RE: Tomcat 4.01 SSL - how to reduce the encription strength

2001-11-25 Thread William Tansill

I believe that the cipher strength is built into the browser.  If I click
Help/About on my copy of IE, it tells me it's using 128 bit encryption, even
though I'm not connected to anything.

-Original Message-
From: Tal Dayan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 0:25 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Tomcat 4.01 SSL - how to reduce the encription strength


We are using Tomcat 4.01 standalone with self signed certificate and all
works just great. When we connect from IE, the browser indicates that the
encryption is 128 bit long.

Is there a way to instruct Tomcat to use a weaker encryption? Our motivation
is to reduce the CPU overhead since the data in that specific system is not
THAT important.



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RE: TC 4.0 newbie - servlet app won't run

2001-11-26 Thread William Tansill

Look in server.xml.  You'll see that it has the following lines:

Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:03 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: TC 4.0 newbie - servlet app won't run

Thanks for your reply Scott, and thanks to your and Micael's responses I
_believe_ I understand the relationship between the servlet naming/mapping
and the associated html.  As Micael noted, one could put "pudding" in the
url-pattern as long as the html was setup as ACTION="pudding".  But... how
do the example servlets work when they don't seem to have any servlet
mapping in the ..\examples\WEB-INF\web.xml?

Even after all the advice, I *STILL* can't get my app to run - I still get
a 404 error on the servlet. This seems like such a simple issue but I can
NOT get past it.  I've even gone as far as downloading Tomcat 3.3, with the
same result. Again, I know Tomcat is parsing my web.xml, because if I
intentionally make a typo, the parser complains when Tomcat is started.

To recap where I am:

(a)  I have myservlet.class in the
 directory.  The servlet has no associated package.
(b)  The html is 
(c)  My $CATALINA_HOME\webapps\myapp\WEB-INF\web.xml is as follows:";>


Am I still missing something?  This is driving me berserk...

TIA. Mark.

At 12:22 AM 11/22/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>The servlet tag is used to assign a name to a particular servlet class
>   myservlet
>   myservlet
>This would attempt to assign the name 'myservlet' to the class
>The servlet-mapping tag defines the pattern or 'location' of a named
>servlet from the root of your context. This means that 
>   myservlet
>   /classes
>if this were the ROOT context, this would map your servlet at /classes
>and your form action would need to be defined as
>A more common mapping for servlets is
>   myservlet
>   /servlet/myservlet
>which would have a coresponding form tag of
>Mark wrote:
>>I installed Tomcat 4.0.1 under Win 2k using JDK 1.3 and able to run the
>>example servlets, but not my own.  My html displays and I can execute my
>>JSPs, but a POST to a servlet does not work (this app has run under Forte
>>and VA Java in the past).   I get a 404 error with "the requested resource
>>(/myservlet) is not available". Since the examples work, I have to assume
>>it's something in my configuration. Any help figuring out why the servlet
>>won't run would be *greatly* appreciated.  I suspect it's something
>>simple/braindead on my part.
>>o  My directory structure for the app:
>>   TomcatHome
>>  |
>>  +--myapp\.jsp, .html .gif
>> |
>> +--WEB-INF\web.xml
>>   |
>>   +--classes\.class files
>>o  My html POST stmt. I've tried various path prefixes to myservlet, eg

>>   "classes/myservlet".  As with the Tomcat examples, this servlet has no
>>   package:
>>o  My web.xml - I know Tomcat's seeing/parsing this because if I
>>   make a typo I get an error upon startup:
>> >   PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
>>   "";>
>>   myservlet
>>   myservlet
>>   myservlet
>>   /classes
>>o  Update to server.xml
>>   >   prefix="myapp_log." suffix=".txt"
>>   timestamp="true"/>
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RE: Auto load a servlet

2001-12-01 Thread William Tansill

I would suggest that you create a login screen for your users.  You could
then define a JSP with a database connection as a template.  Based on the
login id, dynamically create a response tailored to their needs.

-Original Message-
From: Bret Farris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 11:42 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Auto load a servlet

Thanks for the response.  However, this is what I'm doing now.
Unfortunately, using "localhost" in the redirected url does not work when
the client browser is on another computer.  I can use the host computers IP
address instead, but defeats the purpose of what I'm trying to do, which
I'll explain more.

