[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-07-12 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex


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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

i have placed the class file in the WEB-INF/classes in the project directory and the 
whne i run my aplication 
this is what comes...

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPNote: 
sun.tools.javac.Main has been deprecated.

An error occurred at line: 2 in the jsp file: /techSupport.jsp

Generated servlet error:
C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 
4.0\work\localhost\JSPTechSupport\techSupport$jsp.java:60: Class 
org.apache.jsp.TechSupportBean not found.
TechSupportBean techSupportBean = null;

An error occurred at line: 2 in the jsp file: /techSupport.jsp

Generated servlet error:
C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 
4.0\work\localhost\JSPTechSupport\techSupport$jsp.java:63: Class 
org.apache.jsp.TechSupportBean not found.
techSupportBean= (TechSupportBean)

An error occurred at line: 2 in the jsp file: /techSupport.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 
4.0\work\localhost\JSPTechSupport\techSupport$jsp.java:68: Class 
org.apache.jsp.TechSupportBean not found.
techSupportBean = (TechSupportBean) 
java.beans.Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), TechSupportBean);

Does anybody know of any available classes that can create word documents on the fly? 
(or RTF format)

I'm running into a problem when I encounter a coding error in my jsp file, go and fix 
the error, save it, and try to access the page with my changes. The server (Tomcat 
4.0) persists in giving me the old version of the file. brbr
I tried 1) shutting down and restarting Catalina, then 2) shutting down, deleting the 
.java file for the page from work\myWebApp, and restarting. I'm still getting errors 
related to code that no longer exists in the page. brbr

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-06-07 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex


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Hi.  You asked to be notified weekly when certain jGuru.com items get new entries.

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

Is the HTTP Session maintained even when the network connection goes down? Can the 
same browser instance resume a previous session after re-establishing the network 

Is the HTTP Session maintained even when the network connection goes down? Can the 
same browser instance resume a previous session after re-establishing the network 

I am using Resin2.0. In our Intranet, all the user requests are directed to a servlet 
which does the authentication and redirects to the respective jsp files. Users are not 
supposed to access the jsp files directly. How to prevent, if a user access the jsp 
file directly by typing the url...This is possible after establishing the session...Is 
there any way to check this in the resin configuration, so that automatically 
redirecting to the servletIn resin.conf some mappings can be done for servlets..Is 
it possible for jsp..?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-05-24 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex


 How often has jGuru helped you solve a problem?  Contribute to the
 Java community and keep jGuru the best place to get answers by
 becoming a premium member.

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Hi.  You asked to be notified weekly when certain jGuru.com items get new entries.

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

What are the different ways of declaring a tag library to use from a JSP?  Which 
methods are compatible from any JSP container?
What are the different ways of declaring a tag library to use from a JSP?
brWhich methods are compatible from any JSP container?
pAssume the following directory structure of a WAR deployed under Tomcat 4.0:
Files in / directory:br
Files in /WEB-INF directory:br

Files in /WEB-INF/lib directory:br

Files in ha.jar:br
class files for tag handler(s)br

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-05-17 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex


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++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Problem with Tomcat (4 and 3.3.x) with Cocoon 1.8.2: Logicsheet util.xsl not found

Tomcat4 and AJP12 Connector

Configuring cgi-bin virtual path in a stand alone Tomcat 4 installation

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-05-03 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

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++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Tomcat 4.0.1 startup memory fault on SUSe 7.1

Does Tomcat 4 (Catalina) run with JDK 1.4?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-04-27 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

 For as little as 0.14 a day, you can look at
 naughty pictures on the net...just not at jGuru.
 You can, however, help keep jGuru the best place
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++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

How do I configure Tomcat 4.0 with the Apache 2.0 web server on a Windows 2000 server?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-04-19 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

 For as little as 0.14 a day, you can look at
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++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Why request.getRemoteUser() returns NULL ?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Can I update the web.xml (of my context) using my servlet?

Why request.getRemoteUser() returns NULL ?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-04-05 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

 For as little as 0.14 a day, you can look at
 naughty pictures on the net...just not at jGuru.
 You can, however, help keep jGuru the best place
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Hi.  You asked to be notified weekly when certain jGuru.com items get new entries.

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

I have a Jsp page that accepts some parameters from the user. Now if the user clicks 
on the Submit button in rapid succession, multiple entries are inserted in DB, though 
I am checking for duplicate entries.

This works fine if the user enters the same data after some time. It gives appropriate 
message saying Duplicate record.
Please use html tags to format code blocks.

I'm a bit confused with the term bean in JSP eg. the tag lt;jsp:useBean ... gt;
From what I understand, the term bean used here is referring to a simple java object.
When I look through the JavaBean resources, their definition of bean seemed a bit 
Any comment ?
Thank u ...

Need some assistance on this one.  I am very new to managing a java environment and a 
production application appears to be having a major memory leak.  Am currently using 
JDK 1.3 on a Sun box running Sol 2.6, with 2GB of RAm, and using Orion 1.5.1.  I have 
-Xmx set to 756MB.  When Orion is started the heap immediately grabs 512MB, then over 
the next 6 - 8 hours the heap slowly consumes all but 30 or so MB of RAM on the box, 
totally disregarding the -Xmx setting.  Additionally, if we run a bootstrap of our a 
client during this time memory consumption is accelerated drastically.  Any insights 
would be greatly appreciated.

Can any one post a - code snippet - which can create a .txt file on the application 
server - using the text from a textArea on a  JSP page.
(Basically the user types some text on the JSP on a client and the text should be 
saved to a txt-file on ap-server.)

What is the easiest way to convert the output of a JSP to PDF?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-03-29 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

Can my JSP page access initalization parameters from the servlet context?

