Re: SSL just for a login page

2002-08-09 Thread Richard Plukker

For stress testing use Apache JMeter.
good luck Richard

Drinkwater, GJ (Glen) wrote:

>Yes, you are probably right, I will have to use ssl.
>Does anybody know of some good stress testing free software???
>How does this sound.
>1)User logs on and username and password send over ssl. password md5 hashed
>and compared against users on a database.
>2)If valid user logs on, if not user sent to error page.
>3) rest of session ssl.
>if database compromised, hash value would be no use???
>Lastly, how do i enforce that the whole of the web site must be over ssl,
>except the initial welcome page so the user doesn't have to type in port
>is it something like this in the web.xml file.
>   ***
>   /index.html
>   NONE
>   ***
>   /*  //or will this overwrite the
>   /*jsp //should it be like this
>   /data/*
>   /etc/*   //etc
>   GET
>   POST
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Re: is Tomcat Crap???

2002-06-18 Thread Richard Plukker

Tomcat is no Crap,
Maybe other web containers are better, but that doesn't mean that it's crap.
Try writing your own web-container (first release will probably be crap).
There are some tedious things in tomcat, mostly redeployment, or reloading 
webapps. This is done great in orion as i can remember.

I believe that Resin and Orion are free for developers but when you use it 
commercialy then you have to pay.  Weblogic is expensive.
Also Weblogic and Orion are J2ee containers they have the whole EJB thing too.
Maybe you want it maybe you don't

JBoss is released now with Jetty integrated, does anyone have any experience? 
A good alternative to Tomcat?

As closing remark I would like to say that i don't like a new evangelist war 
like Vi vs Emacs, Windows vs Linux, PC vs Mac
and all those childish comparisons.
If someone likes Orion --> fine, if one uses Resin --> good for you, if 
someone uses anything else --> that's okay by me.

What I do like is a technical comparison, without childish politics or 



On Tuesday 18 June 2002 09:32, you wrote:
> What do you think?
> --mike

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Re: Tomcat 4 & JNDI

2002-06-18 Thread Richard Plukker

giluka wrote:

>I've tried that but it does not still works ...
>It is correct to put (with information that point to my ejb
>server) file in my classpath ?
>- Original Message -----
>From: "Richard Plukker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 9:27 AM
>Subject: Re: Tomcat 4 & JNDI
>>In tomcat 4 you can also use the ejb-ref element in the server.xml
>>look at the tomcat examples, hope it will work.
>>good luck
>>On Tuesday 18 June 2002 08:56, you wrote:
>>>I've a problem:
>>>i want to call my EJB resource (running on a remote machine on JBoss
>>>from a servlet (running on my local machine).
>>>I've tried to put in classpath file like this:
>>>and to modify web-xml file:

>>>r esource-env-ref-type>
>>>can you help me ?
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You should try to start tomcat with a

# java -Djava.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory \
  -Djava.naming.provider.url=ldap://localhost:389/o=jnditutorial \
# java -Djava.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory \
  -Djava.naming.provider.url=file:/tmp \

You should take a look at the jndi 

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Re: redirecting the output to a log file

2002-06-18 Thread Richard Plukker

Satya wrote:

>Hi Richards,
>I am already using file stream to write a log of my application specific
>info (and will move the application in next iteration to
>However i am having problem with capturing the error messages which catalina
>dumps if there is any error. They are appearing in the window in which
>is running - since the scroll up immediatly, i could not read them, and they
>are not
>appearing in any of the log files under CATALINA_HOME\logs\
> When i issued the bin\startup.bat >a.out   or   bin\startup.bat  2>a.err
>it only prints that "tomcat started" etc but not
>the error dump.
>- Original Message -
>From: Richard Plukker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 9:20 PM
>Subject: Re: redirecting the output to a log file
>>Hello Satya,
>>I suggest Log4j.
>>You can log to different out streams. You can configure the way you log
>>outside you program code, using a file.
>>Also you can use the catalina way of logging.
>>And you can make your own logging mechanism by appending to a
>> file. But keep in mind that you have to programm a
>>to make it thread safe etc.
>>Good luck.
>>On Monday 17 June 2002 17:32, you wrote:
>>>Hi All,
>>>  I am using catalina. When my servlets are sending some stack trace /
>>>debug output, all such output is dumped in the catalina window. I tried
>>>changing the logger class in server.xml, used startup 2>output.txt etc
>>>no technique is working,
>>> I am using standalone catalina on windows NT
>>>Please suggest
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Hello Satya,

These messages are in catalina.out
You can use tail -f catalina.out to see what is happening.
Or if you work on windows, you should go to the properties of the dosbox 
and put the buffer size to 1000 lines than you can scroll up.

good luck,


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Re: Problem with authentication through mod_webapp

2002-06-18 Thread Richard Plukker

Do you use the basic authentication method?
Maybe try the form authentication method.
Because apache also has a basic authentication method, maybe these two 
don't get along.

Markus Kirsten wrote:

> Hi,
> I've successfully set up a JDBC Realm for my application that works 
> perfectly when I'm going straight to Tomcat (that is using port 8080) 
> but not when I'm trying to access it trough Apache (with mod_webapp). 
> Authentication always fails when I'm going through mod_webapp, but 
> work just as it should if I access it on post 8080.
> Any ideas?
> Thank you for your time.
> Markus
> -- 
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Re: Initializing Application at startup

2002-07-01 Thread Richard Plukker

You could envoke the constructor of your initialize class from a servlet.
You should use the init method. If you use load at startup in your 
web.xml you can
garantee that the initialisation of you app is done when tomcat starts.

For the path properties, you can also use the contextParams, this way 
you put the path of you config.file as a context param in your web.xml.

please read the documentation and look at the examples, it's all there.


maarten roosendaal wrote:

>I've build an Initialize-class which reads in several
>.properties-files. What i want is that when Tomcat
>starts and my webapplication is started, that the
>Initialize-class is called so that it can read in alle
>the .properties-files.
>How do i tell Tomcat (or my webapp) to initialize this
>class (to call the initialize-method) and where do i
>need to specify these .properties-files? For example i
>defined a static String:
>in my initialize-class. This String should somewhere
>be defined as application.initializer.configuratie=
> I should be able to read the
>content of this file through:
>String propertiesfileName =
>But i'm not sure how to call/initialize the class and
>where to place/define the .properties-files. Hope
>someone can help me.
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Re: Jboss application server

2002-07-23 Thread Richard Plukker

put your war file in an ear file.
Or put the servlets in an ear file conform the j2ee spec.
Than when you put it in the deploy directory of your jboss installation, 
your webapp will be deployed.

Visit the free documentation of or look for a tutorial on 
deploying applications in jboss.
good luck,


Alessio Bettiol wrote:

>Thank you for your interest in my question.
>I have downloaded from the new version (3.0.0) of the famous 
>application server, the version that includes tomcat 4.0.3 inside, 
>You can launch it in standalone mode or with jboss, but ... it works only in 
>standalone mode.
>With jboss, the configuration file that jboss give to tomcat isn't server.xml, 
>but tomcat4-service.xml, in another directory 
>When all services are started, I try to connect with a web-browser at 
>http://localhost:8080, then I see this message: 'no context configured for 
>this application', even if the  blocks are present and the  
>default block (with path set to nothing) also.
>The thing I've tried was to connect tomcat4 launched from jboss with the 
>'webapps' directory.
>Can you give me help?
>Thanks a lot!!
>Alex from Italy
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