We make equipment that monitors clean rooms for companies, as well as the
software that can monitor all the equipment at one time.  We have created a
servlet that will allow anyone in the company to monitor limited portions of
the software without having to install the software on lots of machines.  So
we will be including Tomcat 4 with our software.  I don't want to have to
create a customized index.html file for each customer.  So I'm searching for
a different solution.

I'm researching using javascript to automatically find the IP address of the
hostcomputer and redirect to the IP+"webstation/servlet/WebStation".  But
have come up empty on that front so far.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


- Original Message -
From: "James Chuang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 15:04
Subject: Re: Auto load a servlet

> Create a real simple index.html, and have it do a onLoad like this...
> function redirect() {
> window.location.href =
> }
> Redirecting ...
> Then setup your web server to serve up index.html by default.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Bret Farris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 1:32 PM
> Subject: Auto load a servlet
> I have a servlet that can be loaded by going to
> http://localhost:8080/webstation/servlet/WebStation
> The servlet, WebStation.class, is in the directory:
> webstation\WEB-INF\classes.  WebStation.class calls two other servlets,
> BtmFrame.class and TopFrame.class, which in turn load and display in a
> browser html files from the webstation directory.
> What I want to do is have the user enter http://localhost:8080 into their
> browser, and run the above servlet, as if they entered the link above.  Is
> there a way to do this?  I have tried to use mapping with as many
> combinations as I can think of, but nothing has worked.
> Thanks,
> Bret
> --
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RE: mod_webapp config

2001-12-01 Thread William Tansill

This is a partial listing of my VHosts section of Apache's httpd.conf file:

# Use name-based virtual hosting.

   DocumentRoot "d:/Program Files/Apache Tomcat 4.0/webapps/ROOT/"

   WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8008
   WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples

Since this is a LOCAL server for my development, doesn't
actually exist.  Instead, I've edited my HOSTS file (on Win2k this is
located in c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc) to add the line:

If you have DNS up and running, then you'll need to add something similar to
your DNS configuration.

-Original Message-
From: hanzo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 19:40 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: mod_webapp config

I'm trying to configure Tomcat 4.01 with Apache 1.3.22 on Win2k
I have installed mod_webapp, but what does it suppose to do ?
What I want is one of the Apache's virtual host will point to Tomcat
so that virtualhost can serve JSPs. (no need to type 8080 port)
But now if I type the vhost url name, it is not redirected by Apache..
Anyone have a solution ?

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RE: mod_webapp config

2001-12-02 Thread William Tansill

I haven't modified server.xml.  I just got Tomcat up and running, and
haven't started any development yet.  Simply adding the VHost and Hosts
entries let me connect to Tomcat and run the examples.  FWIW, I've started
getting ArrayIndexOutOfBounds errors just running some of the Servlet
examples, so all may not be well after all... 

-Original Message-
From: Nikola Milutinovic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 12:25 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_webapp config

William Tansill wrote:

> This is a partial listing of my VHosts section of Apache's httpd.conf
> #
> # Use name-based virtual hosting.
> #
> NameVirtualHost
>DocumentRoot "d:/Program Files/Apache Tomcat 4.0/webapps/ROOT/"
>WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8008
>WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples

What does your web.xml look like? I'm having troubles with Tomcat side, I'd
I'm using one of Pier's nightly builds, but I have a nasty feeling it's me
screwing something up - Pier's code looks clean on the part that's bugging


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RE: mod_webapp config

2001-12-02 Thread William Tansill

I've just gotten Tomcat up and talking to Apache, so I'm not certain.  In
looking at the file server.xml though, I see the following entry:

followed by a number of other entries dealing with persistence and such.

My guess is that if you want to create and run your own JSP's, you will need
to install them per the standard deployment mechanism, update server.xml to
reflect the new deployment context, and then restart Tomcat.  At least those
are the steps I'm planning on taking when I get an example up and running.
If you get your stuff working first, write back to the group and let me know
how you did it.  Thanks!

