limiting instances of java

2001-06-24 Thread Charles Williams \(CEO\)


I just noticed that there are over 20 instances of java running when i do a
ps call.  How can I cut that down?


Re: limiting instances of java

2001-06-24 Thread Charles Williams \(CEO\)

Actually, I believe that it's max_spare_threads.


- Original Message -
From: Jeff Kilbride [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: limiting instances of java

 Try the manual. (do a find on max_threads)


 - Original Message -
 From: Dino Ming [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 8:53 AM
 Subject: Re: limiting instances of java

  I have over 35+ instances...too..
  Yes, how can we reduce the number of java instances ?
  - Original Message -
  From: Charles Williams (CEO)
  Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 11:29 PM
  Subject: limiting instances of java
   I just noticed that there are over 20 instances of java running when i
 do a
   ps call.  How can I cut that down?

Re: Boycott China - please read - your life may depend on it

2001-04-30 Thread Charles Williams \(CEO\)

I have to admit that as an American it unnerves me to think this may all be

What unnerves me further is the fact that I live in Europe.  Approximately
1/2 hour from Czech.

In the last year a lot has changed.  Before, there was a large amount of
Vietnamise and Chinese in Czech. Legal and illegal.  Now,  after certain
happenings and negotiations between Vietnam and China, the Czech government
has decided to FORCE all Vietnamise and Chinese out of Czech and back to
thier native countries.

The main reasons behind this are not at all missed by the European public
and Chinas plans for the future has been recongnized  for some time.  We
have been speaking about it here for at least a year now.  We see, almost
immediatly, the consequences of Free Trade in Europe and Asia.

2 years ago I seriously considered moving back to the US.  However, I soon
realised why Europe was in the situation it was in and then realised the
situation the rest of the world was in and came to the conclusion it may be
safer here.

That was a very difficult dicision to make.  You see, I am ex-Army, and it
hurts to know and SEE what has happened to the US.   What hurts more is to
know and SEE what the US has let happen in the world.

Well, that's just my 2 cents.  sorry if I upset anyone, but as much as I
hate to admit it, it's true.


Rep. Dana Rohrabacher
Thursday, April 26, 2001
Editor's note: This is the text of a speech on the House floor by
U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., Tuesday night.
Mr. Speaker, one month ago, the Communist regime that controls
the mainland of China attacked an American surveillance aircraft
while it was in international waters. After being knocked out of the
sky, 24 American military personnel, the crew of the surveillance
craft, were held hostage for nearly 2 weeks. The Communist
Chinese blamed us and would not return the crew until the United
States was humiliated before the world.
Wake up, America. What is going on here? Large financial interests
in our country whose only goal is exploiting the cheap, near-slave
labor of China have been leading our country down the path to
catastrophe. How much more proof do we need that the so-called
engagement theory is a total failure?
Our massive investment in China, pushed and promoted by
American billionaires and multinational corporations, has created
not a more peaceful, democratic China, but an aggressive
nuclear-armed bully that now threatens the world with its hostile
and proliferation. Do the Communist Chinese have to murder
American personnel or attack the United States or our allies with
their missiles before those who blithesomely pontificate about the
civilizing benefits of building the Chinese economy will admit that
China for a decade has been going in the opposite direction than
predicted by the so-called ``free traders.''
'We Have Made a Monstrous Mistake'
We have made a monstrous mistake, and if we do not face reality
and change our fundamental policies, instead of peace, there will be
conflict. Instead of democratic reform, we will see a further
retrenchment of a regime that is run by gangsters and thugs, the
world's worst human rights abusers.
Let us go back to basics. The mainland of China is controlled by a
rigid, Stalinistic Communist party. The regime is committing
genocide in Tibet. It is holding as a captive the designated
successor of the Dalai Lama, who is the spiritual leader of the
Tibetan people. By the way, this person, the designated new leader,
is a little boy. They are holding hostage a little boy in order to
terrorize the Tibetan people. The regime is now, at this moment,
arresting thousands of members of the Falun Gong, which is nothing
more threatening than a meditation and yoga society. Christians of
all denominations are being brutalized unless they register with the
state and attend controlled churches. Just in the last few days,
has been a round-up of Catholics who were practicing their faith
outside of state control. Now they are in a Chinese prison.
There are no opposition parties in China. There is no free press in
China. China is not a free society under anyone's definition. More
importantly, it is not a society that is evolving toward freedom.
President Richard Nixon first established our ties with the
Communist Chinese in 1972 at the height of the Cold War. That was
a brilliant move. At that particular moment, it was a brilliant
enabled us to play the power of one dictatorship off the power of
another dictatorship. We played one against the other at a time
when we had been weakened by the Vietnam War and at a time
when Soviet Russia was on the offensive.
During the Reagan years, we dramatically expanded our ties to

Re: problems loading mod_jk

2001-04-29 Thread Charles Williams \(CEO\)

check the permissions on the file.  make sure that nobody or httpd
can access the file (or whatever uid httpd runs under).


