Security manager w/ manager app

2005-09-15 Thread Ryan Daly

Is it possible to start Tomcat w/ the security manager enabled if I were
to use the Tomcat Web Application Manager?

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New logs showing up under Tomcat 5.5.9

2005-04-29 Thread Ryan Daly

Just upgraded to 5.5.9 yesterday.  Can anyone quickly tell me what the
extra log files are in the logs directory?

I'm getting: admin.2005-04-28.log, catalina.2005-04-28.log, host-
manager.2005-04-28.log, localhost.2005-04-28.log, and

They're all 0 bytes.  Can I stop them from showing up?

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Changing .systemPrefs location

2005-03-31 Thread Ryan Daly

I'm running various Tomcat instances on the same system, using the same
JDK.  One problem I'm running into is:

 * One web app is running as user1
 * Another web app is running as user2
 * Both web apps use the same JDK
 * Both web apps use system preferences
 * When one web app is started, it writes .system.lock, 
   and .systemRootModFile, and won't allow the other web app to start 
   cleanly because those files are not writable.

Is there a way to tell one Tomcat instance to use /a/.systemPrefs, and
the other to use /b/.systemPrefs to avoid this deadlock?


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RE: Multipe Tomcat instances

2004-12-01 Thread Ryan Daly
OK.  I understand the separation point.  I think as long as I can start
separate instances by referencing a separate server.xml file, I'll do it
that way.  If I need to upgrade one web app, then I can split it out

Thanks for the input.  It's appreciated.

On Wed, 2004-12-01 at 09:05, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> Hi,
> Both Tim's and QM's approaches are viable, and I use them as well under
> certain circumstances.  But by default I just have completely separate
> Tomcat installations.  The only things they might share are the
> hardware, OS, and JDK, depending on the requirements.  So while the
> CATALINA_BASE splitting is possible, I don't actually do it in practice.
> The motivation for me is complete separation, so that if one application
> requires a Tomcat upgrade it can be done separately from others.  But
> then again I'm somewhat of a fanatic when it comes to webapp
> self-containment.  (Although it's served me well).

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RE: Multipe Tomcat instances

2004-11-30 Thread Ryan Daly
On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 14:53, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> Hi,
> I do it this way all the time.  The biggest pro is complete separation.
> If one app gets whacky (heavy load, OutOfMemoryError, malicious attack),
> others are not affected at all.  If one app needs to be upgraded or a
> bug fix shipped, or its server restarted, again, others are not affected
> at all.

How do you handle the server.xml and the other configuration?  Do you
start Tomcat with an option to read a different config file, or do you
have separate installations of Tomcat for each and every webapp?

> Cons include inability to run these apps on the same port (this can be
> overcome by putting a common front end, which I usually do with another
> Tomcat running only the balancer app), and increased
> monitoring/maintenance needed (which again can be mitigated with tools
> like nagios).

I'm not that familiar with the balancer app.  Can you explain a little
or is that pretty clear somewhere in the docs?

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Multipe Tomcat instances

2004-11-29 Thread Ryan Daly
Does anyone have experience with setting up multiple instances of Tomcat
instead of having multiple hosts being served under one instance?

If anyone does, what are some pros and/or cons to doing things this way?


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RE: OutOfMemory exceptions

2004-11-24 Thread Ryan Daly
I read in another thread about setting up one Tomcat instance per host. 
Is that something you'd recommend doing?  At least then a redeploy
wouldn't affect other webapps running on that same host...

Maybe this should be another thread if it gets much attention.

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RE: OutOfMemory exceptions

2004-11-23 Thread Ryan Daly
On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 09:17, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> Yes and no.  You are vastly oversimplifying the real world here.  It's
> extremely difficult to come up with a webapp that can truly be reloaded
> without a memory loss.

Would undeploying the webapp follow the same route (meaning some memory

> No, I don't, because Java's heap cannot be split up that way without
> incurring 1-2 orders of magnitude of overhead.  I know of good profilers
> and use them regularly, but none at this point can do the above in
> production without bringing even huge systems to a crawl.

What profilers do you use?

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RE: OutOfMemory exceptions

2004-11-23 Thread Ryan Daly
On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 09:05, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> No, and such a decision could never be made.

OK.  So, reloading webapps should clean up items in memory consumed by
that particular webapp, then?

Do you know of a good memory profiler that can be run while webapps are
up and return to me what each webapp is using?

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OutOfMemory exceptions

2004-11-23 Thread Ryan Daly

I've seen a few threads regarding the OutOfMemory problems.  Has it been
decided that reloading webapps is one of the causes of this?  And, if
so, would an undeploy and a new deploy fix that issue?


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RE: swallowOutput and catalina.out

2004-11-19 Thread Ryan Daly
Back at it...

