war file wont unpack

2002-10-07 Thread Chris Stokes
cookies=true crossContext=false debug=0 displayName=Tomcat Manager Application 
mapperClass=org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextMapper path=/manager 
privileged=true reloadable=false swallowOutput=false useNaming=true 
  ResourceLink global=UserDatabase name=users 
Context className=org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext 
cachingAllowed=true charsetMapperClass=org.apache.catalina.util.CharsetMapper 
cookies=true crossContext=false debug=0 displayName=Tomcat Administration 
Application docBase=../server/webapps/admin 
mapperClass=org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextMapper path=/admin 
privileged=true reloadable=true swallowOutput=false useNaming=true 
  Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger debug=0 
directory=logs prefix=localhost_admin_log. suffix=.txt timestamp=true 
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger debug=0 
directory=logs prefix=localhost_log. suffix=.txt timestamp=true verbosity=1/
  Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger debug=0 
directory=logs prefix=catalina_log. suffix=.txt timestamp=true verbosity=0/
  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm debug=0 
resourceName=UserDatabase validate=true/

Chris Stokes
Senior Systems Consultant
Bass Software Pty Ltd

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Tomcat just stops

2002-09-04 Thread Chris Stokes

I am running Tomcat 4.0.3 with latest mod_jk and apache 1.3.22 on 2 servers running 
RHLinux 7.3 and 7.2 respectively

On both of these machines I regularly (read a 5 or more times a day) have to start 
tomcat again as it's processes have gone. There are no errors in any tomcat logfiles.

This is the error from mod_jk.log - which appears to be just symptomatic of the lack 
of any tomcat process.

[Thu Sep 05 09:49:57 2002]  [jk_connect.c (151)]: jk_open_socket, connect() failed 
errno = 111
[Thu Sep 05 09:49:57 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (599)]: In 
jk_endpoint_t::ajp_connect_to_endpoint, failed errno = 111
[Thu Sep 05 09:49:57 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (844)]: Error connecting to the Tomcat 
[Thu Sep 05 09:49:57 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1153)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, 
ajp_send_request failed in send loop 0
[Thu Sep 05 09:49:57 2002]  [jk_connect.c (151)]: jk_open_socket, connect() failed 
errno = 111
[Thu Sep 05 09:49:57 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (599)]: In 
jk_endpoint_t::ajp_connect_to_endpoint, failed errno = 111
[Thu Sep 05 09:49:57 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (844)]: Error connecting to the Tomcat 
[Thu Sep 05 09:49:57 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1153)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, 
ajp_send_request failed in send loop 1
[Thu Sep 05 09:49:57 2002]  [jk_connect.c (151)]: jk_open_socket, connect() failed 
errno = 111
[Thu Sep 05 09:49:57 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (599)]: In 
jk_endpoint_t::ajp_connect_to_endpoint, failed errno = 111
[Thu Sep 05 09:49:57 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (844)]: Error connecting to the Tomcat 
[Thu Sep 05 09:49:57 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1153)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, 
ajp_send_request failed in send loop 2

All I can do is stop apache and then start tomcat and start apache.
I have no contexts defined in server.xml, I just allow tomcat to auto generate my 
contexts when it starts. This works fine and gives no errors.
I am using IBMJavaSDK 1.3.0-10.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Chris Stokes
Senior Systems Consultant
Bass Software Pty Ltd
 __ _
   | __ )  __ _ ___ ___/ ___|  ___  / _| |___   _ _ __ ___
   |  _ \ / _` / __/ __\___ \ / _ \| |_| __\ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ _ \
   | |_) | (_| \__ \__ \___) | (_) |  _| |_ \ V  V / (_| | | |  __/
   |/ \__,_|___/___// \___/|_|  \__| \_/\_/ \__,_|_|  \___|

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jkmount possibilities

2002-08-28 Thread Chris Stokes

I was wondering if what I want to do is possible

Tomcat 4.03
Apache 1.3.20
RHLinux 7.3

I have not defined any contexts in my server.xml I just want them auto generated when 
I start tomcat4. To do this I tried a number of different settings for jkmount and 
eventually settled on
JkMount /*/servlet/* ajp13
This seemed to work as all my html and serlvets seemed to work fine.
However - now I discover that Tomcat is serving all content ie.
JkMount /*/servlet/* ajp13
Seems to work the same as
JkMount /* ajp13

