RE: Tomcat behind IIS

2005-03-18 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL \(SBCSI\)
sure, just go into your server.xml and remove the web connector

   Connector port=8080 /

I'm using the minimal server.xml (slightly modified) so there may be
more parameters in yours.  This element is contained with in the
Service tag which is in the Server tag.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 10:58 AM
Subject: Tomcat behind IIS

Hi all,

I installed a tomcat 5.0 behind an IIS server. Everything works fine
the connector.

Now, I would like that Tomcat only accepts connections from this IIS
and not from others computers (still accessible from
http://myhost:8080/myApplication http://myhost:8080/myApplication ).

Is there a simple way to do this in server.xml (or other tomcat config
files) or do I have to install a firewall ?

Thanks in advance.

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RE: Out of Memory when compiling JSP (Struts app on Tomcat 4.1.27)

2005-01-06 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL \(SBCSI\)

It sounds like it's using the default of -Xmx64m.  Probably the best way
to troubleshoot out or memory errors is to see what is really happening
with garbage collecting, the same way that you tune it.  If you can add
these options, then the JVM will spit out all kinds of useful

-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xverbosegc

But it sounds like the problem is that it's not getting the options.
What you really need to figure out is exactly how the service is getting
started.  For instance, if it's calling tomcat.exe then I don't believe
that the JAVA_OPTS environment variable is ever looked at since that is
in the and startup.bat files (I'm not 100% certain about that

Find out how it's starting.  Also, post the version of Java you are
using (since the options I gave you above don't work on all versions, I
think 1.4 and up or 1.3 and up).  But the -Xverbosegc works all the way
back to 1.1 if I'm correct.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 8:25 AM
Subject: Out of Memory when compiling JSP (Struts app on Tomcat 4.1.27)

Hi all

I'm working on an application currently that is experiencing some
intermittent memory problems when installed onto our integration
test server, but not on the development staff's local laptops.

I have attempted to increase the maximum memory available to Tomcat by
creating a global environment variable (because tomcat runs as a


Which doesnt seem to have made a difference. Is this the best way to
increaqte the memory available to an application? Is my syntax wrong?
Are there other options I can set that will help?

The weird thing is that when I look at the memory usage of Tomcat.exe,
the most memory it has used is 110,000

there seems to be no pattern to the memory errors (as usual) and it
happens a lot when compiling JSP files.

The system memory seems high, but not horribly so. I see the following
in Task Manager

MEM Usage = 885,000 (varies)

Commit Charge:
Limit : 2,522,244
Peak : 958,260



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RE: adding root context with admin webapp

2004-08-26 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL \(SBCSI\)
Context path= docBase=C:\Projects\myapp\docroot debug=99

Also, I use deployOnStartup=false in my Host.  Keep in mind that
this used to be called autoDeploy and due to some left-over stuff the
setting autoDeploy still pops up in the Host if you use the admin
interface (I just keep both of them in there).  This setting
(autoDeploy/deployOnStartup) prevents web apps from loading that don't
have an explicit Context defined in either the server.xml or
(preferably) a myapp.xml file under
${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/Catalina/localhost (or actually
${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/${name attribute of Service element}/${name
attribute of Host element})... Example:

Host name=localhost debug=0 appBase=webapps
   unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
   xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

Anyway, this will prevent the app under ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/ROOT
from auto-loading.  Alternately, you can just delete the damn ROOT app.
Sorry for the long explanation, I think it's cleaner to explicitly
declare your app personally with the whole Context thing.


-Original Message-
From: Matt Bathje [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 5:05 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: adding root context with admin webapp

Hi all.

This message applies to tomcat 5.0.25 and tomcat 5.0.27.

Is it possible to add a root context with the admin webapp? I try to add
it with a single slash (/) but when I do, my whole site gets messed up
with a slash at the front of all style sheets, images and links. You
can't add the root context as blank () through the admin webapp.

Looking at the context xml file, it seems as though when added with a
slash (/) the context is created with the path as / instead of as

I looked through bugzilla, and found this:

The message left is very confusing - it says that the root context will
be displayed as / in manager apps, but as  internally and in
server.xml - which is fine - but it also says there is no bug (with
creating root contexts?)

Anyway - I haven't been able to figure out how to do this. Could someone
please let me know if there is a way?