I am calling my font color=#FFEJB/font method quot;font 
color=#FFtransfer(request,destination)/fontquot; from inside JSP 

quot;font color=#FFrequest/fontquot;is a HttpServletRequest objectbr
quot;font color=#FFdestiation/fontquot; is a stringbrbr

it is throwing following exceptions.brbr

font color=#FFjava.rmi.MarshalException/font: failed to marshal public 
abstract void project.upload.Copy.transf
er(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,java.lang.String) throws 
nested exception is: java.io.NotSerializableException: 

actually i am trying to uplaod files and in JSP i use lt;input type=filegt; tag to 
select a file inside a form.the logic is this that request object also have the file 
stream and using
font color=#FF 
ServletInputStream in = request.getInputStream();/font brbr

i can get the file stream and then save this stream in a new filebrbr

bWhy it is giving exception and any other way to upload files?/bbrbr

If a directory does not have one of the welcome-file I want to redirect to a page, not 
show the subdirectories and files.

How could I do it?

Using JSP with Tomcat 4, I've noticed that using the response.sendRedirect() method, 
or jsp:forward tag to another directory on the same server is loosing all the session 

Does anyone know the reason for this and a work around?

I'm using jboss(2.4.1) +tomcat(3.2.3).BR
I need to share the same directory structure of jsp's for different applications (I 
have deployed the jsp's as they are not in a war). Also I need to use the same 
libraries for all the applications. So my questions are:BR  Does a declaration in 
server.xml like this:IBBR
lt;Context path=/app1 docBase=/path/WebSites/gt; BR
lt;Context path=/app2 docBase=/path/WebSites/gt; BR/B/I
means really different applications?BRBR
2. Is there a way, if the above is true, to have different Iweb.xml/I for each of 
them, I mean to make Tomcat to look for Iweb.xml/I elsewhere IWEB-INF/I for 
any of the app's?BRBR
3. Another issue is how to share the same libraries, (without affecting the .bat files 
of jboss/tomcat) between different applications that don't have the same docbase? Is 
there a way to instruct Tomcat to search for application libraries elsewhere 

Is there a way to run a JSP that will give me the current classpath used by Tomcat?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Tomcat does quot;iunescape/iquot; the underscore (_) char when it is part of a 
war file. Why? Is there any way to disable this?

How can I ensure that Tomcat compiles servlets with debugging info included (-g option 
of the javac compiler)?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-03-22 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

I have two webapps which I would like to pass information between.
I would also like to pass all the session information between the webapps.
An example would be helpful.

I have to deploy a war file. 
the structure is

The Connect class has to load the properties file. 
howeever i get error reading the file using 

I am deploying it in tomcat.
It reads the file if i put it in /bin folder ..
how do i avoid this ?? 

Can u please post a code example

I have to deploy a war file. 
the structure is

The Connect class has to load the properties file. 
howeever i get error reading the file using 

I am deploying it in tomcat.
It reads the file if i put it in /bin folder ..
how do i avoid this ?? 

Can u please post a code example

I have taken parameters of a form from a jsp. I need to pass that parameters to 
another jsp. How can I do it without writing that manually using string like 
another.jsp?name=value. Since there are many paramters, passing through URL is 
inconvenient. Is there a way to do it ?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

iOut of environment space/i when running Tomcat on Windows 98.

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-03-15 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

In one of my applications i am using jsp for all reporting. But the problem here is 
that the window.print() command will print everything on screen. br
Is it possible to print only a part of the scrren, say the data displayed in a table?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-03-08 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Is possible to subdir webapps directory?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Tomcat 4.0.x with AOLserver 3.4.2br
Does anyone have any information on how to integrate Tomcat 4.0.x with AOLserver 3.4.2?

Is possible to subdir webapps directory?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-03-01 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

Does anyone know the pro's or con's between developing a site for 2k users in either 
JSP or ColdFusion?  What is faster development done in?  How well does JSP scale when 
compared to coldfusion?

Are Page scoped variables available across multiple requests to the same page?
If this is not the case, what is the difference between request scope and page scope 
for JSP? Also, is this data available even when something like a query string is 

How can I retrieve an expired session?

pI have a JSP that uses frames inside frames. How can say to the browser to open the 
Error Page in the main frame (the topmost frame)?/p

Is it possible to call a custom tag from another custom tag?
If so how?

I have downloaded the Tomcat 3.3a. After I start up the server.. it puts out this 
strange message: embeded Tomcat: exception initializing ContextManager. What do I have 
to do to start my Server without any error messages?

We have multiple RquestDspacter.forward() in a single JSP file. This JSP runs OK with 
JRun 3.0 but gives Error 500 (response has already been commited) with Web Sphere 3.4. 
Is there any restriction in WebSphere that we can have only 1 
RequestDispatcher.forward() call in a single JSP?

Does Buffer size affects the performance in any way?
I am using buffer size as 100kb.will it in anyway affect the performance?
If yes what is the optimum size that can be used?
If no why?

Is it possible to press a button in one frame and caused a form in another frame to be 
pI have a scrollable jsp in one frame and another frame with just buttons. 
I want to be able to press a button and sumbit a form from the jsp page. Thanks for 
any replies.

I am aware of the technical differences between response.sendRedirect() and 
lt;jsp:forward...gt; i.e. that the first one sends an instruction to the browser to 
request the specified page, and the second simply sends the specified page.pHowever, 
can anyone tell me why one should be used instead of the other?

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;How to pass parameters to a bean constructor. I can create a bean 
constructor with parameters. but bow do I pass values to the bean from a JSP page on 
creation..Is there any way to do this..
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Also, is there any way to access bean properties which are set using 
jsp:setProperty, from another bean. I am able to access properties which are 
initialized in the bean itself.

