Change Apache Run User

2005-07-22 Thread uttam.g.dubal
I currently run startup scripts for Apache and Tomcat in the /etc/rc3.d
folder.  In the default setup the user 'nobody' is the one who the
Apache service runs as.  Does anyone know how to change the user that
Apache runs under?

Thanks for you help.

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Intermittent 500 Error

2005-07-05 Thread uttam.g.dubal
Hello All

I am running Apache 2.0.52 with Tomcat 5.5.9.  I am running a
virtualhost in this setup (which has protected resources with RSA
ClearTrust).  After logging in, the user is forwarded to a legal page
where he/she is prompted to agree to terms and conditions (tc).
However, there is an intermittent 500 Error in between a successful
logon and the display of the tc page.

Has anyone else encountered this or provide some insight?


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Utilizing Port 81 for Apache/Tomcat

2005-06-21 Thread uttam.g.dubal
I am running Apache 1.3 and Tomcat 3.3 currently in my production
environment.  I want to test Apache 2.0 and Tomcat 5.5 in the same
environment and ensure that all the virtual hosts which I am accessing
are in fact accessible through that configuration.  In order to do this,
I must keep the current versions running as it is production
environment.  For the newer setup, I would like to utilize Port 81for
testing purposes.
Can anyone explain how I would do that by changing which configurations
and which files and how I would actually test it in that setup?  Also,
are there any other things I should be aware of in this situation?

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Rc3.d startup scripts

2005-06-17 Thread uttam.g.dubal
I am trying to create a startup script for Solaris for both Tomcat 5.5.9
and Apache 2.0.52.

Can anyone tell me how to do that, so that when the box is rebooted it
automatically starts Tomcat and Apache.

Thank you for your help.

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Importing user-defined class in a JSP page

2005-06-09 Thread uttam.g.dubal
I'm new to programming in JSP/Tomcat. I am kinda held back with the
following simple situation.  I have database connection class that I'm
trying to import in my jsp file with no success so far (ChangePassword).
I am compiling with JDK1.4.2.08.
My JSP page is in 
I do have a web.xml file that is correctly configured with passwords and
values to allow the application to connect to the user directory.  This
is the stack trace of the error:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: 85 in the jsp file: /changepw.jsp
Generated servlet error:
Invalid argument to operation ++/--







Any ideas how to import a user-defined class in JSP, I mean where to
place the class file and is there anyother environment variable to set?
I read somewhere that if you are using jdk 1.4 and above, you need to
have package name for classes.  It said to Put your webappname class in
a package, compile it and then import it like the following in your JSP
file:  %@ page import=packagename.WebAppName% 

Again, I am new to all of this so could you possibly help me with the
issue as well as helping me to understand the potential fix as outlined
above?  I would really appreciate any help you can provide.

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Building mod_jk from source Apache2.0.52/Tomcat5.5.9/Solaris8 - aspx issues

2005-05-25 Thread uttam.g.dubal
In my staging environment I am attempting to create a mod_jk connector
(1.2.13) between Apache 2.0.52 and Tomcat 5.5.9 on a Solaris8 box.  The
system is spitting out Errors with the apxs file.  rc=65536.
Are there any known issues around this?  Also, I am using JDK 1.4.2_08
Are there any known solutions to fix this issue within this environment?
Thanks a lot,

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Connecting Tomcat5.5.9 + Apache2.0.54

2005-05-10 Thread uttam.g.dubal
I had one question regarding connectors with Apache and Tomcat.  I'm
just playing around with configurations on my XP Laptop to get a feel
for Apache.  I have Apache 2.0.54 and Tomcat 5.5.9 installed and both
are running fine.  However, I am stuck with connecting the two so that I
don't have to type in localhost:8080 in my browser and instead use
mod_jk to connect the two.  I have been unable to make Apache 2.0.54
work with Tomcat 5.5.9 using mod_jk
/win32/jk-1.2.12/ - using the file
instead of DLL).

The only thing different with Tomcat 5.5, as far as I know, is that the
auto-generation of mod_jk.conf using the Listener elements doesn't work
because the class files either don't exist or are in different
locations.  Has anyone found a solution/approach to connect the two?  Is
there anything I should be doing different?  I really appreciate any
help you can provide.

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