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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind

2004-07-08 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
  Why was C++ invented?  To give programmers jobs.  No other reason
 whatsoever, C does whatever C++ does just as good, and better. 
 At that point, you just showed to be very closed-minded.
 (C++ does have an accurate object model, which improves a 
 lot. Yes, you can
 do similar things with macros, but cumbersomely. From your 
 point of view, go
 ahead and programm assembly code. Believe me, it dies 
 whatever C does just
 as good, and better.)

Assembly is impure and bloated by the macro-Assembly to machine code
translation.  If you are worth your weight, you can just write it all in
hex, and with dipswitches.  DEATH TO ALL KEYBOARD USERS!!!


 -Original Message-
 From: SH Solutions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 4:36 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the 
 worst things to ever happen to mankind
  After getting convinced to try JSTL, I learned the following things:
 Having read points 1-6, I thought, there must be a truth in 
 your remarks.
 (I did'nt use JSTL or EL yet, but I am about to try.)
 But then I got to:
  Why was C++ invented?  To give programmers jobs.  No other reason
 whatsoever, C does whatever C++ does just as good, and better. 
 At that point, you just showed to be very closed-minded.
 (C++ does have an accurate object model, which improves a 
 lot. Yes, you can
 do similar things with macros, but cumbersomely. From your 
 point of view, go
 ahead and programm assembly code. Believe me, it dies 
 whatever C does just
 as good, and better.)
 No more trusting any of your remarks...
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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto ever happen

2004-07-08 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
Oh for crying out loud Ivan!  You challanged my assertion that Java is the number one 
language asking for the source of the stats and I give them to you but you just go on 
whining.  Please take your trolling somewhere else.  Get A LIFE.  and as to C++?

 Huge file sizes
I wonder what compiler, and linking options are you using?  I do not have a problem 
with my executables being huge at all.  Then again, I don't use frameworks that are 
inefficeint hogs.  Sounds like the programmer.

 100% guaranteed memory leaks
Sounds like the programmer.  My code doesn't have memory leaks!  Then again, I know 
how to write disciplined code, something that quick and dirty programmers can't 
understand.  I also know how to use tools that track memory leaks.

And lo The Heavenly Father doth rest.  And whilst He rest, His hand accidentally 
brushed the keyboard and somehow keyed in the following code.

Troller ivan = new Troller();

ivan.setDailyRoutine(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while(ivan.awake()) {
Forum target = web.surfForUnsuspectingVictims();
if(target != null) {
Iterator i = target.getMessages();
while(i.hasNext()) {
ForumPosting intelligentPosting = (Posting);;
ForumPostingReplyFactory replyFactory = 
Reply reply = replyFactory.createResponse();
while(reply.makesSense()) {
ivan.setIQ(ivan.getIQ() - 1);
throw new IdiotTrollerException();

-Original Message-
From: Ivan Jouikov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 9:29 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto ever happen 

Ok let's settle this argument simple.

Tonight, I'll ask my Christian Science friend to talk to Jesus, and ask him the 

Jesus, if EL really DOES decrease performance significantly, and should not be used 
at all, please give me absolutely NO sign.  However, if EL is a great thing and should 
be used by everyone, please give me a sign.

I'll report to you in the morning and let you know what was God's opinion on that.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 4:02 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto
 ever happen
   If this is the case then I ask you why Java has been the number one
   programming language for 4 years now?
  Source of this statistic?
 I assumed that this was fairly common knowledge.  I remember when it
 surpassed C++ in Febuary of 2000 (I thought at the time in development
 hours).  Having been a Java programmer since 1997, this was a pretty big
 deal for me.  I even remembered the month/year it happened (which made it
 easire for me to find this report).  So here is the original report, a
 Bloor Research study from Febuary of 2000.  It even has a cute little
 graph that plots the various languages-- http://www.bloor-
 Now that I look back at it I see that this is when the *demand* for java
 skills surpassed that of C++ skills.  It looks like it was just March of
 last year
 ( that
 that Java actually surpassed C++ in development hours.  This was of course
 the eventual outcome of it's demand surpassing all other skills.  The data
 from this Sun press release is from the Gartner Group BTW.
 Java is King, there are really no ifs, ands or butts about it.
 As to your performance issues, I don't have them so I can only sugest that
 you can examine your environement, your compiler options (are you using
 hotspot?) and your getters.  All of my bottlenecks are in my DB calls.  I
 have done performance analysis and never came up in my EL.  As I sugested
 earlier, maybe you can run hprof and see where the bottleneck really is?
 Also, I considered myself a fairly hardcode C++ developer (having done it
 from '95 to 2002).  If I am ever in a situation where my memory usage is
 critical, I'm almost certainly in C or C++.  If performance is important,
 I consider C or C++.  But IPC, threading, and networking is so
 phenominally better on Java not to mention the benefits of garbage

RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto ever happen

2004-07-08 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
Trolling is when you make outrageous postings with the intention of agitating the 
subscriers.  Stuff like saying Java sucks, or C++ is 100% gauruntee that you will have 
memory leaks, etc, etc.  I actually wrote all types of C++ applications.  You don't 
really know what I have written in my career now do you?  600MB of executable?  That's 
a problem.  Yes, you are correct, I have never written a C++ application (or system 
for that matter) with a 600MB executable -- I see something essentially wrong with 

And C++ executables comapred to C executables... I don't think I really ever saw a 
difference over 50% in size.  Your statements are very black and white and close 
minded and also attacking to the ideas and methodologies of hundreds of thousands of 
IT professionals -- hence, trolling

Anyway, good luck to you

-Original Message-
From: Ivan Jouikov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 3:44 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto ever happen 

What the hell are you talking about?   I am all for java.  Java is my #1 language.

 Oh for crying out loud Ivan!  You challanged my assertion that Java is the
 number one language asking for the source of the stats and I give them
 to you but you just go on whining.  Please take your trolling somewhere
 else.  Get A LIFE.  and as to C++?
My trolling?  I don't even know what that means.  And I do have a life.

  Huge file sizes
 I wonder what compiler, and linking options are you using?  I do not have
 a problem with my executables being huge at all.  Then again, I don't
 use frameworks that are inefficeint hogs.  Sounds like the programmer.

Huge file sizes was said about C++ COMPARATIVELY to C.  Any program in C++ 
will be much bigger than exactly same program in C.

  100% guaranteed memory leaks
 Sounds like the programmer.  My code doesn't have memory leaks!  Then
 again, I know how to write disciplined code, something that quick and
 dirty programmers can't understand.  I also know how to use tools that
 track memory leaks.

Looks like you've never written a 600MB program.  

 And lo The Heavenly Father doth rest.  And whilst He rest, His hand
 accidentally brushed the keyboard and somehow keyed in the following code.
 Troller ivan = new Troller();
 ivan.setDailyRoutine(new Runnable() {
 public void run() {
 while(ivan.awake()) {
 Forum target = web.surfForUnsuspectingVictims();
 if(target != null) {
 Iterator i = target.getMessages();
 while(i.hasNext()) {
 ForumPosting intelligentPosting = (Posting);;
 ForumPostingReplyFactory replyFactory =
 Reply reply = replyFactory.createResponse();
 while(reply.makesSense()) {
 ivan.setIQ(ivan.getIQ() - 1);
 throw new IdiotTrollerException();

Hahahah :)  That was a good one.  You telling me to get a life and you have 
time to do that?  BTW

 Iterator i = target.getMessages();
 while(i.hasNext()) {

I really like how 1.5 has the for( Element e : collection ) loop.   Don't you agree?

 -Original Message-
 From: Ivan Jouikov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 9:29 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto
 ever happen
 Ok let's settle this argument simple.
 Tonight, I'll ask my Christian Science friend to talk to Jesus, and ask
 him the following:
 Jesus, if EL really DOES decrease performance significantly, and should
 not be used at all, please give me absolutely NO sign.  However, if EL is
 a great thing and should be used by everyone, please give me a sign.
 I'll report to you in the morning and let you know what was God's opinion
 on that.
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 4:02 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the
  ever happen
If this is the case then I ask you why Java has been the number one
programming language for 4 years now?
 Source of this statistic

RE: Understanding Java -- I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst thingsto ever happen

2004-07-06 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
Absolutely, it's important to understand Java and the dynamic compiler.
This study (the pdf linked below) may sound like propaganda, but dynamic
compilation does offer the ability to run faster than static
compilation, although it's usually not the case and is dependant on what
specifically you are doing in your code.

