IIS / Tomcat - POST data size.

2003-10-29 Thread Cleber Lima
I have configured Tom-cat with IIS. When I try to upload a file of size
greater than 100 KB, it displays an error Page cannot be displayed because
Tom-cat was stopped. But when I run the same URL with 8080, that is,
bypassing the IIS, it works fine.
Can you help me ?


Cleber - Brazil

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Charset encoding issue (again :-))

2003-10-09 Thread Daniel H A Lima
   Hi, everybody. I've some doubts about html form charset encoding. I 
will be glad if someone could answer questions above.

1 ) We have jsp files with directive %@ page language=java 
pageEncoding=utf-8 contentType=text/html;charset=utf-8 %
and some classes with the following working code :

   if ( request.getEncoding() == null ) {
 String s = request.getParameter( some_param );
 byte [] b = s.getBytes( iso-8859-1);
 s = new String( b, utf-8 );
 a) Will it work for any charset encoding ? If i replace utf-8 for 
windows-1251 this code will still work ?
 b) Is there another clean way to use utf-8 in my jsp pages ?
  I've read the document in http://tagunov.tripod.com/i18n/i18n.html 
but i'm not sure if i could understand it.   :-(

2 ) When i use request.setEncoding( windows-1251) and 
request.getParameter( some_param ), which one of these sentences will 
be true ?

   a) request.getParameter() will do

   byte [] b = s.getBytes( iso-8859-1);
   return new String( b, windows-1251 );
   b) request.getParameter() will do

   byte [] b = s.getBytes( windows-1251 );
   return new String( b );   

   c) request.getParameter() will do

   byte [] b = s.getBytes( windows-1251 );
   return new String( b, windows-1251 );   

   d) request.getParameter() will do

   byte [] b = s.getBytes();
   return new String( b, windows-1251 );
   Thanks in advance 

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Re: Charset encoding issue (again :-))

2003-10-09 Thread Daniel H A Lima
But with this approach, all web apps running under the same JVM will use 
this encoding. We want to avoid this...

Edson Alves Pereira wrote:

The best way to solve that is to set -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1 in
JAVA_OPTS, with this you ensure that your JVM is using the encoding that you

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Re: Charset encoding issue (again :-))

2003-10-09 Thread Daniel H A Lima
But to do

byte[ ]b = request.getParameter( MyParam ).getBytes(
UTF-8 );
you must know the charset encoding of the form paramaters (utf-8 in this 
case) which leads us to original question.

Edson Alves Pereira wrote:

Then, you could create a class that would convert strings from some
encoding that you don´t known and transform to UTF-8 and that class load its
configuration from a local .properties file to make it flexible, for
public String getParameter( String stName_ )
//This will change the native encoding to you favorite one:
byte[ ]b = request.getParameter( MyParam ).getBytes(
UTF-8 );
return new String( b ); //To use default encoding:
return new String( b, UTF-8 );  //Some different:

Responder:  Tomcat Users List
Enviada:quinta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2003 11:11
Para:   Tomcat Users List
Assunto:Re: Charset encoding issue (again :-))
But with this approach, all web apps running under the same JVM will use 
this encoding. We want to avoid this...

Edson Alves Pereira wrote:


	The best way to solve that is to set -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1 in
JAVA_OPTS, with this you ensure that your JVM is using the encoding that




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Re [ 4 ] : Charset encoding issue

2003-09-08 Thread Daniel H A Lima
Anton Tagunov wrote:

Hello, Lima!

Hi, Anton.

lccb I've found a message (at
lccb http://w6.metronet.com/~wjm/tomcat/2001/Mar/msg00547.html) :
lccb Tomcat follows the HTML standard,
Hmm.., to me it looks like a browser issue, not Tomcat.
Hence its a bit OT here, but still we have started the
discussion :-)
(again, as I have suggested before, Lima, you may want
to spy your browser-tomcat traffic to make sure what bytes
are transferred exactly, then you'll be sure who is mangling
the data: Tomcat or browser, my feeling is that this is browser)
How can i spy the traffic between Tomcat and the browsers ?

