RE: Configuring Apache tomcat

2005-09-03 Thread Alan Williamson
 I need help to configure jakarta-tomcat to send a high volume of packet 
 sockets trhought a servlet application.
 It should send aprox 5000 sockets in a short time
 Can someone recommend me a configuration of maxThreads etc, 
 at the web.xml file.

I think what you are looking for is an application to excercise your
Tomcat setup.  Try looking at Apache JMeter, which is a good all round
testing tool.

As for the recommendation of settings, this is something that you are
going to have to find out for yourself.  Since your test is to only over
15 minutes, then it should be easy for you to setup a set of benchmarks,
adjusting values each time to observe the 'cause-n-effect'.  The key
thing to this sort of testing, is changing only one variable at a time.

And remember, this is only ever going to be a general performance tune
for that given application.  As soon as you move to another servlet or
JSP page, you will have to start the profiling all over again.

Hope this helps,


 Alan Williamson, Technology Evangelist
 SpikeSource Inc.
 Daily OS News @

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2002-04-09 Thread Alan Williamson

||| And what's opera anyway?? I've never heard about that...

seriously?  wow ... i thought those guys were doing a good job of their
marketing.  Its a great web browser that blows Netscape out of the water.

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2002-04-08 Thread Alan Williamson


I would have to say that, while the installation for Apache-Tomcat was not
without its problems, getting the standalone version up and running was
literally minutes from downloading the software.   MINUTES i tell you.
That said, once i was pointed in the direction of my world became
a lot easier.

The support on this list is TOP-NOTCH and i have to take my hat off to the
Apache crew (and others) that monitor and respond to the questions.  I know
they must get sick of same questions time and time again, but i have to say,
they were polite, courtesy and fast in responding to my problems.


Editor in Chief
Java Developers Journal

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IP address

2002-04-07 Thread Alan Williamson

I am having a strange problem with Apache [Tomcat4] logs.  

All the accesses are going in from the [a.b.c.7] machine which is the ip
address of the machine that is running Tomcat and Apache.  I thought this a
problem with Apache first of all, but when i do any CGI information like
getRemoteAddr() it returns back the host machine and not the client machine.

Anyone seen this problem?

I am using: Tomcat4.0 / OSX10 /



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RE: Tomcat4 on a Cobalt box

2002-04-06 Thread Alan Williamson

||| -Original Message-
||| From: Christopher K. St. John

Thank you Christopher for that.  Much appreciated.

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Tomcat4 on a Cobalt box

2002-04-05 Thread Alan Williamson

Is there an official release for the COBALT box?


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Mapping *.abc requests to Tomcat

2002-04-01 Thread Alan Williamson


I have been having lots of fun attempting to setup Apache/Tomcat on my
MacOS-X box.  We have been using the older Apache/JServ combination for
years now with no problems whatsoever.  However the move to Tomcat has been
more than painful.   I have managed to get it to do many wonderful things,
but nothing close to the way JServ use to work.

Here is the problem.

We have the ApacheWebServer (AWS) and we wish it to handle a number of
Virtual Hosts.  No big deal there.  Each of the these virtual hosts has its
own document root and various other configurations.  So far so good.  We
have a special file extension, [*.abc] that must be passed to a particular
servlet for processing.  These files are everywhere.

So ... we want a file that ends with .abc to be processed by Tomcat.  

After much buggering around with Tomcat4.0 we could only get it to process
all files; ie the main ApacheWebServer was taken out of the loop and was not
even doing the static files such as images etc.  Read somewhere on Google,
that Tomcat4.0 couldn't do this just yet, but move down to Tomcat3.  To
which we did.

Moved down to Tomcat3.0.  Modified the {tomcat}/conf/web.xml and added in
our mappings ... but this never made a difference.  Our servlet is to load
at startup and nothing.  It wouldn't load for love'nor'money.  So we moved
it to {tomcat}/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml and it loaded there with no
problems.  However still doesn't get hit.

Here is the relevant section from Apache's httpd.conf:

--] httpd.conf  
ApJservManual on
ApJServDefaultProtocol ajpv12
ApJServMountCopy on
ApJServLogLevel info
ApJservDefaultPort 9007
AddType text/abc .abc
AddHandler jserv-servlet .abc
ApJServLogFile /tmp/mod_jserv.log

I have attempted adding [ApServMount / /root] but that doesn't seem to make
a different, except our ABC files are sent back to us as plain text!

