Re: Differences Between Apache and Tomcat

2004-01-06 Thread Mike Coughlan
 Can you all plz give me any url where I can find the
 fundamental differences 
 between Apache and Tomcat.(If there r any).

Take a look at all the modules for Apahce, such as
mod_perl and mod_php. 

Now ask yourself why you would want such things when
you have the power of servlets in Tomcat.

I believe that illustrates the main difference to most

If you want both, then you want Apache with mod_jdk -
or whatever the Tomcat module is called.

Other than that, they both implement the HTTP and
HTTPS protocols. 

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Re: how to deploy ejb in tomcat

2004-01-06 Thread Mike Coughlan
I made the same mistake. 

This matrix will help to clarify the issue.

The funny thing is that Sun now bundles the J2EE SDK
with the Netbeans IDE. 

The Netbeans IDE in turn comes with Tomcat bundled
inside for easy local development.

And yet Tomcat still is not a J2EE server.

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Telnet test for Tomcat?

2004-01-05 Thread Mike Coughlan

I'm trying to access Tomcat from a remote location
through a DLink 614+ Wireless Hub and firewall.

I have SSH and FTP port forwaring working fine.

I know Tomcat is up and running. I can also use
links to browse Tomcat from the command line.

I cannot seem to access Tomcat from my remove browser.
I've checked the rules countless times. I am
forwarding both UDP and TCP packets. 

Is there way to test basic connectivity to Tomcat via

Is there something about HTTP that I am missing?

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