Re: Is there a kind of EJB container in Tomcat?

2005-06-21 Thread David Blevins
On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 05:50:47PM -0700, Wendy Smoak wrote:
 From: Kevin Kang (CSS) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I still have an issue about OpenEJB.
  1. Is it an independent EJB Server for Tomcat? Is it necessary to
  install in Tomcat as a module or something else?
 This page gives various options for configuring OpenEJB with Tomcat:

Careful with that page as it references 1.0 which is days away from
being cut.  In 0.9.2 you can embbed OpenEJB so that the ejbs are
shared by all webapps (kind of like a big ear).  The tomcat.html file
inside the 0.9.2 release is far better for getting started.

In 1.0 you can do that or have one instance of OpenEJB per webapp,
e.g. you get your own private ejb container right there in your webapp
classloader that no one else can mess with.  

You can't do both at the same time yet, though it would be easy for us
to add that support.  We chose not to just yet as it would require you
to have a clear understanding of tomcat classloading.  


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Re: TOMCAT with EJB??

2003-07-08 Thread David Blevins
On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 10:25:26PM -0700, vipul viz wrote:
 HI all
 I am using Tomcat 4. as an application server but it
 doesn't support EJB 
 could any one tell me which is the best EJB Server
 available in the category of Open cource.
 i have found 2-3 like Jboss,OpenEJB , Jonas.
 but not sure which one to use for some commercial

There is a demo of Tomcat/OpenEJB running here if you wanted to poke around in it.  
Most people really like the JNDI browser and the Object invoker, both can save you a 
ton of time.

There are a couple of features I think are really nice for Tomcat/servlet people.  You 
can use any Tomcat 4.x, 5.x (never tried 3.x) version you want, we don't bundle or 
embed Tomcat.  You don't have to code explicit local interfaces just to get fast 
performance in a local setup, you can just use regular remote interfaces and just tell 
OpenEJB to shut-off the marshalling of parameters and return values.  This last one is 
really nice as it will allow you to change your mind and run your app with the 
Servlets and EJBs in different machines without any code changes at all.  You get the 
benefits of local performance without having to commit to in in code.


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RE: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError -- solved

2003-03-05 Thread David Blevins
This reply is for the archives.  Jeremy did finally get it running -- he
simply forgot to uncomment the openejb.home init-param after setting it.

The full install process

In Linux, it is literally just three steps:
 1. Copy the openejb_loader-0.9.1.war into the webapps dir
 2. Uncomment and set the openejb.home init-param in the web.xml
 3. Restart Tomcat

If anything goes wrong, it *has* to be step 2, in which case see above.

In Windows, it's the same process, but people constantly have problems
with the NT Service version of Tomcat not actually restarting.  Usually
you have to re-run the Tomcat NT Service install program to get it to
truly restart.  Don't know why, wish I knew an easier way.

How does this work?

The openejb_loader will do all the busy work for you.  It will add all
the required libraries from the OpenEJB directories into the appropriate
classloaders in Tomcat, all automatically and dynamically.  The only
thing you have to do is tell the loader where OpenEJB lives by setting
the openejb.home init-param in the web.xml.

It didn't work!?

Sounds simple, but we see a number of common mistakes:

 - Most people simply forget to uncomment it.  Check and double check
 - Some set it to OPENEJB_HOME, which won't work. An actual path is
 - Some set it to point to the OpenEJB /bin directory.
 - The rest are usually typos in the path.

Hope this helps everyone out.  As an archive-searcher, I always
appreciate finding emails like this.

If anyone has any ideas on making the integration process even easier, I
am all ears.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jon Wingfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 12:44 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
 Looks like you've using OpenEJB ;)
 The OpenEJB distro comes with a war file,  which looks like it's been 
 expanded to a context by your tomcat install. However, the war file 
 doesn't contain the required OpenEJB jar files (which 
 probably need to 
 be put in common/lib or server/lib).
 The class file for org/openejb/OpenEJB is in the 
 openejb-0.9.1.jar. Deploy that and you should be set (well, 
 this error will go away, at 
 least) .
 Jeremy Whitlock wrote:
 Tomcat List,
 This might not be a Tomcat problem but I 
 imagine that 
 you might be able to help anyways.  Every time I start Tomcat, I get 
 this error:
 StandardContext[/openejb_loader-0.9.1]: Servlet
 /openejb_loader-0.9.1 threw load() exception
 javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet.init() for servlet loader
 threw exception

RE: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError -- solved

2003-03-05 Thread David Blevins
Filip is correct, follow that advice.

Also, once you deploy the EJB's into OpenEJB, just leave them in the
OpenEJB beans directory.  Don't copy the contents of you EJB jar into
the webapps dir, ejbs are not simple libraries, they must stay in the
EJB container.  Putting them in the webapps classes dir or lib dir will
just cause classloader issues.  OpenEJB will make sure all your EJBs are
visible all your Servlets and JSPs at run time.

