Ed Hamilton wrote:

Thanks for the response.  I'm repling to you directly - if that's wrong,
please let me know.

Please always reply to the list. This is for two reasons:
 - The extra information you provide might be enough for someone else
to help you even if the original respondent can not.
 - The point of the list is to share knowledge and experience. This
stops working once people switch to private mail.

I've determined that with all my webapps shutdown, Tomcat allocates a new
ojbect(s) of about 80KB exactly every 10 seconds and doesn't release
it/them. The GC collector doesn't seem to clear it automatically.  If I use
the profiler's "run GC" the objects are released,
the heap is returned to full size, and then the objectes start piling up

What you describe is not a memory leak, just normal operation of the
JVM. Tomcat is clearly doing something on a regular basis (at a guess
this will be the auto-deploy code doing its work). Whatever this regular
activity is, it creates objects. These objects are correctly released,
since running garbage collection removes them.

The JVM makes no guarantees when, or indeed if, garbage collection will
be run. Since garbage collection is expensive, the JVM doesn't normally
do it unless it has to. Therefore it is perfectly normal to see a steady
rise in memory over time. If you leave it long enough you will see
memory usage come back down when GC runs.

If you were seeing a steady rise in memory after GC, this would be a
memory leak.


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