( "com.companyname." ) )
  return getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass( className );
byte classData[] = getTypeFromBasePath( className );
if ( classData == null )
  throw new ClassNotFoundException();
return defineClass( className, classData, 0, classData.length );

  private byte[] getTypeFromBasePath( String typeName )
return Utils.readFile( classPath + typeName.replace( '.',
File.separatorChar ) + ".class" );

Now, I have problems an obvious problem with jar-files. [I have already
posted this before.]
[Actually I do not understand this problem, since it worked well with
tomcat4.0.6, but thats another problem. Still any hints are wellcome...]

What I would like to do is get rid of the getTypeFromBasePath-method. I
would prefer to let the parent classloader do this part and only do the
defineClass myself.

What I am doing right now seems to be bad practice event to me. But what
would be good practice?
The once thing I want to archive is that I want to load these classes with
different classloaders to be able to reload them during the lifetime of my

Can anyone give me any hint?


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Re: bug in redirect to https

2004-02-27 Thread Bernhard Wraase
This seems to me as a different bug.
Martin says that this problem is only on solaris present.
In my case these Url works with IE 5.5 and 6.0 correctly:

When I activate this in web.xml:
The Entire Web App

then the problem arise.
I started for every request the IE new.
When I remove this security constraint, the buggy behavior diappear.

Again, the same webapp runs with tomcat 4.02, 4.04, 4.1.30 and this 
security constraint(redirect) without any problem.
The operating system that I tested was solaris, linuy and W2000.
They had no influence to the problem.

It seems to be the redirect from http to https which causes the issue.
Regards Bernhard Wraase
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Tomcat exception - Please help

2004-02-27 Thread Rudi Doku

I have recently started using ant in netbeans. I got most of my info from
the following tutorial:

For some unknown reason, I am not able to deploy my application. I get the
following error:

2004-02-27 10:45:42 WebappLoader[]: Deploying class
repositories to work directory
2004-02-27 10:45:42 WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR
/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.0.jar to
2004-02-27 10:45:42 WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR
/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar to
2004-02-27 10:45:42 WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR
/WEB-INF/lib/ojdbc14.jar to
2004-02-27 10:45:42 StandardManager[]: Seeding random
number generator class
2004-02-27 10:45:42 StandardManager[]: Seeding of
random number generator has been completed
2004-02-27 10:45:42 ContextConfig[]: Added
certificates -> request attribute Valve
2004-02-27 10:45:43 StandardWrapper[:default]: Loading
container servlet default
2004-02-27 10:45:45 ApplicationDispatcher[]
Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
2004-02-27 10:46:25 ApplicationDispatcher[]
Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception

Re: Limit size of catalina.out ?

2004-02-27 Thread Tim Funk
Nope. There are no size based limitations on files bundled.


Philippe Couas wrote:
Can i limit disk size of catalina.out file in Tomcat 4.1.30 ?

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Updating shared libs without reloading tomcat

2004-02-27 Thread Vincent Lévin

hello !

We have developed several applications under tomcat 5.
all of these applications use a lib we made, so we put it in shared/lib

Is it possible to update this library without a tomcat reload ?
(a context reload would be ok, but restarting tomcat would be a problem

thanks for advice !

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Re: Tomcat and SSL: problem with expiration of VeriSign Global Server ID Intermediate Root

2004-02-27 Thread Jörn Böckenkamp
Hi Yan,

> > Now that the VeriSign Global Server ID Intermediate Root cert
> > has expired I have to replace the Intermediate Root cert on the
> > server. There is an example on how to replace the cert on an apache
> > server on their website (and that works fine), but no instructions
> > how to replace it on an standalone tomcat server.

> Hi, what i did for my local machine(TOMCAT-STANDALONE) was 
> regenerate the certificate with a new date and everything
> worked fine.  it's supposed to be easy.  

It IS easy when you're using a self-signed cert, but I have to
use one from VeriSign and I don't think that I can regenerate the
VeriSign cert with a new date :-)


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Tomcat and commons logging

2004-02-27 Thread Riaan Oberholzer
Can someone just PLEASE post a simple straight forward
example of how to configure a Tomcat system (4.1.x)
for once and for all without getting that damn "No
logger for class xxx" exception. *sigh*

I want no loggers defined for 3rd party packages (eg
the host of jars required for struts 1.1). Well,
default loggers that maybe just do nothing would be

Where how do I set this?

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JSP forwarding outside of Context

2004-02-27 Thread Johansen, Roar
I supervise development of a web-app, currently deployed on Jrun, but I
also want to deploy it on other appservers, among those tomcat.

I want to distribute the app as a .war file (which we do), but with JSPs
outside the .war file. This because we want to be able to do fixes, and
not least to add JSPs (according to that being made possible by the
servlet we direct all requsts to, but that's a long story), without
having to redeploy the entire .war file.

Thing is, since we reside on the context root "/", anything below the
context root is in the .war file.

JRun4 supports the concept of "virtual mapping", by which means
resources within the context may be mapped to a different physical
location, e.g.

This maps the context relative path of /pages to the physical location
in . This allows for "relocation" of resources to outside
of a .war file distribution. 

If I have managed to make myself clear here, is there any way I could do
something similar in tomcat?


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Re: Deploying to ROOT problem

2004-02-27 Thread Andrew Watters
Hi Justin

I've tried what you suggest and it works great for me too. Thank you for 
your help.

If I browse to /manager I do get the directory listing but if I browse 
to /manager/list for example the manager application works fine. I've 
seen this same directory listing before. I'm going to try a new tomcat 
install and try again.

Thanks you for your reply; I'm still playing with this and I'll let you 
know if I make any further progress.


Justin Johnson wrote:

I just did the same thing, though with more success.  In build.xml, I set
app.path to "/", and to "ROOT", then adjusted the deploy task to
your first try.  On deployment, ROOT.war is copied to [tomcat]/webapps and
expanded into ROOT (I changed the target depends to "dist" from "compile").
Everything's there, and it browses normally.
However, now the manager app doesn't work, instead simply showing the
directory listing for server/webapps/manager.  Admin still works correctly.
Any idea?

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Watters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 7:03 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Deploying to ROOT problem

I'm using the deployer via an ant task to deploy my application. I am 
using deployer 5.0.18 on windows and deploying to tomcat 5.0.18 on both 
windows and linux.  The following works fine

I also need to deploy to root. I have tried both


The first option completes successfully but I can see no evidence of my 
application being unpacked; browsing to '/' doesn't show my application. 
The second option also completes successfully and this time I see the 
application unpacked under webapps/ROOT; browsing to '/' doesn't help 
but browsing to '/ROOT/' shows that my appplication is there.

Does anybody know how to deploy to root using the deployer please? Any 
help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


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RE: Number Format

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav

double d = 12345.00;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0");
String s = df.format(d);

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Cui Xiaojing-a13339 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 1:38 AM
>To: 'Tomcat Users List'
>Subject: Number Format
>Hello All,
>I need to format number 12345.00 to 12345, I use below code to do the
>format, but the result is 12,345. Could please  give some advice about
>to delete the separator. Thanks a lot.
>NumberFormat nf= NumberFormat.getInstance();
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RE: can't get tomcat 5 to work

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav


>What I really want is more error messages, so I can figure out what is
>going wrong with my webapps.

- Take out all the elements from your Context tag e.g. the
FileDirContext, and add the attribute debug="99".
- Set debug="99" for the Host, Engine.

Yoav Shapira

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may contain information that is confidential, proprietary and/or privileged.  This 
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RE: log comming big after....

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav


>sorry for my newbiness again but
>iam on windows and awser that i see on google are for linux:S

cron is a unix command, though you can probably simulate it on windows
with a number of tools like cygwin or 12ghosts.  But it's not the best
approach here.  Instead, change the code that produces messages every
second to only log errors/warnings.

Yoav Shapira

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RE: Tomcat exception - Please help

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav

It's probably due to a problem with your IDEs JSP classpath.  I'm not
very familiar with NetBeans, so I can't help much there, except the
obvious question: what happens when you run the code outside an IDE?

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Rudi Doku [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 5:31 AM
>Subject: Tomcat exception - Please help
>I have recently started using ant in netbeans. I got most of my info
>the following tutorial:
>For some unknown reason, I am not able to deploy my application. I get
>following error:
>2004-02-27 10:45:42 WebappLoader[]: Deploying class
>repositories to work directory
>2004-02-27 10:45:42 WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR
>/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.0.jar to
>2004-02-27 10:45:42 WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR
>/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar to
>2004-02-27 10:45:42 WebappLoader[]: Deploy JAR
>/WEB-INF/lib/ojdbc14.jar to
>2004-02-27 10:45:42 StandardManager[]: Seeding random
>number generator class
>2004-02-27 10:45:42 StandardManager[]: Seeding of
>random number generator has been completed
>2004-02-27 10:45:42 ContextConfig[]: Added
>certificates -> request attribute Valve
>2004-02-27 10:45:43 StandardWrapper[:default]: Loading
>container servlet default
>2004-02-27 10:45:45 ApplicationDispatcher[]
>Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
>2004-02-27 10:46:25 ApplicationDispatcher[]
>Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception

<%@ include file=> outside of current context

2004-02-27 Thread Konrad Steinmuller
I am trying to refer to a different context from within another context
via an <[EMAIL PROTECTED] file="/media/javascripts/common.jsp" %> directive.

What i get is a : JasperException :  /newdnr/standard/header.jsp(57,0)
File "/media/javascripts/common.jsp" not found

my contexts are : 

The file "/newdnr/standard/header.jsp" is in the root context, but the
include "/media/javascripts/common.jsp" is in the media context.

Nothing I do seems to make one see the other. There is not a problem
when calling them from my web browser (I am using the JK2 connector)
using html, just referring to them internally in the jsp. 

Is this what the ServletContext.getContext(java.lang.String UriPath)
function helps you achieve? If so has anybody used it?

I know I could rearrange my file and context system to make it work, but
I am porting an application from JRun, and am trying to emulate JRun's
behaviour as best I can.

I have looked in the Tomcat docs, and gone through archives and found a
few people with the same problem, but no solutions. Thought I'd throw it
out there before I attempt to modify the tomcat source code.

Konrad Steinmuller

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

RE: Tomcat on Solaris (Sparc)

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav


>We would like to know if we could migrate the appplication :
>- on the same server
>- Tomcat/Apache/mod_jk
>=> Which version ?
>   - Tomcat 4.1 ?
>   - Apache 2.0 or 1.3 ?
>   - mod_jk 1 or mod_jk 2 ?
>- Which JVM is best on Solaris ?
>   On intel i386, we prefer to use the JRockit JVM.
>   But on Sparc/Solaris ? Which one is best ? Sun JVM ?

We've been doing great with the Sun JVM (1.4.2) on Solaris 8.  Rock
solid stability and good performance including under heavy load.
JRockit wasn't as stable so we haven't retested it in a while.  We don't
use Apache in front of tomcat, and thus no connectors, so I can't
comment on that aspect.

Yoav Shapira

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RE: Updating shared libs without reloading tomcat

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav


>We have developed several applications under tomcat 5.
>all of these applications use a lib we made, so we put it in shared/lib
>Is it possible to update this library without a tomcat reload ?
>(a context reload would be ok, but restarting tomcat would be a problem

No, it's not possible, and this is yet another good reason to put your
lib in the WEB-INF/lib directory (a copy for each webapp - disk space is
cheap) rather than in a shared location.  Unless the apps actually share
objects at  runtime?

Yoav Shapira

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may contain information that is confidential, proprietary and/or privileged.  This 
e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) to whom it is addressed, and may not be 
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intended recipient, please immediately delete this e-mail from your computer system 
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Re: <%@ include file=> outside of current context

2004-02-27 Thread Tim Funk
You can't compile time include a file outside your context.


Konrad Steinmuller wrote:
I am trying to refer to a different context from within another context
via an <[EMAIL PROTECTED] file="/media/javascripts/common.jsp" %> directive.
What i get is a : JasperException :  /newdnr/standard/header.jsp(57,0)
File "/media/javascripts/common.jsp" not found
my contexts are : 

The file "/newdnr/standard/header.jsp" is in the root context, but the
include "/media/javascripts/common.jsp" is in the media context.
Nothing I do seems to make one see the other. There is not a problem
when calling them from my web browser (I am using the JK2 connector)
using html, just referring to them internally in the jsp. 