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 8:50 PM
Subject: problems loading mod_jk

 Hi everyone,

 I've gone through the documentation very thoroughly and feel as though I
 am just missing something simple.  I have modified all the appropriate
 files:  server.xml,, httpd.conf.  I have put my file in my /usr/libexec/httpd directory where a bunch of other
 .so files are.  Tomcat starts up perfectly, but when i go to statup
 apache this is the error that comes up:

 Syntax error on line 283 of /etc/httpd/httpd.conf:
 Cannot load /usr/libexec/ into server: (reason unknown)

 Line 283 is where this block of code starts:

 LoadModule jk_modulelibexec/
 AddModule mod_jk.c
 JkWorkersFile   /Library/Tomcat/conf/
 JkLogFile   /Library/Tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log
 JkLogLevel  warn

 I'm not sure what i'm missing here.  I am running Apache 1.3.14 on Mac
 OS X.  If anyone has had any similar situations and found work arounds,
 guidance would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


Re: Automatic Startup after reboot

2001-04-28 Thread Charles Williams \(CEO\)

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 4:35 
  Subject: Re: Automatic Startup after 
  Try looing at /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
  Isn't rc.local the last config to execute? If 
  so then it won't work right because tomcat has to start before httpd. I 
  put it under /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd before httpd starts.
  From: "Dave Simms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


  Subject: Automatic Startup after reboot 
  Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 18:51:19 - 
  Hey everyone, 
  I am using tomcat 3.1 on our RedHat 7.0 machine. I am wondering if 
  knows how to start up tomcat automatically after a reboot. I tryed 
  using a 
  script, but it didn't work. It didn't give me any errors, but it 
  start tomcat up. I have to start tomcat up using a different 
  server.xml for 
  each of my virtual sites. The setup script looks similiar to below: 

  /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat/bin/ -f 
  /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat/bin/ -f 
  ...etc. (currently only 3 sites that use tomcat) 
  The above statements work correctly if ran from a terminal window 
  Linux has booted up, so I'm confused as to why they don't work when 
  boots up. Any help / suggestions are appreciated. 
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at 
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Tomcat install on Cobalt.

2001-04-27 Thread Charles Williams \(CEO\)


Sorry to post without searching, but, the search function is down.

I am installing Tomcat for the first time and must admit that the
instructions leave a bit to be desired.

I'm installing on a Cobalt Raq3i.  Below is the install list out of the doc.

1. Download the zip/tar.gz/whatever file from
2. Unzip the file into some directory (say foo). This should create a new
subdirectory named tomcat.
3. Change directory to tomcat and set a new environment variable
(TOMCAT_HOME) to point to the root directory of your Tomcat hierarchy.
On UNIX you should type:
for bash/sh TOMCAT_HOME=foo/tomcat ; export TOMCAT_HOME
for tcsh setenv TOMCAT_HOME foo/tomcat

***Good till here *
** Here is where I'm lost  ***
4. ? - Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to the root directory
of your JDK hierarchy, then add the Java interpreter to your PATH
environment variable.

Any help appreciated.


Re: Mem uses will grow Up on heavy Load

2001-04-27 Thread Charles Williams \(CEO\)

Translation is inline!

- Original Message -
From: Garry De Toffoli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 4:09 PM
Subject: R: Mem uses will grow Up on heavy Load

 Please, can you translate your answer in English?

 Probably there are people interested about this.

 Bye bye.

 - Original Message -
 From: Winfried Klum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 2:58 PM
 Subject: Re: Mem uses will grow Up on heavy Load

  Wolle schrieb:
   My Servlet Enviroment is : Tomcat3.2.2b2 , Apache 1.3.17-10,mod_ssl
   2.7.1-0, SUSE 7.1, ajp13 with mod_jk.
   When i ran my Servlets, the Memusage will grow up, thats normal ;-))
   But when you make massiv Client request, the memusage rise extremly.
   The shell brings Messages from Broken pipe, when  I start a new
   request, bevor the old one is answered.I have a Load from 70% of 98 MB
  98 MB ist fuer eine solche Konfiguration nicht gerade viel

He says 98 MB isn't very much for such a configuration.

   when i wait, the Mem will never becomes free.
  um Speicherplatz zu sparen mal den JIT Compiler der JVM abschalten und
  nachschauen ob dann Speicher wieder freigegeben wird
  im Tomcat kann die maximale Anzahl der Threads in der  server.xml Datei
  festgelegt werden max_threads mal auf 10 setzen und schauen ob es immer
  noch Probleme gibt.
  Welche JVM wird verwendet ? Einige Versionen der IBM JVMs haben unter
  Linux Speicherprobleme.