Moreover, I would propose that if you have having performance problems
with your JSTL-based application that it's probably either caused by
config problems or poor utilization of the Java language.  I would
suggest doing some profiling, with the Sun jvm, using something along
these lines:

java -Xprof -Dcompiler=NONE -Xrunhprof:cpu=samples,thread=y,depth=16

Then you run your application and I believe that you must terminate
normally for profiling to complete (i.e., no CTRL-C, etc).  This should
show where your bottlenecks are in your application.  If you want to see
how those bottle necks are effected by the compiler you can run this
with it on but it wont always be able to tell you the line numbers then
since there is no line-to-instruction mapping once it's been optimized.

good luck

-Original Message-
From: SH Solutions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 7:28 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst
thingsto ever happen 


 It's not. But the use case is. 
 While Java is definitely a good approach for business apps, it's
unacceptable for edited apps, for which look and feel remains a top
criteria when the customer makes his choice.

I totally agree on this, even though there is a lot of progress going

 While Java is definitely a good approach for business apps, it's
unacceptable for edited apps, for which raw performance remains a top
criteria when the customer makes his choice.

I do not agree on this any more. Java has prooven to be very efficient
is still improving more and more.
Right now, I would say that java applications (if well written) are at
half as fast as c applications (also well written).

Suns promotion gives you this:
I agree, that Sun has interests on saying that java is fast, but read

Java is even a lot faster in some areas of computing:
Assume, you have code that needs to allocate lots (thousands) of very
objects for a short period of time in memory. In C, where you do not
have a
garbage collector, you need to free these memory peaces one by one,
which is
a burdon for memory management and will slow down things. In Java,
allocation is fast (just one pointer operation) and there is no need to
things. The garbage collector throws all unreferenced objects of the
youngest collection away at once, not processing them one by one.
in such situations, Java has performance advantages. This seems to be a
seldom situation, but it occurs much more often, then you might think.
Especially in Java, where every function, that returns more then one
needs to return an temporary object. This seemed to be very costly for
when I startet using Java, but right now I understood that this is has
constant costs - like in no conservative language.


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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto ever happen

2004-07-06 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
If this is the case then I ask you why Java has been the number one programming 
language for 4 years now?  As was recognized long ago, performance is not everything.  
And in fact, means little when you can't get your product out the door because you are 
still trying to chase down memory leaks, buffer overruns and corrupted pointers.  As 
somebody else said, C++ programmers will understand this.


-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 11:33 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto ever happen 

le 4/07/04 14:27, SH Solutions à [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 Right now, I would say that java applications (if well written) are at least
 half as fast as c applications (also well written).

Which means that when your java app is in competition with a native app,
youve lost the market.

Eric VERGNAUD - JLynx Software
Cutting-edge technologies and
services for software companies

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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worst things to ever happen

2004-07-06 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
   There are a lot of java classes that return nulls as 
 part of normal operation.  For instance - sets.  
 Set.get(someobj) returns null if object is not there.  And 
 when you do ${my.set.blah.wee} and blah wasn't found, and 
 you get some crazy EL error, you'll remember my words.

This gets back to design issues to me.  You should know if a bean can
return null if you know your design.  Were you to attempt the same thing
in java you would get NullPointerException.  I agree that the error
messages can sometimes not be so easily interprted, but I think it comes
back to design.  So as far as actually *dealing* with those conditions
the sky is the limit:

c:if test=${my.set != null}
..blah blah


You have ${my.set == null ? 'no' : 'some'} blah.

or even 

You have ${my.set == null ? 'no blah' : (my.set.blah == null ? 'blah
with no wee' : 'a lot of wee')}.

Either way (java, EL) you are going to have to navigate a hierachical
tree.  The real question that I ask myself is am I doing business logic
or processing in my view layer? and if so, does this belong in another