Is this what the ServletContext.getContext(java.lang.String UriPath)
function helps you achieve? If so has anybody used it?
I know I could rearrange my file and context system to make it work, but
I am porting an application from JRun, and am trying to emulate JRun's
behaviour as best I can.
I have looked in the Tomcat docs, and gone through archives and found a
few people with the same problem, but no solutions. Thought I'd throw it
out there before I attempt to modify the tomcat source code.

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Help please

2004-02-27 Thread Santosh Joshi

Could I please be removed from this list.

Two of my attempts to do so failed yesterday, perhaps you can help.



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Keytore and Veriisgn certificates

2004-02-27 Thread HFaust
I have been wrestling with getting a CA certificate into my keystore file.
I Keep getting an error message of
Public Keys in reply and keystore don't match.

The steps are pretty simple. I've rtfm and stfw. 
But I can't find an explanation for this error. 
step 1) create the csr
step 2) sent if off to verisign
step 3) get CA certificate back, get a copy of the intermediate/trusted
root/chain certificate
step 4) load intermediate into Keystore
step 5) load CA into Keystore.

step 5 is where the process fails.
Am I leaving out a step? or ?
any ideas would be helpful

Thanks ahead of time

Henry R Faust
EDI Analyst
Ozburn-Hessey Logistics
W: (615) 524-3648
C:  (615) 300-0352
IM: HenryFaust 

Process Died | Production

2004-02-27 Thread Arnab Chakravarty
Hi all,

We have the following version being currently used in production:

- jdk1.4.2
- Tomcat 3.3
- Apache 1.3.27
- Solaris 8 (4 Cpu's, 4 GB Ram, 4GB Swap)
- Oracle 8
- 4 Machines running 3 tomcats each (12 Tomcats in all)

A tomcat process died on our production dumping a core file of size 1Gb. The reasons 
are not known as what caused the same. We have specified the following setting for the 

256K (min size)
778K (max size)

I would like to know, what happens when the JVM reaches the max heap size? Does it 
continue to run, I mean is there a point after which it cannot sustain any longer as 
it has no space allocated to do so ? When does it dump the core file, after 
encountering the some signal

I would also like to know if anyone in the list havent restarted their tomcats for 
months and are running their application smoothly (more importantly the JVM is kept 
alive for months).

It would also help if anyone can point to some useful resource which exaclty point to 
this problem / question. Moreover, anything else one should look for apart from code 
leaks in this case to sustain the Jvm for longer duration ?

Thanks in Advance, 
Arnab C

RE: unknown jar file in Tomcat

2004-02-27 Thread Mark J. Miller
At 6:49 PM + 2/26/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Subject: RE: unknown jar file in Tomcat
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 12:12:49 -0500
From: "Shapira, Yoav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
There files are not part of tomcat.  My guess is that someone is
(possibly illegally) trying to get around tomcat's JDK requirement by
including the JDK's tools.jar file with his/her webapp distribution.  If
my guess is right, the 1.3.1 and 1.4.1 version numbers correspond to JDK
version numbers.
If you have a JDK (as opposed to a JRE), you don't need this file at
Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics
Yeah, I've got the JDK installed. So, I'll ignore the files for now 
and see what happens.

Thanks Yoav.
Mark :-)

Mark J. Miller, Sr. Instructional Systems Analyst   
Saginaw Valley State University USA
7400 Bay Rd, University Center, Mi 48710 
Wickes 265, 989-964-7102   
- The man who fights for his ideals is the man who is
- alive! - Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote

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Re: Keytore and Veriisgn certificates

2004-02-27 Thread Mark Foster
On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 09:06:06AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have been wrestling with getting a CA certificate into my keystore file.
> I Keep getting an error message of
> Public Keys in reply and keystore don't match.
> The steps are pretty simple. I've rtfm and stfw. 
> But I can't find an explanation for this error. 
> step 1) create the csr
> step 2) sent if off to verisign
> step 3) get CA certificate back, get a copy of the intermediate/trusted
> root/chain certificate
> step 4) load intermediate into Keystore
> step 5) load CA into Keystore.
> step 5 is where the process fails.
> Am I leaving out a step? or ?
> any ideas would be helpful
Have you read ??
It would help if you showed the keytool commands you are using at each step
as well as the output of keytool -list -v
Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...

Description: PGP signature

RE: Process Died | Production

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav


>A tomcat process died on our production dumping a core file of size
>The reasons are not known as what caused the same. We have specified
>following setting for the JVM:
>256K (min size)
>778K (max size)

Are you sure that's K?  Assuming you really mean M, how did you arrive
at a number like 778?  Maybe you mean 768?

>I would like to know, what happens when the JVM reaches the max heap

If the JVM cannot allocate any more system memory to heap because -Xmx
is reaches, it will try full garbage collections frequently.  If those
don't reclaim much/any memory, ie the heap is full and referenced, you
will get java.lang.OutOfMemoryErrors.  You'll be able to see them in
logs/catalina.out.  However, the JVM won't crash for a long long time
even while these are occurring.  It'll thrash at a high CPU usage, and
you will start getting random NullPointerExceptions throughout your code
because referenced variables might be swapped out.  But it won't crash
with a core dump as you're describing.

>Does it continue to run, I mean is there a point after which it cannot
>sustain any longer as it has no space allocated to do so ? When does it
>dump the core file, after encountering the some signal

Internal crashes, not OufOfMemoryErrors, cause core dumps.

>I would also like to know if anyone in the list havent restarted their
>tomcats for months and are running their application smoothly (more
>importantly the JVM is kept alive for months).

Yes: we have numerous applications that have been running for more
months now, including one that's been running tomcat 4.1.24 since it
came out without stopping ;)

>It would also help if anyone can point to some useful resource which
>exaclty point to this problem / question. Moreover, anything else one
>should look for apart from code leaks in this case to sustain the Jvm
>longer duration ?

Yeah: core dumps frequently indicate a mismatch between the JVM and the
OS.  Look for missing OS patches or an upgraded JVM.  Beyond that, I
don't use tomcat 3.x nor an Apache front-end so I can't offer much
specific help there.

Yoav Shapira

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Help please

2004-02-27 Thread Santosh Joshi

Could you please remove me from the list?



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RE: Help please

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav

I removed [EMAIL PROTECTED] from this list after your first
request.  If you're still getting emails, it means you're subscribed
from another address.  Stop sending these public notices and follow the
normal unsubscribe directions, including the part where if it doesn't
work, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I'll get it on my
private account and the thousands of other subscribers don't have to get
this thread).

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Santosh Joshi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 10:30 AM
>To: Tomcat Users List
>Subject: Help please
>Could you please remove me from the list?
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Tomcat 5 and apache 2.0.48

2004-02-27 Thread Julien Martin
Can anyone direct me to a good tutorial about hooking Tomcat 5 to Apache
2.0.48 on windows.
Thanks in advance,

PS. I asked this question before but I lost my emails.

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RE: Process Died | Production

2004-02-27 Thread Arnab Chakravarty
Hi Shapira,

Thanks for the answers.

>Are you sure that's K?  Assuming you really mean M, how did you arrive
>at a number like 778?  Maybe you mean 768?

Thats Correct its M and not K. This number is arrived assuming the total
process size might never go beyond 1GB. Would it ? (4 gb total mem, 3
tomcats so 3 gb)

>If the JVM cannot allocate any more system memory to heap because -Xmx
>is reaches, it will try full garbage collections frequently.  If those
>don't reclaim much/any memory, ie the heap is full and referenced, you
>will get java.lang.OutOfMemoryErrors.  You'll be able to see them in
>logs/catalina.out.  However, the JVM won't crash for a long long time
>even while these are occurring.  It'll thrash at a high CPU usage, and
>you will start getting random NullPointerExceptions throughout your
>because referenced variables might be swapped out.  But it won't crash
>with a core dump as you're describing.

You mean there would be frequent page faults but would never crash for
the mere reason of out of memory exception. Any pointers or more details
on the same please ? I want to research and know more about this ...

>Internal crashes, not OufOfMemoryErrors, cause core dumps.

What is the nature of Internal crashes...have u encountered any and how
does one figure it out ?

>Yeah: core dumps frequently indicate a mismatch between the JVM and the
>OS.  Look for missing OS patches or an upgraded JVM.  Beyond that, I
>don't use tomcat 3.x nor an Apache front-end so I can't offer much
>specific help there.

We have applied the OS patches more specifically the one for J2SE
patches for solaris. What I have experienced in my application is
that...we have maintenance windows every sunday...meaning once in a
week...all tomcats are restarted and they start using the memory from
the beginning...In case there are no maintenance windows because of no
patches rolling to productionthey are not restarted and each process
consumes 1GB by that time at the end of the week and hence time come for
them to dump the code...and they dump it but not all one or 2 max.

I want to understand these internal crashes and how to prevent them ?

Any thought/comments,
Arnab C

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RE: Process Died | Production

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav


>Thats Correct its M and not K. This number is arrived assuming the
>process size might never go beyond 1GB. Would it ? (4 gb total mem, 3
>tomcats so 3 gb)

Only you can answer that, as it depends on your applications and their
memory usage.  We have several whose size can go over 1GB.

>You mean there would be frequent page faults but would never crash for
>the mere reason of out of memory exception. Any pointers or more
>on the same please ? I want to research and know more about this ...

Nope, no more pointers in my head right now.

>What is the nature of Internal crashes...have u encountered any and how
>does one figure it out ?

Yeah, I've encountered internal crashes, as I imagine many others on the
list have.  In my case it was due to missing Solaris OS patches.  The
hs_err produced by the JVM when it has an internal crash sometimes says
things like "could not allocate font package xxx" which is a hint to a
badly installed JDK.

Other people on Linux have had internal crashes with the wrong thread
library configured, or the wrong kernel version.  You can search the
archives for all this information.  It's more an art than a science to
debug these, and that can be frustrating.

Yoav Shapira

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Re: Limit size of catalina.out ?

2004-02-27 Thread Norris Shelton
Is there any particular reason why this was never set-up to
rotate like the other logs?

--- Tim Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nope. There are no size based limitations on files bundled.
> -Tim
> Philippe Couas wrote:
> > Hi,
> >  
> > Can i limit disk size of catalina.out file in Tomcat
> 4.1.30 ?
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Norris Shelton
Software Engineer
Sun Certified Java 1.1 Programmer
Appriss, Inc.
ICQ# 26487421
AIM NorrisEShelton
YIM norrisshelton

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RE: Limit size of catalina.out ?

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav


>Is there any particular reason why this was never set-up to
>rotate like the other logs?

It's not a catalina Logger, it's just the trap for
System.out/System.err.  one good way to get it to "rotate" is to add
swallowOutput="true" to your Context definition.

Of course, patches/enhancements are always welcome as well.

Yoav Shapira

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Proxy through apache not working correctly

2004-02-27 Thread Michael Forster

-Original Message-
I am having problems with Apache and Tomcat,
I am running Apache with many websites, one needs to use Tomcat.
I had the setting as such using Virtual name servers

DocumentRoot /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/sites/mysite/
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

This works to an extent

if you connect to you get the tomcat home page in full
all graphics displaying.

if you connect to you get the tomcat home page but no

If you try to ask for the graphic directly you get an error 400 Unrecognised
Response from Server...

if you change the ProxyPass to /webapps it works fully and serves the images
has anyone any idea why?


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RE: Tomcat and IIS question

2004-02-27 Thread John MccLain

-Original Message-
From: Ben Souther [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 3:43 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat and IIS question

I imagine that you've got Tomcat and IIS communicating behind a firewall, if
not on the same machine.  If only IIS is exposed to the internet, why would
you need communication between the two to be encrypted?

>We are producing a medical app. As part of the new HIPAA requirements,
we are to take all precautions necessary to ensure that personal health
information is securely
transmitted electronically. If someone should break through all other
security measures,
the data will still be encrypted, and we have reduced our liability.

Also, If you aren't relying on IIS for encryption, why use it at all?  Why
not just use Tomcat as a stand alone and install the certificate there?

> IIS needs to run so that our clients can continue to administer their
apps (which could be ASP) in the same manner as they are used too,
without having our app interfere. What we need is roundtrip encryption - yes
it will be slow through IIS-
but if you have any other ideas for this kind of scenario, please tell me as
I am not an sys admin.
I am a humble software engineer

Are you running ASP apps too?