--] server.xml---

  Context path= 
debug=1 /

So ... the question's are:

Q1. I feel so close ... but no cigar.  What am i missing?

Q2. Should {tomcat}/conf/web.xml be getting read?

Q3. How do i setup Tomcat 3 (or 4) so that .abc are processed across all
VH's and across all directories.

thank you very much,


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RE: Mapping *.abc requests to Tomcat

2002-04-01 Thread Alan Williamson

Thanks for that Costin ... however ... i am on a new server ... everyone has
been raving about the Apple so i am moving up to that!  :)

With respect to the mod_jk library ... whats the difference with this and

Also ... if i use that method ... does all the .properties files that were
with JServ of yore, come back into action again?


||| -Original Message-
||| Sent: 01 April 2002 18:43
||| To: Tomcat Users List
||| Subject: Re: Mapping *.abc requests to Tomcat
||| First question - with tomcat3.x, are you still using 
||| mod_jserv ? If it 
||| worked before with jserv, it should still work with the 
||| exactly same 
||| apache config and module as before, assuming you have a 'recent' 
||| mod_jserv ( i.e. 1..2 years old - but I think '99 would work too ).
||| Just replace the java jserv with tomcat. 
||| If you use mod_jk - the same apache settings and module 
||| will work with 
||| both tomcat3.x and 4.x. You probably need 
|||  JkMount *.abc WORKER_NAME
||| ( where WORKER_NAME is typically ajp13 or whatever you define in 
||| )
||| Costin
||| On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, Alan Williamson wrote:
|||  After much buggering around with Tomcat4.0 we could only 
||| get it to process
|||  all files; ie the main ApacheWebServer was taken out of 
||| the loop and was not
|||  even doing the static files such as images etc.  Read 
||| somewhere on Google,
|||  that Tomcat4.0 couldn't do this just yet, but move down 
||| to Tomcat3.  To
|||  which we did.
|||  Moved down to Tomcat3.0.  Modified the 
||| {tomcat}/conf/web.xml and added in
|||  our mappings ... but this never made a difference.  Our 
||| servlet is to load
|||  at startup and nothing.  It wouldn't load for 
||| love'nor'money.  So we moved
|||  it to {tomcat}/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml and it loaded 
||| there with no
|||  problems.  However still doesn't get hit.
|||  Here is the relevant section from Apache's httpd.conf:
|||  --] httpd.conf  
|||  ApJservManual on
|||  ApJServDefaultProtocol ajpv12
|||  ApJServSecretKey DISABLED
|||  ApJServMountCopy on
|||  ApJServLogLevel info
|||  ApJservDefaultPort 9007
|||  AddType text/abc .abc
|||  AddHandler jserv-servlet .abc
|||  ApJServLogFile /tmp/mod_jserv.log
|||  -
|||  I have attempted adding [ApServMount / /root] but that 
||| doesn't seem to make
|||  a different, except our ABC files are sent back to us as 
||| plain text!
|||  --] server.xml---
|||  Host
|||Context path= 
||| docBase=/home/webroot/ 
||| reloadable=false 
|||  debug=1 /
|||  /Host
|||  -
|||  So ... the question's are:
|||  Q1. I feel so close ... but no cigar.  What am i missing?
|||  Q2. Should {tomcat}/conf/web.xml be getting read?
|||  Q3. How do i setup Tomcat 3 (or 4) so that .abc are 
||| processed across all
|||  VH's and across all directories.
|||  thank you very much,
|||  alan
|||  --
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RE: Mapping *.abc requests to Tomcat

2002-04-01 Thread Alan Williamson

||| If you use mod_jk - the same apache settings and module 
||| will work with both tomcat3.x and 4.x. You probably need 

Costin, first of all thank you for all your help ... the mod_jk worked a
treat.  I had a bit of searching to find a binary for it for the Mac
platform, but once i had that, i plumbed it into the Tomcat4 installation,
and boom, the whole thing burst into life!!!  Boy am i a happy man!!

Quick question:

What is the recommended order for startup?

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RE: Tomcat + SSL Certificates

2001-05-11 Thread Alan Williamson

Sean, Tim,

Thanks for your feedback.

I've checked my JSSE version, and it's 1.0.2 global version.  Which
according to the accompanying user guide has the same level of cryptography
as the domestic US version, so I don't think it's the jars that are causing
the problem.