lccb  which explicitly declares that MIME type
lccb application/x-www-form-urlencoded is suitable ONLY for transferring ASCII
practice seems to be different
lccb (but will of course work for ISO 8859-1 as well).
look, it's already funny: according to the standard
 application/x-www-form-urlencoded is suitable ONLY for transferring ASCII

but according to this message the existing software

 will of course work for ISO 8859-1
did you enjoy this of course? ;-)
lccb  See
lccb http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/interact/forms.html#h-
lccb It says:

lccb The content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded is inefficient
lccb for sending large quantities of binary data or text containing non-ASCII
lccb characters. The content type multipart/form-data should be used for
lccb submitting forms that contain files, non-ASCII data, and binary data.
Yup,  but in practice I  beleive that we have succeded many times
to send cyrillics this way. The browser was running on Windows
however. All the browsers (huh, do I remember it correctly?)
were using windows-1251 and koi8-r when the page was encoded with
the respective encoding).

lccb SO   : Red Hat Linux 9
I assume, both browser and Tomcat, right?
   Galeon, Mozilla and Tomcat running in Linux.

lccb Browsers : Galeon e Mozilla
lccb Reg. Settings: English
lccb Keyboard Set.: English (internacional)
lccb Locale   : Not modified. The JVM is using [us,EN], i think. But thats 
lccb   ok because i prefer to test my application without change
lccb locale to [pt,BR] (we never know when 2 webapp will run using differents
lccb locale settings)
what language are you typing in? what kind of characters get mungled?

   Characters from brazilian portuguese. Like 'á', 'ç', 'ã', ...

lccb ((3)) I don't know why page contentType + form enctype multipart is
lccb the only working combination but its ok for me. I just would like to
lccb understand it :-|
So do we :-)

   Thanks !

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Re[3]: Charset encoding issue

2003-09-07 Thread lima
Hi guys. I'll try to answer your questions :


I've found a message (at
http://w6.metronet.com/~wjm/tomcat/2001/Mar/msg00547.html) that seems to
explain this odd behaviour (but i'm not sure) :

Tomcat follows the HTML standard, which explicitly declares that MIME type
application/x-www-form-urlencoded is suitable ONLY for transferring ASCII
(but will of course work for ISO 8859-1 as well). See
It says:

The content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded is inefficient for
sending large quantities of binary data or text containing non-ASCII
characters. The content type multipart/form-data should be used for
submitting forms that contain files, non-ASCII data, and binary data.


 Fernandez wrote : 
Fernandez  I've recently have a similar problem with spanish language.
Fernandez  What OS are you running Tomcat on? What are your LOCALE settings?

 Anton wrote :
Anton  What browser are you using?
Anton  What OS are you on?
Anton  If it is Windows, what are the regional settings?
Anton  Is it an English or a localized version of Windows?
Anton  What language are you typing in?

SO   : Red Hat Linux 9
Browsers : Galeon e Mozilla
Reg. Settings: English
Keyboard Set.: English (internacional)
Locale   : Not modified. The JVM is using [us,EN], i think. But thats 
  ok because i prefer to test my application without change
locale to [pt,BR] (we never know when 2 webapp will run using differents
locale settings)

((3)) I don't know why page contentType + form enctype multipart is
the only working combination but its ok for me. I just would like to
understand it :-|

Thanks again, guys !!!

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Re: Charset encoding issue

2003-09-06 Thread lima
But why when i modify or remove the enctype from form tag, the browser
seems to forget the correct charset of these form fields ?


 Hello Lima!

 lccb I have a jsp page with some form fields. I don't know how is the
 right way
 lccb to set the charset (because we're using portuguese characters). This
 lccb the only configuration that have worked for me :

 lccb %@ page contentType=html/text; charset=UTF-8%

 To the best of my knowledge w3c standards do not prescribe
 the browser what charset to encode form fields with.
 In practice however this is generally the same charset
 that the page containing form is in. So yes, if you want
 the form data to be encoded with charset XXX you need your
 page to have content type with charset XXX. And this is
 what this [EMAIL PROTECTED] directive is doing. (In a servlet you
 would do response.setContentType()).

 I have written an elaborate essay on this, it should
 still be available at http://tagunov.tripod.com

 lccb form (...) enctype=multipart/form-data
 As far as I know enctype here is not required.

 lccb Is it right ? Is there other way ?
 Hope this mail and my old essay have answered at least
 part of your questions.

 WBR, Anton

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Charset encoding issue

2003-09-05 Thread lima
Hi, guys. How are you ?