On Thursday 26 February 2004 06:51 pm, you wrote:
> I believe there is a misunderstanding (I think???)...
> I already have tomcat talking to IIS, and IIS talking securely with the
> client. The problem is that IIS decrypts ssl requests to process them. In
> the case of a servlet request, it forwards the decrypted request to Tomcat
> and Tomcat sends the response decrypted back to IIS (I think???). I want
> all requests and responses to be encrypted. How can I have all
> communication secure???
> -Original Message-
> From: Ben Souther [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:58 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Tomcat and IIS question
> On Thursday 26 February 2004 05:19 pm, you wrote:
> > Can I be running IIS and Tomcat concurrently and have specific webapps
> > directed to each for processing. I am assuming that Tomcat will be
> > running as a web server as well as servlet container and that IIS is of
> > course running as a web server. The goal is to elminate the port number
> > from the address window for all requests, to use tomcat/ssl for dynamic
> > webapps,
> and
> > for other static webapss, have them run through IIS. The general
> > is--how can I accomplish this goal???
> >
> >
> > -
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RE: Proxy through apache not working correctly

2004-02-27 Thread Asif Chowdhary

I put my application context
and it works fine.

ProxyPass /context
ProxyPassReverse /context

-Original Message-
From: Michael Forster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:14 AM
Subject: Proxy through apache not working correctly

-Original Message-
I am having problems with Apache and Tomcat,
I am running Apache with many websites, one needs to use Tomcat.
I had the setting as such using Virtual name servers

DocumentRoot /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/sites/mysite/
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

This works to an extent

if you connect to you get the tomcat home page in full
all graphics displaying.

if you connect to you get the tomcat home page but no

If you try to ask for the graphic directly you get an error 400 Unrecognised
Response from Server...

if you change the ProxyPass to /webapps it works fully and serves the images
has anyone any idea why?


Version: 3.12
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Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread Asim Alp
I have a quick question.  When I run Tomcat 5.0.18, my java.exe starts 
with ~65MB.  Then as my websites get hits, java.exe starts increasing.  
I run tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  So the startup heap 
size of tomcat is 128MB.  After my first start, I usually have around 
80 MB free memory for Tomcat.

My question is, why is the startup java.exe size is smaller than my 
total heap size?  Does the size of java.exe grow as the heap starts 
being used.  I would expect java.exe to be at least 128 MB (plus the 
JVM memory) since that is how much is allocated.



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Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread software
Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with loadbalancer 
is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | grep java  
command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java

looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector"   and i'm working 
with Ajp13



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RE: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Search the archives, as the relationship of the heap size to the total
java OS process size has been described numerous times.  What you're
seeing is normal.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Asim Alp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:25 AM
>Subject: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
>I have a quick question.  When I run Tomcat 5.0.18, my java.exe starts
>with ~65MB.  Then as my websites get hits, java.exe starts increasing.
>I run tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  So the startup heap
>size of tomcat is 128MB.  After my first start, I usually have around
>80 MB free memory for Tomcat.
>My question is, why is the startup java.exe size is smaller than my
>total heap size?  Does the size of java.exe grow as the heap starts
>being used.  I would expect java.exe to be at least 128 MB (plus the
>JVM memory) since that is how much is allocated.
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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Hamilton Andrew
So what's your problem?  Are you using Linux?  Did you know that Linux shows
threads as processes using "ps"?  Are you running out of memory?  A little
more information would be helpful.


-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:36 AM
Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High

Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with loadbalancer 
is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | grep java  
command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java

looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector"   and i'm working 
with Ajp13



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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Ralph Einfeldt

I not shure which problem you have :

- Why do I have so many processes
  (You havn't, that are threads, search google or the archives on that one)

- Why does the process take this amount of memory
  Depens on several factors. (Memory setting of the vm, amount of 
  servlets, jsp's, number of features you use in tomcat, current
  number of active sessions, )

- How can I give the process more memory
  Set the option in the environment variable CATALINA_OPTS or JAVA_OPTS
  befor starting tomcat.

> -Original Message-
> From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 5:36 PM
> Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
> Importance: High
> Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with 
> loadbalancer 
> is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | 
> grep java  
> command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
> 21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
> 21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
> 21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
> 21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java
> looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
> className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector"   and 
> i'm working 
> with Ajp13
>  value="org.apache.tomcat.service.connector.Ajp12ConnectionHandler"/>
> Thanks
> Fabian
> -
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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Trenton D. Adams
If you weren't aware of what Hamilton mentioned, try a "ps awxu --forest |
grep java", and you will get a listing of processes with their child threads
in a tree view.

> -Original Message-
> From: Hamilton Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 9:44 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: Help tomcat problem with memory
> So what's your problem?  Are you using Linux?  Did you know 
> that Linux shows threads as processes using "ps"?  Are you 
> running out of memory?  A little more information would be helpful.
> Regards,
> Drew
> -Original Message-
> From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:36 AM
> Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
> Importance: High
> Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with 
> loadbalancer is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using 
> the ps -ef | grep java command  i've saw many java process  
> justa like these:
> 21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
> 21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
> 21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> 21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
> 21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java
> looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
> className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector"   and 
> i'm working 
> with Ajp13
>  value="org.apache.tomcat.service.connector.Ajp12ConnectionHandler"/>
>   name="max_spare_threads" value="20"/>  name="min_spare_threads" value="5" /> 
> Thanks
> Fabian
> -
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RE: Proxy through apache not working correctly

2004-02-27 Thread Michael Forster
It works correctly for me but I want the context to be / not /webapps
Like I said it works for the jsp page but the img files inside are not sent
and they produce a

Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

error (400 Bad Request)

> -Original Message-
> From: Asif Chowdhary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 February 2004 16:24
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: Proxy through apache not working correctly
> Hi,
> I put my application context
> and it works fine.
> ProxyPass /context
> ProxyPassReverse /context
> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Forster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:14 AM
> Subject: Proxy through apache not working correctly
> -Original Message-
> I am having problems with Apache and Tomcat,
> I am running Apache with many websites, one needs to use Tomcat.
> I had the setting as such using Virtual name servers
> DocumentRoot /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/sites/mysite/
> ServerName
> ProxyPass /
> ProxyPassReverse /
> This works to an extent
> if you connect to you get the tomcat home page in full
> all graphics displaying.
> if you connect to you get the tomcat home page but no
> graphics
> If you try to ask for the graphic directly you get an error 400
> Unrecognised
> Response from Server...
> if you change the ProxyPass to /webapps it works fully and serves
> the images
> has anyone any idea why?
> Mike.
> Version: 3.12
> GCM d- s:+ a C UL P+ L+++ E--- W+++ N+++ o+ K w
> O-- M- V- PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP t+++ 5+++ X- R+++ tv++ h++ DI D++
> G e+ h++ r+++ y+++
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.593 / Virus Database: 376 - Release Date: 20/02/2004
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.593 / Virus Database: 376 - Release Date: 20/02/2004
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ---
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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread SH Solutions
So what's your problem?  

-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 5:36 PM
Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High

Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with loadbalancer is
woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | grep java command
i've saw many java process  justa like these:
21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java

looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector"   and i'm working 
with Ajp13




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RE: Proxy through apache not working correctly

2004-02-27 Thread Michael Forster
In both cases whether it is /webapps or /  on the server XML the context is
set to


it seems that if the proxypass is set to / it doesnt work (the graphics are
also available from apache as / when in /webapps config.

It seems that because the proxypass is there it cannot understand requests
for non jsp/bean requests.

> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Forster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 February 2004 16:49
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: Proxy through apache not working correctly
> It works correctly for me but I want the context to be / not /webapps
> Like I said it works for the jsp page but the img files inside
> are not sent
> and they produce a
> Bad Request
> Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
> error (400 Bad Request)
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Asif Chowdhary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: 27 February 2004 16:24
> > To: Tomcat Users List
> > Subject: RE: Proxy through apache not working correctly
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I put my application context
> > and it works fine.
> >
> > ProxyPass /context
> > ProxyPassReverse /context
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Michael Forster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:14 AM
> > Subject: Proxy through apache not working correctly
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > I am having problems with Apache and Tomcat,
> > I am running Apache with many websites, one needs to use Tomcat.
> > I had the setting as such using Virtual name servers
> >
> > 
> > ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > DocumentRoot /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/sites/mysite/
> > ServerName
> > ProxyPass /
> > ProxyPassReverse /
> > 
> >
> > This works to an extent
> >
> > if you connect to you get the tomcat home
> page in full
> > all graphics displaying.
> >
> > if you connect to you get the tomcat home page but no
> > graphics
> >
> > If you try to ask for the graphic directly you get an error 400
> > Unrecognised
> > Response from Server...
> >
> > if you change the ProxyPass to /webapps it works fully and serves
> > the images
> > has anyone any idea why?
> >
> > Mike.
> >
> > Version: 3.12
> > GCM d- s:+ a C UL P+ L+++ E--- W+++ N+++ o+ K w
> > O-- M- V- PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP t+++ 5+++ X- R+++ tv++ h++ DI D++
> > G e+ h++ r+++ y+++
> > ---
> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> > Version: 6.0.593 / Virus Database: 376 - Release Date: 20/02/2004
> >
> > ---
> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> > Version: 6.0.593 / Virus Database: 376 - Release Date: 20/02/2004
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > ---
> > Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> > Version: 6.0.593 / Virus Database: 376 - Release Date: 20/02/2004
> >
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.593 / Virus Database: 376 - Release Date: 20/02/2004
> -
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> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.593 / Virus Database: 376 - Release Date: 20/02/2004
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.593 / Virus Database: 376 - Release Date: 20/02/2004

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Problems running JSPs

2004-02-27 Thread Vijay Kandy
Hello All,

I am having trouble running JSPs in examples context (that with Tomcat).
Below is my stack trace:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for
JSP/var/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/examples/_0002fjsp_0002fnum_0002fnu Class num.NumberGuessBean not found
in import.
import num.NumberGuessBean;
1 error

at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(

I thought it was something to do with classpath and set JAVA_HOME,
CATALINA_HOME and even added all the jars in the classpath. Also, I followed
some suggestions found in the archives including setting _RUN atributes,
upgraded from Tomcat 4.1.24, 4.1.27, 4.1.30 

Please let me know if there is ANYTHING else that I can do.

The environment is Red hat linux 2.4.3-6smp #1, PII, JDK 1.3.1

Thank you,
Vijay Kandy

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Re: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread Asim Alp
My main concern is to make sure that there is no memory leakage of any 
sort.  Our server has 1GB of ram.  I'm running tomcat with -Xms128m 
-Xmx256m.  In this case, I'm guessing that java.exe will eventually 
become 256MB + JVM memory ~= 370MB and stay stabilized like that.  I 
don't want our server to use the page file very much as it slows down 
the performance very much.  Do you think it makes sense to assume that 
java.exe won't exceed 370 MB (400 MB top) under these conditions?

I'll go ahead and search the archives right away.  Thank you for your 

Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 11:38 AM, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
Search the archives, as the relationship of the heap size to the total
java OS process size has been described numerous times.  What you're
seeing is normal.
Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Asim Alp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:25 AM
Subject: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
I have a quick question.  When I run Tomcat 5.0.18, my java.exe starts
with ~65MB.  Then as my websites get hits, java.exe starts increasing.
I run tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  So the startup heap
size of tomcat is 128MB.  After my first start, I usually have around
80 MB free memory for Tomcat.
My question is, why is the startup java.exe size is smaller than my
total heap size?  Does the size of java.exe grow as the heap starts
being used.  I would expect java.exe to be at least 128 MB (plus the
JVM memory) since that is how much is allocated.


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RE: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav


>the performance very much.  Do you think it makes sense to assume that
>java.exe won't exceed 370 MB (400 MB top) under these conditions?


Yoav Shapira

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Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread software
Hi, my problem is that the performance of my server linux redhat 7.3  is 
down because when a try to get acceso to some application (for java) in 
my webserver i have to wait a lot of time, somtimes i've got acces 
sometime it didn't happen ... when i use ps -ef | grep java i getting 
many proccess with java using more or less 145 MB of my memory and i 
have in this moment 105 proccess using 145 MB.