-Original Message-
From: hanzo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 13:02 PM
Subject: Re: mod_webapp config

- Original Message -
From: "William Tansill"
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 3:52 AM
Subject: RE: mod_webapp config

Thanks a lot, it works.. now I have _more_ questions ^_^

> This is a partial listing of my VHosts section of Apache's httpd.conf
> #
> # Use name-based virtual hosting.
> #
> NameVirtualHost
>DocumentRoot "d:/Program Files/Apache Tomcat 4.0/webapps/ROOT/"
>WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8008
>WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples

How can I tell Apache to process jsp files ?
the above config dont process jsp files.. for example.. if I drop index.jsp
the /ROOT/ dir, Apache wont process it
Even if I have add DirectoryIndex directives, it just display the file (just
like HTML files), but not 'process' it
The strange thing is if I click on the examples, it works..
Should I modify the config, or I just have to use port 8080 (which I don't

Thanks in advance

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RE: win95 mod_webapp cannot load

2001-12-02 Thread William Tansill

Check a few things:

1) Did you place mod_webapp in e:\program files\apache group\apache\modules?
If you placed it in the \libexec directory, that's incorrect.
2) Did you also place the file libapr.dll in the above directory?
3) Assuming that both of the above modules are in the correct directory,
check your httpd.conf file.  You need to specify Loadmodule statements prior
to Addmodule statements, so you should see the statement:

LoadModule webapp_module modules/

before encountering the staement

AddModule mod_webapp.c

If you have the statements in reverse order, you won't be able to load
things properly.

-Original Message-
From: vendo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 17:27 PM
To: Tomcat User List
Subject: win95 mod_webapp cannot load

Trying to get Apache1.3.22 and Tomcat4.01 to work together on win95,

I've downloaded the mod_webapp from jakarta, but it doesn't seem to work: at
each start I get a message saying:

Syntax error on line 1036 of e:/program
Cannot load e:/program files/apache group/apache/libexec/ into
r: (1157) One of the necessary librairy of this application couldn't be
(the last line is in french, I translated as I could)
[Une des librairies nÚcessaires Ó l'exÚcution de cette application n'a
pu Ûtre trouvÚe:]

Is my libapr.dll or a wrong version?
Thanks for help


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RE: Running Tomcat 4.0 on Win98

2001-12-03 Thread William Tansill

I've got Tomcat 4.01 set up on Win98 as well, and it's working fine at least
w/respect to starting.  The key I've found is to use the Windows start menu
to light things up rather than opening a command window and running the
batch files.

-Original Message-
From: Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 11:35 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Running Tomcat 4.0 on Win98

I am using Tomcat 4.0 and JDK 1.3.1. with a Win98 OS. I believe I have my
JAVA_HOME, and CLASSPATH set properly but my Apache web server and Tomcat
are not compiling the JSP files. I think the problem is the catalina.bat
file. The catalina.bat file looks for an NT environment. If it finds NT
than it gives a   "C:\%JAVA_HOM%bin\catalina java" command to activate
Java. If it does not find NT than it gives   a "C:\%JAVA_HOM%bin\java"
which doesn't work because java.exe need arguments. Therefore  my tools.jar
is not activated and my *.jsp files are not compiled even though I copied
the tools.jar file  to my C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1\lib folder. Any ideas?

-- Steve

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RE: request.getParameter problem

2001-12-04 Thread William Tansill

-Original Message-
From: Rama [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 5:17 AM
Subject: request.getParameter problem


it seems that request.getParameter does not always successful in POST
is there any way to make it 100% successful?

i'm using tomcat 4.01.

if (request.getParameter("modify").equals("yes")) {
out.write("modify listings");

I assume you're failing due to case inconsistencies.  If that's so, then use
equalsIgnoreCase() rather than equals().


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RE: Tomcat 3.3, server.xml and a lot of fun

2001-12-04 Thread William Tansill

> Okay. Now, I have to meddle.

> Mr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] has a bunch of valid points.

Regardless, it is entirely possible to make a point without being uncivil.
Esp. since the folks s/he's asking the questions of are *volunteering* the
time to answer the questions, and it is known that they embody a wide range
of experience levels.
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RE: Tomcat 3.3, server.xml and a lot of fun

2001-12-04 Thread William Tansill

> You're only jealous cos the little penguins are talking to me.

> So, any insight on the "little penguins"? I've given up on discussing

I assume he's referring to the little penguin that is the Linux mascot...

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RE: Warp Socket Error

2001-12-05 Thread William Tansill

Yes.  Just running the examples several times in succession, in fact.  I
have no clue as to the cause.

-Original Message-
From: Cross Fire Labs B.A. Lambrechts
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 15:45 PM
Subject: Warp Socket Error

Has anyone ever seen this?