I have a jsp page with some form fields. I don't know how is the right way
to set the charset (because we're using portuguese characters). This is
the only configuration that have worked for me :

%@ page contentType=html/text; charset=UTF-8%


form (...) enctype=multipart/form-data

Is it right ? Is there other way ?

Thanks in advance.

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Includes desappearing

2002-04-11 Thread Marcelo Mathias Lima


On my JSP project with Tomcat4/Apache sometimes, in some pages, the page
is returned incomplete. They come without the includes, that are other 
JSPs and
without parts of the master JSP.

It is not normal and I am worried by this... do somebody can help me??

Thank u in advance,

Marcelo Mathias Lima
Web Developer

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Re: RES: How can I automatically start a servlet in a specific time?

2002-04-11 Thread Marcelo Mathias Lima

nao dah pra colocar o tempo q vai demorar pra Servlet se carregar
no web.xml??

soh pra saber...

Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:

Olá, Kelly. Existem alguns produtos para agendamento de tarefas
(schedulers), e que são na verdade instalados como módulos ou serviços
(depende do servidor utilizado).

Até onde sei, pela especificação J2EE - da qual as Servlets e JSP fazem
parte - não devemos utilizar threads.

Eu sei que existem MLETS prontos para utilização com JBoss e com HP-AS, mas
realmente não conheço nenhum para Jakarta/Tomcat. Uma boa fonte de pesquisa
é o www.sourceforge.net.

Boa sorte.


Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter
Gerente de Tecnologia
ECONET Soluções Web
+55 61 326 5115

-Mensagem original-
De: Kelly Prudente Pereira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 10 de abril de 2002 19:20
Para: 'Tomcat Users List'
Assunto: RES: How can I automatically start a servlet in a specific

Yes Ken, I mean I don't want to load it until a specific time.
I need to load it to do a specific job at a certain time.
Do you know how can I do this?

-Mensagem original-
De: Ken Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 10 de abril de 2002 19:19
Para: Tomcat Users List
Assunto: Re: How can I automatically start a servlet in a specific time?

You mean you don't want to load it until a specific time, or you don't
want it to respond to requests until a certain time?

Carlos Martins wrote:


Boa pergunta... não sei nenhuma maneira directa, mas podes sempre criar um

servlet tipo scheduler que arranca automáticamente com o tomcat e que a
determinadas horas arranca outros servlets.


-Original Message-
From: Kelly Prudente Pereira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: quarta-feira, 10 de Abril de 2002 23:04
Subject: How can I automatically start a servlet in a specific time?

Can anyone answer my question?
How can I automatically start a servlet in a specific time? For example:


I don't want to start it when I start my webserver.

Thanks in advanced,

Kelly Prudente Pereira
Analista de Sistemas - NDS
Fóton® Informática e Serviços
Fone: (61) 328 5060 R.: 221

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Re: Includes desappearing

2002-04-11 Thread Marcelo Mathias Lima

It is not a (my) program error... there is nothing different on the 
log... It only
occurs on Mozilla and in some pages. Only some parts of the jsp are 

I think it is a poltergeist problem... {:o)


You should check the logs. Probably some exceptions are being thrown.


Marcelo Mathias Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 04/11/2002
07:45:57 AM

Please respond to Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Includes desappearing


On my JSP project with Tomcat4/Apache sometimes, in some pages, the page
is returned incomplete. They come without the includes, that are other
JSPs and
without parts of the master JSP.

It is not normal and I am worried by this... do somebody can help me??

Thank u in advance,

Marcelo Mathias Lima
Web Developer

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Smart Upload

2002-03-11 Thread Marcelo Mathias Lima

Did anyone already used it under linux/apache3/tomcat4??
It is not working here

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Re: Smart Upload

2002-03-11 Thread Marcelo Mathias Lima

I don't understod correctly the virtual host concept...
can u help me? can't that dir be a real/physical path?

thank u.

Micael Padraig Og mac Grene wrote:

 I have, works great.

 At 09:54 AM 3/11/02 -0300, you wrote:

 Did anyone already used it under linux/apache3/tomcat4??
 It is not working here

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Trouble with Jsp

2002-03-08 Thread Sergio I. Lima

I have a Red Hat Linux 7.2 box installed with: IBMJAVA 2-13 and TOMCAT
4.0.2, I Installed the binary rpm versions of this packages .  When I try to
access any Jsp page (tomcat jsp examples included) show me the following
javax.servlet.ServletExecption: /sun/tools/javac/Main
root cause:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: /sun/tools/javac/Main

Please help me.