Thanks for you help

Hamilton Andrew wrote:

So what's your problem?  Are you using Linux?  Did you know that Linux shows
threads as processes using "ps"?  Are you running out of memory?  A little
more information would be helpful.
-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:36 AM
Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High
Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with loadbalancer 
is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | grep java  
command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java

looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector"   and i'm working 
with Ajp13



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Re: Problems running JSPs

2004-02-27 Thread rsequeira

Have you added the jar that contains the num.NumberGuessBean under the
Or add the num.NumberGuessBean to the examples/WEB-INF/classes



  Vijay Kandy  

  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   'Tomcat Users List'  

  02/27/2004 10:57 Subject:  Problems running JSPs 


  Please respond to

  "Tomcat Users




Hello All,

I am having trouble running JSPs in examples context (that with Tomcat).
Below is my stack trace:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for
JSP/var/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/examples/_0002fjsp_0002fnum_0002fnu Class num.NumberGuessBean not found
in import.
import num.NumberGuessBean;
1 error

 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(

I thought it was something to do with classpath and set JAVA_HOME,
CATALINA_HOME and even added all the jars in the classpath. Also, I
some suggestions found in the archives including setting _RUN atributes,
upgraded from Tomcat 4.1.24, 4.1.27, 4.1.30

Please let me know if there is ANYTHING else that I can do.

The environment is Red hat linux 2.4.3-6smp #1, PII, JDK 1.3.1

Thank you,
Vijay Kandy

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Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread software
Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i think it 
doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 145 Mb per 
process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the memory that 
they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server

thanks a lot
Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

I not shure which problem you have :

- Why do I have so many processes
 (You havn't, that are threads, search google or the archives on that one)
- Why does the process take this amount of memory
 Depens on several factors. (Memory setting of the vm, amount of 
 servlets, jsp's, number of features you use in tomcat, current
 number of active sessions, )

- How can I give the process more memory
 Set the option in the environment variable CATALINA_OPTS or JAVA_OPTS
 befor starting tomcat.

-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 5:36 PM
Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High
Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with 
is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | 
grep java  
command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java

looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector"   and 
i'm working 
with Ajp13



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RE: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread Kannan Sundararajan
Yes, it goes along with subject called Garbage collection and tuning. This
area is a huge, sometimes very quick to tune, and sometimes gives a
nightmare to tune those properties. The nature of this subject grows based
on your application, servers and expectations from user end. 

-Original Message-
From: Asim Alp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:25 AM
Subject: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

I have a quick question.  When I run Tomcat 5.0.18, my java.exe starts 
with ~65MB.  Then as my websites get hits, java.exe starts increasing.  
I run tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  So the startup heap 
size of tomcat is 128MB.  After my first start, I usually have around 
80 MB free memory for Tomcat.

My question is, why is the startup java.exe size is smaller than my 
total heap size?  Does the size of java.exe grow as the heap starts 
being used.  I would expect java.exe to be at least 128 MB (plus the 
JVM memory) since that is how much is allocated.



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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Kannan Sundararajan
that is your vm settings?

-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 12:07 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High

Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i think it 
doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 145 Mb per 
process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the memory that 
they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server

thanks a lot

Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

>I not shure which problem you have :
>- Why do I have so many processes
>  (You havn't, that are threads, search google or the archives on that one)
>- Why does the process take this amount of memory
>  Depens on several factors. (Memory setting of the vm, amount of 
>  servlets, jsp's, number of features you use in tomcat, current
>  number of active sessions, )
>- How can I give the process more memory
>  Set the option in the environment variable CATALINA_OPTS or JAVA_OPTS
>  befor starting tomcat.
>>-Original Message-
>>From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 5:36 PM
>>Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
>>Importance: High
>>Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with 
>>is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | 
>>grep java  
>>command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
>>21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
>>21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
>>21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
>>21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
>>21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
>>21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
>>21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
>>21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
>>21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
>>21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
>>21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
>>21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
>>21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
>>21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
>>21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java
>>looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms and use the 
>>className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector"   and 
>>i'm working 
>>with Ajp13
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Re: Cluster error when starting up web application

2004-02-27 Thread Aadi Deshpande

Thank you for making excellent software.

p.s.  i'd also like to just say thanks to person(s) reponsible for the 
main build.xml file which made getting and building tomcat such a breeze.

Filip Hanik (lists) wrote:

thanks for the very diligent email,
open a bug, and I will address this issue shortly.
thank you for helping us make better software


-Original Message-
From: Aadi Deshpande [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 10:36 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Cluster error when starting up web application
Upon further research, it seems that DeltaSession.setId() fires the
sessionCreated events to registered listeners, but this happens before a
session is declared valid ( i.e. setValid(true) has not been called ).
so when a  registered listener tries to utilize ( what it seems to
believe is ) a newly created session, the setAttribute method throws the
Now I don't know too much about how the actual workings of the
HttpSession should go, but in my opinion, the sessionCreated events
should not be fired unless a valid session has been created.  which
seems to imply that maybe setValid() should doing the firing...
However, that doesn't sit well with me since it doesn't make sense for a
session to be truly valid unless it has a sessionId, which either
forces there to be an implict order between setId() and setValid() which
is no good, requiring that either/or check to see if the other has been
truly satisfied, and setting up some sort of implicit sequence coupling.
the alternative, as I see it, is move the tellNew() invocation to the
DeltaManager ( it's declared public, so it's already exposed ).
I tried that, by patching up the TC5 sources and it seemed to resolve
the issue.
Again, as I know little to nothing of how sessions should work and what
other implications this refactoring may have, what should be my next
course of action?
Should I contact the webwork people? Is this not correct use of sessions
and session listeners?
Should I open up a bug and/or propose my patch?

Thanks in advance for reading and/or responding,


Aadi Deshpande wrote:



I just got Tomcat 5.0.19 and after setting up the new delta based
cluster manager, i get this during the startup my application :
SEVERE: Session event listener threw exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: setAttribute: Session already






























As far as I can tell, it's happening when I request a page that has
the webwork2 RequestLifecycleFilter set for that url pattern.  The
doFilter function creates a HttpSession if none exists, which I assume
calls the SessionLifecycleListener.sessionCreated(), but for some
reason, it seems like the session is being invalidated prematurely..
Here's the relevant piece from my web.xml :





and from my server.xml file, taken pretty much verbatim from the
default server.xml:



RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Ralph Einfeldt

To what value did you set -Xms, -Xmm ?
Can you post the statement that sets the values ?
(Have seen to much typos in the past)
How much memory has your box ?

What says the cpu load ?

Can you post the head of the top output
hat shows the overall memory usage ?

Are both tomcat instances on the same server ?

Unless you have less than ~150 MB RAM I wouldn't 
expect that the memory usage is the problem if
each tomcat has it's own server, if they share the 
same server the box would need rougly 300 MB 
(Depending on how much memory is used by other 

Remember that all threads of the same vm share 
their memory.

> -Original Message-
> From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 6:07 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
> Importance: High
> Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i think it 
> doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 145 Mb per 
> process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the 
> memory that they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server
> thanks a lot
> fabian
> Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

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Re: Alternatives to J2EE Authentication

2004-02-27 Thread Carlos Cajina - Hotmail

The idea of a servlet filter to manage part of the user login process
that I read here rang a bell in my head. Diggin' in books & articles I
finally found where I have first heard such a thing :^) In "Professional
Struts Applications" (Carnel, Linwood, Zawadzki - Apress, 2003) the authors
state that it is possible to define "[...] a filter [...] that checks if the
user is logged on into the application. If the user has not logged in yet,
they will automatically be logged in as an anonymous user", furthermore,
"[...] this filter is called every time the Struts ActionServlet is invoked"
(achieved by mapping the filter and action servlet to the same url pattern,
of course)

This whole filter thing seems like a pretty good trick to me, and
becomes even more interesting if, for instance, you think of adding Tiles
into the mix to take care of different (and automatically loaded)
application Look & Feel depending on the type of user...

Anyway, just some thoughts I thought I'd share on the list...

Best regards,


"You start coding. I'll go find out what they want."
Computer analyst to programmer
- Original Message - 
From: "David Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: Alternatives to J2EE Authentication

> Having just researched this, here's what i found.
> Using a javax.servlet.Filter works very well.
> As you say, You check the session for an attribute value that indicates
> authentication. in its absence you use a RequestDispatcher to
> forward to a login servlet which checks for four cases:
> 1. no request parameters, display logon form
> 2. invalid request parameters, display errors
> 3. unable to authenticate with valid parameters, display error
> 4. parameters authenticate, forward to home page
> Thanks to Rick Bay on the struts-users list for this idea.
> along with option 3 on this email.
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg24504.html
> This is a fully featured, xml file configurable filter
> that i will eventually use as my solution:
> but for fun and understanding i wrote (cut and pasted bits from the web
> really) this one, as a test:
> public final class AuthFilter implements Filter {
>   public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
>FilterChain chain)
> throws IOException, ServletException {
>  boolean auth = false;
>  if (request instanceof HttpServletRequest) {
> HttpSession session =
> ((HttpServletRequest)request).getSession();
> String path = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getPathInfo();
> Boolean authAttr =
> (Boolean) session.getAttribute("authenticated");
> if (authAttr != null) auth = authAttr.booleanValue();
>  }
>  if (auth) {
> chain.doFilter(request,  response);
> return;
>  }
>  else {
> RequestDispatcher dispatcher =
> request.getRequestDispatcher("/");
> dispatcher.forward (request, response);
> return;
> }
>   }
> }
> Hope that helps.
> dave
> On Thu, 2004-02-26 at 18:19, Steven J. Owens wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> >  The most common (and frustrating) bookmarked login page gotcha
> > with J2EE authentication has been oft-discussed (broken as designed)
> > on this list.
> >
> >  What are people's favorite alternatives to J2EE authentication?
> > And why?
> >
> >  Something I'm particularly interested is alternatives that don't
> > require me to rebuild the application from scratch.  I'm looking at
> > tearing out the old login process and putting in a new one and I don't
> > really want to start the whole thing over.
> >
> >  If I had to build it from scratch myself, I'd do it as a simple
> > Servlet filter that checks for a Principal object stored in the user's
> > HttpSession.
> -
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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Trenton D. Adams
The 145 is the entire JVM memory usage.  It just shows up on every thread as
145M.  It's not actually using that much per thread.

"ps awxu --forest | grep java" will show all the threads, along with their
parent.  You might notice that the parent and children all show the same

> -Original Message-
> From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 10:01 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
> Importance: High
> Hi, my problem is that the performance of my server linux 
> redhat 7.3  is down because when a try to get acceso to some 
> application (for java) in my webserver i have to wait a lot 
> of time, somtimes i've got acces sometime it didn't happen 
> ... when i use ps -ef | grep java i getting many proccess 
> with java using more or less 145 MB of my memory and i have 
> in this moment 105 proccess using 145 MB.
> Thanks for you help
> Hamilton Andrew wrote:
> >So what's your problem?  Are you using Linux?  Did you know 
> that Linux 
> >shows threads as processes using "ps"?  Are you running out 
> of memory?  
> >A little more information would be helpful.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Drew
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:36 AM
> >Subject: Help tomcat problem with memory
> >Importance: High
> >
> >
> >Hi i have installed apache 13.24 with 2 tomcats 4.0.3 with 
> loadbalancer 
> >is woring fine but the problem when  i'm using the ps -ef | 
> grep java 
> >command  i've saw many java process  justa like these:
> >21430 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> >21431 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> >21443 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:07 java
> >21444 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> >21445 root  20   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> >21446 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:06 java
> >21454 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> >21457 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> >21458 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> >21460 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> >21462 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> >21464 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> >21466 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:00 java
> >21468 root  16   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:04 java
> >21469 root  15   0  139M 139M 49444 S 0.0 13.8   0:03 java
> >
> >looking the internet, the solution is use the -Xmx , -Xms 
> and use the 
> >className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector"   and 
> i'm working 
> >with Ajp13
> >
> > 
> >
> > >value="org.apache.tomcat.service.connector.Ajp12ConnectionHandler"/>
> >
> >  >name="max_spare_threads" value="20"/>  >name="min_spare_threads" value="5" /> 
> >
> >Thanks
> >Fabian
> >
> >
> >
> >-
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> >
> >  
> >
> -
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Context to path

2004-02-27 Thread Sjoerd van Leent
Every web-app is in a context. Every context is in a path on the system. The
question is, how can I translate a context to a system path.


For example a context is in the following path:




The web-app is in:




How can I translate that using a PageContext or something similar into the
path mentioned above. Any suggestions?


