Re: JSP-specific newsgroups/mailing list

2005-06-04 Thread Barry Kimelman

Javalobby - Sun Java, JSP and J2EE technology programming forums, software downloads, jobs and tutorials


Barry KimelmanToronto, Ontario, Canada
---Original Message---

From: David Wall
Date: 06/04/05 16:08:00
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: JSP-specific newsgroups/mailing list

Can anybody recommend a good JSP/servlet newsgroups or mailing lists for
questions.Obviously, this list is directed towards Tomcat in
particular, but while I'm using Tomcat, I'm trying to get an answer
regarding some a way in JSP to allow a page developer to create his own
bean that can be passed between JSP pages (such as by putting the object
in the session or request object).


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Re: website hosting

2005-05-14 Thread Barry Kimelman

Go to the directory where Tomcat is installed.

Under the Tomcat directory there will be a "conf" sub-directory.
In the "conf" directory there will be a "server.xml" file.
In the "server.xml" file you can configure many aspects of Tomcat, including the port on which Tomcat listens.


Barry KimelmanToronto, Ontario, Canada
---Original Message---

From: suri.jagadish
Date: 05/14/05 11:06:30
Subject: website hosting


I need to host a website using the tomcat Webserver

How do I configure the tomcat for the default port80 for answering the
http request for the ip address in the net

I had already done it using (Microsoft) IIS.

Re: off topic: Where to get a good tutorial about JSP.

2005-05-13 Thread Barry Kimelman


Click on the link labeled "Free Eclipse JSP Editor". You will be taken toa webpage where you can download a copy (free license) of"NitroX JSP Editor - Professional Source  Visual JSP Editor"


Developing JavaServer Pages ; Contributed by Joel Murach ; 2004-05-12

In this excerpt from chapter 4 of Joel Murach's Java Servlets and JSP,you'll learn how to develop a web application that consists of HTML pagesand JavaServer Pages (JSPs). As you will see, JSPs work fine as long as theamount of processing that's required for each page is limited. When youcomplete this chapter, you should be able to use JSPs to develop simple webapplications of your own.


Java Servlet and JSP Cookbook


JSP best practices* Follow these tips for reusable and easily maintainable JavaServer Pages


Javalobby - Sun Java, JSP and J2EE technology programming forums, software downloads, jobs and tutorials


Java Server Pages (JSP) Resources - Java Server Pages tutorials, books, articles and more.


JSP Insider - Online resource for JavaServer Pages (JSP), Servlets, and J2EE


Free Programming Resources (Note: includes JSP resources)

= Discussions about server-side development including JSP and Servlet technology )


JavaRanch(includes forum on JSP)


jGuru: Your view of the Java universe


JSP, Servlets, Struts, and JSF Programming Resources



Barry KimelmanToronto, Ontario, Canada
---Original Message---

From: Vinicius
Date: 05/13/05 19:18:33
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: off topic: Where to get a good tutorial about JSP.


where to get a good tutorial about JSP, please?


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Tomcat rookie needs help updating project

2005-03-25 Thread Barry Kimelman

My system is a PC run by Windows XP.
I am running version 5.5.8 of Tomcat
I am running version 1.6.2 of Ant

I can successfully compile andinstall a new project with no problems. I can then successfully run theproject by visiting the appropriate URL in my browser.

However when I make a change to my project either by recompiling some of my Java source code or by modifying some of JSP and/or HTML files, how do I get Tomcat to "recognize" these changes ? If I run the command "ant reload" from the DOS command line, when Irerun my application I do not see my changes. What do I need to do to install project changes ?


Barry KimelmanToronto, Ontario, Canadaemail :[EMAIL PROTECTED] , [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tomcat rookie needs help building application

2005-03-20 Thread Barry Kimelman

I need help building my 1st Tomcat application.

My system is a Windows XP PC. My version of Tomcat is 5.5.8.
I have tomcat installed under the directory C:\Tomcat5.5

I have verified that the installation of Tomcat was successfull by visiting http://localhost:8080.
Once at the test page, I also ran some of the JSP examples to verify that everything was working correctly.

My problem is that I can't build an application successfully. I have searched the Tomcat documentation and several mailing list archives, but I have not found any documentation that states, "This is how to build a Tomcat application". I have organized my source code as described/recommended in the Tomcat documentation.
I did have some success with Tomcat 5.0.16 under Linux Redhat9 a year ago, and as I recall, you compiled your application from the command line using the "Ant" utility. So I changed my current directory to the toplevel of my project and issued the command "ant compile". I received the following error message :

 C:\barry\myproject\build.xml:146: taskdef class org.apache.cataline.ant.DeployTask cannot be found

Line 146 of my build.xml file is as follows :
 taskdef name="deploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask"/

I searched the JAR files under my Tomcat installation and found that the JAR file located at
C:\Tomcat5.5\server\lib\catalina-ant.jar conatins the "missing" class.