 -Original Message-
 From: Ivan Jouikov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 2:44 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the 
 worst things to ever happen 
 See below for my replies
 What should we use instead?  Welcome to the front page of JSP
 % if( yourmoma ) { %
 Do some things
 % } %
 To me, it seems EASIER than this:
 c:set var=yourmoma value=%=yourMomaFromCode%/
 c:if test=${yourmoma}
 Do some things
 What happened to the good old idea of using JAVA, with all its
  features, in the JSPs themselves?
 Understandable output?  Do you really think you can find one
  designer who
  would understand a simple calendar written in tags?  Hell 
 no.  And for
  as a programmer, understanding good old java code inside 
 % % is MUCH
  easier than understanding all the tag BS. Besides, old 
 java tags % % do
  very good job of presenting understandable layout.  
 %=% and ${} are
  both equally to understand to me.
  A key phrases in that example is To me, it seems EASIER... 
 And for me, as
  programmer... both equally to understand to me
  But that is you, a programmer with experience using various 
  Why not use scriplets? Because of the development worlds 
 experiences with
  ASP and CF where pages were riddled with code and vew 
 developers (not
  designers) hard a hard time maitaining these view components.
  View developers in large teams have their respective 
 discipline and it
  becomes more difficult for them to maintain thier tier. 
 JSTL allows them
  use familar syntax and structures from SGML/HTML and all those other
  languages, hence making it easier for them to display data, not
  it. Or would a company rather employ a perfectly good server side
  writing view code? If they have no usability skills it will 
 be a waist of
  the company resources.
   The key phrase is display data, not processing it, 
 which is what I agree with.  However, that's not what JSTL 
 agrees with.  Tags like c:if and c:foreach shift XML from 
 data to logic, which is NOT what XML is for.  Didn't I say 
 that before?
  But you're missing the point, again:  the (major) reason 
 JavaScript is
  server-side, is because of its sloppy syntax which is like 
 a warm oven
  bacteria - bugs just GROW in it.  EL is making the same 
 mistake over
  Valid point for JavaScript, but again treat JSTL-EL as a view helper
  component not as a pure processing solution. Also did not 
 mean to mention
  EJB it had no place in this arguement.
 That's one of the things that EL might be actually useful for:
  stuff out and escaping XML.
   But again, you're forgetting that taglibs actually 
 FORCES you not to use % % code inside tags (when you make 
 tag files).  And tags like c:if and c:foreach have no place 
 in this world, I think we have a consensus on this.
  But still, what if TModel might return a null value?  Then 
 you're in for
  nice 2 hour debugging ride with your EL syntax, or a 5 
 second adding if
  statement ride, if you used Java.
  The null values should be handled in the Model or in a 
 heavy Controller...
  if those values are missing or a failure occurs send them to the
   There are a lot of java classes that return nulls as 
 part of normal operation.  For instance - sets.  
 Set.get(someobj) returns null if object is not there.  And 
 when you do ${my.set.blah.wee} and blah wasn't found, and 
 you get some crazy EL error, you'll remember my words.
 % if( yourmoma ) { %
  Lets leave yourmoma out of this... lol

RE: some problem in tomcat 5.0.25

2004-07-06 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
Forgive the simplicity of my question, but how large is the JSP file?

-Original Message-
From: archana gupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 9:39 AM
Subject: some problem in tomcat 5.0.25 

Hi ,
I have deployed an application on Tomcat 5.0.16 which works fine , but
same war file if i try to put it into 5.0.25 or 5.0.24  i get an error
message Code is too large , unable to complie JSP page .
Does anyone have an idea.

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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto ever happen

2004-07-06 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
  If this is the case then I ask you why Java has been the number one
  programming language for 4 years now? 
   Source of this statistic?

I assumed that this was fairly common knowledge.  I remember when it surpassed C++ in 
Febuary of 2000 (I thought at the time in development hours).  Having been a Java 
programmer since 1997, this was a pretty big deal for me.  I even remembered the 
month/year it happened (which made it easire for me to find this report).  So here is 
the original report, a Bloor Research study from Febuary of 2000.  It even has a cute 
little graph that plots the various languages--

Now that I look back at it I see that this is when the *demand* for java skills 
surpassed that of C++ skills.  It looks like it was just March of last year 
( that that Java 
actually surpassed C++ in development hours.  This was of course the eventual outcome 
of it's demand surpassing all other skills.  The data from this Sun press release is 
from the Gartner Group BTW.

Java is King, there are really no ifs, ands or butts about it.

As to your performance issues, I don't have them so I can only sugest that you can 
examine your environement, your compiler options (are you using hotspot?) and your 
getters.  All of my bottlenecks are in my DB calls.  I have done performance analysis 
and never came up in my EL.  As I sugested earlier, maybe you can run hprof and see 
where the bottleneck really is?

Also, I considered myself a fairly hardcode C++ developer (having done it from '95 to 
2002).  If I am ever in a situation where my memory usage is critical, I'm almost 
certainly in C or C++.  If performance is important, I consider C or C++.  But IPC, 
threading, and networking is so phenominally better on Java not to mention the 
benefits of garbage collection and all of it's other features that I am hard pressed 
to leave it or go JNI.  I did need JNI recently for some file system stuff that I 
wanted tweaked (traversing file systems with 100s of thousands of files).