You can easily tell OpenEJB where to look for ejbs on your file system,
but again, this shouldn't be the classes or lib directories of your

You could create a directory under your WEB-INF dir called ejbs, then
add that dir to your openejb.conf as such:

Deployments dir=/usr/local/share/development/openejb/WEB-INF/ejbs /

When you deploy, just leave of the -m or -c options as those will move
or copy the ejb jar into the OpenEJB/beans directory.  You want them to
stay where they are, which is your new WEB-INF/ejbs directory.


 -Original Message-
 From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 2:33 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Cc: OpenEJB
 Subject: RE: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError -- solved
 you can do it two ways,
 1. If you have the invoker servlet, you can access it that 
 way, but you need the full classname 2. Did you register your 
 servlet in web.xml?
 -Original Message-
 From: Jeremy Whitlock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 12:21 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Cc: OpenEJB
 Subject: RE: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError -- solved
   I got OpenEJB working but I'm not able to run the 
 example.  I have created and compiled the,, and Here is the directory structure:
   |   |
   |   |_ejb-jar.xml
 I have setup Tomcat's server.xml to do this:
 !-- OpenEJB ExampleText Bean Context --
   Contect path=/openejb 
 docBase=/usr/local/share/development/openejb debug=0/
 Now, when I do 
 http://localhost:8080/openejb/servlet/HelloOpenEJB I get:
 HTTP Status 404-/openejb/servlet/HelloOpenEJB
 type Status report
 message /openejb/servlet/HelloOpenEJB
 description The requested resource 
 (/openejb/servlet/HelloOpenEJB) is not available
 Any ideas why?  I remember in the previous version of 
 OpenEJB, I had to place the and 
 HelloWorld.class in the classes directory instead of the acme 
 directory.  Any ideas?  Thanks, Jeremy
 -Original Message-
 From: David Blevins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 1:09 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError -- solved
 This reply is for the archives.  Jeremy did finally get it 
 running -- he simply forgot to uncomment the openejb.home 
 init-param after setting it.
 The full install process
 In Linux, it is literally just three steps:
  1. Copy the openejb_loader-0.9.1.war into the webapps dir
  2. Uncomment and set the openejb.home init-param in the 
 web.xml  3. Restart Tomcat
 If anything goes wrong, it *has* to be step 2, in which case 
 see above.
 In Windows, it's the same process, but people constantly have 
 problems with the NT Service version of Tomcat not actually 
 restarting.  Usually you have to re-run the Tomcat NT Service 
 install program to get it to truly restart.  Don't know why, 
 wish I knew an easier way.
 How does this work?
 The openejb_loader will do all the busy work for you.  It 
 will add all the required libraries from the OpenEJB 
 directories into the appropriate classloaders in Tomcat, all 
 automatically and dynamically.  The only thing you have to do 
 is tell the loader where OpenEJB lives by setting the 
 openejb.home init-param in the web.xml.
 It didn't work!?
 Sounds simple, but we see a number of common mistakes:
  - Most people simply forget to uncomment it.  Check and 
 double check that.
  - Some set it to OPENEJB_HOME, which won't work

EJB from Tomcat

2003-02-13 Thread David Blevins

I wrote some time ago about the Tomcat/OpenEJB integration, which allows
Tomcat users to start using EJBs from Tomcat without having to ditch
your Tomcat installation and configuration.  Just like Tomcat is
typically plugged into other app servers, OpenEJB is a plug-in for
Tomcat.  Plugging it in isn't any harder than setting up a JDBC driver.

Here is the article:

David Blevins

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RE: EJB from Tomcat

2003-02-13 Thread David Blevins
Having never used the jboss tomcat bundle, I wouldn't be able to say. It
is very different though.

One thing different about this integration is that it isn't a bundle,
it's the ability to add EJB functionality into any Tomcat version you
want via a plug-in.  Which means you don't have to convince anyone to
switch platforms, etc.  You can just plug in OpenEJB and try it out for
a while, if you don't like it, just unplug it.  No harm done.


 -Original Message-
 From: Andy Richards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 9:05 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: EJB from Tomcat
 Is this easier than using the jboss tomcat bundle?
 i will read the article when i get a chance
 On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 14:54, David Blevins wrote:
  I wrote some time ago about the Tomcat/OpenEJB integration, which 
  allows Tomcat users to start using EJBs from Tomcat without
 having to
  ditch your Tomcat installation and configuration.  Just
 like Tomcat is
  typically plugged into other app servers, OpenEJB is a plug-in for 
  Tomcat.  Plugging it in isn't any harder than setting up a JDBC 
  Here is the article:
  David Blevins
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RE: EJB from Tomcat

2003-02-13 Thread David Blevins
Right, this is an EJB container that is usable in Tomcat.  The
particularly neat thing is that the EJB container can run embedded
*inside* the same VM as Tomcat.  You can even configure OpenEJB to not
marshal calls to EJBs, basically treating your remote interfaces as EJB
2.0 Local interfaces.

