hello everybody,

I hope to get an answer here to a problem, that I encountered when I
installed a web app on a customers machine.

following situation:

from the web application the user can select to make a backup from an mysql
database. the servlet code is as follows:

String execString = "mysqldump -u " + editor.getUserid() +" --password=" +
editor.getPassword() + " -c --add-drop-table -r " + path + backupName + "
   Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execString);
   Controller.log(Controller.LOG_TYPE_NOTE, MESSAGE_BACKUP_CREATED + ": " +
MESSAGE_BACKUP_CREATED + ": " + backupName);

now this code works on two machines that I testet the installation on. but
on the customers machine, that is running win2k and the same tomcat 4.0.16
and mysql version as the testet machines, I get following error message that
I got from: sderr.log in the tomcat/log folder:

java.io.IOException: Create Process mysqldump - u
admin --password=test -c -add-drop-table -r
c:\tomcat4\webapps\asw\backup\backup200406172016.data  error=2
at java.lang.Win32Process.create(Native Method)

can anybody please tell me where the error could be located? What is this
error 2? I checked the folders and the user has read/write access to it. the
machine is running on the administrator account. I assume that it is a
security problem. if so could somebody help me to adjust the catalina policy

thanks for your help in advance

uwe geercken

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