According to the Tomcat documentation that I read, JAR files placed under $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib
are available both to web applications and internal Tomcat code. So I copied the JAR file under that directory and once again attempted to build my project/application. However, I received the same error message

What do I need to do in order to build/compile my Tomcat5 project ? Is there a "How to build a Tomcat5 Project" document ?

Please help a confused rookie.


Barry KimelmanToronto, Ontario, Canadaemail :[EMAIL PROTECTED] , [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rookie needs help resolving HTTP Status 500 error message

2005-03-20 Thread Barry Kimelman

My system is a Windows XP PC running Tomcat 5.5.8

I have been able to compile and install my Tomcat project.
When I visit the URL corresponding to my Tomcat project I see the "starting" page I expected to see.
When I click on the "SUBMIT" button on the form on the main page, I receive the following error message from Tomcat :

HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: 8 in the jsp file: /logon.jsp
Generated servlet error:
DatabaseBean cannot be resolved or is not a type

An error occurred at line: 8 in the jsp file: /logon.jsp
Generated servlet error:
DatabaseBean cannot be resolved or is not a type

An error occurred at line: 8 in the jsp file: /logon.jsp
Generated servlet error:
DatabaseBean cannot be resolved or is not a type

The contents of the named JSP file is as follows :

%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %%-- This JSP is to test my own personal Bean/class. --%htmlheadtitleLogon/title/headbodyjsp:useBean id="foobar" scope="session" class="DatabaseBean" /jsp:setProperty name="foobar" property="*" /

%-- First call the method that generates the data --%%foobar.user_logon();%

%-- Now call the method that retrieves the generated data --%%= foobar.getHtmldata() %


I checked the directory structure where my Tomcat project was deployed and I found that my class file DatabaseBean.class file was located under the WEB-INF\classes sub-directory as expected. So why am I receiving the error message from Tomcat ? Is there something I need to do to set the value for CLASSPATH ?


Barry KimelmanToronto, Ontario, Canadaemail :[EMAIL PROTECTED] , [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Deployment: admin vs manager

2004-02-29 Thread Barry Kimelman

I amusing Tomcat 5.0.16 under Linux Redhat9.

I am relatively new to Tomcat myself but I have found that it is easier to use the "ant" command from your command line prompt to install (ie. deploy) a Tomcat application.

In either case I use the command "ant dist"command to compile my application and prepare a .WAR distribution file. Next I simply use the ant command line "ant install" to deploy my application,

If you want to access the Manager application via your browser you could always enter a URL like the following :

It seems to me that the easier wau to go is to use Ant from your command line.


Barry KimelmanWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
---Original Message---

From: Tomcat Users List
Date: Sunday, February 29, 2004 11:39:31 AM
Subject: Deployment: admin vs manager

Should I deploy apps with the manager or admin

With the manager interface, it is easier, because I
can also specify my application.xml and therefor do
not have to configure my datasources manually. But,
using the manager interface, everytime I restart
Tomcat, I have to re-install the apps also - the
context is lost (the applications are not stored under
the webapps dir - the sysop wants everyone's apps in
his own homedir).

So which interface must I use for deployment and how
can I overcome the problem mentioned above?


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Problem reloading Tomcat 5.0.16 application

2004-02-01 Thread Barry Kimelman

My system is Linux Redhat 9.
Iam running Tomcat 5.0.16 from a binary distribution.

I can successfully compile and install my application.
The JSP page works fine.

However, when I make a change to the Java class used by the
Bean referenced in the JSP file, then issue a
"ant reload" command (which succeeds) and again execute my
tomcat application, I get the output from the old version of the application.

I resorted to "undeploying", recompiling and installing to get Tomcat to run my
updated code.

How can I get Tomcat to recognize the changes I make to my own personal
class files ?

Re: deploying parameters using catalina.ant

2004-02-01 Thread Barry Kimelman

I myself was just recently able to successfully install application into Tomcat 5.0.16 using the ANT utility.

1st you need to properly setup your build.xml file (a sample can be obtained from the Tomcat web-site).

Then you need to modify the sample build.xml file to suit your needs.
 * modify the "project ..." descriptionto describe your application
 * modify the property . descriptions to suit your application and Tomcat environment :
 eg. set a value for "" , "app.version" , "catalina.home"

I found that I also had to modify the value for WAR file description on the "install" target description
in order for the "install" to work properly. For my case when I changed the WAR description to

I was successfully able to execute an install.