  As was recognized long ago,
  performance is not everything.  And in fact, means little 
 when you can't
  get your product out the door because you are still trying 
 to chase down
  memory leaks, buffer overruns and corrupted pointers.
   When performance dependes on whether you use %=hello% 
 or ${hello}, I'll stick with the first one, considering that 
 it boosts performance up by like 5 times.
   As somebody else
  said, C++ programmers will understand this.
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 11:33 AM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of 
 the worstthingsto
  ever happen
  le 4/07/04 14:27, SH Solutions  [EMAIL PROTECTED] a crit :
   Right now, I would say that java applications (if well 
 written) are at
   half as fast as c applications (also well written).
  Which means that when your java app is in competition with 
 a native app,
  youve lost the market.
  Eric VERGNAUD - JLynx Software
  Cutting-edge technologies and
  services for software companies
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RE: How to use oracle pool instead of using DBCP pool?

2004-07-02 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
I use a method similar to this as well.  I don't use a servlet listener however.  I 
use a javax.servlet.ServletContextListener instead however.  I store the jdbd url in 
my web.xml also as a context-param (I just just cram it all into one paramater 
however) and put the pool as an attribute of the Context.  Here is the shorthand for 
that below:

public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
String dbUrl = sce.getServletContext().getInitParameter(dbUrl)
OracleDataSource pool = new OracleDataSource();
sce.getServletContext().setAttribute(dbConnectionPool, pool);

and I have my (renamed to .jar) in my WEB-INF/lib folder
-Original Message-
From: David Short [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 12:40 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: How to use oracle pool instead of using DBCP pool?

I'm sure there's another way.  This is how I use it.  You can extract the
connection pool logic and embed in your framework.

-Original Message-
From: Claudio Carvalho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 10:33 AM
To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How to use oracle pool instead of using DBCP pool?

Hi Davi,

Thanks, but I'm trying to solve this problem without changing my J2EE
framework... using JNDI,etc...
Do you know any other approach?

Claudio Carvalho.

- Original Message -
From: David Short [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 1:55 PM
Subject: RE: How to use oracle pool instead of using DBCP pool?

 Try this.

 Here's how I do it using Struts on W2K.  Modify names and paths to suit

 Upon startup, a listener servlet (ResourceManagerListener) is called (See
 listener tag in the included web.xml source).

 The listener servlet will create the connection pool based on your web.xml
 parameters (See  Once started, the listener
 servlet initializes an application scope variable (appDataSource), which
 when called from your servlets/JSPs will return a DB DataSource object (DB


 In your main servlet:

   DataSource ds = (DataSource)
   xxxProcess = new xxxProcessBean();
   xxxInfo = new xxxInfoBean();
   xxxInfo = xxxProcess.getUser(userName, customerId);

 In your process bean:

 public class xxxProcessBean implements Serializable
   private DataSource dataSource;

* Sets the dataSource property value.
   public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
 this.dataSource = dataSource;

   public xxxInfoBean getUser(String userName, String customerId)
 throws SQLException
 // Get the user info from the database
 Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
 xxxInfoBean xxxResult = null;

   xxxResult = getUserName(userName, customerId, conn);  // Execute
 actual SQL statement.

 conn = null;

 catch (SQLException e)
   {} // Ignore

 return xxxResult;


 Change MachineNameHere to your machine name.
 Change OracleSIDHere to your DB SID.
 Change DBUserNameHere to your DB username.
 Change DBPasswordHere to your DB password
 Change ApplicationNameHere to a meaningful application designator.
 Change xxx to your object name.

 Copy Oracle's and files (should live in
 C:\OraHome\jdbc\lib) to C:\Tomcat\common\lib.  Depending on the version of
 Tomcat, you may need to rename the .zip files to .jar.

 I'll let you read/learn about Struts on your own.

 Hoe this helps.


 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?

 !DOCTYPE web-app
   PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN;

   !-- Used by the JSTL I18N actions --

   !-- Context parameters for application --

   !-- Oracle thin JDBC driver --

 !-- Oracle OCI JDBC driver --



PDF File on Documentation Web Site Corrupted?

