Re: Problem invoking CGIs that are EXE files

2002-10-05 Thread Stephan Orme

I posted something on this earlier - can you get *any* cgi to work when it's

Here's my previous post:

I'm using Tomcat 4.0.3 to serve dynamic and static pages. I can get includes
to work and I can get CGI's to work but I can't get included CGI's to work.
you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose...
Anyway, here's what works:

includes on .html pages:
!--#include virtual=Shared/footer--

includes on .jsp pages:
%@ include file=Shared/footer %

CGI that works:

And here's what DOESN'T work (this is on a .html page)
!--#include virtual=/cgi-bin/test-cgi--
!--#include virtual=/PCW/cgi-bin/test-cgi--
!--#include virtual=../../WEB-INF/cgi/test-cgi--

My Tomcat config file is completely standard - I uncommented the SSI and CGI
bits and renamed the appropriate .jar files but there are no other config
changes. Since both CGI's and includes work my assumption here is that the
SSI servlet doesn't call the CGI servlet. In other words when I call the CGI
from the URL it gets handled by the CGI servlet, and when I include it it
gets handled by the SSI servlet but what I need is for the SSI servlet to
call the CGI servlet which it doesn't do.

 It doesn't appear that any file extensions are checked by the CGI
 servlet, and I cannot find any code that explicitly 'allows' or 'denies'
 certain file extensions.
 As far as I can tell, the request for /cgi-bin/whatever.exe is not
 being handled by the CGIServlet at all. When CGIServlet is invoked, it
 tries to find the cgi file, and prints logs so you can tell this is
 happening. A request for an .exe file does not cause this log to get
 printed. So this tells me that the request is never getting sent to the
 CGIServlet, even though it matches the /cgi-bin/* pattern, which the
 CGIServlet is supposed to handle.
 Turner, John wrote:
 .exe may not be explicitly excluded as an extension, but are other file
 extensions explicitly included?  Like .sh, .pl, .cgi?
 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 11:00 AM
 Subject: Problem invoking CGIs that are EXE files

 Are there just some file extensions that Tomcat will not try
 to execute? 
 I looked at the source code, and couldn't find any reference
 to .exe 
 files that would exclude them from execution...
 Thanks for any help or insight into this matter!
 Jason Young

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Re: Tomcat running cgi?

2002-09-04 Thread Stephan Orme

In theory, yes. Go to the web.xml config file

(/Library/WebServer/tomcat/conf/web.xml on my machine) and you will see
commented out *2* sections dealing with CGI - you also have to rename a
file. It's all detailed in the web.xml file.

In practice, I haven't been able to get included CGI's to work. CGI's yes,
Includes, yes. But not included CGI's. I've asked around and I haven't heard
of anyone who has either. Perhaps someone here can set me straight.

 We currently run our application on Tomcat 4, but we also are running an
 application (Big Brother) that needs to run CGI scripts.  I want to try to
 drop Apache entirely since it is only there to handle the Big Brother
 semi-static pages.  Is it possible to run these from Tomcat?
 By the way, I am the sys admin here, not the Tomcat developer.  I don't
 really know too much, but I'm trying to figure it out from the
 Thank you,
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Re: CGI FORM entry empty with TOMCAT standalone

2002-08-26 Thread Stephan Orme

See earlier postings on CGI's I don't think included CGI's work in Tomcat
Standalone. I haven't been able to confirm this. Here's my earlier post:

I'm using Tomcat 4.0.4 to serve dynamic and static pages. I can get includes
to work and I can get CGI's to work but I can't get included CGI's to work.
you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose...
Anyway, here's what works:

includes on .html pages:
!--#include virtual=Shared/footer--

includes on .jsp pages:
%@ include file=Shared/footer %

CGI that works:

And here's what DOESN'T work (this is on a .html page)
!--#include virtual=/cgi-bin/test-cgi--
!--#include virtual=/PCW/cgi-bin/test-cgi--
!--#include virtual=../../WEB-INF/cgi/test-cgi--

My Tomcat config file is completely standard - I uncommented the SSI and CGI
bits and renamed the appropriate .jar files but there are no other config
changes. Since both CGI's and includes work my assumption here is that the
SSI servlet doesn't call the CGI servlet. In other words when I call the CGI
from the URL it gets handled by the CGI servlet, and when I include it it
gets handled by the SSI servlet but what I need is for the SSI servlet to
call the CGI servlet which it doesn't do.