Also you should define a "" file in your home directory that at the very least defines values for the properties :


You should also modify the "tomcat-users.xml" file in the "conf" directory og your Tomcat installation.
You should define "roles" for "admin" and "manager".
You should also define a "user" that has the "admin" and "manager" roles assigned to him/her.

After all this you should be able to run the "ant install" command to deploy your application.

I hope all this helps.


---Original Message---

From: Tomcat Users List
Date: Sunday, February 01, 2004 7:39:53 PM
Subject: deploying parameters using catalina.ant

is there anybody out there that can help me on this subject. This is my 3rd
message. Am asking something wrong?

I am trying to use the command org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask in ANT to
deploy an application into TomCat using a context xml file. It seems it is
mandatory to issue the path parameter but with a context xml file that
should not be necessary.

I looked on the Tomcat site and I could not find anything on this topic. Can
anyone help me?
Where can I find information about the catalina-ant.jar?

my best regards,

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Newbie problem compiling JSP with Tomcat 5.0.16

2004-01-31 Thread Barry Kimelman

My system is Linux Redhat9 with Tomcat 5.0.16

I can successfully install my tomcat application.When I enter the URL to visit my application the contents of the"index.html" file are successfully displayed.

However, when I click on a "Submit" button from the form displayedon the "index.html" that is when the problem occurs. Note thatthe submit button is part of the FORM which is started as follows :

 FORM method=post action=""

The following is the 1st part of the error message displayed in mybrowser window :


HTTP Status 500 - 

Type Exception Report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: 8 in the jsp file: /logon.jsp

Generated servlet error: [javac] Compiling 1 source file $TOMCAT_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost/tomcat4/org/apache/jsp/ cannot resolve symbolsymbol : class Jdbc2jsplocation : class org.apache.jsp.logon_jsp Jdbcjsp2 foobar = null;


Here is the contents of my "logon.jsp" file :

 1%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" % 2%-- This JSP is to test my own personal Bean/class. --% 3html 4head 5titleLogon/title 6/head 7body 8jsp:useBean id="foobar" scope="session" class="Jdbc2jsp" / 9jsp:setProperty name="foobar" property="*" / 10 11%-- First call the method that generates the data --% 12% 13foobar.display_user_table_contents(); 14% 15 16%-- Now call the method that retrieves the generated data --% 17%= foobar.getHtmldata() % 18 19/body 20/html


The above JSP file was the same JSP file I used with Tomcat 4.?under Windows a few years ago. Was it incorrect of me to assumethat the syntax would still be appropriate for Tomcat 5.0.16 ??

In my "src" directory for my Tomcat application there is a Java sourcefile named "". This file has a "public class" named"Jdbc2jsp".

So, the big question is what have I done wrong in terms of my JSP andJava class file?? Am I possibly missing something in one of the".xml" files ??


Barry KimelmanWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canadaemail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] , [EMAIL PROTECTED] Exception during application install

2004-01-21 Thread Barry Kimelman

I am running Tomcat 5.0.16 on Linux Redhat 9.

First let me say that the sample applications work OK.
I can compile my Tomcat application successfully.
I can deploy my application using the manager webapp URL in the Mozilla browser.
However when I run the "ant install" command I receive the following error :

build.xml:365: FAIL - Encountered exception error in opening zip file

How do I determine which zip file is causing the problem ?

RE: Exception during application install

2004-01-21 Thread Barry Kimelman

Note : The name of my application is "tomcat1".

Here are the last group of messages in the logfile prior to the detection of the ZIP problem

Manager: deploy: Deploying web application at '/tomcat1'
Manager : Uploading WAR file to /home/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16/webapps/tomcat1.war
Manager: Extracting XML file to /home/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16/conf/Catalina/localhost/tomcat1.xml
Manager: managerServlet.extract[/tomcat]
java, error in opening zip file

 at Method)

 ... note that the stack trace goes on for some lenght 

Any ideas as to which zipfile is causing the problem ?


Barry KimelmanWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canadaemail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] , [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---Original Message---

From: Tomcat Users List
Date: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:54:54 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Exception during application install

There's no stack trace anywhere, including the tomcat logs, for your ZipException?

build.xml:365: FAIL - Encountered exception error in opening zip file

How do I determine which zip file is causing the problem ?

Yoav Shapira

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Newbie needs help with Tomcat 5.0.16 application install

2004-01-16 Thread Barry Kimelman

My OS is Linux Redhat9.

I have downloaded and installed Tomcat 5.0.16 from a binary

I created a file in my home directory as follows :


I can successfully use ant to compile my tomcat application.
I can successfully use ant to prepare a WAR file for distribution.

I tried some of the sample applications that came with the tomcat
installation and they all worked OK.