How can I find out the name of the machine on which the JSP is executing?

pI'm kind of new to JSP, and am working on putting together a framework wherein I 
include common elements of a page (title bar, menu, etc.) in a single WAR file and 
then attach those elements to my content pages that belong to another WAR file./p

pThe problem I'm running into is that my include statements in my content pages 
don't work when I try to include items from the different WAR.  I can bring the 
included pages up, but can't get a JSP to include them./p


pIn shared.war, I have the file /htmlcommon/header.jsp.  In search.war, I have the 
document /search.jsp/p

pIn search.jsp, I have the following include statement:/p

codelt;jsp:include page=/shared/htmlcommon/header.jsp/gt;/code

pHowever, when I load the page, the header doesn't come in and I get an error 404 - 
not found./p

pI'd appreciate any thoughts on this.  Thanks much/p

pMichael Lundinbr/

Using Jigsaw, W3C's Server, I have to find out how many sessions are there at a given 
time. Any help will be greatly appreciated

In my jsp page I have 2 combo boxes--data of 2nd comboBox is dependent on the 1st. The 
data for both is previously obtained from a 

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-02-15 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

How can a servlet refresh automatically if some new data has entered the database?

How can I send user authentication information while making URLConnection?

Can I have some simple code for my own connection pooling class?

Using WebLogic 6.1, why can't I load a servlet from a JAR file in my /WEB-INF/lib 

What's the initial user name and password for Jakarta Tomcat 4's admin tool?

Why can't I upload image files using com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.FilePart?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

What's the initial user name and password for Jakarta Tomcat 4's admin tool?

Why can't I upload image files using com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.FilePart?

Tomcat 4.0.x Class org.apache.jsp.{Class} not found.

Fatal error: The encoding Cp1252 is not supported.

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-02-08 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

How to close database connection explicitly when session is ended?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

How can I unit test my servlets?

How to get url of current request from HttpServletRequest?
for example http://site/index.jsp?id=1;

How to close database connection explicitly when session is ended?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Automatically redirect on SSL port?

How can I unit test my servlets?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-02-01 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

I have several jsp pages that are referenced in an SSL server, and non-SSL server. To 
avoid the this document contains some unencrypted data error, I want to have it look 
at the HTTPS variable apache sets and see if its in secure mode.
p So, if $HTTPS == on, I want to write:br
img src=https://content.domain/images/foo.jpg; br   else I want to write:br img 

How do I do this?

How can I make a JSP page implement the SingleThreadedModel interface?

Using JSP I can use implicit object ttexception/tt when my JSP page is declared 
with lt;%@ page isErrorPage=true %gt; directive. But how to get this reference 
programmatically, for example with a servlet ?

pI have a framed JSP application and would like to make it so pages meant to be 
viewed as a frame can only be viewed as a frame.

pSo, if they type the direct URL to that frame, I would like that page to check to 
see what frame it is in, and if it is in, say, _top, then redirect to the main 
(framed) page.

pIs this possible?

I want to ship my JSP-based application to my customers by bundling it with Tomcat. 
Is Jakarta Tomcat 4.0 freeware?

If we declare a variable, say int i=3 in jsp file, then in what method does this 
variable reside? Is it within service() or the init() method? If this resides in 
service(), how can I make to be in init() and vice versa?

I want to create a Error Page and  save the StackTrace within a String type 
My code is:p

lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//ENgt;br
lt;%@ page import=java.lang.Exception,java.io.*%gt;br
lt;%@ page isErrorPage=true %gt;br
pFehler: lt;%=exception.getMessage()%gt;
plt;% PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(out);%gt;
Stack: lt;% exception.printStackTrace(writer);%gt;
pgetLocalizedMessage = lt;%=exception.getLocalizedMessage()%gt;
ptoString = lt;%=exception.toString()%gt;br


But here, the StackTrace is printed directly within the Page. How do I save it in a 
String variable? I want to send myself an automatic report if there is any error.p

pHello! I am trying to include a JSP page that contains commonly used html/java 
code, into another JSP page multiple times using the jsp include directive./p
pThis causes the parser in Websphere Appl. Server 3.5.3 to display an error page 
that saysbr ttorg.apache.jasper.compiler.ParseException: Seen file include.jsp 
already, maybe this is a recursive include?!/tt/p
pHowever, when developing and testing the JSP page in Visual Age's 4.0 Websphere 
Test Environment, everything works fineWhy?/p
pIf Websphere Application Server is right about not allowing me to include the same 
JSP page several times, is there some other way perform this task?/p

I need to allow users to upload files and pictures.
When they upload pictures, I need to create thumbnail for them on the fly.
Is there any taglibs or java source to do this from JSP or servlets?

I need to allow users to upload files and pictures.
When they upload pictures, I need to create thumbnail for them on the fly.
Is there any taglibs or java source to do this from JSP or servlets?

My Jsp file need to forward a request to another servlet which is located in another 
Web Application on another machine. How can I do that? If I also want to add more 
parameters to the original request from the jsp file, what should I do?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Using JSP I can use implicit object ttexception/tt when my JSP page is declared 
with lt;%@ page isErrorPage=true %gt; directive. But how to get this reference 
programmatically, for example with a servlet ?

Why do I get the error
borg.xml.sax.SAXParseException : 

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-01-25 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

How can I get the complete URL address
(like www.jguru.com (with or without http://;)) from a HttpServletRequest?

Is there any justification in creating a cache that maintains values pulled from a 
given property file so that your app does not have to continually getProperty() on the 
same property over and over again?
I suppose the key question is: How much of a performance hit is it to access a 
property file as opposed to maintaining a cache (HashMap) of key / value pairs?

Can someone explain to me what this code does and what situations it needs to used?

lt;meta http-equiv=refresh content=0; url=/targetpage.jsp /gt;

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Reverse Proxying and Redirection issue.

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-01-18 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

If I have a URL (GET) param and hidden (POST) field in a form with the same name, how 
can I get and differenciate them?
I have the following code:p

lt;form name=someForm method=post action=somePage.jsp?id=100gt;br
nbsp;nbsp;lt;input type=hidden name=id value=200gt;br

I need to differenciate between the id in the URL parameter and the id in the form. I 
know you can use getParameterValues() to get multiple values but I need to know which 
one belongs to the URL or form because sometimes I will get only one of them. Is it 

p I understand that a JSP session cookie is not persistent.  Once all browser 
instances are closed, the session cookie is gone.

pIs there a way to make the session cookie persistent like a regular cookie?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Since session.getValue(name) has been deprecated, what method do I call instead?