Thanks in advance,

Sjoerd van Leent



Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread software
Hi this  the statemens that i posted in the file
JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0 ; export JAVA_HOME
CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat1 ; export CATALINA_HOME
JAVA_OPST="-server -Xms30m -Xmx40m -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1"
CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms30m -Xmx40m"
This the output of the top command and both tomcats has been installed 
in the same server

1:22pm  up 21 days,  5:36,  6 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.23, 0.28
220 processes: 218 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states:  9.5% user,  4.0% system,  0.0% nice, 85.5% idle
CPU1 states:  7.4% user,  8.5% system,  0.4% nice, 83.3% idle
Mem:  1030580K av, 1019220K used,   11360K free,   0K shrd,   92348K 
Swap: 2096376K av,   58748K used, 2037628K free  706776K 

23447 root  25   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:02 java
23461 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23462 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:03 java
23463 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23464 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23474 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.5  8.3   0:03 java
23475 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23476 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

To what value did you set -Xms, -Xmm ?
Can you post the statement that sets the values ?
(Have seen to much typos in the past)
How much memory has your box ?
What says the cpu load ?

Can you post the head of the top output
hat shows the overall memory usage ?
Are both tomcat instances on the same server ?

Unless you have less than ~150 MB RAM I wouldn't 
expect that the memory usage is the problem if
each tomcat has it's own server, if they share the 
same server the box would need rougly 300 MB 
(Depending on how much memory is used by other 

Remember that all threads of the same vm share 
their memory.


-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 6:07 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High
Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i think it 
doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 145 Mb per 
process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the 
memory that they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server

thanks a lot
Ralph Einfeldt wrote:


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Re: Context to path

2004-02-27 Thread Asim Alp
What I usually do is this:


Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 1:00 PM, Sjoerd van Leent wrote:
Every web-app is in a context. Every context is in a path on the  
system. The
question is, how can I translate a context to a system path.

For example a context is in the following path:


The web-app is in:


How can I translate that using a PageContext or something similar into  
path mentioned above. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

Sjoerd van Leent

RE: Context to path

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav


>Every web-app is in a context. Every context is in a path on the

The second assertion is false.  A web application may be a packed WAR
whose contents reside only in memory.

If you want to break portability, you get use
ServletContext#getRealPath("/") to get the docBase of your webapp.

Yoav Shapira

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round trip SSL question

2004-02-27 Thread John MccLain
What we want to do is have round trip, SSL encryption when our clients use
our webapps AND not have the port number as part of the URL. There are 3

1)  Our client is using IIS to serve their current webapps – some of these
apps could be employing SSL. How do we insure that JSP’s and Servlets that
are redirected to Tomcat are talking with IIS securely – encrypted? I
understand that typical redirection from IIS to tomcat is always decrypted,

2)  Our client is using IIS to serve their current webapps – none of their
apps employ ssl. Can (and should) we setup IIS and Tomcat so that SSL
requests go directly to Tomcat (Tomcat talks to client directly when SSL
request issued) and standard HTTP requests goto IIS?

3)  Our client does NOT want to use IIS – how do you setup tomcat to be a
secure webapp server? (this is not as big a problem as numbers 1 and 2)

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Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Christopher Schultz

Hi this  the statemens that i posted in the file
JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0 ; export JAVA_HOME
CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat1 ; export CATALINA_HOME
JAVA_OPST="-server -Xms30m -Xmx40m -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1"
CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms30m -Xmx40m"
Your app seems to be taking more than "30m", eh? Try "30M" -- it might 
be case sensitive. Although the VM and Tomcat might not even be able to 
load and get anything done in that little memory.

This the output of the top command and both tomcats has been installed 
in the same server

1:22pm  up 21 days,  5:36,  6 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.23, 0.28
Your load average looks great. What's the problem?

CPU0 states:  9.5% user,  4.0% system,  0.0% nice, 85.5% idle
CPU1 states:  7.4% user,  8.5% system,  0.4% nice, 83.3% idle
Mem:  1030580K av, 1019220K used,   11360K free,   0K shrd,   92348K 
You've got a dual-CPU machine with a gig of RAM and your app is 
responding slowly? What are you running?

Swap: 2096376K av,   58748K used, 2037628K free  706776K 
Your swap hasn't been touched. Unless you have a totally braindead app, 
something is terribly wrong if it's really not responding.

Have you hooked up a profiler to your app?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

RE: Tomcat and commons logging

2004-02-27 Thread Yansheng Lin
Normally this can be solved by add log4j.jar to your classpath.  

Are you sure it's an exception, not a warning?

-Original Message-
From: Riaan Oberholzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 5:52 AM
Subject: Tomcat and commons logging

Can someone just PLEASE post a simple straight forward
example of how to configure a Tomcat system (4.1.x)
for once and for all without getting that damn "No
logger for class xxx" exception. *sigh*

I want no loggers defined for 3rd party packages (eg
the host of jars required for struts 1.1). Well,
default loggers that maybe just do nothing would be

Where how do I set this?

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RE: Problems running JSPs

2004-02-27 Thread Vijay Kandy
Theres no jar file associated with examples webapp but I put
examples/WEB-INF/classes in classpath but that did not help - I still get
the same stack trace. Any other suggestions please?

Vijay Kandy

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 12:02 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Problems running JSPs

Have you added the jar that contains the num.NumberGuessBean under the
Or add the num.NumberGuessBean to the examples/WEB-INF/classes



  Vijay Kandy

  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   'Tomcat Users List'


  02/27/2004 10:57 Subject:  Problems running

  Please respond to

  "Tomcat Users




Hello All,

I am having trouble running JSPs in examples context (that with Tomcat).
Below is my stack trace:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for
JSP/var/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/examples/_0002fjsp_0002fnum_0002fnu Class num.NumberGuessBean not found
in import.
import num.NumberGuessBean;
1 error

 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(

I thought it was something to do with classpath and set JAVA_HOME,
CATALINA_HOME and even added all the jars in the classpath. Also, I
some suggestions found in the archives including setting _RUN atributes,
upgraded from Tomcat 4.1.24, 4.1.27, 4.1.30

Please let me know if there is ANYTHING else that I can do.

The environment is Red hat linux 2.4.3-6smp #1, PII, JDK 1.3.1

Thank you,
Vijay Kandy

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Connecting apache httpd 2.0.48 to Tomcat 5

2004-02-27 Thread Julien Martin
Can anyone post their configuration files for connecting Apache Httpd with
Tomcat 5 on a windows 2000 system?
Thanks in advance,
Julien Martin.

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Problems on starting Tomcat 5.0.16

2004-02-27 Thread Giorgio Franceschetti
I think that should be some silly error, but I cannot find the solution...
I'm new to Linux and Tomcat.
I'm using Linux Mandrake 9.2 and Tomcat 5.0.16.
When I launch, tomcat shows the env variables and nothing 
more happens.
I looked into the .sh end found that I can launch even with the
If I execute run , everything run fine (apparently).
Can you help me?

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RE: Problems on starting Tomcat 5.0.16

2004-02-27 Thread Shapira, Yoav


>When I launch, tomcat shows the env variables and nothing
>more happens.

That's all that's supposed to show on the console.  Keep a tail open on
catalina.out (tail -f ../logs/catalina.out) to see other messages.

Yoav Shapira

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RE: Good practice for classloaders

2004-02-27 Thread Yansheng Lin
What's "Utils" and "classpath"?  Can't you just call super.findClass(className)?
Just a guess:).

-Original Message-
From: SH Solutions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 2:16 AM
Subject: Good practice for classloaders


I am writing an application in which I use classloaders to load different
groups of plugins.
Basically what I am doing is:

  protected Class findClass( String className )
throws ClassNotFoundException
if ( className.startsWith( "com.companyname." ) )
  return getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass( className );
byte classData[] = getTypeFromBasePath( className );
if ( classData == null )
  throw new ClassNotFoundException();
return defineClass( className, classData, 0, classData.length );

  private byte[] getTypeFromBasePath( String typeName )
return Utils.readFile( classPath + typeName.replace( '.',
File.separatorChar ) + ".class" );

Now, I have problems an obvious problem with jar-files. [I have already
posted this before.]
[Actually I do not understand this problem, since it worked well with
tomcat4.0.6, but thats another problem. Still any hints are wellcome...]

What I would like to do is get rid of the getTypeFromBasePath-method. I
would prefer to let the parent classloader do this part and only do the
defineClass myself.

What I am doing right now seems to be bad practice event to me. But what
would be good practice?
The once thing I want to archive is that I want to load these classes with
different classloaders to be able to reload them during the lifetime of my

Can anyone give me any hint?


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certificates and Keystores and SSL

2004-02-27 Thread HFaust
Does anybody have any suggestions on keystores and CA Certificates.
I can get my certificates imported into a keystore, but when I attempt to 
hit the website, the certificate I see is an old one, not the new on.
I have the entry in the server.xml set to the correct file.

Henry R Faust
EDI Analyst
Ozburn-Hessey Logistics
W: (615) 524-3648
C:  (615) 300-0352
IM: HenryFaust 

Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread software
If  i have only two java proccess of 141 MB and 55 MB why my memory is 
over 90% of the utilization and the application working slowly or not 
working, when the users try to get access using the webserver in this 
server. i can't understand this problem...thnaks

Thanks a lot for you help
software wrote:

Hi this  the statemens that i posted in the file
JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0 ; export JAVA_HOME
CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat1 ; export CATALINA_HOME
JAVA_OPST="-server -Xms30m -Xmx40m -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1"
CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms30m -Xmx40m"
This the output of the top command and both tomcats has been installed 
in the same server

1:22pm  up 21 days,  5:36,  6 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.23, 0.28
220 processes: 218 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states:  9.5% user,  4.0% system,  0.0% nice, 85.5% idle
CPU1 states:  7.4% user,  8.5% system,  0.4% nice, 83.3% idle
Mem:  1030580K av, 1019220K used,   11360K free,   0K shrd,   
92348K buff
Swap: 2096376K av,   58748K used, 2037628K free  
706776K cached

23447 root  25   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:02 java
23461 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23462 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:03 java
23463 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23464 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23474 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.5  8.3   0:03 java
23475 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
23476 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

To what value did you set -Xms, -Xmm ?
Can you post the statement that sets the values ?
(Have seen to much typos in the past)
How much memory has your box ?
What says the cpu load ?

Can you post the head of the top output
hat shows the overall memory usage ?
Are both tomcat instances on the same server ?

Unless you have less than ~150 MB RAM I wouldn't expect that the 
memory usage is the problem if
each tomcat has it's own server, if they share the same server the 
box would need rougly 300 MB (Depending on how much memory is used by 
other processes)

Remember that all threads of the same vm share their memory.


-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 6:07 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
Importance: High
Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i think it 
doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 145 Mb 
per process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the 
memory that they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server

thanks a lot
Ralph Einfeldt wrote:


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RE: Problems using Servlet with 4.1.29, Apache 2.0.40 and https

2004-02-27 Thread Yansheng Lin
http and https use different port. Most likely your Apache only listens to the
http port. 
hope this helps:)


-Original Message-
From: Lutz Maibach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 1:15 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Problems using Servlet with 4.1.29, Apache 2.0.40 and https


I'm trying to get a servlet called rreport running with the Software
shown above. Everything is working well as long as I use the
http-address (everything is redirect via apache) to call rreport. I can
also run the tomcat-examples via https so I think that redirecting via
Apache isn't the problem. I presume that the "object not found"-message
I get calling rreport via https results from a missing entry in the
tomcat-configs but I don't know where to start searching for it.

Help would be appreciated :-)


Lutz Maibach

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RE: JSP forwarding outside of Context

2004-02-27 Thread Yansheng Lin
Will JNDI help you in any way?  

I don't have a solution for ya:), but thought this would be a very good
counter-arguement against the idea that .war is the best deployment practise in


-Original Message-
From: Johansen, Roar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 6:06 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: JSP forwarding outside of Context

I supervise development of a web-app, currently deployed on Jrun, but I
also want to deploy it on other appservers, among those tomcat.

I want to distribute the app as a .war file (which we do), but with JSPs
outside the .war file. This because we want to be able to do fixes, and
not least to add JSPs (according to that being made possible by the
servlet we direct all requsts to, but that's a long story), without
having to redeploy the entire .war file.

Thing is, since we reside on the context root "/", anything below the
context root is in the .war file.

JRun4 supports the concept of "virtual mapping", by which means
resources within the context may be mapped to a different physical
location, e.g.

This maps the context relative path of /pages to the physical location
in . This allows for "relocation" of resources to outside
of a .war file distribution. 

If I have managed to make myself clear here, is there any way I could do
something similar in tomcat?


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Web site error.

