documentation to implement the Realm interface aside from javadoc s

2004-01-27 Thread Doyle, Daniel C
I am looking for examples, tutorials, or documentation for implementing the
org.apache.catalina.Realm ineterface. Can the Realm implementation point to
a servlet? I need to authenticate using a cgi script (don't laugh) on a
different web server on a different machine. The cgi will redirect its fail
or success response to a URL. Currently, we have the cgi redirect the fail
or success response to a JSP. Anyone have design suggestions when
implementing a Realm for this architecture. I would look at the code in the
CVS repository that currently implement the Realm interface, but I can't get
the code as the proxy(which I don't administrate) will not allow CVS
traffic(i.e. port not available).


Thank you for your time and consideration,


Dan Doyle

I have a bundle of problems with Tomcat 4.1.29

2004-01-23 Thread Doyle, Daniel C
For starters, Tomcat is not autoDeploying my wars from the /webapps
directory. I looked at the class file in the war and the class file in
/DBTest/WEB-INF/classes/foo/DBTest.class. Here is my host line in
server.xml. It seems to be pointing at the webapps directory because I can
access my app through a browser. But for some reason, the war is not getting
deployed. In addition, I have tried to use the HTML manager to deploy the
app. I have hit reload several times and it seems to be redeloying the same
class because it is throwing the same exception, but it should be fixed in
the new version of the war.


Here are my host element and context element from server.xml: 

Host name=localhost debug=0 appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true

Context path=/DBTest docBase=DBTest debug=5 reloadable=true


Thank you to anyone that can help me,


Dan Doyle