What is the difference between irequest.getAttribute()/i and 

How can I store international / Unicode characters into a cookie?

How can I access one servlet method from some other servlet in same context?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Unable to load class message under Tomcat 3.

Is there a way to save files to a directory which will survive
upgrades to the web application?

Tomcat 4 and XML Parsers.

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-01-11 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

How do I pass some servlet variable to javascript?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Cannot run Tomcat 4.0.1 under Linux (Suse 7.2)... getting Segmentation Fault.

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2002-01-04 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

Can I have Perl syntax regular expressions within my JSP pages?

Can I make use of scripting languages like Tcl, Perl, Python, Rexx, etc. within my JSP 

Is it true that servlet containers service each request by creating a new thread? If 
that is true, how does a container handle a sudden dramatic surge  in incoming 
requests without significant performance degradation?

Where can I find a JSP tag library for sending mail from JSP pages via the JavaMail 

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Where should I copy the class file of applet in Tomcat? Where should I copy respective 
HTML file?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-12-28 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

What is JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)?

How can I protect my JSP resources using security realms under Tomcat 4?

Can Tag Libraries be used to
internationalize an application?

If yes, then what are the advantages 
and disadvantages?

I have included some audio files in a jsp page. The audio files are in .rm extension. 
When I click on the hyperlink for the audio file in the browser, instead of playing  
the audio, it shows some junk data in the web page. How do I remedy this?

How can I distinguish b/w 2 buttons which are submitting the same form from within my 
JSP page?
I'd like to solve this problem without using JavaScript.

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Is it possible to make calls to C or C++ methods from a servlet?

How to check for the validation of a Unix login username and password from Java?

Our servlet program needs to read an image file (*.jpg or gif) and create thumnail 
files. Is there any program available I can use ?

I read the section on Filters and the spec seems to be silent on some issues...
Can you clarify?

How do I set a System Property and access it from a Servlet?

Is it better to have lots of methods to my servlet, or to keep the code inside the 
doGet or doPost method?

When two or more people are using my servlet, why does everyone see the data for the 
person who has logged in latest?

How do i find out whether a request to a particular servlet is coming from another 
servlet or, if it is coming from a user request?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-12-21 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

Can I make a jsp custom tag to return a value in to a jsp variable.p
I want a jsp custom tag to evaluate some condition based on the parameters I pass and 
return a boolean to the jsp page in a java variable (type boolean).p Can anybody 
give some sample of the code using similar functionality. brCan we some how use the 
get methods in the tagHandler in our jsp to retrieve the values?

Is it possible to invoke customtags onEvents like onClick?

Here is what I have:
1. My application is under /opt/tomcat/webapps/myApp
2. My jsp file is : /opt/tomcat/webapps/myApp/web/test.jsp
   It contains;
  . . .
String configFile=getInitParameter(configFile);   
3. My web.xml is: /opt/tomcat/webapps/myApp/WEB-INF/web.xml
It contains:
What am I doing wrong?

I'm working on the JSP - Tomcat model, I'm using JSPC to pre-compile my JSPs, Is there 
a way to prevent any new (non pre-compiled) JSPs from being executed (compiled) in 
tomcat? ie. I do not want any new JSPs , which have not being pre-compiled to be 
executed via tomcat on the browser, Is there any property/configuration file which I 
need to change in Tomcat??

Why use JSP? All that we can do with scriptlets we can do with JavaScript as well, I 
Can somebody explain?

We are building a series of JSP pages, each of which is responsible for producing a 
different area of the screen.

Any given screen that the end user sees, therefore, is made up of a number of 
blocks, each of which has been generated by a single JSP. The top level JSP calls in 
the blocks using a jsp:include.

We are trying to use the JSP errorPage directive on every JSP to display an error to 
the user if something goes wrong with any of the blocks, but are finding that we end 
up with the error page only taking up part of the screen (for the block which had an 
error), whereas we would like the whole screen to be filled up by the errorPage. 
In other words - if something goes wrong with any of the blocks that comprise a screen 
- we would like to display nothing but the error page.

What is the best way to do this ?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

HttpUtils.parseQueryString is deprecated. What should we use instead ?

In some web.xml I find DOCTYPE reference of web-app_2_2.dtd,(in Weblogic 5.1 
example) in others, of web-app_2.2.dtd (in java pet store).  What is the difference 
between the two DTDs?

What are the steps that I need to follow to deploy my servlet in WebLogic 6.1?

How can I suppress the parameters from displaying in the URL? For instance, if I pass 
in a password, I don't want it to show up in the address bar.

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Why is Tomcat 4.0 so slow when connecting via a URLConnection?

You can 

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-12-14 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

Why is it strongly recommended that any JavaBean used within a JSP page belong to a 
named package?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-11-30 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

My JSP application runs
fine sometimes, but on other instances, when i try to refresh the page, the server 
outputs only a  part of the page. In the Tomcat Console, I see
IOException, Connection reset by peer. If I keep refreshing the page, it
loads the complete page at some point. Otherwise I have to restart the server and try 
again. Any suggestions on how I can overcome this?

I'm working on the chinese version of our project. I already set the charset to GB2312 
for all jsp pages to display simplified chinese correctly. Now I need to pass data 
within forms between jsp pages. In the english version, we used request.getParameter 
to receive these data, but after changing the charset setting, it causes the get data 
to be unreadable. Any solutions on how I can overcome this problem?

I am getting an Out of Memory error running my JSP applications under Tomcat. How do 
I increase the default JVM heap size settings that Tomcat uses upon startup?

I have developed a site in JSP. Whenever I type www.name.com in address bar the url 
changes to www.name.com/index.jsp. How do I prevent the index.jsp from showing up in 
the address bar?

