mapping virtual hosts using mysql

2005-04-29 Thread Martin Lidgard
Hello all.
I am looking for a way to add host aliases to a webapp without having to
edit server.xml and restart Tomcat. I'm running Tomcat 4.1 as a standalone
on Linux.
Is it possible to map virtual hosts using MySQL? 


Arkatay Consulting

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SV: Handling requests for .asp files

2005-04-18 Thread Martin Lidgard
Thanks for the pointers. 
The problem ended up being that the redirect required not only an
HTTP-StatusCode (301 - Moved permanently) but also a
httpServletResponse.setHeader(Location, http://newurl;). Without the
header, Mozilla shows the originally requested page which contains a
redirect javascript, whereas Internet Explorer just shows a generic error


Martin Lidgard
Arkatay Consulting

-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: QM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Skickat: den 18 april 2005 03:33
Till: Tomcat Users List
Ämne: Re: Handling requests for .asp files

On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 03:03:45AM +0200, Martin Lidgard wrote:
: I am trying to get Tomcat to respond to requests for files with an .asp
: extension in order to let Turbine handle the request and redirect to the
: appropriate Velocity page.
: [snip]
: The problem is that Tomcat does not seem to respond at all to requests for
: urls with .asp as an extension.  The extensions .as and .aspp work
: fine.

How are you mapping the .as and .aspp extensions?  Through a servlet mapping
in yoru webapp's web.xml?

You could also check the global web.xml. That one defines the mapping for
.jsp files; maybe someone at your site put in a mapping for .asp as well...?

Another thought -- do you access Tomcat directly, or do you go through
Apache as an intermediary?



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Handling requests for .asp files

2005-04-17 Thread Martin Lidgard
I am trying to get Tomcat to respond to requests for files with an .asp
extension in order to let Turbine handle the request and redirect to the
appropriate Velocity page. The reason for this seemingly strange need is
that I want to handle external references (on other web sites) to my site
from when the site was on an ASP-based server.
The problem is that Tomcat does not seem to respond at all to requests for
urls with .asp as an extension.  The extensions .as and .aspp work
fine. Could there be some filter that tells Tomcat to not process the
request or tries to forward the request somewhere? I can't find anything
asp in conf/server.xml, conf/web.xml, or my WEB-INF/web.xml and none of
the log files even register the http-request, which makes me think that the
problem lies in my servlet container configuration rather than the servlet.
Googling for tomcat handling asp requests doesn't seem to generate the
desired set of answers, so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
I'm using Tomcat 4.1 on Linux.
Thanks for your attention.


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SV: How can I create a digest password

2005-04-13 Thread Martin Lidgard
I created the following bash-script in Linux:

echo -e Enter password to encode: 
read password
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/catalina.jar
org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase -a SHA $password  

In windows, the following works:

 java  -classpath D:\project\tdk-2.3_01\server\lib\catalina.jar
org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase -a SHA mypassword


-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: Lorenzo Jiménez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Skickat: den 13 april 2005 18:57
Till: Tomcat Users List
Ämne: How can I create a digest password
Prioritet: Hög


I need help to generate encrypted passwords. Using the Tomcat 5's

C:\java org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase -a MD5 mypassd

And this is the error message:

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

I also checked the classpath, and Catalina.jar is in it.
I even tried being positioned on catalina's directory.

Using Win XP, Tomcat 5.0.28, and j2sdk1.4.2_07.

Thank you very much!



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Authenticated user home folders with WebDAV

2005-04-06 Thread Martin Lidgard
I would like to achieve the following using Tomcat 4.1:
1. use a JDBCRealm to access a mysql database containing users, passwords,
and roles
2. grant WebDAV access to authenticated users, allowing them to access and
upload files to personal home directories
3. personal directories should be grouped by role: ie.  user charlie with
role sitemember has WebDAV access to
4. directories should be created when the user first accesses the WebDAV
account, and if there is no directory for the role, it should be created too
5. it should be possible to limit the amount of space granted to each user
on a role or context basis
6. the personal home directories should be accessible using WebDAV as, automatically returning content for the correct
personal directory depending on authenticated username.
How much of this is possible to achieve through smart configuration schemes?
Does anyone know of tools that could do some of the work?
I haven't found any indications that personal home directories have been
used in a Tomcat standalone configuration -- anyone?
Arkatay Consulting

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