Is this the case?
I only want tomcat to serve anything with servlet in the uri no matter what precedes 
it eg


This is in my httpd.conf

LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
AddModule mod_jk.c

IfModule mod_jk.c
JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/workers.properties
JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel error


ServerAdmin email@address
DocumentRoot /home/bass/iAP21
ServerName server.name.com
ErrorLog logs/ap21-error_log
CustomLog logs/ap21-access_log common
JkMount /*/servlet/* ajp13

Chris Stokes
Senior Systems Consultant
Bass Software Pty Ltd

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RE: jkmount possibilities

2002-08-28 Thread Chris Stokes

Does anyone have a new (1.26 or newer) Binary version of mod_jk.so for this config

Apache 1.3.20 (comes with RH7.2) no eapi
Tomcat 4.03 / 4.04

I can't find any binaries for new versions in the tomcat-downloads area and my efforts 
to compile my own have ended in tears and recriminations.


Chris Stokes
Senior Systems Consultant
Bass Software Pty Ltd
 __ _
   | __ )  __ _ ___ ___/ ___|  ___  / _| |___   _ _ __ ___
   |  _ \ / _` / __/ __\___ \ / _ \| |_| __\ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ _ \
   | |_) | (_| \__ \__ \___) | (_) |  _| |_ \ V  V / (_| | | |  __/
   |/ \__,_|___/___// \___/|_|  \__| \_/\_/ \__,_|_|  \___|

 -Original Message-
From:   Glenn Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   Wednesday, 28 August 2002 9:46 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject:Re: jkmount possibilities

If you are using mod_jk 1.2 you can use the JkAutoAlias directive to
tell Apache to automatically serve static content for all webapps.

pUse the mod_jk JkAutoAlias directive to map all web application context
directories into Apache's document space. Attempts to access the codeWEB-INF/code
or codeMETA-INF/code directories within a web application context or a
Web Archive code*.war/code within the Tomcat Host appBase (webapps) directory
will fail with an HTTP 403, Access Forbidden./p
Example configuration for an Apache VirtualHost:

# Static files in all Tomcat webapp context directories are served by apache
JkAutoAlias /export/home/web/host2/webapps

Chris Stokes wrote:
 I was wondering if what I want to do is possible
 Tomcat 4.03
 Apache 1.3.20
 RHLinux 7.3
 I have not defined any contexts in my server.xml I just want them auto generated 
when I start tomcat4. To do this I tried a number of different settings for jkmount 
and eventually settled on
 JkMount /*/servlet/* ajp13
 This seemed to work as all my html and serlvets seemed to work fine.
 However - now I discover that Tomcat is serving all content ie.
 JkMount /*/servlet/* ajp13
 Seems to work the same as
 JkMount /* ajp13
 Is this the case?
 I only want tomcat to serve anything with servlet in the uri no matter what 
precedes it eg
 This is in my httpd.conf
 LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
 AddModule mod_jk.c
 IfModule mod_jk.c
 JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/workers.properties
 JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
 JkLogLevel error
 ServerAdmin email@address
 DocumentRoot /home/bass/iAP21
 ServerName server.name.com
 ErrorLog logs/ap21-error_log
 CustomLog logs/ap21-access_log common
 JkMount /*/servlet/* ajp13
 Chris Stokes
 Senior Systems Consultant
 Bass Software Pty Ltd
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Tomcat and Crystal Reports (Urgent)

2002-08-28 Thread Chris Stokes

One word - CrystalClear
It is not cheap though - you can get a trial version


We use this and it does the job

Chris Stokes
Senior Systems Consultant
Bass Software Pty Ltd
 __ _
   | __ )  __ _ ___ ___/ ___|  ___  / _| |___   _ _ __ ___
   |  _ \ / _` / __/ __\___ \ / _ \| |_| __\ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ _ \
   | |_) | (_| \__ \__ \___) | (_) |  _| |_ \ V  V / (_| | | |  __/
   |/ \__,_|___/___// \___/|_|  \__| \_/\_/ \__,_|_|  \___|

 -Original Message-
From:   Amit Lonkar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   Thursday, 29 August 2002 1:32 PM
Subject:Tomcat and Crystal Reports (Urgent)

Hi All!!

Has any one been able to deploy crystal reports on
Tomcat server. If yes, please let me know how you have
done it. 

Thanks A Lot
Amit Lonkar

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