I have got this error when I tried to access the Tomcat welcome page at 
http://localhost:8080 using Tomcat 4.0.
font size=3pre
Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1
Starting service Tomcat-Apache
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1
at org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseStream.flush(ResponseStream.java:244)
at java.io.OutputStreamWriter.flush(OutputStreamWriter.java:245)
at java.io.PrintWriter.flush(PrintWriter.java:120)
at org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseWriter.flush(ResponseWriter.java:125)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
pThe server starts up fine. The error comes up when I access the welcome page. All 
my other JSP codes residing in Tomcat cannot be access as a result of this 

pI have tried to reinstall the entire Tomcat Server and JDK 1.3 to ensure that 
everything is the default setting but the problem still persists. This problem came 
all of a sudden. There was no problem at all in the first place./p

How can I read a text file from  JSP page?

How do i specify Application-level variables in JSP?
I want to do something similar to the global.asa in ASP, where I can specify 
application and session variables.

How can I read a text file from a JSP page?

Are global variables in the included file (using lt;jsp:include/gt;) available in 
the file that includes it?

I have a problem and I'm hoping you can help me.  I have a jsp that's displaying data, 
which length depends on the user.  It takes up to 10 minutes sometimes to display a 
page.  I don't want to break my page into multiple pages, but what I want to do is to 
display line by line on the screen as the data is being read.  What happens now, is 
the browser waits until all the data is processed and then displays a page.  Any ideas 
how to do this?

I want to download files within a client browser from a web server using JSP. 
How can I do this?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

I have got this error when I tried to access the Tomcat welcome page at 
http://localhost:8080 using Tomcat 4.0.
font size=3pre
Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1
Starting service Tomcat-Apache
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-11-24 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

Someone just told me that when you close your browser, your JSP session (login in this 
case) is not ended, so that if you start up another browser and go to your site, the 
JSP engine still thinks your logged on.  Is this true?  If so, how to end that session 
before shutting down the browser?

I'm quite new to XML and JSP so here goes. I want to pass an XML message to a jsp via 
the URL (i.e. GET method). My questions:

1) What will the actual URL end up looking like?
2) How can my jsp retrieve the XML? (I know how to retrieve XML from a file in the 
jsp, but don't know how to retrieve the XML from the URL). A quick example would be 
greatly appreciated.

What are the differences between JSP 1.1 and JSP 1.2?

Can my JSP application validate users against an LDAP server which contains the 
userid's and passwords for all the employees? If so, how can I connect with the LDAP 
server and perform this authentication?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

How to get the values of the variables in a different session?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

How to run Tomcat as a background service from a telnet session?

Tomcat + Apache + Cocoon Performance bottleneckp
How to find out the bottleneck is on Apache or tomcat or Cocoon? What can we do to 
improve the performance?

DTD for Tomcat 4.0.1
Does anyone know where I can obtain the DTD for Tomcat 4.0.1's server.xml ?

Different webapps using different log4j.properties file.

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-11-16 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

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++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Is there any way to change/set owner of a file that is uploaded, before it's saved to 
the filesystem?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Is commercial support available for Tomcat?
My company is interested in purchasing technical support (24x7) for Tomcat (on 
Solaris). Does anybody know of any organisation able to offer a support service? 
(please post reply here and also email to me [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Tomcat and WebDav Security
I am attempting to configure Tomcat's WebDav application 
(http://localhost:8080/webdav) to allow everyone to view the directory.  However I 
need authorized users to be able to edit the content of the directory.  

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-11-02 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

SPONSORED BY developerWorks

need it? get it. tools, code and tutorials for open-standards based development.

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

In my JSP file i am trying to use getRemoteHost() method to retrieve 
the computer name. It works in all the systems. but in one machine instead 
of displaying that computer name it is displaying the IP address of that computer. I 
dont know why it is displaying like that. do i need to 
change any settings in that particular machine ?

How can I send email from a JSP page with HTML format?

Can I instantiate the same JavaBean multiple times within a JSP page by associating 
each instance with a different scope?

Is there a way how the output of a JSP page could be compressed by removing all 
bCR/b, bTABs/b, bSPACEs/b from the HTML?

I'm specifying the error page as a page directive in a page. When there is an 
exception in the JSP page, the error page is called. I want to pass a parameter from 
the current page to the error page when there is an exception . Is this possible?

I need to do a lot of background work in my jsp and i do not want to keep my client 
waiting. Hence i want to redirect my client to main menu page and continue with my 
processing. Is it possible to implement this using multi-threading in a JSP?

Can I use either the include directive or include tag to bring in a static HTML file 
that is residing on either a different server or on the same machine but outside the 
directory structure of the web server?/p

I have a JSP which does some intensive I/O and consequently takes approximately 20 
seconds or so to load.

How can I create a loading message/HTML page which is invoked while the page is 
processing and then gives way to the JSP?

Does anybody could explain me the use of
bpageContext.include(String relativeUrlPath);/b?
What is the difference with lt;@ include file=...gt; tag?

Is it bad form to put most of your code in a try catch block?  I am using an error 
page to catch my exceptions but some of them are slipping through.  brbrI am 
tempted to wrap everything in the try catch so my users never see an ugly null 
pointer exception again.  brbrAny suggestions?

How can I prevent data to be added into my database twice when using a form on a JSP 
page?  On Browser refresh, the same data is added to my database table.

I have trouble displaying a string like lt;some datagt; via JSP, since they 
interfere with HTML tags.
For example, when displaying lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;, the lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt; 
disappears. Is there any workaround for this?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Can I place my classes somewhere other than inside WEB-INF?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Can I place my classes somewhere other than inside WEB-INF?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-10-27 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

SPONSORED BY developerWorks

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

How can I interrupt a request already sent to a JSP servlet engine, and thus stopping 
or altering the thread the server is executing for that request? For example I want to 
use a cancel button on my form's page to interrupt an already submitted request which 
may take a while to finish.