To save memory, first, shutdown the JIT Compiler of the JVM and check if
memory has been freed.  You can then check the server.xml file for the limit
that was set on max_threads and change it to 10 to see if this clears up the

Which JVM is being used?  There is an IBM JVM version with memory problems
in Linux.

   What does TOmcat, when a exception is thrown ? Don't give it all the
   resources free ? What becomes with a Servlet Instanz, when the doPost
   doGet Methode is done ? Stay it in the Mem ? Must I call the destroy()
   Methode to do this ? How could I avoid these heavy and resistent mem
   load ? I will have a sercure site, and when it hangs Up the system
   simple massivs request, it will be not so good. ;-)
   Is this right, or have I misunderstood some things with the Servlet
   I hope someone  knows a reslution for this,
   Please please help,
   thank you for inconvenience,
   Michael Wollenhaupt
  Mit freundlichen Grüßen
  Winfried Klum
  bison GmbH
  Ridlerstraße 11  Tel: 089 / 50 03 91 20
  80339 MünchenFax: 089 / 50 03 91 17

Jserv or JK

2001-04-27 Thread Charles Williams \(CEO\)

Which is the better solution for installing tomcat?  jserv or mod_jk?  what
are the differances and which is better?


Re: Tomcat install on Cobalt.

2001-04-27 Thread Charles Williams \(CEO\)

- Original Message -
From: Charles Williams (CEO)
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 3:43 PM
Subject: Tomcat install on Cobalt.


 Sorry to post without searching, but, the search function is down.

 I am installing Tomcat for the first time and must admit that the
 instructions leave a bit to be desired.

 I'm installing on a Cobalt Raq3i.  Below is the install list out of the

 1. Download the zip/tar.gz/whatever file from
 2. Unzip the file into some directory (say foo). This should create a new
 subdirectory named tomcat.
 3. Change directory to tomcat and set a new environment variable
 (TOMCAT_HOME) to point to the root directory of your Tomcat hierarchy.
 On UNIX you should type:
 for bash/sh TOMCAT_HOME=foo/tomcat ; export TOMCAT_HOME
 for tcsh setenv TOMCAT_HOME foo/tomcat

 ***Good till here *
 ** Here is where I'm lost  ***
 4. ? - Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to the root
 of your JDK hierarchy, then add the Java interpreter to your PATH
 environment variable.

So I take it noone knows how to install tomcat?


 Any help appreciated.


Re: Tomcat install on Cobalt.

2001-04-27 Thread Charles Williams \(CEO\)

If you weren't a guy I'd kiss ya.  I wasn't sure if I needed to do the
enviro and export that same as with tomcat or not.  couldn't find any info
on the subject anywhere.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat install on Cobalt.

 I've never installed tomcat on a cobalt server, but I'll take a crack at
 your question.  You need to have the JAVA_HOME environment variable
 to the place you installed the jdk.  So if your jdk is in
 /usr/local/jdk1.3, then your JAVA_HOME variable would equal
 /usr/local/jdk1.3.  And the part about the path is just saying make sure
 that the interpreter is in your path.  If you can go to a command prompt
 and type java -version, or something like that, you should be fine.

 A nice tutorial can be found at:

 Charles Williams \(CEO\)
Re: Tomcat install on Cobalt.
 27-04-01 12:28 PM
 Please respond to tomcat-user

 - Original Message -
 From: Charles Williams (CEO)
 Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 3:43 PM
 Subject: Tomcat install on Cobalt.

  Sorry to post without searching, but, the search function is down.
  I am installing Tomcat for the first time and must admit that the
  instructions leave a bit to be desired.
  I'm installing on a Cobalt Raq3i.  Below is the install list out of the
  1. Download the zip/tar.gz/whatever file from
  2. Unzip the file into some directory (say foo). This should create a
  subdirectory named tomcat.
  3. Change directory to tomcat and set a new environment variable
  (TOMCAT_HOME) to point to the root directory of your Tomcat hierarchy.
  On UNIX you should type:
  for bash/sh TOMCAT_HOME=foo/tomcat ; export TOMCAT_HOME
  for tcsh setenv TOMCAT_HOME foo/tomcat
  ***Good till here *
  ** Here is where I'm lost  ***
  4. ? - Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to the root
  of your JDK hierarchy, then add the Java interpreter to your PATH
  environment variable.

 So I take it noone knows how to install tomcat?


  Any help appreciated.


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