In the end you get a single server that can run both servlets/jsp/ejb
together in the same VM with local optimizations.


 -Original Message-
 From: Will Hartung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:33 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: EJB from Tomcat
  From: David Blevins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 6:54 AM
  Subject: EJB from Tomcat
  I wrote some time ago about the Tomcat/OpenEJB integration, which 
  allows Tomcat users to start using EJBs from Tomcat without 
 having to 
  ditch your Tomcat installation and configuration.  Just 
 like Tomcat is 
  typically plugged into other app servers, OpenEJB is a plug-in for 
  Tomcat.  Plugging it in isn't any harder than setting up a JDBC 
 This was confusing, but I see now.
 I was confused because we use Tomcat everyday to talk to our 
 EJB server.
 THIS is simply Yet Another EJB server, not some magic 
 interface to connect Tomcat to an arbitrary EJB server.
 The connectivity from Tomcat to the EJB side is pretty 
 straightforward, portable and should work if/when we try to 
 connect to another app server. (Plus we've refactored 
 everything so we should only have to change one file to 
 handle any of the glue details).
 But, thanx for the article anyways!
 Will Hartung
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2002-11-21 Thread David Blevins
You make me want to go out and pickup a titanium iBook, course, I've
been drooling over those for a while

A note on OSX Server and Open Source, there are few projects that ship
with it by default.  OpenEJB and OpenORB are used in WebObjects for EJB
and CORBA support, so that explains them.  I'm pretty sure Tomcat is
there for the same reason, though I've never heard that first-hand from
the WebObjects team -- never thought of asking.

One thing of note is that in Linux it's fairly easy to upgrade the
packages that ship with the platform by default. I'm not so sure it's as
trivial in OSX Server.  I'm interested to see where that goes


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 11:23 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: MacOS
 I dropped my PC for development work once I got on MacOSX 
 (Nope I'm not 
 aspiring to be in an Apple add) but it's worth exploring for those of 
 you who are thinking about it. MacOSX is an excellent option for 
 serving JSP and great Java platform in general. It gives Java a red 
 carpet treatment for example it provides a decent class 
 browser, tools 
 to turn your Java apps into double-clickable apps, some Swing 
 enhancements provide for the Aqua look and feel etc. The shipping JDK 
 is 1.3.1 but 1.4.x is at it's final beta stages. I have used 
 Tomcat 3.x 
 and currently on 4.1.12,
 I personally prefer it to any version of Windows since it adds a 
 gazillion cool things on top of its Unix implementation.  However, If 
 your are the proud vi type of developer then you may not care about 
 UI tricks etc.  But the core Unix is is there as expected. Some 
 differences exist but nothing too dramatic. If interested, there's an 
 excellent book out there by O'Reilly, MacOSX for Unix Geeks which 
 describes these:
 As far as J2EE is concerned, all the Opensource J2EE apps that I come 
 across so far
 perform as well as they would in any other Unix  i.e. JBoss, OpenEJB, 
 Tomcat, Jetty,  Apache -but this is just a gut feel
 assessment, I have no formal metrics.
 On Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 09:37  AM, Martin Redington wrote:
  On Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 01:31 PM, Martin Jacobson wrote:
  Felipe Schnack wrote:
Anyone have experience with Tomcat on MacOS X servers? Or with
  java in
  general? I would like to know if these machines are good 
 options for
  serving jsp or I should stick with PCs...
  I'm running Apache + mod_jk + Tomcat 4.1.12 + OpenSSL + 
 MySQL on Mac
  OS 10.2 and it all runs just fine!
  Check the archives - someone posted recently regarding 
 probs with Mac
  OS X *Server* - IIRC, WebObjects is pre-installed, and 
 generates some 
  conflicts with Tomcat.
  That was me. If you're running on OS X Server, there's a 
  in /Library/Java/Extensions, or maybe in 
  or at least somewhere in the system classpath (see the archives).
  I'm not sure what this is used by ... not the default 
 tomcat install,
  but *maybe* by WebObjects (although quite possibly not).
  Anyway, you will need to disable this file somehow (I 
 gzipp'ed it) to
  get a custom install of tomcat ( 4.0.6, but probably some lower 
  versions as well) to run.
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Feedback on Tomcat+OpenEJB integration

2002-11-20 Thread David Blevins
Hi All,

Just want to let Tomcat users know of the new Tomcat+OpenEJB integration
we're shipping in OpenEJB 0.9.0 and to get some feedback on what Tomcat
users would like to see most in the coming 0.9.x releases.