I want to pass an array of values that I have built within a JavaBean to a JSP, and 
for JavaScript within the page to process it and display it. The Bean sets the array, 
and the JavaScript has an identical array defined. I have tried font 
size=2preijavascriptArray/i = lt;%= myJavaBean.getArray() 
%gt;;/pre/font but this doesn't work. Any ideas, anyone?

From within my JSP page, how do I know whether the user performed a GET or POST 

I want to use the logger taglib from Jakarta which uses log4j.  Does anyone have a 
sample log4j properties/initialization file that they would post so that I could take 
a look?

How can I get the JSP container to realize when I've modified a file that was included 
using lt;%@ include file=XXX %gt;, and to recompile files that include it?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Do I have to synchronize read-only access to a text file?

What is a session? What is the difference between session and cookie?

How can I modify a Request object before passing it to another servlet?

How do I set session timeouts of greater than 30 minutes?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Does tomcat support Web Services?

How do I have to configure Tomcat 4.0 for using JDBC 2.0 DataSource objects?

Can I use *.ear files in Tomcat?

Why can't Tomcat find my Oracle JDBC drivers in classes111.zip?

I want to use the logger taglib from Jakarta which uses log4j.  Does anyone have a 
sample log4j properties/initialization file that they would post so that I could take 
a look?

How do I set session timeouts of greater than 30 minutes?

Why do I get the message FAIL - Unknown command when trying to run the Tomcat 4 
Manager application?

How to make Tomcat use the Xerces XML parser instead of the Sun JAXP XML parser?

How can I get the JSP container to realize when I've modified a file that was included 
using lt;%@ include file=XXX %gt;, and to recompile files that include it?

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-10-19 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

SPONSORED BY developerWorks

need it? get it. tools, code and tutorials for open-standards based development.

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

How to return a value from a servlet to a JSP?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Can we capture clickstreams using servlets?

How can I call a servlet from a regular Java application?

How do I play a sound on the bserver/b from inside a servlet?  The Java Sound API 
doesn't seem to work.

When downloading a PDF document that is less than 8000 bytes long,
the document is downloaded but is not displayed. How can I fix this?

After HttpSession.invalidate() is called I expect the next getSession call should 
return a new session with a different session id. However, it returns the same 
sessionid ???

When using URLConnection to upload an object from applet to servlet, the servlet's 
doGet method is never executed. Why?

How to return a value from a servlet to a JSP?

Can i setup Tomcat to run inside the web server process itself (on Netscape/IIS?), 
instead of running it as a separate process. Do there something available i can use or 
do i have to write my own JNI code for this?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

How do I configure Tomcat so that my error messages come up in a file, not in the 

Why do I get an IllegalStateException when using lt;jsp:includegt; on a  css or js 

Does Tomcat 4 have a GUI?

My Tomcat 3.x server is routinely being attacked by nimda.  Of course it has no 
effect, but I'm getting a little tired of it and want to track down where the attacks 
are coming from.
Is there a way to configure Tomcat to display IP addresses when it logs errors in 

How do I integrate Tomcat 4.0 with Apache? The documentation is sparse.

How do I determine a class's file location at runtime?

Can i setup Tomcat to run inside the web server process itself (on Netscape/IIS?), 
instead of running it as a separate process. Do there something available i can use or 
do i have to write my own JNI code for this?

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-09-21 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

Why do I get the error IllegalStateException  
when using the RequestDispatcher?

Using jsp:forward on Tomcat, why do I get the error
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils.parseName(HttpUtils.java:285)/tt ?

How do I load an applet from a servlet or JSP? Where do I place my applet class files?

I am using a JSP page to submit data for insert into a database.brIf the refresh 
button (in the browser IE5) is clicked, the data is resent and inserted into the 
database again.pHow can this be prevented?

How can I prevent user from viewing a page that he already passed.
i.e I have a form that contains some textboxes to fill some info..after submited the 
form it will redirect to another page. I need to prevent user to view the page again 
by pressing back botton.

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Why do I get the error IllegalStateException  
when using the RequestDispatcher?

How do I get a session object to perform a task before it is invalidated?

How do I use servlets to return dynamically generated PDF documents?

How do I pass params like -D to the JServ JVM?

How do I load an applet from a servlet or JSP? Where do I place my applet class files?

Can anyone tell me the advantages and disadvantages between Tomcat, JRun, and JServ 
for Apache Web Server?

How can I implement returning part of a large (1000+ rows) result set to the client?

What is the best way to store a large object, such as a result set, across requests, 
but only for a short term, say for using the result set for printing for instance?

How do I load a file from inside a WAR file?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Why do I get the error IllegalStateException  
when using the RequestDispatcher?

Using jsp:forward on Tomcat, why do I get the error
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils.parseName(HttpUtils.java:285)/tt ?

Why can't my webapp find classes in the WEB-INF/classes directory?

How can I authenticate the user from a database?

Is it possible in Tomcat to allow running all servlets from a directory without 
configuring each one in web.xml ?

How do I load an applet from a servlet or JSP? Where do I place my applet class files?

Does Tomcat support JMS (Java Messaging Service)?

Can anyone tell me the advantages and disadvantages between Tomcat, JRun, and JServ 
for Apache Web Server?

How can I redirect JSP requests from an IIS server on one machine to the Tomcat server 
on another machine?

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-09-14 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

Can I submit multiple forms, say form1 and form2, to a JSP page by clicking a single 
submit button?

I am creating my dynamic content by invoking multiple ttlt;jsp:includesgt;/tt. 
Do I need to call ttlt;jsp:useBeangt;/tt; in all the JSP's or will a one time 
initialization within the holder JSP suffice?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Should I use one servlet supporting GET to show pages and POST to process forms, or 
two separate servlets?

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-09-07 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

SPONSORED BY developerWorks

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

Why do I get Note: sun.tools.javac.Main has been deprecated when compiling my JSP?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

How do I use Visual Cafe to debug my servlets running inside the WebLogic Web server?