2004-02-27 Thread Parsons Technical Services
When I went to look for a link on documentation I ran into this:

TC Main page
Documentation for TC4 goes to
JK Documentation goes to

TC Main page
Documentation for TC5 goes to
JK Documentation goes to

Which has no documentation, just the binaries.

May explain the rash of request for the TC5  iis and jk docs. 

Is there a better place to report website errors?

Doug Parsons 

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RE: Good practice for classloaders

2004-02-27 Thread SH Solutions

> What's "Utils" and "classpath"?

A utility class and a member String in my system. These work.

> Can't you just call super.findClass(className)?

Finds the specified class. This method should be overridden by class loader
implementations that follow the delegation model for loading classes, and
will be invoked by the loadClass method after checking the parent class
loader for the requested class. The default implementation throws a

So which ClassLoader should I inherit from? java.lang.ClassLoader would
obviously not do it...

Thanks anyway,


Just a guess:).

-Original Message-
From: SH Solutions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 2:16 AM
Subject: Good practice for classloaders


I am writing an application in which I use classloaders to load different
groups of plugins.
Basically what I am doing is:

  protected Class findClass( String className )
throws ClassNotFoundException
if ( className.startsWith( "com.companyname." ) )
  return getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass( className );
byte classData[] = getTypeFromBasePath( className );
if ( classData == null )
  throw new ClassNotFoundException();
return defineClass( className, classData, 0, classData.length );

  private byte[] getTypeFromBasePath( String typeName )
return Utils.readFile( classPath + typeName.replace( '.',
File.separatorChar ) + ".class" );

Now, I have problems an obvious problem with jar-files. [I have already
posted this before.]
[Actually I do not understand this problem, since it worked well with
tomcat4.0.6, but thats another problem. Still any hints are wellcome...]

What I would like to do is get rid of the getTypeFromBasePath-method. I
would prefer to let the parent classloader do this part and only do the
defineClass myself.

What I am doing right now seems to be bad practice event to me. But what
would be good practice?
The once thing I want to archive is that I want to load these classes with
different classloaders to be able to reload them during the lifetime of my

Can anyone give me any hint?


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Re: Problems on starting Tomcat 5.0.16

2004-02-27 Thread Giorgio Franceschetti
  with your tip I found the problem.
Shapira, Yoav wrote:



When I launch, tomcat shows the env variables and nothing
more happens.

That's all that's supposed to show on the console.  Keep a tail open on
catalina.out (tail -f ../logs/catalina.out) to see other messages.
Yoav Shapira

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RE: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread George Sexton
Why don't you find someone who understands memory usage for your
operating system and have them explain the output of your commands to

You have 700+MB being used as file cache. Your system is under no memory

Your app is slow because

1)  It's compiling JSPs, and this takes some overhead on the first


2)  You are hitting a database and not using connection pooling.
This can kill performance.


3)  Your application is badly written.

-Original Message-
From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 1:35 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

If  i have only two java proccess of 141 MB and 55 MB why my memory is 
over 90% of the utilization and the application working slowly or not 
working, when the users try to get access using the webserver in this 
server. i can't understand this problem...thnaks

Thanks a lot for you help

software wrote:

> Hi this  the statemens that i posted in the file
> JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0 ; export JAVA_HOME
> CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat1 ; export CATALINA_HOME
> JAVA_OPST="-server -Xms30m -Xmx40m -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1"
> CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms30m -Xmx40m"
> This the output of the top command and both tomcats has been installed

> in the same server
> 1:22pm  up 21 days,  5:36,  6 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.23, 0.28
> 220 processes: 218 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
> CPU0 states:  9.5% user,  4.0% system,  0.0% nice, 85.5% idle
> CPU1 states:  7.4% user,  8.5% system,  0.4% nice, 83.3% idle
> Mem:  1030580K av, 1019220K used,   11360K free,   0K shrd,   
> 92348K buff
> Swap: 2096376K av,   58748K used, 2037628K free  
> 706776K cached
> 23447 root  25   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:02 java
> 23461 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
> 23462 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:03 java
> 23463 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
> 23464 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
> 23474 root  15   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.5  8.3   0:03 java
> 23475 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
> 23476 root  20   0 86252  84M 18864 S 0.0  8.3   0:00 java
> Ralph Einfeldt wrote:
>> To what value did you set -Xms, -Xmm ?
>> Can you post the statement that sets the values ?
>> (Have seen to much typos in the past)
>> How much memory has your box ?
>> What says the cpu load ?
>> Can you post the head of the top output
>> hat shows the overall memory usage ?
>> Are both tomcat instances on the same server ?
>> Unless you have less than ~150 MB RAM I wouldn't expect that the 
>> memory usage is the problem if
>> each tomcat has it's own server, if they share the same server the 
>> box would need rougly 300 MB (Depending on how much memory is used by

>> other processes)
>> Remember that all threads of the same vm share their memory.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: software [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 6:07 PM
>>> To: Tomcat Users List
>>> Subject: Re: Help tomcat problem with memory
>>> Importance: High
>>> Yes i've configured the Tomcat environment -Xms, -Xmm but i think it

>>> doesn't work, because it's consume the server memory until 145 Mb 
>>> per process i need to limit the number of java proccess and the 
>>> memory that they consume on my Linux Red Hat 7.3  server
>>> thanks a lot
>>> fabian
>>> Ralph Einfeldt wrote:
>> -
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RE: Tomcat and SSL: problem with expiration of VeriSign Global Server ID Intermediate Root

2004-02-27 Thread Yansheng Lin
Oh I see.  You got a new one from them, installed for apache OK, but having
trouble install it on Tomcat-StandAlone.  Well, since you paid for it, you might
as well ask them to see if they can give you any support:).  Oh, I did a "man
keytool", it seems that you can import a certificate.  What happens if you do


-Original Message-
From: Jörn Böckenkamp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 5:41 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat and SSL: problem with expiration of VeriSign Global Server
ID Intermediate Root

Hi Yan,

> > Now that the VeriSign Global Server ID Intermediate Root cert
> > has expired I have to replace the Intermediate Root cert on the
> > server. There is an example on how to replace the cert on an apache
> > server on their website (and that works fine), but no instructions
> > how to replace it on an standalone tomcat server.

> Hi, what i did for my local machine(TOMCAT-STANDALONE) was 
> regenerate the certificate with a new date and everything
> worked fine.  it's supposed to be easy.  

It IS easy when you're using a self-signed cert, but I have to
use one from VeriSign and I don't think that I can regenerate the
VeriSign cert with a new date :-)


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Re: Help tomcat problem with memory

2004-02-27 Thread Christopher Schultz

If  i have only two java proccess of 141 MB and 55 MB why my memory is 
over 90% of the utilization and the application working slowly or not 
working, when the users try to get access using the webserver in this 
server. i can't understand this problem...thnaks
You have to understand something about Linux memory: it never gives it 
up. So, even though 'top' reports that your box has very little free 
physical memory, that doesn't mean that it's all being used.

When the kernel obtains memory on behalf of a process, it doesn't go 
back into 'free' when the process fees it or dies. I know it's a little 

However, you do have a reasonable complaint: the app seems sluggish, and 
with that hardware, it shouldn't be.

Again: what are you running? If your code fires off 500 threads every 
time a request comes in, then maybe you shoudl rethink your 
architecture. If it's nothing heavy-hitting, then something else is 
wrong. What else is running on the box?

What benchmarks have you run? Or, are you just complaining about 
wall-clock time? Could your problem be network latency? How far from the 
box are you?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread Asim Alp
Our sites have just went down for a couple of minutes.  I solved the 
problem by restarting Tomcat.  At the time of the crash, java.exe was 
about 345MB.  I'm running tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  
Our server has 1GB physical ram.

On the Tomcat logs, it reads:

2004-02-27 16:58:55 ApplicationDispatcher[/jsp-apps] Servlet.service() 
for servlet jsp threw exception

2004-02-27 16:58:55 StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service() for 
servlet jsp threw exception

Do you have any idea why this might have happened?  Also, how can we 
avoid such problems in the future?

Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 11:39 AM, Kannan Sundararajan wrote:
Yes, it goes along with subject called Garbage collection and tuning. 
area is a huge, sometimes very quick to tune, and sometimes gives a
nightmare to tune those properties. The nature of this subject grows 
on your application, servers and expectations from user end.

-Original Message-
From: Asim Alp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:25 AM
Subject: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
I have a quick question.  When I run Tomcat 5.0.18, my java.exe starts
with ~65MB.  Then as my websites get hits, java.exe starts increasing.
I run tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  So the startup heap
size of tomcat is 128MB.  After my first start, I usually have around
80 MB free memory for Tomcat.
My question is, why is the startup java.exe size is smaller than my
total heap size?  Does the size of java.exe grow as the heap starts
being used.  I would expect java.exe to be at least 128 MB (plus the
JVM memory) since that is how much is allocated.


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Re: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread rsequeira

OutOfMemory errors sometimes show up when the java vm runs low on memory.
Since you have increased the heap size, could you take a thread dump to see
if there are any CPU burning threads or any threads waiting on a resource?


  Asim Alp 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Tomcat Users List"> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  02/27/2004 04:14 PMSubject:  Re: Tomcat heap vs. 
  Please respond to
  "Tomcat Users List"  

Our sites have just went down for a couple of minutes.  I solved the
problem by restarting Tomcat.  At the time of the crash, java.exe was
about 345MB.  I'm running tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.
Our server has 1GB physical ram.

On the Tomcat logs, it reads:

2004-02-27 16:58:55 ApplicationDispatcher[/jsp-apps] Servlet.service()
for servlet jsp threw exception

2004-02-27 16:58:55 StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service() for
servlet jsp threw exception

Do you have any idea why this might have happened?  Also, how can we
avoid such problems in the future?

Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 11:39 AM, Kannan Sundararajan wrote:

> Yes, it goes along with subject called Garbage collection and tuning.
> This
> area is a huge, sometimes very quick to tune, and sometimes gives a
> nightmare to tune those properties. The nature of this subject grows
> based
> on your application, servers and expectations from user end.
> -Original Message-
> From: Asim Alp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:25 AM
> Subject: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
> I have a quick question.  When I run Tomcat 5.0.18, my java.exe starts
> with ~65MB.  Then as my websites get hits, java.exe starts increasing.
> I run tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  So the startup heap
> size of tomcat is 128MB.  After my first start, I usually have around
> 80 MB free memory for Tomcat.
> My question is, why is the startup java.exe size is smaller than my
> total heap size?  Does the size of java.exe grow as the heap starts
> being used.  I would expect java.exe to be at least 128 MB (plus the
> JVM memory) since that is how much is allocated.
> Thanks,
> Asim
> -
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Re: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread Asim Alp
How can I take a thread dump?

Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 5:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
OutOfMemory errors sometimes show up when the java vm runs low on 
Since you have increased the heap size, could you take a thread dump 
to see
if there are any CPU burning threads or any threads waiting on a 


  Asim Alp
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Tomcat 
Users List"> 
  02/27/2004 04:14 PMSubject:  Re: 
Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
  Please respond to
  "Tomcat Users List"

Our sites have just went down for a couple of minutes.  I solved the
problem by restarting Tomcat.  At the time of the crash, java.exe was
about 345MB.  I'm running tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.
Our server has 1GB physical ram.
On the Tomcat logs, it reads:

2004-02-27 16:58:55 ApplicationDispatcher[/jsp-apps] Servlet.service()
for servlet jsp threw exception
2004-02-27 16:58:55 StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service() for
servlet jsp threw exception
Do you have any idea why this might have happened?  Also, how can we
avoid such problems in the future?
Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 11:39 AM, Kannan Sundararajan wrote:
Yes, it goes along with subject called Garbage collection and tuning.
area is a huge, sometimes very quick to tune, and sometimes gives a
nightmare to tune those properties. The nature of this subject grows
on your application, servers and expectations from user end.
-Original Message-
From: Asim Alp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:25 AM
Subject: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
I have a quick question.  When I run Tomcat 5.0.18, my java.exe starts
with ~65MB.  Then as my websites get hits, java.exe starts increasing.
I run tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  So the startup heap
size of tomcat is 128MB.  After my first start, I usually have around
80 MB free memory for Tomcat.
My question is, why is the startup java.exe size is smaller than my
total heap size?  Does the size of java.exe grow as the heap starts
being used.  I would expect java.exe to be at least 128 MB (plus the
JVM memory) since that is how much is allocated.