Or I could just be making all this up. Anyone want to set me straight? Or,
even better, just tell me how to make it work. I've a lot of trouble using
Tomcat with Apache so I'd prefer to avoid that route and go with a straight
Tomcat solution if at all possible.  TIA, steve

 I Need to integrate some current CGI with an new Java Application.
 So i have installed CGI in Tomcat 4.0.4 standalone and i want not use Apache.
 CGI is running BUT I CAN'T receive FORM DATA. ?
 my variable $keywords is empty.
 I have also tried it with an Apache Standalone and that is Ok.
 I suppose some problem with  CGI ReadParse function.
 Anyone have an idea ??

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Re: CGIs

2002-08-21 Thread Stephan Orme

Taral, do you know how to include CGI's in a page? I have all this working
but I can't include CGI's. I.e. These don't work:

!--#include virtual=/cgi-bin/test-cgi--
!--#exec cmd=ls --

I can call the CGI directly and it works fine:

 If you want to try CGI then try there are two options.
 I did same thing, I had to redirect my cgi request to servlet.
 I didnt use the CGI instead i made changes in web.xml like this:
 So when ever in the url request comes for the cgi_exe as
 It will redirect this request to my servlet. In that servlet you can write
 code to redirect to jsp or your business logic.
 If you still want to use cgi for particular reason then in tomcat 4(I have
 tomcat 4.0.4 and I didnt use apache) above make changes in web.xml.
 In that file find the word cgi and uncomment that part.
 Then as mentioned in it as
 Make directory under WEB-INF named cgi and put all your cgis over there.
 Also another context
 states that your cgi requests should be coming as
 I hope this may help you.
 Taral Shah
 Software Engineer,
 Contech Software Ltd.
 Experience is what you get when you were expecting something else.
 - Original Message -
 From: Jose Euclides da Silva Junior - DIGR.O
 To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 7:10 PM
 Subject: RES: CGIs
 So, I guess you could try CGIServlet from Tomcat' package.
 -Mensagem original-
 De: Rocío Ninahuanca Flores [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Enviada em: terça-feira, 20 de agosto de 2002 10:40
 Para: Tomcat Users List
 Assunto: RE: CGIs
 i mean, i want call jsps from CGIs, because my initial system is in CGIs.,
 and i want to implement my new pages in jsp
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Jose Euclides da Silva Junior - DIGR.O
 Enviado el: Martes, 20 de Agosto de 2002 08:24 a.m.
 Para: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Asunto: RES: CGIs
 Could you call your CGIs from JSP?
 -Mensagem original-
 De: Rocío Ninahuanca Flores [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Enviada em: segunda-feira, 19 de agosto de 2002 14:13
 Para: Tomcat Users List
 Assunto: CGIs
 I have an aplication in CERN server, and I want to run CGIs in Tomcat, can i
 do this?, my cgis were generated by C.
 Can I do it?, I don't want to install Apache, I just want Tomcat.
 It's because i have a part of an aplication in CGIs and I want to have
 another part  in JSPs, can I do it?.
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Stephan Orme
Database Project Co-director
Data Specialist
Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)

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San Francisco, CA  94102
(415) 981-6205 ext. 308
(510) 845-7323 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
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Re: Getting mod_webapp - should I give up?

2002-08-15 Thread Stephan Orme

I had a very similar experience and came to the the same conclusion though I
was using Tomcat 4.04. This is why I've been trying to get CGI's under
Tomcat standalone to work, unfortunately I haven't been able to find out any
information on this anywhere. (And if YOU know something I'd appreciate
hearing of it! - see my earlier post titled: 'Do included CGI's work with
Tomcat' the problem seems to be that you Tomcat doesn't process included

 As far as I can see, mod_webapp was designed to be an easier to setup way of
 integrating apache and tomcat and it succeeds in this on windows for apache
 1.3 and tomcat 4.0x.  However, it will serve all content from a directory
 you configure it for from tomcat whereas mod_jk* will leave html, jpg, gif
 etc to Apache.  The way round this is to have your pics and static pages in
 a different location that is served by Apache alone and referenced as
 /static/xxx or similar but this then loses the convenience of a single war
 file containing everything needed for the application (it can even include a
 mod_jk conf file which can help with mapping servlets without the need for
 the ugly /servlet/servlet_name of the auto-created jk conf filers of tomcat
 Worse than the above, I have found that large requests or frequent requests
 or just at random cause tomcat to give an error about the client terminating
 or some such and hang.  With mod_jk this doesn't happen (or with tomcat