How do I parse hex integer Color codes passed as parameters to my servlet?

Why do I get the error b Http Method POST is not Supported 
by this URL/b?

How do I use a RequestDispatcher to call one servlet from another servlet?

Is it possible to set the user name and password on an HTAccess certificate directly 
from my code rather than have the user do it from the HTAccess prompt?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

How do I install Tomcat on Linux without getting 
permission denied errors?

Is TOMCAT_HOME/conf/web.xml ever actually used? If so, what for?

Is there any way that we can stop logging of request parameters in jasper.log?

Why do I get Note: sun.tools.javac.Main has been deprecated when compiling my JSP?

Using Tomcat+Apache, my web.xml's lt;welcome-file-listgt; is being ignored, and only 
Apache's DirectoryIndex is being used. Why?

How do I use Tomcat's error-page and Apache's ErrorDocument directives together?

I have installed Tomcat as an NT service. How can I prevent it from terminating when 
the user logs off?

Can the web application reside on a machine other than where Tomcat is running?

When I run startup.sh under Linux, why do I get a Permission Denied error?

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-08-31 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

SPONSORED BY developerWorks

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

I need to trap all kinds 500 error on my jsp page. I have tried the lt;%@ page 
errorPage=myerror.jspgt; but it only works on selected errors. How can I trap all 
errors, including syntax errors?

Does anyone know how I could display an rtf string from JSP? I have resumes stored in 
a database and want to display them in a browser.

Does anyone know how I could display an rtf string from JSP? I have resumes stored in 
a database and want to display them in a browser.

How can I create complex, pretty reports which can be printed at the client from JSP?

I know I can get JP tag attributes with setXXX() method but I want to know if  it is 
possible to modify attribute values within a tag handler.
For example:br
I want to do iterator tag that iterates  over a list and at each iteation it can 
assign the current iterated value to one of its attributes and cause the JSP page to 
display different values at each iteration.
Is there any way to do this?

Is it possible to view which web server or servlet engine is used: IIS, iPlanet etc. 
on a JSP page? Just like System.getProperty(os.name) for the operating system?

How do I stop a JSP based download adding a newline to the first character of a file?
I am using JSP to set a Content-Disposition in order to keep IE from automatically 
opening Excel/Word/Acrobat/etc when it sees a file type it recognizes.  However, when 
I use ServletOutputStream to do this, for some reason I end up with a newline (ASCII 
hex 0A) character at the beginning of my file (I discovered this with a hex editor). 
This causes Word and Excel to blow up when I try to open the files because they can't 
cope with the extra character. (I am using the ATG Dynamo Application Server and am 
hoping this is not an artifact of the implementation.)
This is what my JSP looks like:
// fname is the file name
File f = new File(fname);
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(f);
ServletOutputStream outs = response.getOutputStream();

int bufferSize = 4096;
byte[] ioBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
byte[] lastBuffer; // last buffer
long counter = 0; // how many bytes we have gotten through
long fileSize = f.length();

response.setHeader(Content-Disposition, attachment;filename= + shortname);

// in a big file, use big buffer chunks
while (fileSize gt; (counter + bufferSize))
   counter += bufferSize;

// add final chunk if the fileSize does not happen to be divisible by the bufferSize
if (fileSize gt; counter)
lastBuffer = new byte[ (int) (fileSize - counter) ];

I also tried to do this:
String headers = Content-Disposition:attachment;filename= + shortname + \r\n +
 Content-Type: application/download\r\n\r\n;

in place of the setHeader() and setContentType() but I end up just opening a webpage 
with that string followed by the bytes from the file I want downloaded.

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Are there any restrictions placed on applets loaded from HTML pages generated from 
servlets / JSP pages?

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-08-24 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

SPONSORED BY developerWorks

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

How can I model a JSP page in UML? What stereotype should I use for JSP within a class 

I have a .jsp page with an included file (myPage.jsp, with lt;%@ include file = 
'includedFile.jsp'gt;). When I delete or modify the included file on the server, the 
old one still shows in my browser, even if I manually refresh/reload the whole page 
(i.e. refresh 'myPage.jsp'). The only solution I have found is to delete the whole 
page ('myPage.jsp'), and upload it again - then it includes the more recent included 
The server is running Apache/Tomcat under Linux.br

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Why do I get the error java.lang.IllegalStateException: Header already sent ?

Is there a simple example of how to use web application security in WebLogic?

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-08-03 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

SPONSORED BY developerWorks

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

My app is in Japanese, and I'm running Tomcat 3.2 and JDK 1.3.1.  I am including a 
header on a main page using the ttfont size=3lt;%@ include file %gt/font/tt 
directive.  At the top of the main page, I first specify the JSP page directive (to 
set this JSP translation's content type and character set), then include the header 

ttfont size=3pre
lt;%@ page contentType=text/html; charset=shift_jis%gt;
lt;%@ include file=header.jsp %gt;

The content from the main file renders correctly in the browser as shift-jis 
characters, but the content in the header is the kind of ?z?[???R??? junk that 
anyone who has wrestled with non-Latin1 is most likely familiar with. (Cultural 
sidenote- the Japanese call that moji-bake or letter ghost).p

Anyway, since you can only specify the contentType property once per page translation 
(Tomcat throws an error if you try), how can I tell Tomcat that my included page is in 
shift_jis too?p

I found a Sun document in which the following was written:p
iThe page directive applies to an entire JSP file and any static files it includes 
with the Include Directive or ttfont size=3lt;jsp:includegt;/font/tt, which 
together are called a translation unit./ip

So, is this a Tomcat bug?

From what I know, I should put the path of properties file
in the Classpath. While I am developing a web application, I want to host multiple 
sites in one machine. So how can I use two different properties file? If I specify 
them in the Classpath, then the first one will be used according to order of the 
Classpath since both properties files have the same filename.