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Re: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread rsequeira

kill -a 


  Asim Alp 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Tomcat Users List"> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  02/27/2004 04:21 PMSubject:  Re: Tomcat heap vs. 
  Please respond to
  "Tomcat Users List"  

How can I take a thread dump?

Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 5:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> OutOfMemory errors sometimes show up when the java vm runs low on
> memory.
> Since you have increased the heap size, could you take a thread dump
> to see
> if there are any CPU burning threads or any threads waiting on a
> resource?
> Thanks,
> RS
>   Asim Alp
>   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Tomcat
> Users List"
>  cc:
>   02/27/2004 04:14 PMSubject:  Re:
> Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
>   Please respond to
>   "Tomcat Users List"
> Our sites have just went down for a couple of minutes.  I solved the
> problem by restarting Tomcat.  At the time of the crash, java.exe was
> about 345MB.  I'm running tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.
> Our server has 1GB physical ram.
> On the Tomcat logs, it reads:
> 2004-02-27 16:58:55 ApplicationDispatcher[/jsp-apps] Servlet.service()
> for servlet jsp threw exception
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
> 2004-02-27 16:58:55 StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service() for
> servlet jsp threw exception
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
> Do you have any idea why this might have happened?  Also, how can we
> avoid such problems in the future?
> Asim Alp
> Educational Networks
> 55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
> New York, NY 10004
> Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
> Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
> On Feb 27, 2004, at 11:39 AM, Kannan Sundararajan wrote:
>> Yes, it goes along with subject called Garbage collection and tuning.
>> This
>> area is a huge, sometimes very quick to tune, and sometimes gives a
>> nightmare to tune those properties. The nature of this subject grows
>> based
>> on your application, servers and expectations from user end.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Asim Alp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:25 AM
>> Subject: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
>> I have a quick question.  When I run Tomcat 5.0.18, my java.exe starts
>> with ~65MB.  Then as my websites get hits, java.exe starts increasing.
>> I run tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  So the startup heap
>> size of tomcat is 128MB.  After my first start, I usually have around
>> 80 MB free memory for Tomcat.
>> My question is, why is the startup java.exe size is smaller than my
>> total heap size?  Does the size of java.exe grow as the heap starts
>> being used.  I would expect java.exe to be at least 128 MB (plus the
>> JVM memory) since that is how much is allocated.
>> Thanks,
>> Asim
>> -
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> interception of this e-mail is a violation of federal criminal law.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread rsequeira

kill -3 



  [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:   "Tomcat Users List"   

  02/27/2004 04:26 cc: 

  PM   Subject:  Re: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe  

  Please respond to

  "Tomcat Users




kill -a 


  Asim Alp

  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Tomcat
Users List">

  02/27/2004 04:21 PMSubject:  Re: Tomcat
heap vs. java.exe
  Please respond to

  "Tomcat Users List"

How can I take a thread dump?

Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 5:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> OutOfMemory errors sometimes show up when the java vm runs low on
> memory.
> Since you have increased the heap size, could you take a thread dump
> to see
> if there are any CPU burning threads or any threads waiting on a
> resource?
> Thanks,
> RS
>   Asim Alp
>   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Tomcat
> Users List"
>  cc:
>   02/27/2004 04:14 PMSubject:  Re:
> Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
>   Please respond to
>   "Tomcat Users List"
> Our sites have just went down for a couple of minutes.  I solved the
> problem by restarting Tomcat.  At the time of the crash, java.exe was
> about 345MB.  I'm running tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.
> Our server has 1GB physical ram.
> On the Tomcat logs, it reads:
> 2004-02-27 16:58:55 ApplicationDispatcher[/jsp-apps] Servlet.service()
> for servlet jsp threw exception
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
> 2004-02-27 16:58:55 StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service() for
> servlet jsp threw exception
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
> Do you have any idea why this might have happened?  Also, how can we
> avoid such problems in the future?
> Asim Alp
> Educational Networks
> 55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
> New York, NY 10004
> Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
> Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
> On Feb 27, 2004, at 11:39 AM, Kannan Sundararajan wrote:
>> Yes, it goes along with subject called Garbage collection and tuning.
>> This
>> area is a huge, sometimes very quick to tune, and sometimes gives a
>> nightmare to tune those properties. The nature of this subject grows
>> based
>> on your application, servers and expectations from user end.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Asim Alp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:25 AM
>> Subject: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
>> I have a quick question.  When I run Tomcat 5.0.18, my java.exe starts
>> with ~65MB.  Then as my websites get hits, java.exe starts increasing.
>> I run tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  So the startup heap
>> size of tomcat is 128MB.  After my first start, I usually have around
>> 80 MB free memory for Tomcat.
>> My question is, why is the startup java.exe size is smaller than my
>> total heap size?  Does the size of java.exe grow as the heap starts
>> being used.  I would expect java.exe to be at least 128 MB (plus the
>> JVM memory) since that is how much is allocated.
>> Thanks,
>> Asim
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This transmission is intended to be strictly confidential. If y

Re: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread Asim Alp
kill doesn't work on Windows.  Besides, I can't afford to stop the 
server right now.  Many of our customers are using currently using the 

Any idea why JVM would run out of memory?  I thought GC would clean up 
the memory at a certain ratio.

Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 5:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
kill -3 

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:   "Tomcat Users 

  02/27/2004 04:26 cc:
  PM   Subject:  Re: Tomcat 
heap vs. java.exe
  Please respond to
  "Tomcat Users

kill -a 


  Asim Alp

  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Tomcat
Users List">
  02/27/2004 04:21 PMSubject:  Re: 
heap vs. java.exe
  Please respond to

  "Tomcat Users List"

How can I take a thread dump?

Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 5:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
OutOfMemory errors sometimes show up when the java vm runs low on
Since you have increased the heap size, could you take a thread dump
to see
if there are any CPU burning threads or any threads waiting on a

  Asim Alp
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Tomcat
Users List">
  02/27/2004 04:14 PMSubject:  Re:
Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
  Please respond to
  "Tomcat Users List"

Our sites have just went down for a couple of minutes.  I solved the
problem by restarting Tomcat.  At the time of the crash, java.exe was
about 345MB.  I'm running tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.
Our server has 1GB physical ram.
On the Tomcat logs, it reads:

2004-02-27 16:58:55 ApplicationDispatcher[/jsp-apps] Servlet.service()
for servlet jsp threw exception
2004-02-27 16:58:55 StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service() for
servlet jsp threw exception
Do you have any idea why this might have happened?  Also, how can we
avoid such problems in the future?
Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 11:39 AM, Kannan Sundararajan wrote:
Yes, it goes along with subject called Garbage collection and tuning.
area is a huge, sometimes very quick to tune, and sometimes gives a
nightmare to tune those properties. The nature of this subject grows
on your application, servers and expectations from user end.
-Original Message-
From: Asim Alp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:25 AM
Subject: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
I have a quick question.  When I run Tomcat 5.0.18, my java.exe 
with ~65MB.  Then as my websites get hits, java.exe starts 
I run tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  So the startup heap
size of tomcat is 128MB.  After my first start, I usually have around
80 MB free memory for Tomcat.

My question is, why is the startup java.exe size is smaller than my
total heap size?  Does the size of java.exe grow as the heap starts
being used.  I would expect java.exe to be at least 128 MB (plus the
JVM memory) since that is how much is allocated.


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This transmission is intended to be strictly confide

RE: Context to path

2004-02-27 Thread Sjoerd van Leent
Actually, I already did this before but lost the solution. I remember that I
also used JNDI (or should I say, abuse JNDI) to get the actual context path.

Making a standard taglib and factory method for this seems to be not to much
of an effort.

Thanks again for this quick response.

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Asim Alp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Verzonden: vrijdag 27 februari 2004 19:04
Aan: Tomcat Users List
Onderwerp: Re: Context to path

What I usually do is this:


Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 1:00 PM, Sjoerd van Leent wrote:

> Every web-app is in a context. Every context is in a path on the  
> system. The
> question is, how can I translate a context to a system path.
> For example a context is in the following path:
> E:\xxx\yyy\myContext
> The web-app is in:
> http://localhost:8080/myContext
> How can I translate that using a PageContext or something similar into  
> the
> path mentioned above. Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Sjoerd van Leent

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Re: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread Jeff Tulley 
has some descriptions as to what to do with an OutOfMemroyError

You need to realize that the JVM needs to know what memory it can and
cannot free, and if it thinks something is "unfreeable", that is as good
as a leak, since the garbage collector cannot clean it up.  This happens
many different ways, I'd suggest you do some research on it.  And, if
this keeps happening, it would pay to get a good java profiler, and load
test your application in a development environment and see where the
memory "leaks" are.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/27/04 3:31:38 PM >>>
kill doesn't work on Windows.  Besides, I can't afford to stop the 
server right now.  Many of our customers are using currently using the


Any idea why JVM would run out of memory?  I thought GC would clean up

the memory at a certain ratio.

Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004 

Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 5:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> oops!
> kill -3 
> RS
> To:   "Tomcat
> List"
>   02/27/2004 04:26 cc:
>   PM   Subject:  Re: Tomcat 
> heap vs. java.exe
>   Please respond to
>   "Tomcat Users
>   List"
> kill -a 
> Thanks,
> RS
>   Asim Alp
> Users List"
>  cc:
>   02/27/2004 04:21 PMSubject:  Re: 
> Tomcat
> heap vs. java.exe
>   Please respond to
>   "Tomcat Users List"
> How can I take a thread dump?
> Asim Alp
> Educational Networks
> 55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
> New York, NY 10004
> Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
> Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
> On Feb 27, 2004, at 5:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> OutOfMemory errors sometimes show up when the java vm runs low on
>> memory.
>> Since you have increased the heap size, could you take a thread
>> to see
>> if there are any CPU burning threads or any threads waiting on a
>> resource?
>> Thanks,
>> RS
>>   Asim Alp
>> Users List"
>>  cc:
>>   02/27/2004 04:14 PMSubject:  Re:
>> Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
>>   Please respond to
>>   "Tomcat Users List"
>> Our sites have just went down for a couple of minutes.  I solved
>> problem by restarting Tomcat.  At the time of the crash, java.exe
>> about 345MB.  I'm running tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m
>> Our server has 1GB physical ram.
>> On the Tomcat logs, it reads:
>> 2004-02-27 16:58:55 ApplicationDispatcher[/jsp-apps]
>> for servlet jsp threw exception
>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
>> 2004-02-27 16:58:55 StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service()
>> servlet jsp threw exception
>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
>> Do you have any idea why this might have happened?  Also, how can
>> avoid such problems in the future?
>> Asim Alp
>> Educational Networks
>> 55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
>> New York, NY 10004
>> Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
>> Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
>> On Feb 27, 2004, at 11:39 AM, Kannan Sundararajan wrote:
>>> Yes, it goes along with subject called Garbage collection and
>>> This
>>> area is a huge, sometimes very quick to tune, and sometimes gives
>>> nightmare to tune those properties. The nature of this subject
>>> based
>>> on your application, servers and expectations from user end.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Asim Alp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 11:25 AM
>>> Subject: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
>>> I have a quick question.  When I run Tomcat 5.0.18, my java.exe 
>>> starts
>>> with ~65MB.  Then as my websites get hits, java.exe starts 
>>> increasing.
>>> I run tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.  So the startup
>>> size of tomcat is 128MB.  After my first start, I usually have
>>> 80 MB free memory for Tomcat.
>>> My question is, why is the startup java.exe size is smaller than
>>> total heap size?  Does the size of java.exe grow as the heap
>>> being used.  I would expect java.exe to be at least 128 MB (

starting tomcat with custom propertys

2004-02-27 Thread Ukiah Smith
I am using an application that requires me to run it with a custom
property (-Djava.awt.headless=true). I poked around in my tomcat 4.1.29
installation and found that in the file there was an
CATALINA_OPTS variable. I tried to set it at a few different places in
the file. The all resulted in " CATALINA_OPTS:
command not found". 

So my question is how can I get tomcat to run with the property

Thanks //Ukiah Smith

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Re: starting tomcat with custom propertys

2004-02-27 Thread Asim Alp
I think you have to set the JAVA_OPTS environmental variable.


On Feb 27, 2004, at 5:48 PM, Ukiah Smith wrote:

I am using an application that requires me to run it with a custom
property (-Djava.awt.headless=true). I poked around in my tomcat 4.1.29
installation and found that in the file there was an
CATALINA_OPTS variable. I tried to set it at a few different places in
the file. The all resulted in " CATALINA_OPTS:
command not found".
So my question is how can I get tomcat to run with the property
Thanks //Ukiah Smith

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Re: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread rsequeira

If I were you, I'd load test your site first before going to production. As
you pointed out, you cannot afford to stop your production server or hang
it with OutOfMemory errors.
You can get jvm dumps on windows by turning on the -verbosegc. This will
dump out stack traces repeatedly without exiting the JVM.