My initial suspicion was that Tomcat 3.0 which I'm using as part of J2EE
didn't support the use of SGC certificates, which I still suspect. Tim; can
you confirm the Tomcat version with which you are successfully connecting at

I was aware of the 128-bit standard Thawte certs, but I never got a
connection at 128 via the test cert.  They switch down to 40 dependant on
the browser and server according to Thawte.  However the versions of
Netscape (4.75) and I.E (5.0) I'm running are both 128-bit compatible
according to them, which again points to the old version of Tomcat I'm using

Hopefully v1.3 of the J2EE with Tomcat 4.0 in it will get around this
problem, but until then I need all the help I can get.



RE: Tomcat + SSL Certificates

2001-05-11 Thread Alan Williamson

Sean, Tim,

Thanks for your feedback.

I've checked my JSSE version, and it's 1.0.2 global version.  Which
according to the accompanying user guide has the same level of cryptography
as the domestic US version, so I don't think it's the jars that are causing
the problem.

My initial suspicion was that Tomcat 3.0 which I'm using as part of J2EE
didn't support the use of SGC certificates, which I still suspect. Tim; can
you confirm the Tomcat version with which you are successfully connecting at

I was aware of the 128-bit standard Thawte certs, but I never got a
connection at 128 via the test cert.  They switch down to 40 dependant on
the browser and server according to Thawte.  However the versions of
Netscape (4.75) and I.E (5.0) I'm running are both 128-bit compatible
according to them, which again points to the old version of Tomcat I'm using

Hopefully v1.3 of the J2EE with Tomcat 4.0 in it will get around this
problem, but until then I need all the help I can get.



RE: Tomcat + SSL Certificates

2001-05-11 Thread Alan Williamson

Sean, Tim,

Thanks for your feedback.

I've checked my JSSE version, and it's 1.0.2 global version.  Which
according to the accompanying user guide has the same level of cryptography
as the domestic US version, so I don't think it's the jars that are causing
the problem.

My initial suspicion was that Tomcat 3.0 which I'm using as part of J2EE
didn't support the use of SGC certificates, which I still suspect. Tim; can
you confirm the Tomcat version with which you are successfully connecting at

I was aware of the 128-bit standard Thawte certs, but I never got a
connection at 128 via the test cert.  They switch down to 40 dependant on
the browser and server according to Thawte.  However the versions of
Netscape (4.75) and I.E (5.0) I'm running are both 128-bit compatible
according to them, which again points to the old version of Tomcat I'm using

Hopefully v1.3 of the J2EE with Tomcat 4.0 in it will get around this
problem, but until then I need all the help I can get.



RE: Tomcat + SSL Certificates

2001-05-10 Thread Alan Williamson

Ylan, Sean,

Thank you for your replies.

I do have SSL working through Tomcat directly using a test certificate that
I got from the CA Thawte,  however it only seems to work with a standard
x509 certificate (40-bit)!

I'd really like to be able to make use of the latest SGC SuperCerts (as
Thawte badge them) which are 128-bit.  But I'm unsure of what Tomcat version
supports them, if it actually does and this is what I'm really trying to
find out.



Tomcat + SSL Certificates

2001-05-09 Thread Alan Williamson


Could somone please tell me what version of Tomcat (if any) supports 128-bit
Server-Gated Crypto (SGC) certificates.

I'm currently using Java J2EE 1.2.1 and Tomcat v3.0 which comes along with
it without much luck.  With a test 128-bit cert installed Tomcat fails to
locate my test jsp, but it works fine with a x 509 cert.



Tomcat 3.2.1 + SSL direct problem

2001-02-08 Thread Alan Williamson

Hi there,

I'm trying to install SSL directly into tomcat as per the
tomcat-ssl-howto.html document, and I'm encountering a weird error in
tomcat.log when I start up tomcat. (The port numbers are different from
standard as we've each got out own tomcat server running for development

2001-02-08 12:28:56 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler on
2001-02-08 12:29:01 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting HttpConnectionHandler on
2001-02-08 12:29:02 - PoolTcpConnector: Starting Ajp12ConnectionHandler on
at Code)

I've copied the jsse jars to the /lib directory of tomcat, I've edited the file accordingly, and I've run keytool -genkey -alias tomcat
-keyalg RSA and have a .keytool file in my home directory.  

I know that the jsse is working correctly as I've been able to run the
URLReader sample program and connect over https to

Am I missing something? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated,



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