This is what I have in my file:

# Set root logger priority to DEBUG and its appenders
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, A1

log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%x - %d{ISO8601} [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n

Shouldn't this stop messages going to the console (stderr or stdout)? 
Yet, I see all of this webapp's messages in catalina2004-11-19.txt
inside the $TOMCAT/logs directory.  Can someone point me to what I'm

Just to clarify, my goal is to get every piece of logged information to
go to separate files, but everything from each webapp to its own log


On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 10:01, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

> Hi,
> >Is there a link you can point me toward to get log4j going instead of
> >catalina.out?
> >
> >If I implement that now, then I'll be good to go to move to Tomcat 5.5?
> Link:  
> Steps:
> 1. Download log4j 1.2.8 .zip file
> 2. Extract file wherever, take log4j-1.2.8.jar and put in WEB-INF/lib of
> your webapp
> 3. Write a file defining a file appender which writes
> to logs/myapplog.txt (an example is provided in the log4j docs, both in
> the short manual and in the PropertyConfigurator class JavaDoc).  Put
> this file in WEB-INF/classes.
> That's it.
> Yoav
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Ryan Daly
Network Administrator
Concurrent Technologies Corporation
100 CTC Drive
Johnstown, PA US 15904-1935(V) 814.269.6889 (F) 814.269.2685

91 3E E1 09 16 D1 5A 67 1A CA 16 C7 E0 C1 74 72

RE: swallowOutput and catalina.out

2004-10-27 Thread Ryan Daly
On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 09:55, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> Hi,
> Yeah.  System.out is for novices and small apps.  Real apps need a real
> logging toolkit.

Is there a link you can point me toward to get log4j going instead of

If I implement that now, then I'll be good to go to move to Tomcat 5.5?

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Re: swallowOutput and catalina.out

2004-10-27 Thread Ryan Daly
You implemented log4j to log what usually goes into catalina.out?

On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 09:34, Ben Souther wrote:
> This is how I did it before implementing log4j.

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RE: swallowOutput and catalina.out

2004-10-27 Thread Ryan Daly
On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 09:27, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> Hi,
> Hmm, I'm not sure if swallowOutput on the DefaultContext works.  I've
> only used it on a proper Context declaration.  What Tomcat version are
> you using?

Sorry.  That would've helped.  It's Tomcat v5.0.28.

If you're saying it should go in the Context, you're talking about
conf/Catalina/hostname/webapp.xml, right?  I do have it in there, as
well.  I have a few of one of my webapp's context config below:


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swallowOutput and catalina.out

2004-10-27 Thread Ryan Daly

Sorry if I've missed a thread regarding this.

I have multiple web applications on a single instance of Tomcat.  I want
to get all of the logging that goes to catalina.out to go to the
individual web app logs.

I'm trying to use swallowOutput, but I'm not sure if I have it in the
right spot.  Something is obviously not configured properly because I
still see output going to catalina.out.

What I have is something like this:


Is this anything close to what I should be doing?  Does swallotOutput go
somewhere else?


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Tomcat 5 and logging

2004-02-21 Thread Ryan Daly
Are there logging problems with Tomcat 5, or am I missing a

With 4.x, I get a bunch of individual logs from each webapp I have
deployed.  With Tomcat 5, I see no such thing.  Actually, in a bunch of
webapps, I see the following message:

javax.servlet.ServletException: ApplicationDaemon.init(): failed to
initialize logger.
- Root Cause -
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name logger is not bound in this
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Any help would be appreciated.


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Tomcat 5.x setup question

2004-02-19 Thread Ryan Daly
Hey all,

I'm trying to get Tomcat 5.x going on a Red Hat 9 system.

I noticed that there's a new way to get things going, and was wondering
if you still need the JK/JK2 connector...  If so, which connector source
should you use?


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Re: Tomcat Configuration - mod_jk2

2003-03-26 Thread Ryan Daly
Keep in mind that what the docs say to put in actually
needs to go in /conf/

I discovered this last night after a few hours of trying various things


> Hello.
> I'm trying to get the mod_jk2 connector to work on apache 2.0.44 with
> Tomcat 4.1.18.
> The server.xml is correctly configured and accessing the 80 of the
> /exemples/ directory i get this error on apache error.log
> [Wed Mar 26 11:00:09 2003] [error] channelUn.connect() connect failed
> 111 Connection refused
> [Wed Mar 26 11:00:09 2003] [error] ajp13.connect() failed
> ajp13:/usr/local/tomcat/work/jk2.socket
> [Wed Mar 26 11:00:09 2003] [error] ajp13.service() failed to connect
> endpoint errno=111 Connection refused
> [Wed Mar 26 11:00:09 2003] [error] ajp13.service() Error  forwarding
> ajp13:/usr/local/tomcat/work/jk2.socket 1 1
> [Wed Mar 26 11:00:09 2003] [error] mod_jk.handler() Error connecting to
>  tomcat 12
> Where can i find some more information about this error ?
> Thanks.
> VD
> -
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Ryan Daly
100 CTC Drive
Johnstown, PA US 15904-1935

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Good documentation?

2003-03-26 Thread Ryan Daly
Is there any good documentation for deploying JK2 out there anywhere?

The documents I reviewed weren't that detailed, and I find that things
the doc says to put in actually should live in

Any one with similar experiences?

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