  Asim Alp 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Tomcat Users List"> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
  02/27/2004 04:31 PMSubject:  Re: Tomcat heap vs. 
  Please respond to
  "Tomcat Users List"  

kill doesn't work on Windows.  Besides, I can't afford to stop the
server right now.  Many of our customers are using currently using the

Any idea why JVM would run out of memory?  I thought GC would clean up
the memory at a certain ratio.

Asim Alp
Educational Networks
55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
On Feb 27, 2004, at 5:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> oops!
> kill -3 
> RS
> To:   "Tomcat Users
> List"
>   02/27/2004 04:26 cc:
>   PM   Subject:  Re: Tomcat
> heap vs. java.exe
>   Please respond to
>   "Tomcat Users
>   List"
> kill -a 
> Thanks,
> RS
>   Asim Alp
>   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Tomcat
> Users List"
>  cc:
>   02/27/2004 04:21 PMSubject:  Re:
> Tomcat
> heap vs. java.exe
>   Please respond to
>   "Tomcat Users List"
> How can I take a thread dump?
> Asim Alp
> Educational Networks
> 55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
> New York, NY 10004
> Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
> Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
> On Feb 27, 2004, at 5:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> OutOfMemory errors sometimes show up when the java vm runs low on
>> memory.
>> Since you have increased the heap size, could you take a thread dump
>> to see
>> if there are any CPU burning threads or any threads waiting on a
>> resource?
>> Thanks,
>> RS
>>   Asim Alp
>>   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   "Tomcat
>> Users List"
>>  cc:
>>   02/27/2004 04:14 PMSubject:  Re:
>> Tomcat heap vs. java.exe
>>   Please respond to
>>   "Tomcat Users List"
>> Our sites have just went down for a couple of minutes.  I solved the
>> problem by restarting Tomcat.  At the time of the crash, java.exe was
>> about 345MB.  I'm running tomcat with the -Xms128m -Xmx256m options.
>> Our server has 1GB physical ram.
>> On the Tomcat logs, it reads:
>> 2004-02-27 16:58:55 ApplicationDispatcher[/jsp-apps] Servlet.service()
>> for servlet jsp threw exception
>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
>> 2004-02-27 16:58:55 StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service() for
>> servlet jsp threw exception
>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
>> Do you have any idea why this might have happened?  Also, how can we
>> avoid such problems in the future?
>> Asim Alp
>> Educational Networks
>> 55 Broad Street, 10th Floor
>> New York, NY 10004
>> Tel: +1 (212) 269-0200
>> Fax: +1 (212) 269-1446
>> On Feb 27, 2004, at 11:39 AM, Kannan Sundararajan wrote:
>>> Yes, it goes along with subject called Garbage collection and tuning.
>>> This
>>> area is a huge, sometimes very quick to tune, and sometimes gives a
>>> nightmare to tune those properties. The nature of this subject grows
>>> based
>>> on your application, 

Upgrading Tomcat from 4.1.x to 5.0.x

2004-02-27 Thread Rhino

I've been using Tomcat 4.124 and now Tomcat 4.1.29 with good results but 
I'm thinking it might be time to upgrade to Tomcat 5.0.x.
Are there any cautions/warnings/problems or just differences that I should 
expect between the two? For instance, will my servlets need to change in any way 
to run in 5.0.x? Will administration of the servlets change in any way? If there 
is anything I should do to prepare for the upgrade, particularly steps that 
minimize problems, I'd like to do so.
Am I right in believing that I should normally not remove old versions 
before installing newer versions of Tomcat; that new versions simply go on 
"in parallel", i.e. they are put in different directories than the old versions? 
That's what I did when going from 4.1.24 to 4.1.29 in Windows XP.
However, we also have Tomcat on our Linux Mandrake 9.1 server and the 
administrator wants to use urpm to simply overlay 4.1.24 on Linux with 5.0.x. Is 
that safe or should we do it some other way?
Rhino---rhino1 AT sympatico DOT ca"If you want the best 
seat in the house, you'll have to move the cat."

RE: Limit size of catalina.out ?

2004-02-27 Thread Norris Shelton
I searched the internet for it, but could not get a clear
definition for it.  Does it ignore System.out and System.err
from the context?

--- "Shapira, Yoav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Howdy,
> >Is there any particular reason why this was never set-up to
> >rotate like the other logs?
> It's not a catalina Logger, it's just the trap for
> System.out/System.err.  one good way to get it to "rotate" is
> to add
> swallowOutput="true" to your Context definition.
> Of course, patches/enhancements are always welcome as well.
> Yoav Shapira
> This e-mail, including any attachments, is a confidential
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Norris Shelton
Software Engineer
Sun Certified Java 1.1 Programmer
Appriss, Inc.
ICQ# 26487421
AIM NorrisEShelton
YIM norrisshelton

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Re: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread Christopher Schultz

kill doesn't work on Windows.  Besides, I can't afford to stop the 
server right now.  Many of our customers are using currently using the 
In order to get a thread-dump, you can do a CRTL-BREAK (not CTRL-C) on 
win32. Unfortunately, you have to already have started the JVM on a 
console, instead of as a service.

If it's already running, and you can't restart, you can write a JSP that 
will get a thread dump for you. Just look up Thread.getThreadGroup, 
ThreadGroup.getParent, and ThreadGroup.list and you can throw something 
together pretty quickly. Ideally, you can get a VM thread-dump, though.

Any idea why JVM would run out of memory?  I thought GC would clean up 
the memory at a certain ratio.
In general, yes. However, it's easy to eat-up memory when you think the 
GC will take care of *everything*.

Sometimes, you will get a legitimate OutOfMemoryError. These occur when 
your application just plain needs more memory than you have allowed Java 
to use. Setting the max (and usually min) heap size to something larger 
will certainly help with that. However, if you have a memory leak, it 
will only prolong the enevitable.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

RE: Problems using Servlet with 4.1.29, Apache 2.0.40 and https

2004-02-27 Thread Wendy Smoak
> From: Lutz Maibach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I'm trying to get a servlet called rreport running with the Software
> shown above. Everything is working well as long as I use the
> http-address

When I add a new context in Tomcat, I have to add a section to ssl.conf
(an Apache config file, not Tomcat).  The one for the Tomcat examples
looks like this:
# Enable SSL for example servlets
Alias /examples "/path/to/tomcat/webapps/examples"  
 SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData  
 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks  
JkMount /examples/* ajp13
 AllowOverride None  
 Deny from all   

Did you add one of those for the context that contains your 'rreport'

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management   

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Re: starting tomcat with custom propertys

2004-02-27 Thread Ukiah Smith
I just used JAVA_OPTS = -Djava.awt.headless=true as the first non commented
line in I also tried it in my init.d/tomcat41 directory.
When it was in my file I got and error,  JAVA_OPTS: command
not found.

What am I doing wrong? Where do I set JAVA_OPTS or CATALINA_OPTS?


On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 05:42:38PM -0500, Asim Alp wrote:
> I think you have to set the JAVA_OPTS environmental variable.
> Asim
> On Feb 27, 2004, at 5:48 PM, Ukiah Smith wrote:
> >I am using an application that requires me to run it with a custom
> >property (-Djava.awt.headless=true). I poked around in my tomcat 4.1.29
> >installation and found that in the file there was an
> >CATALINA_OPTS variable. I tried to set it at a few different places in
> >the file. The all resulted in " CATALINA_OPTS:
> >command not found".
> >
> >So my question is how can I get tomcat to run with the property
> >-Djava.awt.headless=true?
> >
> >
> >Thanks //Ukiah Smith
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >-
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Cross context c:import not working?

2004-02-27 Thread Aadi Deshpande

I'm not sure if this or the taglibs-user is the right place for posting 
this, but it looks to be a Tomcat error.

When trying to use a c:import in the vein of :

Not sure if this is the right place or taglibs-user for this issue ( it 
seems to be a tomcat problem ), but it looks like cross context 
c:imports don't work if a page is session-enabled. This used to work in 
Tomcat 5.0.16 but is broken in 5.0.19

For example :

Both "/" and "/profile" contexts have crossContext="true"

if cross_context_import.jsp has <%@ page session="false" %>, everything 
works well.

if cross_context_import doesn't have that ( or <%@ page session="true" 
%> ), then it gives me a NullPointerException ( stack trace at the end )

The problem it seems is that inside ApplicationHttpRequest.getSession(), 
the call to context.getManager().findSession() returns null ( this 
is for the first time that the context is accessed ).

However, before checking to see if the session is null, the .access() 
method is called on it ( presumably to update the access time ) . The 
whole thing is wrapped in an IOException, but which gets ignored since 
NullPointerException is a RuntimeException.

What's odd is that the check for the ( localSession == null  ) follows 
immediately after the try block, so it looks like some sort of oversight 
in my eyes.

What I've done is take the source code, and refactor it so that the 
access comes in an else block ( it looks like other session management 
code was put in place after 5.0.16 )

I'd like to make sure I didn't miss anything before erroneously 
reporting a bug.

   at org.apache.jsp.index_jsp._jspService(
   at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

RE: Limit size of catalina.out ?

2004-02-27 Thread Wendy Smoak
> From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> It's not a catalina Logger, it's just the trap for
> System.out/System.err.  one good way to get it to "rotate" is to add
> swallowOutput="true" to your Context definition.
> Of course, patches/enhancements are always welcome as well.

Thanks for that, it will save me some research when this comes back up
on my "things to do" list!  Every month on maintenance weekend I stop
Tomcat, rename catalina.out and restart Tomcat.  A bit of a pain, but I
don't like the file getting too big.  At least now I know it isn't
currently possible.

This would be a great enhancement.  Would someone who is familiar with
the Tomcat code take a moment to describe how you think it could be
done?  Or just point in the general direction of the code that would
need to be changed.  Getting started is the hardest part, and I'm not
familiar enough with Tomcat to know where to look.

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management 

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Re: starting tomcat with custom propertys

2004-02-27 Thread Oswald Campesato
Hello, Ukiah:
To see what's failing in the script you can try this:
set -x

You can then type "set +x" to switch off the display of executed
commands or just open another command shell

Ukiah Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just used JAVA_OPTS = -Djava.awt.headless=true as the first non commented
line in I also tried it in my init.d/tomcat41 directory.
When it was in my file I got and error, JAVA_OPTS: command
not found.

What am I doing wrong? Where do I set JAVA_OPTS or CATALINA_OPTS?


On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 05:42:38PM -0500, Asim Alp wrote:
> I think you have to set the JAVA_OPTS environmental variable.
> Asim
> On Feb 27, 2004, at 5:48 PM, Ukiah Smith wrote:
> >I am using an application that requires me to run it with a custom
> >property (-Djava.awt.headless=true). I poked around in my tomcat 4.1.29
> >installation and found that in the file there was an
> >CATALINA_OPTS variable. I tried to set it at a few different places in
> >the file. The all resulted in " CATALINA_OPTS:
> >command not found".
> >
> >So my question is how can I get tomcat to run with the property
> >-Djava.awt.headless=true?
> >
> >
> >Thanks //Ukiah Smith
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >-
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> >
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Re: Tomcat heap vs. java.exe

2004-02-27 Thread Christopher Schultz

If I were you, I'd load test your site first before going to production. As
you pointed out, you cannot afford to stop your production server or hang
it with OutOfMemory errors.
This is good advice. Load testing is generally easy to do in 
development, and hard to recover from if you don't do it, once you're in 

You can get jvm dumps on windows by turning on the -verbosegc. This will
dump out stack traces repeatedly without exiting the JVM.
I don';t think this is accurate. '-verbosegc' only logs the GC activity 
to the stdout or stderr or whatever. It does not generate stack traces 
for you.

CTRL-BREAK on win32 gives you a full thread-dump. This will give you a 
stack trace for any running thread, as well as information about it's 
state (runnable, waiting on monitor, sleeping, etc.). This can be 
valuable when your application is not responding in timely way. If 
you're thrashing or getting LOTS and lots of GC activity, your memory 
settings might be off. On the other hand, if you have horrible code, you 
can never recover from that, even with a dual-cpu box ith a gig of ram :)


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