I successfully used the manager webapp (via the Mozilla browser)
to get a listing of all applications :


When I tried to install my webapp using ant I received the following
error message :

/home/bkimelman/tomcat1/build.xml:365: FAIL - Encountered exception error in opening zip file

lines 361 - 365 are as follows :

361 : deploy url=${manager.url}
362 :username=${manager.username}
363 :password=${manager.password}
364 :path=${app.path}
365 : war=file://${build.home}/

However, when I used the manager webapp via the browser as follows :


I was successfull in deploying my application
(and I was able to run my application).

Any ideas as to why I can't use ant to install my tomcat application ?

Newbie needs help with Tomcat5.0.14

2004-01-14 Thread Barry Kimelman

I recently installed Tomcat version 5.0.14 from a binary distribution
My system is a laptop running Redhat Linux 9 (kernel release 2.4.20-8).

I untared the tomcat tar-file and everything looked OK.

I started the Mozilla browser and was successful in visiting

I followed the instructions in the sample build.xml file and was
able to successfully compile my application. I wasn't able to install
my application from the commandline using ant. I was able to use the
Mozilla browser and use the manager webapp to deploy the application.

Why can't I usant from the commandline to deploy/install my
application ?

It then occurred to me that the other TAR files comprising the
Tomcat 5.0.14 binary distribution had something to do with my
problems. I untar'ed those Tarfiles. The contents after I
untared those files looks something like the structure of a Tomcat5
application; they have build.xml files, etc...
But what do I do with these other 2 structures :
deployer and embed ? I tried running ant to install the
deployer, but with no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Newbie with problems during tomcat application install

2003-12-29 Thread Barry Kimelman
 My system is a laptop running Linux Redhat 9.
I have installed Tomcat 5.0.14 from a binary download distribution.

The sample applications work perfectly.

I can compile my application with no problems.

But when I issue the ant command ant install I receive the following
output :


Buildfile: build.xml




/home/bkimelman/tomcat1/build.xml:365: Could not create task or type of 
type: deploy.

Ant could not find the task or a class this task relies upon.

This is common and has a number of causes; the usual
solutions are to read the manual pages then download and
install needed JAR files, or fix the build file:
- You have misspelt 'deploy'.
   Fix: check your spelling.
- The task needs an external JAR file to execute
   and this is not found at the right place in the classpath.
   Fix: check the documentation for dependencies.
   Fix: declare the task.
- The task is an Ant optional task and optional.jar is absent
   Fix: look for optional.jar in ANT_HOME/lib, download if needed
- The task was not built into optional.jar as dependent
   libraries were not found at build time.
   Fix: look in the JAR to verify, then rebuild with the needed
   libraries, or download a release version from
- The build file was written for a later version of Ant
   Fix: upgrade to at least the latest release version of Ant
- The task is not an Ant core or optional task
   and needs to be declared using taskdef.

Remember that for JAR files to be visible to Ant tasks implemented
in ANT_HOME/lib, the files must be in the same directory or on the

Please neither file bug reports on this problem, nor email the
Ant mailing lists, until all of these causes have been explored,
as this is not an Ant bug.

Total time: 13 seconds


I followed all the instructions in the sample build.xml file with respect
to copying files into the appropriate locations.

I then reran the ant command with the debugging option ant -d install

According to the debugging output from ant, the compilation classpath does
indeed contain a reference to the JAR file which contains the DeployTask
class file.


Here is the relevant portion from my build.xml file. I created this file by
copying the sample build.xml file and making the appropriate changes.

340 !--  Install Target
== --
342 !--
344   The install target tells the specified Tomcat 5 installation to
345   install this web application and make it available for execution.  It
346   *not* cause the existence of this web application to be remembered
347   Tomcat restarts; if you restart the server, you will need to
re-install all
348   this web application.
350   If you have already installed this application, and simply want Tomcat
351   recognize that you have updated Java classes (or the web.xml file),
use the
352   reload target instead.
354   NOTE:  This target will only succeed if it is run from the same server
355   Tomcat is running on.
357   NOTE:  This is the logical opposite of the remove target.
359 --
361   target name=install depends=compile
362description=Install application to servlet container
364 deploy url=${manager.url}
368 war=file://${build.home}/
370   /target


Any ideas as to where I should look for the problem ??

Newbie needs help with file for Tomcat5

2003-12-27 Thread Barry Kimelman
I need help with file.

My system is Linux Redhat 9 running Tomcat 5.
I have successfully been able to run the examples that came with the Tomcat
I have been able to compile my own little test application.

I need to know the exact layout/specifications for the
So far my searches have not turned the information I need.

Also is there a good tutorial for Tomcat5 beginners on the web ?