We've taken a different integration approach than other EJB servers have
taken.  Typically ejb servers have embedded Tomcat into their platforms,
requiring you to switch platforms and use the Tomcat version they ship.
We've taken the opposite approach and have created an integration that
embeds OpenEJB into your existing Tomcat setup.  So you can keep your
working Tomcat installation, use whatever version you want, and upgrade
to different Tomcat versions whenever you feel like it.

On the technical side, the integration consists of a servlet that loads
on startup, locates the OpenEJB installation, then walks up the
classloader tree, loads OpenEJB and your EJBs into the Tomcat common
classloader, then starts up the EJB container system in Tomcat's VM.  So
all your servlets and JSPs have network-free access to all the EJBs in

There is a war file called openejb_loader.war, you copy that into your
Tomcat webapp directory, set the openejb.home init-param in the
openejb_loader's web.xml, and restart Tomcat.  That's it. To pull
OpenEJB out again, just delete the openejb_loader.war and restart.

We did a limited release of this integration, worked out the issues, and
now have it up for download in OpenEJB 0.9.0.  What we'd like from
everyone here is some feedback on:
  1) what additional features/support you would like to see in the
coming weeks, and 
  2) which are the most important.  
The feedback we get will determine what features we add to the
integration and what order we add them.

Already on the list is:
  - Support for web.xml's ejb-link. For now, ejbs are accessed from
OpenEJB's JNDI namespace and not from Tomcat's.

You can find the 0.9.0 release here: 

Thanks, we hope you enjoy the functionality!

David Blevins
OpenEJB project

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RE: Feedback on Tomcat+OpenEJB integration

2002-11-20 Thread David Blevins
Actually yes, we're working on a web-based admin console.  It almost
made it into the 0.9.0 release, but is still rough around the edges, so
it's being held over till it's really ready.

We did ship a basic telnet admin console in 0.9.0 believe it or not.
Right now there are only a few commands in it (system, exit, lookup,
version, stop, help).  Those will do things like list the containers and
the beans, stop the server, or allow you to browse the JNDI namespace.
The telnet deamon doesn't start when you are embeding OpenEJB though,
only when running it as a standalone server in it's very own VM.
Security being the main reason.  We'll probably make that configurable
in the future so people can turn it on even when using OpenEJB as an
embedded library.


 -Original Message-
 From: Kwok Peng Tuck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 6:00 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Feedback on Tomcat+OpenEJB integration
 sounds pretty good  cool, although I don't have need for 
 ejbs yet. Will there be some sort of interface(web or 
 whatever)  to administer the 
 ejb container ?
 David Blevins wrote:
 Hi All,
 Just want to let Tomcat users know of the new Tomcat+OpenEJB 
 integration we're shipping in OpenEJB 0.9.0 and to get some 
 feedback on 
 what Tomcat users would like to see most in the coming 0.9.x 
 We've taken a different integration approach than other EJB servers 
 have taken.  Typically ejb servers have embedded Tomcat into their 
 platforms, requiring you to switch platforms and use the 
 Tomcat version 
 they ship. We've taken the opposite approach and have created an 
 integration that embeds OpenEJB into your existing Tomcat setup.  So 
 you can keep your working Tomcat installation, use whatever 
 version you 
 want, and upgrade to different Tomcat versions whenever you 
 feel like 
 On the technical side, the integration consists of a servlet 
 that loads 
 on startup, locates the OpenEJB installation, then walks up the 
 classloader tree, loads OpenEJB and your EJBs into the Tomcat common 
 classloader, then starts up the EJB container system in 
 Tomcat's VM.  
 So all your servlets and JSPs have network-free access to 
 all the EJBs 
 in OpenEJB.
 There is a war file called openejb_loader.war, you copy that 
 into your 
 Tomcat webapp directory, set the openejb.home init-param in the 
 openejb_loader's web.xml, and restart Tomcat.  That's it. To pull 
 OpenEJB out again, just delete the openejb_loader.war and restart.
 We did a limited release of this integration, worked out the issues, 
 and now have it up for download in OpenEJB 0.9.0.  What we'd 
 like from 
 everyone here is some feedback on:
   1) what additional features/support you would like to see in the 
 coming weeks, and
   2) which are the most important.
 The feedback we get will determine what features we add to the 
 integration and what order we add them.
 Already on the list is:
   - Support for web.xml's ejb-link. For now, ejbs are accessed from 
 OpenEJB's JNDI namespace and not from Tomcat's.
 You can find the 0.9.0 release here:
 Thanks, we hope you enjoy the functionality!
 David Blevins
 OpenEJB project
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