2001-12-05 20:27:10 jsp: init
2001-12-05 20:32:02 [org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpConnector] Error
accepting requests Socket closed
at Method)

Beth Anne Lambrechts
Cross Fire Labs, Inc.
Phone/Fax: 703-724-9210

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RE: ONE More Time! why does Tomcat 4 work this way

2001-12-08 Thread William Tansill

Yes, I'm getting the same "reset by peer" errors, as well as socket
exceptions.  I have no explanation.  I'm new to the community as well, so I
don't have a lot of experience in this area.  My setup:

Apache 1.3.22
Tomcat 4.01 (and the .dll file required by Windows) in the directory
d:\program files\apache group\apache\modules
Windows 98 running on an old Pentium (but same problems on a different Win2k
Server.xml has not been altered
Httpd.conf has a virtual host section where the connector info is defined
 see below)

   DocumentRoot "d:/Program Files/Apache Tomcat 4.0/webapps/ROOT/"

   WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8008
   WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples

The hosts file has been edited to include the IP address and server name
since I'm not running DNS

environment variables are:

SET CATALINA_HOME=D:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 4.0\

Apache talks to TC just fine, but, as you note, after a certain number of
attempts, socket errors proliferate, and the only solution is to shut down
Tomcat and restart it.

-Original Message-
From: Sri K Ganjam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 1:08 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: ONE More Time! why does Tomcat 4 work this way

I just subscribed to this list yesterday only. I am trying to port and
improve the mod_webapp on Linux /390. I successfully built it and ran it
under windows 2000 and RedHat linux  without any changes from source drop, I
downloaded from here
but I find many problems with mod_webapp such as:
1. the requests are taking long to get served even a simple hello servlet
takes 90+ seconds to display from localhost.
2. the error "socket closed: connection reset by peer" comes up often (
every 3-4 request)
Does any one else faced the same problems?
Thanks and Regards,
Sri K Ganjam
- Original Message -
From: "Brian Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 2:47 AM
Subject: RE: ONE More Time! why does Tomcat 4 work this way

> clue please.  were is mod_webapp code?  no see cvs module
> -Original Message-
> From: Jeff Kilbride [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 3:09 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: ONE More Time! why does Tomcat 4 work this way
> Sorry, but I forgot to mention that your other option would be to pull the
> latest mod_webapp code from CVS and see if that helps. I just checked the
> dev list and it looks like somebody is working on it -- though I don't
> who...
> --jeff
> - Original Message -
> From: "Brian Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 12:35 PM
> Subject: RE: ONE More Time! why does Tomcat 4 work this way
> > I think that is what I would like to do after looking WAY TOO CLOSE at
> this.
> >
> > Patrick I know your out there *peer* what do you say?  Let's move to
> mod_jk
> > *point*
> > B
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jeff Kilbride [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 2:57 PM
> > To: Tomcat Users List
> > Subject: Re: ONE More Time! why does Tomcat 4 work this way
> >
> >
> > Personally, I would drop mod_webapp in favor of mod_jk, if you really
> > to run a separate web server. TC 4 was the first release of mod_webapp,
> > while mod_jk has been around much longer -- and is better tested. AFAIK,
> > there was only one guy working on mod_webapp and he announced he was
> taking
> > a long vacation a few weeks ago. I don't know if anybody has picked up
> where
> > he left off. TC 4.0.1 has a configuration line for mod_jk already
> > in server.xml.
> >
> > Looking through the list lately, a large percentage of the messages I
> > all relate to problems with mod_webapp.
> >
> > Your call...
> >
> > --jeff
> >
> > P.S. -- I've found TC 4 to be faster without the use of Apache. I use a
> > small footprint webserver (i.e. Acme's thttpd or Dan Bernstein's
> publicfile)
> > to serve images from another port (81) and let TC handle all the dynamic
> > stuff -- I don't have any non-dynamic html files on my site...
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Brian Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 12:15 PM
> > Subject: RE: ONE More Time! why does Tomcat 4 work this way
> >
> >
> > > I tried that and it does not work either.
> > > I noticed that the examples that come with tomcat 4 does not show the
> > images
> > > also!
> > > This is definitely a problem with WebAPP. I can connect to Tomcat
> directly
> > > 8080 and it works fine.  I've seen others on the list server asking
> about
> > > the same problem...
> > > Who is in charge of WebApp developement?  Their List Serve?
> > > B
> > >


2001-12-08 Thread William Tansill

I think you need to include your WebApp lines either prior to, or within
your Virtual Hosts section.

