AW: Documentation for the jkstatus output

2004-09-23 Thread Oliver Braun

Hi again.

Is there really nobody who can tell me something about the output of

Please help.

Kind regards.


> Hi all.
> Who can tell me, where I can find information about the output of jkstatus
> (documentation, reference)?
> I have found many sites with instructions about how to activate the
> status-worker but not one of these sites explains what the meaning of the
> different parts of the output is...
> If there is no documentation on the output availble, who can give me an
> answer to the following questions:
> What is the "Scoreboard info" telling me about the system?
> What is the "Endpoint info" telling me about the system?
> What is the meaning of the columns "+jk" and "+end"?
> What does it mean, if there is an entry in the "scoreboard
> info"-section for
> worker x with a connection time that is 3 hours old?
> Why is the value in the columns "total time" and "max time" equal
> to zero in
> each row of the "Scoreboard info"- and the "Endpoint info"-section?
> And finally: Is there a possibility to identify tomcat-threads, wich are
> caught in e.g. infinite loops?
> Thanks for your help.
> Olli.
> -
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Documentation for the jkstatus output

2004-09-22 Thread Oliver Braun

Hi all.

Who can tell me, where I can find information about the output of jkstatus
(documentation, reference)?
I have found many sites with instructions about how to activate the
status-worker but not one of these sites explains what the meaning of the
different parts of the output is...

If there is no documentation on the output availble, who can give me an
answer to the following questions:

What is the "Scoreboard info" telling me about the system?
What is the "Endpoint info" telling me about the system?
What is the meaning of the columns "+jk" and "+end"?
What does it mean, if there is an entry in the "scoreboard info"-section for
worker x with a connection time that is 3 hours old?
Why is the value in the columns "total time" and "max time" equal to zero in
each row of the "Scoreboard info"- and the "Endpoint info"-section?

And finally: Is there a possibility to identify tomcat-threads, wich are
caught in e.g. infinite loops?

Thanks for your help.


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Jasper hangs for minutes

2004-01-19 Thread Oliver Braun

We have a problem with the Jasper JSP-engine.

We use Jasper within our own Servletcontainer to process calls to JSP-pages.
Most of the time the cooperation between our server and Jasper works fine,
but sometimes jasper hangs for minutes (!) while processing requests to
jsp-pages. Thereby the "original jsp-code" is still completely processed (we
print out a text to System.out at the beginning  and at the end at the
jsp-code), but jasper does not return to our server for the moment and the
clientbrowser runs into a timeout.
In our logfile we can see, that even if earlier calls to jasper hangs, all
further incomming requests to jsp-pages are still processed upto the end of
our jsp-code but not further. So with each further request, another
jasper-thread is started, wich stops after processing the jsp-code. That
results in e.g. 40 - 100 running threads.
But suddenly after some minutes all these running jasper-threads return at
the same time
The whole behaviour looks like, that the jasper has to wait for a special
ressource to be released or that jasper locks a singleton (or something like
that) so that no other jasper-thread can do further processings.

Is there a known bug within jasper (e.g. with flushBuffer), or could the
problem relate to the network or to another systemresource?

The server runs under Windows 2000.
Java version is 1.4.1
We use jasper out of tomcat 3.3.1

Thank you and best regards


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