Ok, let me introduce myself, just to give you a level of experience with linux. I know very little about linux - basic commands etc. My company is on my back about installing a linux box with tomcat and apache. They seem to be very good at telling me what they want (ie what packages running), but can't give any real support on how to set it up.

So far, I have managed to install debian 3.0.2 (Woody). I have set up an entry in our firewall to point to this server's ip address, and can ping it etc.

This is all fine. Next, I installed apache-ssl using apt-get. If anyone wants the version of this then you'd need to tell me the command to find out.
I haven't done any set-up on this yet, but have seen the conf file and some of it looks fairly self explanatory, whereas other bits look more difficult.

I installed jdk1.5 and this wasn't too hard. Put a class_path environment variable in.

Next, I spent literally days trying to get an install for tomcat 5.5 that i could figure out. I ended up downloading a tar.gz package from one of the jakarta mirrors. (Version 5.5.3-alpha). This is then put on the server, and unzipped it (what's the linux for this, untar?) to a directory /var/install/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.3. I then ran the startup script in the bin directory and in it's most basic form, this worked. I modified part of the server.xml file from localhost to the dns name i put in the firewall, as i don't have a browser on the linux machine (as far as I'm aware - yes this just shows my linux expertise!). It starts up fine without any other modifications (that I can remeber doing anyway), and I can browse to it on port 8080.

Ok, now I'm stuck (I also know nothing about jsp or sevlets)

What they want is to be able to have multiple versions of their jsp enabled site running on different ports on the machine, through apache using tomcat.


The main site will be in /home/www, and to browse to that we would type in http://hostname/ eg port 80
Each developer will have their own local copy of the site in their /home/user/www directory, and would browse to it with a given port number, so for example if one of the developers was assigned say port 8004, they could look at their local copy of the site by browsing to http://hostname:8004.

I can't seem to work out how to link apache and tomcat, have read something about using mod_jk or mod_jserv, but i just can't figure them out. I also can't seem to find any documents that will describe using multiple homes on both servers (eg i can figure this out on apache's conf file, but haven't got a clue how to do all this in tomcat as well.

Could anyone point me in the right direction please - any pointers to manuals or webpages that would help, or just any knowledge that could be passed on to me regarding this.

I'm sorry, I know this is one of those questions that's very long and doesn't have one simple answer



Martin Crowe

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