Re: Design advice needed.

2003-11-03 Thread Jean-Louis

you can use a timestamp and write for example :
update ...
where ...
and timestamp = 'the timestamp read by the select statement and saved in your 

And then check the number of rows updated.

Antony Paul a écrit :

 Can u pls mention what is that Oracle feature ?. Reading the data again is
 time consuming.
 - Original Message -
 From: Johan Kok [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 12:17 PM
 Subject: RE: Design advice needed.

  Did you consider reading the record without locks, and when an updated are
  made, to take a write-lock, check that the original record are still the
  same and then apply, otherwise fail.
  Your intentions might not work unless all writes are passed through the
  container, as Oracle will not have any control, until a write occurs, i.e.
  you will have to open with read only, and only take out a lock when you
  going to write, as described above. for safety sake your container will
  to re-read the data in any case, before commiting, otherwise it may update
  changed data, e.g. updates that are made through other processes or even
  If my memory serves me right, that is something you can do easily with
  Oracle (i.e. there's a standard feature implemented), even with Oracle

Jean-Louis CLAUSS

NT Service with jvm options

2003-07-24 Thread Jean-Louis

I have created a NT Service to run Tomcat 4.1.24 on Windows NT with this command :

%CATALINA_HOME%\tomcat.exe -install Tomcat-4.1.24
%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll  -showversion -verbose:gc -Xmx200M -Xms64M -Xrs
-start org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params start
-stop org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params stop
-out %CATALINA_HOME%\logs\jvm.stdout.log
-err %CATALINA_HOME%\logs\jvm.stderr.log
-current %CATALINA_HOME%
-path c:\;d:\

JAVA_HOME is set to the JDK root directory

The service was correctly created and Tomcat works fine.

But the -showversion and the -verbose:gc options don't produce any
entry in the jvm.stdout.log or jvm.stderr.log log files.
I tried whith the Sun JDKs 1.3.0_02 and 1.3.1_08.

When I run Tomcat with %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\startup.bat with the same jvm options
(set on CATALINA_OPTS), the logs are ok.

With Tomcat 3.2.1 and jk_nt_service.exe there was no problem with these jvm options.

What's wrong ?

Thanks for any advice

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