2004-07-02 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
When attempting to view a PDF on the Tomcat Architecture at
ess/requestProcess.pdf I get errors in Acrobat Reader.  Same thing for
verStartup.pdf.  Does anybody know who is responsible for these and if
there is any way to correct them?


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RE: How to use oracle pool instead of using DBCP pool?

2004-07-02 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
Yes, that would be better.  As it is, I have one pool instantiated in my app and then 
one at the server level for my auth realm :(

-Original Message-
From: Emerson Cargnin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 2:13 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: How to use oracle pool instead of using DBCP pool?

I use another pool, but I have some context params, as I put below, and 
a pool servlet that instantiate all the pools and centralizes the 
connections. So you can see the connection state from a central point. 
If some is interested i can make it available. The only think you have 
to change is the pool creation.

This way, apps can share pools (I know that dbcp can do it too, it 
didn't exist at that time) and to add a new one, just change this file.
Beyond that, you have to put the jar with the lib in common lib, so 
every app will get the same pool manager.

Names of parameters are in portuguese, but i think you can get the idea.



 I use a method similar to this as well.  I don't use a servlet listener however.  I 
 use a javax.servlet.ServletContextListener instead however.  I store the jdbd url in 
 my web.xml also as a context-param (I just just cram it all into one paramater 
 however) and put the pool as an attribute of the Context.  Here is the shorthand for 
 that below:
 public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
 String dbUrl = sce.getServletContext().getInitParameter(dbUrl)
 OracleDataSource pool = new OracleDataSource();
 sce.getServletContext().setAttribute(dbConnectionPool, pool);
 and I have my (renamed to .jar) in my WEB-INF/lib folder
 -Original Message-
 From: David Short [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 12:40 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: How to use oracle pool instead of using DBCP pool?
 I'm sure there's another way.  This is how I use it.  You can extract the
 connection pool logic and embed in your framework.
 -Original Message-
 From: Claudio Carvalho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 10:33 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: How to use oracle pool instead of using DBCP pool?
 Hi Davi,
 Thanks, but I'm trying to solve this problem without changing my J2EE
 framework... using JNDI,etc...
 Do you know any other approach?
 Claudio Carvalho.
 - Original Message -
 From: David Short [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 1:55 PM
 Subject: RE: How to use oracle pool instead of using DBCP pool?
Try this.

Here's how I do it using Struts on W2K.  Modify names and paths to suit

Upon startup, a listener servlet (ResourceManagerListener) is called (See
listener tag in the included web.xml source).

The listener servlet will create the connection pool based on your web.xml
parameters (See  Once started, the listener
servlet initializes an application scope variable (appDataSource), which
when called from your servlets/JSPs will return a DB DataSource object (DB


In your main servlet:

  DataSource ds = (DataSource)
  xxxProcess = new xxxProcessBean();
  xxxInfo = new xxxInfoBean();
  xxxInfo = xxxProcess.getUser(userName, customerId);

In your process bean:

public class xxxProcessBean implements Serializable
  private DataSource dataSource;

   * Sets the dataSource property value.
  public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
this.dataSource = dataSource;

  public xxxInfoBean getUser(String userName, String customerId)

RE: Fresh install of 5.0.25 running but not responding

2004-07-02 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
I just looked at your link.  Since your tutorial says to set the domain
name I imagine that that's just what you did.  If you did so, you wont
be able to get to it with the address localhost.  I'm not sure, but
I'm thinking that you can omit the name attribute of the Host tag and
Tomcat will listen on *all* IP addresses the machine has.  I know that
it's the default for sure.


-Original Message-
From: Scott D. Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 2:45 PM
Subject: Fresh install of 5.0.25 running but not responding

I just installed tomcat 5.0.25 on my RedHat 9 server.  I followed the
instructions in

which is linked from the Jakarta home page.  I got smoothly (no error
messages during installation or startup) to the step that says 
test that tomcat is working by starting it and typing 
http://localhost:8080 into your browser.  When
I did that, I didn't get a response.  That is, the browser said
waiting for localhost but I never got a reply.  I also tried the real
name of the server, both locally and from another machine.

I thought it might be a firewall thing, but the firewall is turned off
on my server.  I used nmap and it says that port 8080 is open for
http/proxy.  To make sure it was Tomcat and not my web browser,
I used telnet:  When I telnet to port 80 and say GET /index.html; I
the desired page back from Apache, but if I telnet to port 8080 
and say the same thing, I get no response.  (I have to use the escape
character to exit telnet.)