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2002-02-26 Thread Marcelo Mathias Lima

how can I download it?


thank u,

Marcelo Mathias Lima

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Problem with includes

2002-02-19 Thread Marcelo Mathias Lima


I've Tomcat 4.0/WinME and I'm with problem when I use a include tag like this

jsp:include page=include/header.inc flush=true/

It generates this error:

type Exception report
message Internal Server Error
description The server encountered an internal error (Internal Server Error) that 
prevented it from fulfilling this request.

If the file isn't or if I don't use the tag this problem don't occurs.

What is happening??

Thanks in advance,

Marcelo Mathias Lima
Java/JSP Developer

Easy question

2002-02-18 Thread Marcelo Mathias Lima

One more easy question that can help me so...

How can I set a absolute path on windows in this element? is it right?

Context path=/ docBase=c:\jsp\mydir debug=0/

I'm using WinME / Tomcat4.0.

if it is right my problem must have by other causes. So, help me

Thak u all,

Marcelo Mathias Lima
Web Applications Developer

Connection Pool on Tomcat 4

2002-02-14 Thread Marcelo Mathias Lima

Hi all!

I'm a new Tomcat user and I'm trying to know how do I to get (on my JSPs) a 
from the Connection that I set with

  Realm  className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm debug=99
  userTable=users userNameCol=user_name userCredCol=user_pass
  userRoleTable=user_roles roleNameCol=role_name /

This is a Connection Pool, isn't?

Thank u,

Marcelo Mathias Lima
Java/JSP Developer

DBPool on Tomcat

2002-02-14 Thread Marcelo Mathias Lima

Hey guys...

Does anyone can help me? I need to know if Tomcat has a DBPool and
a fast example to know how to get these connections...

I know that u can already answered this before, but I think that it is easy
to who really knows. And u DO know, right? :)

Thanks in advance,

Marcelo Mathias Lima
Java/JSP Developer

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Re: DBPool on Tomcat

2002-02-14 Thread Marcelo Mathias Lima

Sorry... :))

I promess that I tried a documentation... but was the wrong documentation..

Very thank u... apologize me to be lammer... :))

- Original Message -
From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: DBPool on Tomcat

 On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Marcelo Mathias Lima wrote:

  Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 15:00:23 -0300
  From: Marcelo Mathias Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: DBPool on Tomcat
  Hey guys...
  Does anyone can help me? I need to know if Tomcat has a DBPool and
  a fast example to know how to get these connections...
  I know that u can already answered this before, but I think that it is
  to who really knows. And u DO know, right? :)

 Sniff, sniff ... work my fingers to the bone writing documentation and
 nobody even *looks* at it ...   :-)

 In your running Tomcat installation:


 Or online:


 Scroll down to the section on JDBC Data Sources.

  Thanks in advance,
  Marcelo Mathias Lima
  Java/JSP Developer


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Re: X Windows and Tomcat

2001-10-24 Thread Gustavo Lima

Krasi, you need to install a dummie Xserver named Xvfb. With this
Xserver running you can shut your Xwindows without stopping tomcat.

You´re welcome


OPENGATE Gustavo P. M. Lima Supervisor de Sistemas http://www.opendf.com.br
- Original Message -
From: Krasi Zlatev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 9:07 AM
Subject: X Windows and Tomcat

 Why when I close X Windows, Tomcat exits?

 Thank you!

 Krasi Zlatev

 Do You Yahoo!?
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Servlet configuration

2001-06-25 Thread Celson Lima

Hi there,
I'm beginner with TOMCAT, which means maybe my question is too simple for
you, but it is really advanced to me. I would like get help with the
following: I have Cocoon installed together with TOMCAT and it is working
perfectly. I would like to use cocoon to handle the presentation issues of
my site. However, I would like to have my own servlet,which means, I
would like to use my own directory (let's say, /webapps/cpl ) instead of
having my things inside the Cocoon's directory (/webapps/cocoon). My
problem starts when I try do display a xml page (lets say
/cpl/prms/getparms.xml) that is placed within my directory.
I configured my /cpl/web.xml as shown below and I think because of that
the invocation of /cpl/prms/getparms.xml is not sent to Cocoon rather to
my servlet /cpl. Is this correct and if it is, is there anything I can do
in order to send that call directly to Cocoon?
Thank you in advance for your kind attention,