Re: Client Certificates Authentication in Tomcat v4.1.24

2003-06-28 Thread Dean Thompson
Hi Bill  Everyone else,

 For JSSE, you need to have the signer in cacerts at the moment for
 Tomcat to include it in the list of signers it wants.  PureTLS allows
 you to configure the list (without being root), but other problems
 mean that you can only use it in TC 5 HEAD at the moment.

 Of course, the Tomcat support for CLIENT-CERT is pretty minimal at the
 moment.  Only the (deprecated) MemoryRealm supports it (unless you
 write your own Realm).
Thanks for the information regarding the cacerts file and JSSE.  After 
checking the configuration, I discovered that I was missing the cacerts 
file and have installed it into the proper directory under the 
$JAVA_HOME/lib/security directory hierarchy.

Unfortunately, this didn't change anything, as IE is still popping up a 
blank box for me to select my certificate.  Does the CA certificate 
have to belong to any particular alias for JSSE to work.  I have tried 
installing it as -trustcacerts and a normal import into the alias 
root and tomcat without any success.

You don't need to do anything special to get the root CA into the 
keystore do you ?, I am simply taking the CA certificate as a .pem along 
with the key, converting them to .der and then doing an import.

Do you happen to have any more ideas as to what is happening here or how 
I might be able to resolve it ?, I am quite happy to send a copy of the 
commands I am using off the list so that you can see the process that I 
am going through.

Thanks in advance.

Dean Thompson

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Re: Client Certificates Authentication in Tomcat v4.1.24

2003-06-27 Thread Minimalist Manager
There is no such list CERTIFICATES here.

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of 'info' (no quotes) for a list of available mailing lists.

Sincerely, the Minimalist

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Client Certificates Authentication in Tomcat v4.1.24

2003-06-26 Thread Dean Thompson

I was wondering whether somebody might be able to explain what I am 
doing wrong with regards to the introduction of client certificates 
being used as a means for authentication under Tomcat v4.1.24 under 
Solaris 8, JDK 1.4.1_02.

I have established my own little CA using OpenSSL 0.9.7b and have 
generated my own self-signed certificate as well as signing a 
certificate for my WWW server.  I have imported the WWW certificate into 
the java keystore with a little import key program by Joachim Karrer  
Jens Carlberg.

So far, everything is fine, I can download the CA certificate to my PC 
running Internet Explorer 6 and install it as a .p12 file.  This allows 
me to access my WWW site via https without any problems.

Problems start to appear when I generate a client certificate.  Using 
the same CA, I generate and sign a certificate for a user.  I then 
convert this certificate to a .p12 file using a command such as the 

openssl pkcs12 -export -in mycert.crt -in mykey.key -out mycert.p12

This can be loaded into the IE certificate manager as a personal 
certificate.  IE will even confirm that the certificate is part of the 
chain belonging to the CA and that the certificate is trusted.

Problems arise when I get tomcat to request a client certificate using 
the CLIENT-CERT authentication method.  When tomcat hits this point it 
instructs IE to pop up a list of certificates that I can choose from. 
The problem is that the list is empty, there are no certificates to 
choose from.

According to the reading that I have done, tomcat should send IE the WWW 
certificate issuer information, and IE should scan its database and 
present the certificates which came from the issuer.  This doesn't happen.

Can anyone possibly suggest a reason as to why this behaviour is 
happening and what the solution is to it? I would be interested to hear 
from anyone who has actually implemented client authentication with 
Tomcat, especially the generation of the CA and client certificates.

Thanks in advance.

Dean Thompson

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Re: Client Certificates Authentication in Tomcat v4.1.24

2003-06-26 Thread Bill Barker
For JSSE, you need to have the signer in cacerts at the moment for Tomcat to
include it in the list of signers it wants.  PureTLS allows you to configure
the list (without being root), but other problems mean that you can only use
it in TC 5 HEAD at the moment.

Of course, the Tomcat support for CLIENT-CERT is pretty minimal at the
moment.  Only the (deprecated) MemoryRealm supports it (unless you write
your own Realm).

Dean Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 I was wondering whether somebody might be able to explain what I am
 doing wrong with regards to the introduction of client certificates
 being used as a means for authentication under Tomcat v4.1.24 under
 Solaris 8, JDK 1.4.1_02.

 I have established my own little CA using OpenSSL 0.9.7b and have
 generated my own self-signed certificate as well as signing a
 certificate for my WWW server.  I have imported the WWW certificate into
 the java keystore with a little import key program by Joachim Karrer 
 Jens Carlberg.

 So far, everything is fine, I can download the CA certificate to my PC
 running Internet Explorer 6 and install it as a .p12 file.  This allows
 me to access my WWW site via https without any problems.

 Problems start to appear when I generate a client certificate.  Using
 the same CA, I generate and sign a certificate for a user.  I then
 convert this certificate to a .p12 file using a command such as the

 openssl pkcs12 -export -in mycert.crt -in mykey.key -out mycert.p12

 This can be loaded into the IE certificate manager as a personal
 certificate.  IE will even confirm that the certificate is part of the
 chain belonging to the CA and that the certificate is trusted.

 Problems arise when I get tomcat to request a client certificate using
 the CLIENT-CERT authentication method.  When tomcat hits this point it
 instructs IE to pop up a list of certificates that I can choose from.
 The problem is that the list is empty, there are no certificates to
 choose from.

 According to the reading that I have done, tomcat should send IE the WWW
 certificate issuer information, and IE should scan its database and
 present the certificates which came from the issuer.  This doesn't happen.

 Can anyone possibly suggest a reason as to why this behaviour is
 happening and what the solution is to it? I would be interested to hear
 from anyone who has actually implemented client authentication with
 Tomcat, especially the generation of the CA and client certificates.

 Thanks in advance.

 Dean Thompson

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