Tomcat & Apache Config problem

2000-11-24 Thread David Connolly

Hi All,

I have several virtual hosts set up with my Apache server. They have both
cgi and jsp content. I am using Tomcat to serve my jsp's. Each virtual host
has a unique ApJServMount. One of them is "/" however and for this virtual
host my cgi programs do not work. Is it possible to use "/" as one of the
mount points? It will save having to edit a lot of code if this is possible.

Any ideas ?


RE: apache and tomcat and virtual domain

2000-11-28 Thread David Connolly

Hi Carlos,

Apologies for the delay in replying.

The way I got mine to work was to simply include a tomcat-apache config file
in my httpd.conf file. I.e. include /jakarta-tomcat/conf/tomcat-apache.test

This file should have the following form :

LoadModule jserv_module libexec/
ApJServManual on
ApJServDefaultProtocol ajpv12
ApJServMountCopy on
ApJServLogLevel notice

ApJServDefaultPort 8007
ApJServDefaultHost localhost

AddType test/jsp .jsp

Then back in my httpd.conf file included in each virtual host I load the
ApJServMount as follows :

ApJServMount /ajsp ajpv12://localhost:8008/test

The /ajsp must be unique for every virtual host created. The /test refers to

Then you should create a separate xml file for each virtual host.

One for a server called dave would look as follows :

The important lines being the Context Path. You can then write a startup
script that will start tomcat with each of your xml files.

Hope this helps,

-Original Message-
From: Carlos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 27 November 2000 15:55
Subject: apache and tomcat and virtual domain

in my apache httpd.conf file i have in virtual domains:

DocumentRoot /opt/jakarta/webapps/domain

And in jakarta server.xml fle:

DocumentRoot /opt/jakarta/webapps/domain
ApjServMount /servlet /ROOT

If i star the tomcat it says me:
errro readin server.xml file
At Next charter must be "=" after attribute

What can i make? what is the mistake, error?
Anybody can send me a sever.xml conf file with virtual domains?