Packages at Tomcat 4.0.6 vs 5.0

2002-11-05 Thread Ronaldo Juliatto
Recently I installed Tomcat 5.0, and noticed that I could not run anymore
JSP whose classes did not use packages. A simple Hello, world program
needed to be implemented in a package to be understood by the Java compiler.
What could be wrong?
Thanks in advance
Ronaldo Juliatto

Newbie question: CGI at Tomcat

2002-10-31 Thread Ronaldo Juliatto
I am trying to configure Tomcat as a web server initially, and configured
the CGI and SSI servlets and mappings exactly as the default. So, I tried to
make my dummy tcl scripts (that worked with Apache formerly) work with
Tomcat also. 
The call for 
!--#exec cgi=/cgi-bin/teste2.tcl-- 
makes Tomcat say that it can't find the CGI script. If I put the call in a
link, like 
a href=/cgi-bin/teste2.tclTeste 2 TCL/a
makes Tomcat claim about an internal error, with all that dumped info,
although it seems it could find the script at WEB-INF/cgi (as in the
Would any of you know what I am missing?
Thanks in advance
Ronaldo Juliatto

Tomcat 4.1.10 install

2002-09-19 Thread Ronaldo Juliatto

Hi, fellows
I installed Tomcat 4.1.10 on a machine with Windows NT 4.0 and JDK 1.4.1.
The installation was ok. The first thing I wanted to do was to see the
examples from the main page. The servlets examples worked fine, but the JSP
examples gave answers like the one I reproduce below for the NumberGuess
HTTP Status 500 - 
type Exception report
message description The server encountered an internal error () that
prevented it from fulfilling this request
 follows a lot of class debugging logs 
root cause
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: 11 in the jsp file: /jsp/num/numguess.jsp

Generated servlet error:
[javac] Compiling 1 source file
D:\tool\Apache Group\Tomcat
4.1\work\Standalone\localhost\examples\jsp\num\ package
num does not exist
import num.NumberGuessBean;
D:\tool\Apache Group\Tomcat
4.1\work\Standalone\localhost\examples\jsp\num\ package
num does not exist
  num.NumberGuessBean numguess = null;

An error occurred at line: 11 in the jsp file: /jsp/num/numguess.jsp

Generated servlet error:
D:\tool\Apache Group\Tomcat
4.1\work\Standalone\localhost\examples\jsp\num\ package
num does not exist
numguess = (num.NumberGuessBean)
pageContext.getAttribute(numguess, PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);

An error occurred at line: 11 in the jsp file: /jsp/num/numguess.jsp

Generated servlet error:
D:\tool\Apache Group\Tomcat
4.1\work\Standalone\localhost\examples\jsp\num\ package
num does not exist
numguess = (num.NumberGuessBean)
4 errors

 more class debugging logs 

It happens to all the examples. IMHO, I think that the JSP compiler can't
find the classes it needs. I installed the full 4.1.10 release, not the LE
release. Could this interfere with the compiler? I don't think so, because
the next slot developer did the same on a similar environment and everything
went ok. The Java configuration in my machine seems ok. Would any of you
have any clue about what could be wrong with this installation? 
Best regards, and thanks in advance...
Ronaldo Juliatto