I have an application which use a shared library libjchli.so, I have LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
set to the right dirctory and it works fine. When I tried to convert it to JSP, I got 
an error message: brjava.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jchli in 
java.library.pathbr Apparently libjchli.so is not loaded. Where should the library 
file be located?

We have a large JSP from which users are taken to diffent screens and based on the 
values entered there , the fields in this main jsp are updated.
Now, we are reloading the entire jsp each time whenever the control comes back.
Instead of this is it possible to reload just that part of the jsp which has changed 
and read other parts from the cache?

What procedure must be followed to read and write encrypted cookies to the browser. 
What's the role of encoding in this ?

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-07-27 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

SPONSORED BY developerWorks

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

I am trying to implement a RMI server that has a static variable.

Is there anyway the clients can access this static variable on the
server side and modiy it. After modification, is the change visible
in other clients.

Is there a way to access the HttpSession object of a different web application which 
is running on the same server?

Why do Frames suck?

I am writting an application in javabeans and jsp. When I run the application I have 
some output and the internal servlet error: attempt to clear a buffer that is already 
been flushed. My application is running under Tomcat 3.2.2.

How do I process gb2312-encoded characters within JSP?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

How can I display bar codes in my Java program?

Why do Frames suck?

When downloading a file to a client, how can I 
inform the client of the file size, so it can
predict how long it will take?

How do I download several files at the same time?

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-07-20 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

SPONSORED BY developerWorks

need it? get it. tools, code and tutorials for open-standards based development.

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

How can I use a JSP as an Apache ErrorDocument -- so Apache will display bits/b 
errors using my JSP?

How do I implement a hit counter in Servlets or JSP?

Why do I get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main ?

While forwarding from one page to another by using RequestDispatcher, how do I avoid 
the error quot; OutputStream is already being used for this requestquot; ?

What is Ant? Do I need it to run Tomcat?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

How can I automatically invoke a servlet at regular time intervals using Resin?

How do I trap a 404 error inside my servlet if my servlet does a 
ttRequestDispatcher/tt to a non-existent page ?

How do I implement a hit counter in Servlets or JSP?

Why do I get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main ?

Is there a way in Tomcat to set up zones for servlets like in jserv?

What is the difference between ServletContext.getInitParameter() and 
HttpServlet.getInitParameter() ?

How do I prevent users from viewing the contents of my WEB-INF directory?

While forwarding from one page to another by using RequestDispatcher, how do I avoid 
the error quot; OutputStream is already being used for this requestquot; ?

How to allow the client to download and execute a .bat file?

Can I spawn a background thread from my servlet?

How can I generate an output in CSV format from a database query?

What is a session and why is it required?

How to allow the client to download and execute a .bat or .exe file?

Why do I sometimes get the error ODBC Driver Manager ...function Sequence Error?

How do I process FDF files created by the Acrobat Forms plug-in?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

How can I use a JSP as an Apache ErrorDocument -- so Apache will display bits/b 
errors using my JSP?

Why do I get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main ?

Is there a way in Tomcat to set up zones for servlets like in jserv?

How do I upgrade from Tomcat 3 to Tomcat 4?

Do I need to create my own web.xml file?

What is the right way to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable on Windows NT?

How do you pass options such as -Xrs to the JVM when your Tomcat container is running 
in-process within a Web 

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-07-18 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

SPONSORED BY developerWorks

need it? get it. tools, code and tutorials for open-standards based development.

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++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

How do I trap a 404 error inside my servlet if my servlet does a 
ttRequestDispatcher/tt to a non-existent page ?

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-07-17 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

SPONSORED BY developerWorks

need it? get it. tools, code and tutorials for open-standards based development.

Stay informed with dW's weekly email newsletter

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

How do I implement a hit counter in Servlets or JSP?

Why do I get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main ?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

How do I implement a hit counter in Servlets or JSP?

Why do I get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main ?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Why do I get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main ?

[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-07-16 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

SPONSORED BY developerWorks

need it? get it. tools, code and tutorials for open-standards based development.

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

While forwarding from one page to another by using RequestDispatcher, how do I avoid 
the error quot; OutputStream is already being used for this requestquot; ?

What is Ant? Do I need it to run Tomcat?

++ Servlets FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Servlets

Is there a way in Tomcat to set up zones for servlets like in jserv?

What is the difference between ServletContext.getInitParameter() and 
HttpServlet.getInitParameter() ?

How do I prevent users from viewing the contents of my WEB-INF directory?

While forwarding from one page to another by using RequestDispatcher, how do I avoid 
the error quot; OutputStream is already being used for this requestquot; ?

How to allow the client to download and execute a .bat file?

Can I spawn a background thread from my servlet?

How can I generate an output in CSV format from a database query?

What is a session and why is it required?

How to allow the client to download and execute a .bat or .exe file?

Why do I sometimes get the error ODBC Driver Manager ...function Sequence Error?

How do I process FDF files created by the Acrobat Forms plug-in?

++ Tomcat FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/Tomcat

Is there a way in Tomcat to set up zones for servlets like in jserv?

How do I upgrade from Tomcat 3 to Tomcat 4?

Do I need to create my own web.xml file?

What is the right way to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable on Windows NT?

How do you pass options such as -Xrs to the JVM when your Tomcat container is running 
in-process within a Web server?

If I deploy a WAR file while Tomcat is running,
is there a way to load (or reload) it without restarting Tomcat?

Using Struts 1.0, why do I get the error cant remove Attributes from request scope?

Can Tomcat be started as a user other than root under Unix?

Is there any way to avoid servlet.log being deleted on restart of tomcat?

When reloading a servlet that uses JNI, why do I get 
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library D:\WINNT\mynamesearch.dll already 
loaded in another classloader

What is the password for the Tomcat admin webapp?

How do I prevent users from viewing the contents of my WEB-INF directory?

What is Ant? Do I need it to run Tomcat?

How do I stop all running instances of Tomcat?