I checked the logs, but I don't see any error messages there, either
in ~tomcat/logs or in /var/log/messages.  I used ps to find the
process, and there is indeed a java process running as expected:

tomcat   30722 1  0 10:34 pts/100:00:23 /usr/java/sdk/bin/java

I'm running out of ideas.  I googled for info and also searched 
one of the mailing list archives, but since there's no
error message to search for, I'm coming up empty.  Can anyone
suggest any more tests I can run to narrow this down?

Thanks very much,


Scott D. Anderson
Computer Science Department
Wellesley College


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RE: Fresh install of 5.0.25 running but not responding

2004-07-02 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
Actually, all machines have with the name of localhost
unless they are alternately configured.  So if you have a network card
or PPP connection they will have an IP address and you will still have
localhost.  So you can actually configure Tomcat to only listen on
localhost if you chose to.

But back to your problem, have you made any changes at all to any
configuration files?  And are you sure that you aren't seeing any errors
in the log file?  The line would start with SEVERE and might not be
conspicuous if you are looking for a huge explosion.  Also, telnet to
localhost 8079 and make sure that you get connection refused (I just
want to validate the issue) and make sure that telneting to 8080 just
hangs (no connection refused).  That is what I understand the
situation as at least, just wanted to make sure.

If none of this gets you anywhere you can always debug the tomcat
process and suspend all threads and take a snapshot while your request
is timing out.  Another sanity check on this is to try to connect to
losthost:8080 both when tomcat is running and not.  If you don't get
connection refused when tomcat is down then I would venture to tell you
to look at your OS.  But if you get connection refused while tomcat is
down and a no response when it's up, then a snapshot of all of the
threads (where all if you are using sun's jdb) has to tell you
something about what it's doing.

If this doesn't help send me your log file (pls zip it if it's big) and
any config files you have changed and I'll try to help ya.


-Original Message-
From: Scott D. Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 3:52 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Fresh install of 5.0.25 running but not responding

Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I just looked at your link.  Since your tutorial says to set the domain
name I imagine that that's just what you did.  If you did so, you wont
be able to get to it with the address localhost.  I'm not sure, but
I'm thinking that you can omit the name attribute of the Host tag and
Tomcat will listen on *all* IP addresses the machine has.  I know that
it's the default for sure.

Thanks for your lightning-fast response.  I searched 
the tutorial for domain and I see that it doesn't mention
setting the domain name until step 4.2 (Server XML).  I'm 
getting stuck at the end of step 3.4 (Tomcat Standalone).
Sorry I wasn't more clear about where I was getting stuck.

So, I don't think the hostname is the problem, unless the
directions are seriously out of order, which doesn't seem

Oh, and this machine only has one IP address.

Any other ideas?


Scott D. Anderson
Computer Science Department
Wellesley College


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RE: DataSource.getConnection() hangs

2003-09-20 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Exception retrieving attribute
'driverClassName' is caused from an unrelated error in your server.xml. I
fixed the problem with this error not reporting correctly but I just
submitted it to be added to CVS. The root cause exception is not being
returned currently so just know that it's probably not your driverClassName.


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SOLUTION!! -- Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'

2003-09-19 Thread SANTOS, DANIEL (SBCSI)
Using Sun JDK 1.4.1_02 on Win2k SP2 and Jakarta 4.1.27.

The tutorial in the tomcat docs failed for me also with the Cannot load JDBC
driver class 'null'. I banged my head and had to get stitches and an ice
pack. After that I came back to the office and cleaned out my server.xml and
web.xml completely. Then I went to http://localhost:8080/admin
http://localhost:8080/admin , browsed to the context that I am writing my
app in, the full path from the tree being Tomcat Server/Service
(Tomcat-Standalone)/Host (localhost)/Context(/myapp)/Resources/Data
Sources. I added the data source from there specifying the JNDI name,
driver class, URL, user and pass, etc. Then I did some tests with a jsp to
make sure it was really in my context (you may have to restart tomcat, I

Next I added the code back into my web.xml that is in the tutorial

descriptionDB Connection/description
res-ref-namemyData Source/res-ref-name

And it works!!! I just have a new problem now of DBCP borrowObject failed:
String index out of range: -1, I suppose I'll figure that out too...

Good Luck and thanks to all who posted info on this,

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