-Original Message-
From: Ravi Reddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 9:21 AM

Thanks for the Info badams
But when I tried this, and restart the apache after restarting tomcat,
I am getting an error at the starting of apache at line "WebAppConnection
conn warp localhost:8008"
which says missspelled "WebAppConnection" or perhaps not included in the
module.but I have already put my .dll and .so files in /modules/
and my end of httpd.config file is as follows

#DocumentRoot /www/docs/
#ErrorLog logs/
#CustomLog logs/ common
WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples

Could u pls clarify.

Regards ,

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/07/2001 07:11 AM CST

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


this is what I did
First I did not have to touch server.xmlit can run both as a server port
8080 and also a servlet engine that connects to Apache (mod_webapp 8008) .
All you really need to do is add to that apache httpd.conf

(find the LoadModule part of the file, close to the top of the file and add
LoadModule webapp_module modules/
AddModule mod_webapp.c

(at the bottom of the file add this and you will be able to connect to the
tomcat examples)
WebAppConnection conn warp localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy examples conn /examples

now restart tomcat then Apache.

try a few examples (i like numguess)
that is it for the basics...
good luck

-Original Message-
From: Ravi Reddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 7:09 AM

Hi All,
I am a new member of this group.Currently, I am working on Tomcat 4.0 and
apache 1.3.22 on Win NT. I am not able to configure tomcat as a servlet
container. I have downloaded the web_app module and configured exactly. but
, it's of no use.
Can any one guide me in configuring it ?. if some one can send their
"httpd.conf " of apache and "server.xml" of  tomcat is Greatly appreciated!.

Regards ,


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RE: Load balance with mod-webapp

2001-12-09 Thread William Tansill

If you're using mod_web_app, you're probably using Tomcat 4.01.  A number of
people have commented in the recent past that this version of Tomcat does
not support load balancing.

-Original Message-
From: Andy Olliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 19:14 PM
To: Tomcat-User
Subject: Load balance with mod-webapp


Looking through archives and doco and cannot find anything on this.

Does anybody have any pointers on where i can find info.

ie. config instructions for setting up multiple instances of Tomcat behind
single Apache instance when using mod_webapp.



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RE: Help! urgent!

2001-12-10 Thread William Tansill

Please post the following parts of your httpd.conf file:

1) The loadmodule/addmodule statements
2) Virtual host definitions if any.
3) The section defining your connection.

Also -- are you running Windows or Linux?

-Original Message-
From: Peng Annie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 10:08 AM
Subject: Help! urgent!

In the apache "error.log"
there is an error message 

Connection "conn" cannot connect

in which conn is the connection name defined in http.conf to tomcat.

Anyone has any idea? I can not get Tomcat running on Appache!!



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RE: mod_webapp error

2001-12-15 Thread William Tansill

Stupid question -- have you by any chance listed the line:

AddModule mod_webapp.c

Prior to the statement

LoadModule webapp_module libexec/

I think I recall a similar message when loading on my
Windows-based system.
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 10:04 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: mod_webapp error

Hi, I'm getting this same problem. I'm running Solaris 8 7/01 Sparc. I have
Tomcat 4.0.1 and the Apache 1.3.somthing that came with the install of
Solaris 8 7/01. I've tried multiple things with no luck. I even tried to
compile the webapp_mod but that failed and I never got it to compile. I'm
currently trying the AJP1.3. I have just downloaded it. I noticed you seem
to have the same setup as me. I wanted to know if you have had any luck
getting the webapp_mod to work on you machine. I'm not sure if I'm going to
use Apache with Tomcat or just us Tomcat for it all. I think I'm going to
ask this question on the list. Most of the stuff that I'm doing will be all
Servlets anyway. If you come up with any solutions please let me know, it
would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

Justin A. Stanczak
Web Manager
Shake Learning Resource Center
Vincennes University

"Preston Hogue">  cc:
Subject: mod_webapp error
12/09/2001 10:19
Please respond to
"Tomcat Users

I noticed some people had the same issue in the past, I was unable to find
the resolution.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I am currently
attempting to Run Apache, Tomcat, JDK 1.3.1 on a Solaris 8 (Sun Installed
Netra) and I am getting the following error:

Cannot load /usr/apache/libexec/ into server:
>> /usr/apache/
>> bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file
>> symbol __lshrdi3: referenced symbol not found


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