 So, nobody can help me to build mod_webapp, and there is no rpm of it to
 download. Does this just mean that it can't be built?
 I don't remember where I read that mod_webapp was the correct way to
 integrate Apache2 and Tomcat4. The documentation is a bit fragmented.
 Is mod_jk* the true way to do this? If so, could someone give me a URL
 to a definitive page that says this and how to get/build it?
 I just want to integrate Apache2 and tomcat4, not do anything special.
 About a year ago I did successfully integrate Apache1 and tomcat, but I
 haven't worked with tomcat since then.
 On Tue, 2002-08-13 at 17:20, Murray Cumming wrote:
 OK, so if I had read README.txt properly then I would know that I need
 to do a cvs checkout of apr into the webapp directory.
 It tells me to copy and modify a file, but there
 is no such file there, so I ignored that.
 As instructed, I then ran
 This creates a configure script, which I am tempted to run, but the next
 step tells me to run ant. I did that, and I still this error:
 Cannot find Tomcat 4.0 classes
 So, how do I tell it where to find these tomcat classes? I have already
 installed jakarta-tomcat-4 from here:

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Re: Possible bug: wrapped requests and jsp:include

2002-08-15 Thread Stephan Orme

See my earlier post on Tomcat Include behavior (Do Included CGI's work with
Tomcat? Sent Yesterday at 1:32 pm)  - I don't know if this is the same
problem but it sounds a little like it, my speculation is that the include
function won't process included info.

 I've found behaviour which might be a bug in Tomcat 4.0.4.  I have a
 filter that wraps a request using the correct way
 (HttpServletRequestWrapper.) The wrapper overrides getParameter (etc.)
 The wrapped request then goes to a JSP, one.jsp.  one.jsp includes
 another JSP like this:
 jsp:include page=/two.jsp
 jsp:param name=foo value=bar /
 The problem is that two.jsp only sees the parameters provided by the
 wrapper; it can't see the parameter foo.  i.e., in two.jsp:
 %= request.getParameter(foo) %
 is null.  This seems incorrect to me - surely the parameters set via
 jsp:param should override any set by the wrapper.  I can't find anything
 explicit in the spec, though.
 It sounds like for jsp:include, Tomcat 4.0.4 is invoking methods on the
 internal HttpServletRequest implementation, rather than what I would
 expect, which is to use another wrapper around whatever HttpServletRequest
 object the JSP/servlet is currently processing.
 So is this a bug?  I can send a simple webapp demonstrating this to anyone

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Do included CGI's work with Tomcat?

2002-08-14 Thread Stephan Orme

I'm using Tomcat 4.0.4 to serve dynamic and static pages. I can get includes
to work and I can get CGI's to work but I can't get included CGI's to work.
you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose...
Anyway, here's what works:

includes on .html pages:
!--#include virtual=Shared/footer--

includes on .jsp pages:
%@ include file=Shared/footer %

CGI that works:

And here's what DOESN'T work (this is on a .html page)
!--#include virtual=/cgi-bin/test-cgi--
!--#include virtual=/PCW/cgi-bin/test-cgi--
!--#include virtual=../../WEB-INF/cgi/test-cgi--

My Tomcat config file is completely standard - I uncommented the SSI and CGI
bits and renamed the appropriate .jar files but there are no other config
changes. Since both CGI's and includes work my assumption here is that the
SSI servlet doesn't call the CGI servlet. In other words when I call the CGI
from the URL it gets handled by the CGI servlet, and when I include it it
gets handled by the SSI servlet but what I need is for the SSI servlet to
call the CGI servlet which it doesn't do.

Or I could just be making all this up. Anyone want to set me straight? Or,
even better, just tell me how to make it work. I've a lot of trouble using
Tomcat with Apache so I'd prefer to avoid that route and go with a straight
Tomcat solution if at all possible.  TIA, steve

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2002-08-13 Thread Stephan Orme

I'm using Tomcat 4.0.4 to serve dynamic and static pages. I can get includes
to work and I can get CGI's to work but I can't get included CGI's to work.
you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose...
Anyway, here's what works:

includes on .html pages:
!--#include virtual=Shared/footer--

includes on .jsp pages:
%@ include file=Shared/footer %

CGI that works:

And here's what DOESN'T work (this is on a .html page)
!--#include virtual=/cgi-bin/test-cgi--
!--#include virtual=/PCW/cgi-bin/test-cgi--
!--#include virtual=../../WEB-INF/cgi/test-cgi--

My Tomcat config file is completely standard - I uncommented the SSI and CGI
bits and renamed the appropriate .jar files but there are no other config
changes. Since both CGI's and includes work my assumption here is that the
SSI servlet doesn't call the CGI servlet. In other words when I call the CGI
from the URL it gets handled by the CGI servlet, and when I include it it
gets handled by the SSI servlet but what I need is for the SSI servlet to
call the CGI servlet which it doesn't do.

Or I could just be making all this up. Anyone want to set me straight? Or,
even better, just tell me how to make it work. I've a lot of trouble using
Tomcat with Apache so I'd prefer to avoid that route and go with a straight
Tomcat solution if at all possible.  TIA, steve

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