How to re-direct the default Tomcat home page

2005-09-11 Thread Ben Wong
Sorry, this is a newbie question. I am using Tomcat 5.0.x. on Linux. I'm having 
problems redirecting to my webapps home page from the default Tomcat home page 
Here's mywebapp.xml file that I placed in the 
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost dir:

As you can see, the path attribute is an empty string, and according to the 
Tomcat documentation, this should be the default web application. But instead, 
the tomcat default home page still appears.

How to config the tomcat so that I can get my home page just by typing 
Do I have to explicitly undeploy the default tomcat app?
Any clues?

where to place the /META-INF/context.xml file?

2005-09-08 Thread Ben Wong
Apologies, but this is a newbie question. In the tomcat docs, it states that
"A /META-INF/context.xml file can be used to define Tomcat specific 
Could you please tell me where /META-INF/context.xml should be placed relative 
to the web application root? In other words, if I have a web application in a 
directory /MyWebApp, should the /META-INF  be at   /MyWebApp/META-INF or should 
it be under /WEB-INF?

tomcat war expansion fails on .cvsignore file

2005-09-06 Thread Ben Wong
I have a .cvsignore file at the top level of my war file. does anyone has any 
idea what this error message is about? This errors occurs when Tomcat is 
started up, expanding the war file under webapps. Thanks!
Sep 6, 2005 5:09:30 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWARs
WARNING: Exception while expanding web application archive magicbillboard.war
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Can't detect initial thread stack location 
- find_vma failed
Catalina.start using conf/server.xml: 
/opt/lampp/webapps/magicbillboard/.cvsignore (No such file or directory) /opt/lampp/webapps/magicbillboard/.cvsignore (No 
such file or directory)
 at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.createSAXException(
 at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.createSAXException(
 at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.startElement(

Preserving session state from https to http on tomcat

2001-05-02 Thread Ben Wong


I am using form login and I'd like to send my username/password via https to
the server. That can be easily accomplished by setting up the https
connection on port 8443 on tomcat. The problem is after logging in, I'd like
to switch back to http with the user "login state" preserved from the https
session. But alas, switching from https to http wipes out session info on
Netscape (4.7). When my post login jsp pages reference the previously set
session login object via http, null is returned. However, if I stay in
https, everything is fine.

I know bea weblogic has a solution where the server can be set to inhibit
the server port number from being included in the cookie sent back to
Netscape. This way only the domain name is sent. But I can't find that a
similar setting in Tomcat.

Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.


Ben Wong