We have Apache and Tomcat installed in Sun OS 5.8.
When i am trying to deploy a new web application in the server ,  i am getting the following error.
2005-07-18 05:13:43 ContextConfig[/struts-blank] Exception processing JAR at resourcepath /WEB-INF/lib/jakarta-oro.jar
javax.servlet.ServletException: Exception processing JAR at resource path /WEB-INF/lib/jakarta-oro.jar
    at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.tldScanJar(ContextConfig.java:930)
    at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.tldScan(ContextConfig.java:868)
----- Root Cause -----
java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
    at java.io.UnixFileSystem.createFileExclusively(Native Method)
    at java.io.File.checkAndCreate(File.java:1294)
The same application is deployed successfully and working fine in WebLogic8.1. Looks to me that is some configuration problem which i am missing.
Made the following changes.
1)Created a new deployable exploded directory in  "/futures/struts-blank". From the same exploded directory was able to deploy in WebLogic.
2)Added the following lines in the Tomcat configuration file "server.xml"
        <!-- Struts-Blank web -->
    <Context path="/struts-blank"
        reloadable="true" >
3)Added the following lines in the Apache configuration file "httpsd-local.conf"
JkMount /struts-blank/* ajp13
JkMount /struts-blank/*.jsp ajp13
4)Restarted Apache and then Tomcat.
Please help me.
Any questions or if you require any additional info please inform me.


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